HomeMy WebLinkAboutBethNova Tube, LLC',~: 'i:STAtE~'iEN~ OF,.~E~.E~.I!S : ::::' ' : {~.~/ St~te:F~ ~ ~7 67 RC/4-00 ' ;; ~ '¢' :' o m,sslone s 1989 Fo~*S'~(¢spre~¢bedby h~StafaBbardofTaxO m ' . ~ . ] .. · INSTRUCTIONS: ;~]~'~.;,? ~f;; ~;:. ~ i ......... lc revif izat on. area nrior ¢ he'public hearing if the designating 50dy require~ infor- mation from the apphcanf in m ~' · -'-tis the new manuf~ctur n¢ equipment and / or re~earch and develdpmenf q ~¢ nt, or B~FORE the ' ' Re~ E~¢a e Imptvemen~s and/or Form 322 ERA/PPME and/or 322;E~ / PPR & D& must be filed with the coun~ 3. Toobtaitadeduc go,¢°rm322ERA'- ........ ,*~filedfl,,thelaterof' f¢}May¢O;or(2)'thi~¢¢daysafieranoticeofincreasein~alprope~y auditon ~th respect tO keal propefl~ Mrm uzz :~ ~22 ER~]/ PPME an~ ]~r 222 ERA P~R & DE mus :bt filed bgtween March ¢ and May ¢5 of the assessment ~s. rec,?ed; lmm the town~ ¢.. : ...... , -~ / or re,earth and develonment equipment becomes assessable, unless a filing extension has ' 4. Prope~y ~wh~rE~8~ S atement of Beretta was approve¢ a,~ervu ...... of ~enefit~. (IC 6-~'!4~2.¢-5.¢ ~ ; ~ ~ ........... ' ~ ~ :5 '~' -ffective July ¢ 2000'a~al¢ ~8 any statemen~ of bengfits fil~d 6n or after 5. The scfiedules' e ~¥abli~hed under lC ~.f,?-12. f-4{a) ana ¢ ~ o . , , ~ .... Ju y f,. 2000. . ', '. · The schedules effective prior to J'¢/Y :¢, 2000 shall continue to apply to those statement of.benefits filed ~efore July L 2000. ~ams of taxpayer Idress ct taxpayer (street and number, city, s!ate and ZIP code) :300 Canal Bank Road Btdg, 14 Ville St Pzerre.,,Quebec HSR1H3'" Te]ephonenumber qame ofcoetact~e~on .. I ' (4~0) 388-7200 wii.liam D. Creighton . IReselution number Name of designating body City of Jeffersonville~ IN . tCounty Location of property [ Clark Clark Maritime Center  ax~ng district ity.of Jeffersonville · ~_~ ESTIMATED Completion Date ~ton of reat property imp ovement~ ahd / or new manufacturing equipment and / or researPah aqd development equipment (use additional sheets l~ neceseary). Construction of ~ steel tube r~anufacturing j facili~ty that will supply thbes of hydro'form qualityI · to Dana?Corporation and o:the=s. S~rt Date Real Estate Number additional ISAlaries Current number 74 ~10, o NOTE: Pu suen tolO8- .12.1-5.1 (d~ 2 ,ne ] . I ,.- , ^ ...... ,4 Value Estimated solid waste ~nveAed ~ounds) ~ O(her benefits: ~ I her'eb certif~ t _ ~te ttgned (month, day. .... ela:(in to the designation of this e~onomic revitalization area and find (hat the applicant meets the WehavereveWedourpnoracbon~r g v2r~brove V ' v esou on passed under C6-1.1-121-25, pro- · ' sf db th~sbod . Sedr I ...... genera standards adopted m the resclu!!~n prevt?u ,,.. ~.,-~-..~ ~ ~ - . rides f6r the fo~lowi~g limitations as authorized under ~ o-~.~-~.~*~. · A The des~g'na{;~ ~rea has been ii~i(~:t~:a' ~dod of~im~ not t~ exce~ ~0 cai~ndar years *,(see below), The date this B .The type 0f ~:~ducdon that s'allow6d~in the designated area iS limited to:. ~Yes ~N o 1. Redevelopment or rehab i a~ion;Df rea e~tate improvements; ~Yes 2: Ihs(aHa'tion of new manufac[urin~ equipment; .' ~Yes' ~ 'N o 3. Installation of' dew res~arcd'~bd development equipment; 4' Residentiali~ ~ stressed a~eas. ' ' ~ yes .~N o C The amou'n[ 0f d~'dqcfion ap~ icab~e'for redevelopment or rehab t~tion is limited t0 $ '"'" ~/~ cost ~ith an assessed D ..The amount ~f~ductiOn applicable (b'new manufacturing e~uipment i; limited to $ ~ ~ cost wkh an assessed ~ value of $ ' ~ · ¢ E The amo~Q('b~ deduction :~pp[i~:e to new res~a¢ch and developme~'t equipmen[ iS iim'ted tb'$" c8st wit~ F. Other ~imitations or conditions (sped~) Also we have reviewed the information contained in the statement of benefits and find that(he ~stimates and expectations are reason- able and have determined that the tataiky of benefits is suflqcient to justify the deduction: described above. * ' ts the time edod during which an area s an economid revitil za ion area it ooes not limit the length of time fthe designatin,g, body [ira - P '- ....... of'-'ears desi nated under lC 6-1.1-12.1-4 or 4.5 a'taxpayer is entitled to receive a ceeuouun Lu o .,.,,,bet ~ g