HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim Deed (3) QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, RELEASES and QUITCLAIMS to Glenn A. Lewis, for and in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described REAL ESTATE, in the State of Indiana, County of Clark, to-wit: A part of Block No. 116, as shown on map on plat made by Jeffersonville Association, recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 16 and 17 in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Said Block No. 116 at the intersection of Spring and 10th Street, sometimes called Ekin Avenue, running thence northwardly along the east side of Spring Street 71 feet and extending back eastwardly of that width throughout, the north line parallel with and the south line binding on the north line of 10th Street 60 feet, and containing approximately 0.098 acres of land. Also, a part of Block No. 116 of C.R. Milne's map of Jeffersonville, Indiana, as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 17 of the Clark County Record of Plats and being more fully described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southwesterly corner of said Block No. 116 at the intersection of the easterly line of Spring Street with the northerly line of East lOth Street; thence North 54 deg. 30 min. East along the northerly line of East lOth Street, 60 feet to an iron pipe which is the True Place of Beginning of land to be herein described; thence North 35 deg. 33 min. West along the easterly line of a parcel of land heretofore conveyed to the Gulf Refining Company by deed recorded in Deed Record No. 125, page 292 of the Clark County Record of Deeds, 71 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 52 deg. 20 min. East parallel to the northerly line of said East 10th Street, 50 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 35 deg. 30 min. East parallel with the easterly line of Spring Street 71 feet to an iron pipe on the northerly line of East 10th Street; thence South 54 deg. 20 min. West, 50 feet to the True Place of Beginning and containing 0.081 acres of land. Subject to any and all easements and lot restrictions of record relative to the above described real estate. /...._"'.; /) ~. " / " IN WITN$SS WHEREOF, this instrument has be~'ecuted by the undersigned . --- f" .../ / I this:J,S day of ;,('-T~), b.!/'-~ 2006. ! __ ~./' I ! ~~>~:::yr I I ',f I , /. Ii City of Jeffersomjile, Indiana ;/ Attest: :"-' . - .~/ , ^ \ 0 () #f..~r-, c::",'f~(j L....)~_/....(/\-e..v>".,/!.",.\.1 City of J erfersbnville Clerk STATE OF INDIANA CLARK COUNTY Before the ungersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared this'Z'-::';, day of (,'(/4:'Lb'~l'/, 2006, the above named grantor and acknowledged the voluntary execution of the foregoing deed. WITNESS, my signature this'Z.. day,.ofCCA:'j'1;""" , 2006. .",___,:\t;,::.:) \~_..{L...,.\;~/{L#--.., Notary Public: \,~i,S t,' ;;,;)';~:"'::.i Resident of C: \v\ , \:::. '\~\ L,~j '0' .{ Coun ty I My Commission Will ;Expire: \~ ,- . \~.<\ ." ,~~ (~: "\ ~( This instrument prepared by Leslie M. Horn, BROOKE MAWHORR, P.C., Attorneys at Law 112 E. Gilbert St., Muncie, Indiana 47305 ,.. .. ~ SALES DISCLOSURE FORM Slate Form 46021 (R5I6-lJ5) PRIVACY NOTICE: The telephone numbers of the parties on this form are confidential according to Ie 6-11-5.5- 3(d). 1~111111111111I~1I1~lllllllllllllllllm Pr9Scnbed by Devarunefll of Local Government Pi/YdOce Pursuant 10 Ie 6~1. 1..s,S Parcel Number(s) (Show additional parcels an separate sheet if necessary.) Acreage or lot Size JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ.