HomeMy WebLinkAboutZONING0001WoodlandWoods 50' R/W -32' 16' 14' ft SLOPE 1 II SURFACE 2" BINDER (HOT MIX) (HOT MIX)- 2' CONCRETE. Lg" BASE (DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE) ROLL CURB SYMMETRICAL ABOUT ~~ TYPICAL .~ (NOT 7i Copyright @ 2006 8/ankenbeker and Son ~and Surveyors Inc.. P.C. All rights reserved. 2' CONCRETE ROLL CURB g' ~ 12J~ .,..,r" /IOlJI..E.VARD CLMI'tSWU W 471. (1JtJtJ) .t. ~32 .1R€N ENERGY 2$ZI I.JIf!JI1LN ORNE ~ IN 41121 (812) NIJ~4H5 ~y SBC) P.o.' ft Nf.W AIIiWY. IN 47150 (81~)g1''''' 7176 &-MtERIOW IMTER COttIPANY 20 ~ ID4D ".IU; IN 47130 71. NOTES: (1) The ~ MorIn IoctIted ZOfHI A ~ flood map nut1tber 180426 01 C, dated Febtuaty 18. 1 (2) T1tIe _emitHItiOIt m nweoI 0.1.,. ...,.,..",. IIh", VJ rup.... of ...... not 8horIn hwrIon. ~...".. JIWiror.w.ntf1l...., zonIttg ~ and 0""" ltMw which M6Y ~ r ~ .... II In tIHJ ... of thitI stIIWy. (3) No structurw, fencee, or /oj 'ping a,." permil ments. (4) Subject fnH:t is zoned R-I: t ResidentiG/. *NJ to be fe-zoned to R-:J. (5) All lots to be fiIIecJ and COt HI ft) g51f ~ hart for rfl'tlt Floor EIe~ f'fIqUit tnf$ for lot. MInimum .. can be 10tNIfId by 2' with 0 L4 ~ opprr. ~ FlAM. (6) No knorm exitltl ,Mtnont this site. FILE IJ1~-P.DWC BLANKENBEKER & SON ~ LAND SURVEYORS INC., P.C. ,....., 426 JlEIGS A VENUE JEFFERSOllVILl...& INDIANA TJ:U1PHOlfE (812) 282-4183 P.O. BOX 1/57 47131-0157 WWW:BLANKENBEKERANDSON.NET BY. - DATE. ~ 18,493 · S.M.J. FEET ~ rR. 11. ~ DWG' 1701 PRIMARY PLAT OF WOODLAND WOODS, LOCATED IN SURVEY It 1 OF THE ILLINOIS GRANT TO CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA AND BEING SITUATED ON WOODLAND COURT, JEFFERSOMI/LLC. DEVELOPER AND OWNER NICK JONCS CONSTRUCTION, INC 4812 UPPER RNER ROAD JEFF'CRSOfMLLE, IN 47130 7130 CURYE CI C2 C3 C4 C5 06 C1 CB C9 CtO C11 IWJIUS 250.00" 30.00" 50.00" 50.00' 5O~(J()' SD.oo" 50.00' SO.OO' 200.00' 2OO.(J()' 25.00' CUR T~ ARC LENCrH CHORD LENCrH 84. t 8' 8J.76' 35.59" >>.54" 47. 14" 45.41' 3437' 37.44' 32.13' 31.58' 32.42' 3t..' 32.11' 31.56' J4..23' >>.56' 48.BS' 46.7" 20.46" 20.48' 39.38' 35.44' CHORD. BENfING S 2S-41'24" E N 5O*Ot '55" W S 5700". E S 0lf'0(J'!J6" E S 3r22'!S2" W S ...22'01" If. N 7S-3."<<J" W N :W~'16" W S 2r46'Jt" E S 3r24'17" E S 8tY28'(U" E ~ W -- -- - 58(ii/S/j//.....;?-f/7/. /'//////.7.) ,,(J()l)'~Cii.b~i."/.'//iii!ii<<~. .. . . E .~rt7f!t ...... . - '. .... . .. .. ........."..... '.' .. . . . . . 50' (R.~ /W} ....... -..... . . . . . . .... -' . . . . . . i:'<i .... ..: ..... i.ei: ., ....'~ .< .,<...i :... ...'.: .i:.. :<....<e<'i.:ii.ei ii.< ... ............i...eii..ei e.e..:i i ii .i...eiii,.i:: e. :ii .. . .:. '/"/ . :..'i.<.? i" ........ e e....... ..e:.../...i.i:..........ii.::ii.......ie.'......<.. . " UTILITY AN/) DMINJttGE EiIIBIStT S ~2Q'10. E . . . . ~ 32' )". 5(}' . $0" . SO" a~$7' el0 ~ w ~_ _ __ __ __ __ 460 , ~ _ ___ -..... ..j 25,fJU/LDlNGUNE --- ---- _ ~-- ~ I:" . . ~ . :" :" .~ i:" ... ttl 1 1 : ~ a ~ JJll...,J a ~ ~ a ~ ' J.Jiy a ~ J/lU ~;. .Jm..Z ~. FT. . 015.425 SQ. F\1'. ~ r-s.5r2" S4. FT. tt := 5.620 so. FT. ~ tr;!i 7", Sl:).. FT..., w) 5." SQ. FT..: '" 1,640 SQ. FT. .... - \ - -. · - -r ~ _ ~ " ~ ~ - ~.- .... . - It.) I It) - .... . "'- ~ --- ~ f ~ : - --..J FNT l...... ............. - ............. ;;02--;- - . ;I'..~' - - $O..Qf - -..- _ _ ............. U'~.v-r . ., ___ __ ~ .... - - 50.01" S4{J4' .