HomeMy WebLinkAboutAxmann Real Property GbRNS J'RUG TION$: ~.~ / 7%, '3 C~ / .7'~ ~ ~-.--.. ~ ....... ~)~ .~: . '%' ,~J,... _~_ COMPLIANC~ WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITL I ~-ORM ' L Pro~e~y owne~ w,hose Statement Of Benefit~ was approved e~et June 30 J~g.~ ~.fil% ~,~;s (=~:7 ~¢~ {~e:.~gun?/ local Oe~gne~ng ~ody o show t.he ex ~nt to whlc,h, there has been com~;ianCp:~:~ '~h~S~ ~[ ~.~,?~. ' (Tins ta pro~e~y located in e regde~ge.'ly disobeyed ~ree). (IC 6-L f-~2. ~-5.~) 2. If the deduction applies to Rag Estate a~d Improvements. ~hen this form mus~ be Ned wRh :h e i: :' g deduction epp;;ce~on annual y within six~/ (60) days a~er the end of each year in which ~he deduction is applicable. . , ' 3. F~r Ne~,~ Manufectu~n~ Equipment. t,hls form must be Eled with Fo~ ~22 E,R~P b e~we en Marc,h ~ and May f ~ Addr.~ss o ! taxpayer (stye et and numbe4 city. state and ZIP code) q~50 ~t~ ~(ddle ~o~d JcFPcrsoavt'll~ Cifu oF dcfl~,'~onv~ ~ Clfq Co~nc(J qq .o~;,:~,~/q~O ~L~ ~(ddle ~d u ico~=,/ Clark Conskuc?ion oF nc~ &~,5oo sq.F~. Iqd~skri~{ czr~o~se q/qq 10/1~'/00 " " Sel~:i, es Se:eries s: ~,'~!ues or ¢.r:oo~d ~rqect , I. lO0. 000 [ ~q f¢¢ 500 I I s: Values of an'/property being replaced J values uocn completion or' proiect I, {00, OCOt ~q~. 500 1 ~ ...... ," "':'~ ~~~~~:~:F-fCSst':..~:~'=: AssessedValue [:.7~ ~::~[::;:~:~ Ass~ssedVa[ue i.': ::.,.:~os,.v::.:~.::,:.. ~ssessedValu~ v clues upon c~mplet[on o~ pro[ac[ Il, ~O~.q~J ~, ~00 J ~--¢'?~:) ~' l hereby ce.,'tibt that Ina reoresemations in this s ~ _m.n. a,. l u. i '~t~e joa~a s:gned (mo.. da./. Ft'.) /." x,4~ .' .~ ~/~ ~./,.-, ~'$1-RU.C~70~$: (7C$~../.12.1~$.~) . . ~.. l,' th~ prop~.~/ ow,~eris fo~,.5...._ - ~' ~-~t cwn~r has su~s~an~,ly c=~;~ w;t~ an~ (3) t,~e Stat. R~= ~ -~ ~,,e ~es~na~. ~_~,' v ~,~4~erhas NO~---~ - ...-~e reeson~bl. have re'ne.wed ~he CF-1 and find tha~: .... / cwneC {2} t,~e Coun~,~'~,°n ' .~ · . ,~ ~. ~