~I~j 0 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ.JJJ 0 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ.JJJ 0 Address # of Parcels 11002 Spring Street I JJJ City, Town, or Past Office State ZIP Code ! Jeffersonville I ~j JJJJJ - JJJJ ra. Billing Address (if other than property address) I I ICiw,Town,orpO$tOffice I jteJ jCjJJJ - JJJJ A part of Block No. 116, as shown on map on plat made by Jeffersonville Associaiton, recorded in Plat Book 3, pages 16 and 17 in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana. Identify all conditionslitems that apply NOTE: If items 12.21 apply, filers are not subject to disclosure filing fee. o i-Buyer is an adjacent property owner o 2-Vacant Land o 3-Exchange far other real property ("Trade") o 4-Seller Paid Points; amount if applicable $0 OJ] OJ] o 5-Change planned In the primary use of the property? Describe in o 12-s8curity lntBr~t dOGuments 5UGh as mortgages ortrus! deeds. o i3-Leases fess than 9D years . 14-Document resulting from foreclosure, or express threat of foreclosure, divorce court order, condemnation, probate or other judicial proceedings. o 15-Agreements and other documents for mergers, consolidations, and IncorporatlolllS special circumstances. o 6-Existence of family or business relationship between buyer and seller o 7. land Contract Dated: Os-personal property included in transfer: amount if applicable SO,OJ],OI] o 9- Significant physical changes to property between March 1 and date ohale o 10. Non-Warranty deed; sp~jfy type o 11- Partial interest. Describe In special circumstances. o i6-Quitclaim deeds not serving as a source ottilie o 17-Documents involving the partition of land between tenants in common, joint tenants, or tenants by the entirety. o 18.Transfer to a charity, not-for-profit or government institution o 19-Transfer for no or discounted cOnl;lderation, or gift o 2o-Rerecording to correct prior recorded document o 21-Easements, Right-of-way grants Contract Date (MMlDDIYYYY) Sales Price CD/OJ / DTIJ $ OJ] OJ] OJ] 1""'''''- ........"..."" ,,-..-.-. ..~". ""'-"" -"""'" ..." -,..,--- -~'_.~.''''':J ~ ,.. INDIANA SALES DISCLOSURE FORM Address 1501 East Court Avenue, 4th Floor Ctty, Town, or Post Office : I Jeffersonville Seller 2 . Name or Enttty as appears on deed I Address I City, Town, or Post Office I Stale I ~~ Stale I JJ Leslie M. Horn, 112 E. Gilbert St., Muncie, IN 47305 Buyer 1 . Name or Enttty as appeal'S on deed I Glenn A. Lewis Address I 8700 Old bury Place City, Towrl. Of Post Office I Louisville Buyer 2 - Name or Erltity as appears on deed ! Address I City, Town, or Post Office j Stale I ~~ I JJ Page 2 ~ I ZIP Code j~~~~ JJJJ I I jJJJJ-JJJJ Preparer Phone -Zl~~--Zl~JJ-~~~~ I I ZIP Code j~~~~ ! I ZIP Code JJJJJ-JJJJ . .. Will this property be lI1e buyer's primary residence? o Yes IliiilNo -JJJJ Under penalties of perjury. I hereby certify that this Sales Disclosure, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true. correct and comprete as required by law, and is prepared In accordance with Ie 6-1.1-5.5, "Real Property Sal9S Disclosure Act". Slgna!;;',e of Seller..... , Signature of Buyer l-~\",---~.\ , .\. i' I I )..- -,.-" \.... .