HomeMy WebLinkAboutKellems & Coe Tool Corporation~'--~" COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FORM CF-1 l¢g I rnusl file ibis ~orm With the County Audit2r and t,he local Des~?~,at 2, f the aedu~u~n a~ .......... f¢~ f~ end of eac~ year in wmtn u,~,~-~-, .~t tn~ form m'ust be fi/ed with Form 322 ER~IPP, Mr: 3. Fo~Ne ......... ri,/=lv~e~een~,~archfandMaylS,~fe~c.~- ~,~h ~ ~nd the exten~e~ a~. ~ ....... ~- · form t Kellems & Coe Tool Cor oration N~2200 Centennial Boulevard, jeffersonville, Carot~ IN 47130 Telephone number ' ~ame of designating body 9 7-R- 3 1 jeffersonville City Council North Port 9-1 -97 Manufacturing and tooling equipment ' 47 Nu~er Of addi~o~at emp[0yees ~/ .' .] . ' ~. ~ [ ~d~ssessed INSTRUCTIONS: tic 6. f. 1. Within forty-five (45) days aft.=r receipt of this form. ' · t,~e reasons for thy determlnatlon and the cate. t/me ~nd place of a hoofing to b~ conducted by the de~ignat/n~ body. Ifa noJce i3 mailed to a orope~y Owner 4. If the deszgnating bo~y ~etermines mat me prope~y owner ha8 NOTmade reasonable effo~ to comply, then the de~igna#ng bocy shag adopt a re3oluEon tsrmlnadng the ¢aducEoc. The designating oo~y shall immediately mae a codified copy of the resolution to: (12 the ¢~¢e~ own ec (2) the Count/Audit=~ and (3) the Stats Board of Tax Commi3=ioners. [] other (specify] -- :ed member body month. day, yea~) If the pro NY owner is found not to be in substantial corn liance ~ follov, qng date and brae has bee ~ .o~ ,~. ,,._ P . , t~e ~roperty owner shall receive t e ,.,,.,.-,,-~..~,...* ..... --_ []^~ []~M ~ HEARING RESULTS go be corn leged after ~he heal'in ~ [] Approved [] Denied (see instruction 4 above) Reasons f(~r the determ[natlon (a~tach additional sheets if nece$$a~/) ~ A~Iesled by: (month. day, yea~J -- A property or:nor '.','hose Ceducdon is oen~e~ by ~he de$ignaling body may appeeJ the designa!ing bo~y's decision by fiJing a complaint in {he ohice of ~he Circuit or Superior Cour{ together with a bond conditioned a~ains~ the prooerty owner, to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal is determined