- - - N 3~o.flf:"I::.'. W .. . .'. ... !JO.Of. 51.75. v~v - - _ _ _:J8:J.96' -- -468__ --- -- -- -- "" \ \ ~ (:> ~ ~ :J~",(O ~C,)~1O ~ Ra .lI) ~<:~ Q:~ ~ ltJ......lLJ'V") t;~-J~ '-J,....,,~ ~~ , a <::~ ~lC)C) oX2 . ~~i:J~ o<\l[Q ~ ~ ~ '" ~uLJ' ~ J:::~-J -- ~g<:~~~ ~~~~~~ ~I..C)<J)~ ~"'QQ: ~ <~~~<:~ ~Q: ~-"t ~O)l.i.j . ~C)""":) a ~ . <\l a TRUIt4 Being Q part of SUIWy No. 11 of the I/IInQis QIront, County of C/qrk, SWe of lndItIn.o. boun*d w.: s.,;nni", of the SotIthtNat ~ of SINn No. 4 _ showtl. on the ",. !look of the Partition of WIIM7m Bowman et 01 VB. StNWh BowmtJn, et aI. of rrIf:tN!d in ~ Order Book 7)~ Page 5J2 in the offICe of the a.rlt. of U. CIoI#c Cif'efllt Court; CNft* Co~ /nt64nQ NorlhWQrdIy $4 cJeg. 19 minutes EDBt and oIong the Sot1fIt line of MId Let No. 4, 0 .fDnce of 1.225 feet to (J sttlke, the true place of Nginning whCh. .. ;. .. tIH1 S..",.,., comer of the At...n C. Watson tract; thence continuing NtIrlhwOrflJy 54 deg. 19' E_t aNI a/onf tb. South line of _id Lot No.4, a tbtrmce of 345 feet to Q ~ thent:e. . .~. ~ .. :JO' .." and along a line (Jf1t'fJ1IeI to the West line of Mid Lot No.4. a .,.",. of 75 ,.., to a stake on the South line of (J 44 foot ~ the". SoIiItb_nI.Y 54 dfIg. 11' "',145 f..t to a stoke in the North_.fardly /i". of ~ Flood c.",., DttfIti(it ~. fIJ.wIee In t!I Southwc1rdIy.. dirtJetion and .Iong the E.." ./lrte o.f tlte ~ FIootJ CtMhI DIIIIrlet Properly 228 f..t fNt to a $tcJJte; thfJmr:e co.nfinuitIg a/onf tit. ~ III"... 11M of the J"w.,."viI/e Flood Disfncf Prop<<fy ill a ~ ~btt fIIJ3 .tNt" ",.. or ,.., to a stoke. ot th.. intersection of the properly 11M of AtwIf 1Wson; ".". SQ~ 35 tMg. 30' East tIIong the EfttfIRf bountltn'y 1m." ",...", now 0WItfId by At. C. ........ tI ~ of 110 feet to Q .., the tru. piece of Iit1pJrdlrf. 1IW eto. ..... 1fIiiI ..,. ..~ to contain five acres of kmd, more or ,.., ..."". ~~..." the O~:J15 ~ ~ to tJ 12 foot roodway ~t tIIonlJ the entire NerfhetJst side fhw8of; which weHr ,."..,.". ~ by ... J. C",., ... to Jomes E. "".., Jr. by .. retOff/ IfJoy 5, ,., In DeetI Drwwr 13, Inftrument No. 4191 of the Cf(Jrk CocmlJf, Indiono IWCORIs. Subj<<:t to any tmd oil ....".nts and/or retlfrictlons of rtlCord ntfftive to above deseribtld rwl est<<e. .e--. ~ 8~ ~~ ~~ ~~ <:) ~ ( (0-- I~ -- - o ~ : ~N " P ~ '0 ft "- ~IZ.. ~ '\ i= Q..;:: oS~ ~ .c~ (I).I:.~. ca1 i~80 00 .....J -' lJ.:LL 1m \ JEFFERSONVILLE FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 2117 HAMBURG PIKE JEFFERSONVILLE, IN. 47130 ~ . ... .!f) ~ ((Ii. CI) _ _ _ _ ~J5'20"O. --- 955.93' 320~45' --4' 7(}. ,~ - -. , 52.97 _ _ __- ~-=--- -1- _ ~ I~ I I ~ 1St .. ~ ti K. tf') ~ <::<Sa~ ~~~~O)to) ~).:~ .<\l~ ei~ ~A::ll) ~~lLJ b&.1 <oc-Jl&.i~1- '1~8::l~~ ~()~sa~ ~ ~~::::> C5 ~ to) r^!.U e: ;c: t:;:: ~.....~ I.ij V) ~~~f5a:c: ~ ~ -- tti '-:i LOT 1-4 5-8 9.-24 ~ DENOTES IRON PIPE -- DENOTES STEEL PIN ~ DEN()'TES SANITARY SEWCR MANHOLE P tJENQTES UTlLfTY POLE - SS - APfffOJfMlATE LOCATION OF SEWER LINE - G - EXISTING G4S UNE - E - OVERHENJ lLECTTf/C - T - OVERHEAD TELEPHONE ~1F .. "'.5 ......... F:F.E. ... Nl)7E: I I ARCHIE L. CURTIS AND CHARLOTTE A. CURTIS 2412 WOODtAND CT. JEFFERSONVILLE, IN. 47130 COMPUTER #200327417 E 10" UTIUTY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ \ Vt,;/NITY MA.P NO SCALE ( PRIMARY PIA T OF WOODLAND WOODS 40 80'