HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Tax Abatement Report INSTRUCTIQNS: COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS State FOrm 44973 (11-91) Prescribed by the S ate 8oard of Tax C0mm!sslonets, 1991 The records in this ser~es are CONFIDENTIAL according to lC 6-1.1-35-9. I. Property owners whose Statemen of Benefits was approved after July I 1991 must file th s form with the County Auditor and th, toca Des gna ing Body to show the extent to which there has been compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (Th s does not apply proper~y located in a resident a ly d stressed area). (IC6-1.1-'12.1-5.6) 2. If the deduct on a lies to Ffeal Estate and Improvements; then this form must be filed with the initial deduction application and the. annually within siPx~ (60) days after the end of each year in which the deduction is applicable. · . hisformmustbefiedwithForm322ERA/PPbetweenMarchlandMay16ofeachyear'unles of each year. Name of taxpayer Address of taxpayer (street and number, city. state and ZIP coda) Name of contact person Telephone number qame of designating body Location of properly ------'--~ounty ~tion of real properly improvements and/or new manufacturing equipment to be acquired Reso{ution number ~ district '~mated starting date Estimated completion date Current number of employees Salaries Number of employ_ees retained Salades -~umber of additional employees_~.__ Salaries Values before projec_~_t Pius: Values Of proposed project Lees: Values of any propert_____.~y being replaced~ Net values upon completion of project Values before project P[us: Values of proposed project Cost Cost Assessed Value Assessed Value Cost Cost Assessed Value Assessed Valu{ Less: Values of any property being replaced ~ I hereby cerbfy that the representations m th~s statement are true the Statement Of Benefits. ' If the pr°perly °wner is found NOT to be in substantial compliance, the des/gnat/ng body shal/ sen c/ude the reasons for the determination and the da ' d , . erty °wner for new manufacturing eOu,Dmen te, ttme an~ place ofa hearin to be the prope, rfy o.wner wntten notice. The notice must in. Based on the information presented at the headn~, the designating body shaft determine whe her or not the property owner has made reasonable effort Io substantially comply w/th the Statement of Benehts. If the designating body determines that the properly Owner has NOT made reasonable effort to corn terminat~bg the deduction The designating body shall immediately ma I a certified co of th t~Iy, then the designating body shaft ado t a resolution and (3) the State Board o~ Tax Commissioners Py e resolution o: (1) the property owner,, (2) the °C~olunty Auditor,. We have reviewed the CF-1 and rind that: ~the property owner IS in substantial compliance ['~ the properly owner IS NOT in substantial compliance [] other (specify)_ ~lion (aClaoh additional ~f neceseag,) -- S-~ngnature" au d )er ~u ~uwmg ga e and brae has be ' comphance, the pro ed owns ' . ~.o *e~,i~g _ e?2et as,de fo~h~ purpose of considering~o~plianc[?hall recewe the oppodun,ty for a hearing. The j I uate of hearing Loca~on of headng 'r¢¢*,..~ ' ' ' above) ~r oetermi~¢a~ac~'edCeona/ sheets ff necessa~2 ~re of au[norized member- Date signed (month. day, year) mes~ed by: -- Designating body '- .A prope~y owner whose deduct on is denied b · m th.e ofhce of the Circuit or ' ¥ the designating bed ma a ' . , . . against the Drone.~,, : We have reviewa~;bur pr or act OhS relating to the designation of this e~onomic revitalization area and find that the applicant meats the general standards adopted in the'res~tu'tion previously approved by this body Said resolution passed under IC.6-1.1-12.1-2.5, pro- v des f6r the fo UW ng limitations as auth0'dzed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2. . ... A:The desig~a{;'~!~rea has been ii~i{;:~';to:a pec[od of,time not to exce¢ ~ 0' 'caiendar years *.(see below). The date th,s ~. The type:of ~duction that is'sliowed:ih the designated area i~ limited to 1. Redevelopment or rehabiiita~ion;'Df real estate improvements; ' ~Yes ~N o 2; Ihs(alla'ti~n of new manufac[udn~ equipment; ~Yes ~N o 3. In'fa ati0n of dew res~arcd~d development equipment; ' ~Yes ~'No 4. ResidentialI~ 8'istf~ssed areas , ' ~ Yes ~N o' C 'The amount 0'f d~'dqction ap~ [cabie ~or redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to ~ "' ~/~ cost with an assessed D The amouAt ~(~uot on applicable;(b new manufacturing e~uipment i; limited to ofdeduotona c tonew research 'and dave ;pme~t equ *m6~,t':;~:~m't;~ ,6'~ ;' ' p / ~ c0st with F. Other iimitations or conditions (spe¢~) ~ ' Also we have reviewed the informa[~on contained in the statement of benefits and find tsar the estimates and expectations are reason- able and have determined that the totality of benefit~ is. su~c ant to justi~ the:deduction: described above. Approved: (sjqnature aod title qf authorized member) Attested b y ~'"']~'% . . Designated body . GO' * if the designat ng body limits the time per od during which an area is an economic revitilization area, it doe~ not limit the length of time a'taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under C 6-1.1-12.1-4 or4.5