HomeMy WebLinkAbout Jeff Building Authority \;)~ . j ~ Tax Address: ~ Key No.: 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville, IN 47130 f/ ()lfl5' - ~OO~~4(P - 010 D Shirley Nolot 5P CLARK COUNTY RECORDER Filed for Record as Presented I 200622303 Page 1 of 5 C1 Date 10/24/2006 Time 15:25:17 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETIt that The Jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment, by and through the Redevelopment Commission, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, does hereby grant, transfer, convey and quitclaim to the Jeffersonville Building Authority, herein~fter referred to as "Grantee" all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate in Clark County, Indiana: See Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for legal description, also incorporated by reference herein. This conveyance is subjectto all covenants, restrictions and easements of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this Quitclaim Deed this iL day of O~bu-; 2006. ',._ Sf 'p' JEFFERSONVILLE DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT BY AND THROUGH REDEVEL PET COM ION: t &1Ul.Y eN' eH':u fUI'\ fAXAflON ~YBJECiTO FINALACCEPrANOE fIl'nA "'AAN~~~e~ STATE QJ; INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF CLARK ) OCT 2 4 2008 ~fJAJ A.UDITOA. CLARK COUNTY Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this -.LL day of Oc-Az)\'u-, 2006 personally appeared Nathan Samuel, President of the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission, Grantor herein, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Quitclaim Deed. WITNESS my hand and Notary Seal this~ day of ~, 2006. ~~-A:~ Notary Public --cs- Printed Name: L~\~~ ''D. '\.J\Lr~(uJ Resident of Clark County, Ind!ana My Commission Expires: \,.~\. ").Q\~ "1 affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that! have taken reasonable care to redact Social Security numbers in this document, whe~e required by law. " - Leslie D. Merkley This Instrument prepared by Leslie D. Merkley City Attorney Jeffersonville City Hall 500 Quartermaster Station, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 (8] 2) 285-649] - I ------ David R. Blankenbeker. P .L.S. Teny A. Kendall. P.L.S. Howard R BIankenbeIrer (1905-1' Rol1ynH. BLankenbeker (1934-1' Blankenbeker & Son Land: Surveyors IDe, p.e. Established 1945 422 Meigs Avenue Jeffersonville. Indiana 47130 (812) 282-4183 phone (812) 282-4197 fax P.O. Box 157 Jeffersonville. Indiana 47131-01 JUNE 30. 2005 DESCRIPTION OF 3. U8 ACRES IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVilLE Being part of Jefferson Square, part of Blocks 120, 121, and 124, part of Meigs Avenue, and part of Eleventh Street in the City of Jeffersonville~Clark County, Indiana and being further described as follows: Beginning at a railroad spike on the. west comer of said Jefferson Square, same being the eastern intersection of Watt Street and Twelfth Str~et; Thence N58042'E. along the southeast Right-oof-Way line of Twelfth Street, 432.6 feet; Thence S.31005'57"E., 203.49 feet; Thence N.58054'03"E., 2.46 feet to a railroad spike on The TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNlNG; l'hen<;eN.80OJ9'05"E., 149.8 feet t() a railroacl spike; Thence 8.71 oI4'14"E., 93 feet to a railroad spike; Thence S.450S4'26"E., 109.71 feet