~.,,<..,- ,,,,,''"-'''-'~~'~ r:Tl / r;Tl (" ~ L:kJ Ld2J'" ~ Seller Phone <:IL, I.) L:; L-l ! I tII ~.I() 1:.JlJ2.:J ~QJ2J ~-1J~..::J CD/CD/DID JJj JJJ-JJJJ Buyer Sign Date (MM/DDIVYYY) PART 2 - COUNTY AUDITOR .. County Assessor or other assessing offlcal must verify and complete the following Informatlon: o SignifICant physical changes to property between March 1 and date of sal. $ [OJ [OJ $ [OJ ,UTI $ [OJ [OJ ~JJJJJJJJJJJ NEIGHBORHOOD CODe Completion o Yes o No Date Entered in Transfer Book CD/CD/DJIJ UTI AV LAND UTI AVlMPV UTI AVTOTAL JJJ Pra".rtyolas.' use code Ta..,g Dlstrlol (DLGF ...Ignedl JJJJJ o Valid Sale -'" .... QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, RELEASES and QUITCLAIMS to Lewis Equity Group, LLC, for and in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described REAL ESTATE, in the State of Indiana, County of Clark, to-wit: A part of Block No. 116 in the City of Jeffersonville, said State, Clark county, bounded thus: Beginning at a point on the east line of Spring Street, 71 feet north of the southwest corner of said Block; thence northwardly along the west line of said block, 136.7 feet; thence at right angles eastwardly 178 feet; thence at right angles southwardly 136.7 feet to a stake 71 feet northwardly from the north line of Tenth Street on a line parallel with the west line of said block; thence westwardly at right angles 178 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 0.558 acres of land. Excepting therefrom, a part of Block No. 116 in the City of Jeffersonville of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same land conveyed to Murphy Corporation at Deed Record 248, page 330 and bounded as follows: Commencing at the south corner of said Block No. 116, thence the following courses: North 40 deg. 00 min. West, 71.0 feet with the easterly line of Spring Street to a drill hole; North 49 deg. 52 min. 38 sec East, 153.0 feet with the southerly line of the land of said Murphy Corporation and parallel to Tenth Street to an iron in which is the true place of beginning. Thence the following courses of the boundary; North 43 deg. 46 min. 15 sec. West, 136.91 feet severing the land of the grantor to an iron pin in his northern boundary; North 49 deg. 52 min. 38 sec. East, 34.00 feet with said northern boundary to an iron pipe in Marhoefer's westerly line; South 40 deg. 00 min. East, 136.70 feet with said marhoefer's line to a drill hole, the grantor's most easterly corner; South 49 deg. 52 min. 38 sec. West 25.00 feet with said grantor's southern line to the true place of beginning and containing 0.092 acres of land. The net area of land after the exception is 0.466 acres. Subject to any and all easements and lot restrictions of record relative to the above described real estate. ../---y) IN WlT):!ESS WHEREOF, this instrume~as ~~ecuted by the undersigned thi$/:~'day of " (';'7'\'-'/"' , 2006. l~f/ / f- / ( City of Jet'f'erso7*ille, Indiana Attest: -....-, , ~, ;:::....-// ." "", ","! n "' '\ },2<~-.../5;,l/; /' i ,) 1 V )j 2j~. ~ .t r '."""", ....,-- .'- '". ...... City of Jeffersonville Clerk STATE OF INDIANA CLARK COUNTY Before the u.gP.ersigned, a l'Jotary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared this ~ day oft ..' .+~c.(r",c::- , 2006, the above named grantor and acknowledged the voluntary execution of the foregoing deed. WITNESS, my signature thisL., daY,'pf,.5~,c,+"; 1c1c;:,- ,2006. -''''-';)v\:~=:/\LVL'' .,.,ik/""~',\ Notary Public: \",. 2.,3 ;\;,,-:~' '\\ \,~'\Lr \LJt., ! Resident of (!\L~; <;:....- County My Commissio'['l 'Vill Expire: \.-.,....,\\ -z,~--~~ 'l,,' \'1...'\ This instrument prepared by Leslie M. Horn, BROOKE MAWHORR, P.C., Attorneys at Law 112 E. Gilbert St., Muncie, Indiana 47305 r ~ SALES DISCLOSURE FORM State Form 46021 (R5/6-05) PRIVACY NOTICE: The telephone numbers of the parties on this form are confidential according to Ie 6.1,1-5.5- 3(d). I ~111111111111l nl~ 111111~1~11111~1111 Pre::>cribed by Dep.ntment of Local Gollernrnent ?il'rance Pursuant 10 Ie 6.1. 