HomeMy WebLinkAboutMetals USA Carbon Flat RolledCOMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENTiOF BENEFITS FORM local Designating Body Jo s o t ' ~~~ prope~ lo~ted in a residenEally dis~essed area). (1C6- ~ ~ ~ '~ ' ' ' ~er the end of each year in whf~ the deduction is appfi~ble. annually w~thm, s~.(~O~ days ~ _. ~=~ ~ ~.~ h~ fil~ '~ F rm 3~ E~PP beP~een M~ 1 acd May 15 d each yezc unle~ 3. For New Man~a~nng ~qucmen~. u.~ ............ ;- ~'~ ~.~- -~,~ins ~ filin~ e~ansion'mbs~file between Mzr~ 1 and J~ne 1~ fiflng e~ansion under lC 6-1.1.3,7 h~ oeen g~nte~. ~ ~u~. ~,,~ ~ ...... ~ 4. W[th the approval of the designating body. com~l[asc~ informzEon for multiple projects may be consDfidzted on one (~) comp~an fo~ (CF. 1). : Name ef fa(payer ~4'~?PAT.S USA CARBON FLAT ROT.T,'~3 ~C Address of taxpayer (etreet and number, d~, s~a~e and ZIP code) 1070 W L£bert¥ St., P O Box 999, Wooster O~ 44.691-0999 Name of contac~ cerson Brian L S~hm~dt, Trea~u~'er Teiepnone num~2er 330) 264-8416 Name of designating body City of Jeffersonville Indiana Loca~en of ~rope~y County 702 Port Rd Jeffersonville, IN Clark Description of re~ Drocer~ ~mprovements and/or new manufacturing e~uloment to be acquired Building and Equipment for 2 Leveling and Slitting Lines, Overhead C~anes, Shear and Miscellaneous Support Equipment 97-R-13 Ta(ingdis~ct utica s~mat~ ~a~[ngd~e 2-15-1997 7-1-1998 Salades Number cf employees retained Salaries Salaries Assessed Value Values before proiect ~ 5 2~00 , 5 569 484 ___615 Net values uoon completion of project NOTE: The COST of the proper~ is confidential pursuant m lC 6-1.1-12.1-5,6 Id). INSTRUCTIONS: (IC6-$.9) 1. 14~thin forty-five (45) days after receipt of this f~ ' ' the Statement of 8eneflt~. enw, the deazgnaz~ng bcdy may determine whether or not the -rco-~ . 2. ~ w~y°wnerhassubstantla/lycornplie~w If the propero/ owner i$ found NOTre be in sub$lantJal COmpliance, the designating bed shaJl s n Clude the reasons for the detamlinaEon and th erty ewner for new manu =,,,,~ ..... e data. #rne and laca of ~ ..... Y _ a d fl3e properC/ owner wd · . 3. fa ....... "t uc!utpment, a coov e th~ ~7,~._p, . a h~,,,,~ ~u ~;e conclucted b~ ~ ,~,~ ....... ~n, noti~e. The notibe musr ir Based on the informa~.o.n presented at the hea~fng, the des~gn~Eng body shaft determine whether or not the property owner has made re~$onzble effort We have reviewed the CF-t and rind that: [] the property owner IS 'in substantial Compliance [] ~e properb/owner I$ NOT in substantJaJ cgmpliance ~ ether (specie) -:' detgrminatJon owner is found not to be in substant a compliance, the r ':' -~. ...... ~ ate and time_ ~ PM J J~n ~e~ng ~ Approvea ~  ~ Denied (see instmction 4 ~ove) y Date~n~, day, year) A property owner whose deduction is denied in th.e office et: ~he Circuit or ' oy the de.s'gnating bed ma - · . . aga,nst the proper~y owner Super,or Cou~ together w,th a bond co~itio~e?~e~al ~.de~g.rl_at,,n[body's ~c,mon by fi~ing a complaint