HomeMy WebLinkAboutPGP Corp. D/B/A Voss Clark FOHI~ COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS CF-1 $~ate Focm 44973 (R2 I 3, filing exfenstoo u · . each year. 4, With the appraval of the designating bady, campliance infarmatian for multiple projects may be cansolidated on aNe (t ) campliance Name of laxpayer form ICF. Add,ess ot taxpayer (street and number, city, state and ZIP c~de) 701 Loop Road jeffersonville TN 47130 jef fersonville i ouncil ------~¢0unty ~ Location 0t property C la rk Same ~n of real property improvements and~or new manufacturing equipment to be acquired 92R21 96R8 96R37 Steel processing plant & additions to processing plant ~ation of new e ui ment. 2 21 Taxing disb'ict jeffers0n~ille · Estimated starllng dale L~92 4/96 9/96 Esi[ma[ed completioa ~ate 1 93 4 99 4 99 Salades '-~umbef o! addi[ional employees 92R21 96R8 96R37 43200~0 ) Safeties . -- 2/31 O1 ~ .... Coat Assessed Value ~ ~ 5052630 v~e P~;;~V ~66 3336053 .... . ~0 ~~0~8950 INSTRUCTIONS: (IC6. t. 1. Within forty.five(45) days after receipt ol this form. the Eesi nafin . the Statement o/Benefits, g g body may determine whether or not lhe propeCy owner has substantially COmplied wtlh 2. If the prope,l), owner is found NOT to be in substantial corn liance the d clude the reasons for lhe determination an h ~'z ~ ,-~ ,,,,~u, notice snarl be sent to the State Board o! Tax Co~lmla~)oners. -'--- is mai?ed to a pre~. 3. Based on the informafion presented at the hearing, the designating b~dy sha~ determine whe~her ~~ ~~t the pr~pecy ~wne~ has made reasonab~e e~~rt t~ substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits. 4. If the designating body determines that the prope owner has NOT made reasonable eEOC to comply then the designating bcd shall ado t terminating the deduction. The designating body and (3) the State Board of Tax Commisaionera Y a l a ceCff~ed copy of the resolut~on o t) the or o · ( _ _ ode ............... aumy Au¢Ior; We have reviewec~ the CF-1 and find ['"'] the property owner IS in substantial compliance I'-I the property owner IS NOT in substantial compliance r"] other (sp~clfy). ~lhe ~elermination ~ ilnecessary) to be in comp,a.ce, the p,opert owner s.a, rece .e the opport.n , following date end time has been set aside for the ~ur~ose of considering compliance. ~AM ~pM ~~hearmg -- HEARING RESULTS (to ~ completer after the hearing) ~ Approved ~ Denied (see instruction 4 above) ~e~ermJnat~on (aEacn additional sneers if necessary) ::.rgnature of authorized member (month. day. year) · ce O~ the Circuit or Superior Court to,',ether with ~ ~--',,% --~-Y~'. y a~ppea Ih~designa ing body's decision b ~ilin a corn I ' against the propert), owner u ,~ u...,.u ~,u~u~uoneo ~o pay the costs of tr~e a eel if the ¥ g p ami