a railroad spike; Thence S.32057'08"E., 137.65 feet a railroad spike; Thence S.59"32'Ol''W., 125.68 feet a railroad spike; Thence S.33012'Ol''W., 78.07 feet a railroad spike; Thence S.60033'20''W., 83.36 feet ~ railroad spike; Thence N.4031'56"W., 35.68 feet to a steel pin; Thence S.88042'18"W., 52.42 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.3! oOO'46"W., 9.77 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.58033'33 "E., 15.67 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.30059'18''W., 14.26 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.13032'32"E., 14.7 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.32043'15"W., 24.86 feet to a steel pin; Thence N.75004'!9"W., 14.38 feet to a steel pin; Thence S.58026'52"W., 22.04 feet to a steel pin; Thence S.36007'52"W., 81.41 feet ~ railroad spike; Thence S.69007'45"E., 87.37 feet a railroad spike; Thence S.6015W., 55.79 feet a railroad spike; Thence N.72OZ4'06t1W., 92.97 feet a railroad spike; Thence N.46022'20"W., 113.37 feet a railroad spike; page 1 of2 ThenCe N.170Q9'OI !tW., 115.46 feet a railroad spike; Thence N.9014'10"E., 92.4 feet a ranroad spike; Thence N.37040'19!tE., 152.2 feet to The TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING Containing 3.128 acres, and being subject to all legal highways and easements of record. c:\...\18188Dl.wpd page 2 of2 I ) ~ ll::"" o~ i; I" <> ..: t::'i ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ;;; '" N fiB"<f2'00' E: PLACE OF BEGINNING o \'l f: \< 5 _ f f J t- <;- ~ ~ ~ '" ,. ~ ;;; ~ ~ Z 0 c \Z o \3 \... UNc TABLE LJNE L1 1.2 I_~ L4 u; I.S L7 BEM1NG N :5''00'46' II' N fiB"JJ'J.r E N ~1!J. W N 7S.l2'J2' E N ;J2'.fS'15' II' N 75'04'19' W $~II' /)/$fANCE (S4.W OF -J 4:12.6' c o P. f ... 5 Q i Ii J , 20' ACCIi$$ I: ' FASEMENr 't'" I iDEal FII.E /2D012O!J7Z !1:' : ", J ~~, ~!:?I I':; <Il: ., , I , I , I I I 1 I I I I 4J2.9r ~ "~J--' / " I , \ I ~dt!'03" El #~ L-- ~ ...1 , ---....-- / ,.....--" INSET N(Jf' 7l:I SCAlE It 1 7- C \Z 1 0 \3 - r 15' G$ /JJE EASEMENT DEEJJ REl)()R/) BOOK 2~ PAGE 140 -----~~--[~~----------~--~~--l d>...>. J : ..... J I ~;. : I "~. I I ~ I I , I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I , ' I ' I ' , ' I I '?>\t_ i: _ _ ""..\,&--------+.....1.---, '. 1 I I I I 1 L______ , L_________ 1A17jACRt::S CITY OF JE/'fERSONv/UE REDEVELOPMD:JT COMMfSS10N DEE/) RLE #20012097Z I I , , r------ : I .~ 18' = /JNE f:.'.SEMENT --;-l ......1) fJCED M.CCRD BOOK 258. i I .%, PN;/f 140 ,I~ fI; , ~ ~ ! I , I I I I I I I I I 11' : ~~: : & it:! I ' +--+ ... , I ~ ! I r-~------------ ___.3. 1 ELImlNTH S'1'EKPl' eo' R/fr I ________________J ,------------ -----~ / / ___~________~__~_J (s 5B"55"Jg- ~ ZI5.18' DEED) .. ~:(o. i jJ'Q'oil l I ~ I : .~ i : I ... '.W I : i'" I lUJ8" ..". I ~ Sff2O"W intended to' be represented a.s a retracement or original route survey, or a Surveyors Location ReDort. , 714.2' <;- l::l " ~ <ti '" '" 3- 1;,; <l ~I! <ti '" '" I I I ~ THREE STORY ~ BRICK BLDG. ~ I L- 7";' ~' 16.6'~ . "I 7WO I~ STORY I ,--- i I 67.J- ... ~ -", . " " ;,. >> ::; if!. 9.77' 15.Br 14.26' 14.70' 2~80' 14.38' 22.04' fro!,.Q"jl 5 ?'O' \ \ \ This drawing is not hnlInrlarv .Ql1rvev. a -., I I , J , ] , J 1 ----,- I I I ~ UNE EASDI8Ir : DEW FlI.E # 200f.28B81 I I ] 3.128 ACRES ~Ii ~ g . '" \ \ \ , I I ) 1Z1i.lJ8' Ii 58"-:;z.o;= II' \ \ \ I , BLOCK 1 2 1