1.5.5 Parce~ Number(s) (Show add~ional parcels on separate sheet if necessary.) Acreage or Lot Size JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ.~~~ 0 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ,_jJJ 0 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJ.JJJ 0 Address ' # of Parcols r 1004 Spring Street I JJJ (i:':~:~:~~:i~:e ]~ :rjJJJ. JJJJ Tax Billing Address (if other than property address) I I ICI~' Town, or Post Office I j~J JCjJJJ. JJJJ Identify all conditionslitems that apply NOTE: If items 12.21 apply, filers are not subject to disclosure fm ng fee. o I-Buyer is an adjacent property owner o 2-Vacant Land o 3.Exchange for other real property ("Trade") o 4-Seller Paid Points; amount if applicable $ D [ill [[[] o S.Change planned In the primary use of the property? Describe in o 12-3scurlty interet;t documents such as mortgagss or trust deeds. o 13-Lease5 less than 90 years . 14.Document resulting from foreclosure, or 8xpress threat of foreclosure, divorce court order, condemnation, probate or other judicial proceedings. o 15-Agreements and other documents fo( mergers, consolidations, and Incorporations special circumstances. o 6-Existence of family or business relationship between buyer and seller o 1- land Contract Dated: OS-Personal property Included in transfer; amount if applicable $D,[ill,[J]J o g. Significant physic::al changes to property between March 1 and date of sale o 10- Non-Warranty deed; specify type o 11- Partial interest. Describe In special circumstances. o 16.(lultclalm deeds not serving as a source of title o 11-0ocuments involving the partition of land between tenant& in common, joint tenants, or tenants by the entirety. o 111-Transfer to a charity. not-for-profit or government institution o IS-Transfer for no or discounted consideration, or gift o 2a-Rerecording'to correct prior recorded document o Z1-Easements, Right-of-way grants Contract Date (MMIOO/YYYY) Sales Price OJ/OJ / ITIJJ $ OJ] OJ] OJ] I ,-~ "" -""" ,~"" ,,-"'"_........ "". """"" .. "d,""'" "'.., ,.....-- -.'" mo" "".- '" ~"'-:J ~ ~ ,.. INDIANA SALES DISCLOSURE FORM Page 2 ... 501 East Court Avenue, 4th Floor City. Town. or Post Office ~ I Jeffersonville Seller 2 . Name or Entity as appears on deed l Address I City, Town, or Post Office I State ~~ ZIP Code j!J~~~ JJJJ 1 I jCjJJJ - JJJJ Preparer Phone 2J~L~ - 2J~~ - ~~2J~ State I JJ Preparer Name and Address Leslie M, Horn, 112 E. Gilbert St., Muncie, IN 47305 Buyer 1 - Name or Entity as appears on deed Will this property be the buyer'S primary residence? lOves "NO ZIP Code j~~~~-JJJJ I I ZIP Code JJJJJ-JJJJ Lewis Equity Group, LLC Address I 8700 Old bury Place City, Town, or Post Office I Louisville Buyer 2 - Name or Entity as appears on deed \ Address I City, Town, or Pas! Office I I ~e~ Stale I JJ Under penalties of perjury, I hereby certify that this Sales Disclosure, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Is tlUI!. correct and complete as required by law, and is prepared in accondance with Ie 6-1.1-5.5, "Real Property SallIS Disclosure Act". Signature of Seiler Signature of Buyer I [0/[0/ ITIIJ Seller pnone JJJ JJJ JJJJ [0/ [0 / ITIIJ JJj.. JJJ - JJJJ Buyer Sign Date (MMlDDIYYYYl PART 2 - COUNTY AUDITOR . .. County Assessor or other asseSSing offical must verify and complete the following Information: o Significant physical changes to property between March 1 and date of sale ITTI AV LAND JJJ Propertyclas.' us~ coda TaxMlg DistrJct rDLGF assigned} JJJJJ Completion o Yes o No $ OJ] OJ] $ ITTI ' ITTI $ ITTI ' OJ] JJJJJJJJJJJJ NEIGHBORHOOD CODe ITTI AV IMPV Date Entered in Transfer Book ITTI AVTOTAL o Valid Sale CD / [0/ [J]]] ~ .....