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Contract for Live Webcamera Recording of the Construction Progress for the North Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Contract for Photo Documentation of the Construction Progress for the North Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Dan Cristiani Excavating Co. Contract for RIver"s Shores Condo Lift Station
Dugan & Meyers Industrial, LLC (Expand the North Wastewater Treatment Plan to 6.0 ADF)
Johnna Anderson - Paralegal
JTL (Construction/Improvment Projects for Veterans & River's Shore)
JTL Engineering
Leslie Merkley - Attorney
Lochmueller Group (General Service Agreement for Task Orders)
Tele-Vac Environmental (Contract to line various sewer llines in the Jeff's Sewer System)
Webster Environmental (Odor Control at Lift Stations)
Webster Environmental (Veterans Parkway Lift Station and Force Main Improvements
Webster Environmental Assoc. (Contract & SOP Development for Odor Control Facilities at City Lift Stations)