HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrinley-Hardy Company '' - dh- f the designating body ?quires ;qfo,r~ 1. This sta? ..... ,-~ n ma~ nn ~ d~smn ¢ou~ whethe ~ ..... i~men or BEFORE t~e re ....... Z .---.,~ ~t =r July t~ ~fle designa lng b~dy ~cr~ ~ ~o~.-'Prolecrs" planne~ or comm~freq ~o ~ ..... ; ..... ~-:Z~,.=NT OF aCNEtITS (lC ~.I.1-12 1) .... ~-n~l e c ) taus be obta ne~ prior to ¢nma,u. ~, · ~ ~.~v~l of the deslgnatin~ ~ody (G~ CoFn?, , ..... bc~RE ~ fiaductmn may be approved. M~¢inerz m~t De filed with ~e coumy auditor. .............. ¢m¢nts and / or Form 322 ERA / P~ N~w --Z~_r ~ ~t;ce Of increase m rem pro~/ i ~ deduction. Fcrm 322 E~A, Haa~.~sr¢ru ..~ ........ r off (1 May 10; or (2) fh¢~y (30) ozys a¢~ ~i¢~. ~3es~menl year in ~h¢cn ~ew 4. Pro~e~y o ~ ' ol taxpayer Brinly-Hardy Company -~'~ras~ye, fstreet and number, dt~ 3230 Industrial Parkway, jeffersonvt~e. 47230 John Wilson ~ &] 2 )~ql 8-7~1 4 oooy _ -- City of Jeffersonville City Council --co,Jmy -- Taxingd,stnct ~rooert~ ~'~Tt MATED 3230 Industrial Parkw va J,, effersonville. IN ..... - _~~11o Bvstronic BySprint 3000 Watt Laser . New ~tg E~uiome~ 1/10/01 1/20/01 . 3,711,134 ¢,1~o proposed i~roiecl I, [- ~ ji-n~o r'e~t'apeci ~ mated solid waste converted (¢ounds)_ IOther ~enefits: N/A t_ We have reviewed our prior actions re ating to the designation of this economic revitalization area and find that the applicant meets the general standards adopted n the resolution previously approved by his body, Said resolution, passed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, pro- vides for the following limitations as author zed under lC 6-1.1-12.1-2. A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed calendar years ' (see be/ow). The date this designation expires is B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to: 1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of rear estate improvements; [] Yes [] N o 2. installation of new manufacturing equipment; r-I Yes [] No 3. Residentially distressed areas [] Yes [] No C .The amount of deduction applicable for new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ cost with an assessed value of $ D .The amount of deduction applicable to redevelopment or rehabilitation is limited to $ cost with an assessed value of $ E. Other timitations or conditions (specify). F. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment installed and first ctaimed eligible for deduction after July 1, 1991 is allowed for: [] 5 years [] 10 ears The deduction period will be five (5) years unless the designating body has by resolution specified ~he ten (10) year perlod. Also we have/e~vie~ )the information ~ontained i..n. t~e statement of benefits and find tha the estima es and exeecta ions are reason- able and h~ d~e: ~h:t the totahty of benefl,s ,s sufficient to just,fy the deduction described above. - ~ au,hor/zed member) Telephone number Date s~gned (month. da~ year) ¢ ( ) A:tested by: ~"/ / ~ Designated body * If the des gnadn~ body limi,s the time penod dunng which an area is an economic revitiliza~ion area, it does not limit the length of time a taxpayer is endtled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under lC 6-1.1 -12.1-4 or 4.5 Namely: (see tables below) Year of f Deduction 1st 100% 2nd 95% 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 8O% 65% 50% 80% 7o% 55% 40% 30% 25% Year of Three (3) Year I Six (6) Year ! Ten (10) Year Deduction Deduction Deduction Deduction 1St { 100% I 100% [ 100% 2nd I 66% I 85% I 95% 3rd I 33% { 66% I 80% 4th i I 50% i 65% 51h I t 34% I 50% 6th J I 17% I 40% 7th I I 30% 8th I I 20% 9th I I J 10% 10th I I [ 5% INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF Bt=NEFITS ~ CF , .. 30 1991 must file this form with t~e Coun. ty Auditor form (CF 1) . Telephone '~u~ber . . . · Current number of employ~ees Sa[ados Number of empfoyees retained Salaries Number of additional employee__s Salaries Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any Net va[ues upon completion Less: Values of any -onfident,al pursuant Amount of hazardous waste converted 7 I hereby certify that the representations in this statement are true. INSTRUCTIONS: (lC 6~1.1-12.1-$.9) I. Within forty.five (45) days after receipt of this fo~ . . ' . the Statement of Benefits m, the designating body may determine whether or not the prooe~ ....... ~_ _ . 2. If the property owner i$ found NOT to be in Substantial corn lianc · . clude,the reasons for the determin · P e t r . v ~ ,,,,~, ,~s suostant~affy Complied e~ o~ner for new m n,f~ .... abo~ and the date t/m~ -~-,-' he, Ees~gnat~ng bod~ a ~ 4 ffthedes/gnat/ngbodydeterm/nes ' v~z~epr°peRy°wnerhasmaderea$onableeffO~to and (3) the State Board of T~'~szgqat{ng body shall imm ~ "~ ~ ~ade reasonable effoR to , . / R"s~S ~r t' determina'J°n (a~ach add/tiona/~ts if noces$a.) _ /~et~na~ __ [] Denied (see instruction 4 above) -- APPEAL ~ ~- -- ? prope.,'ty Owner whose ded--,' - . . ~ A~. RIGHTS [lC 6-1 1-12.1-$.9 e ~ ~. In ~he off ce o~' the Cim.;t .* ~,..~oc Is aen~ea by the desi .... · L ~ $(e)] ~ -- ~ ._ag st the property owne,. °ur~togetherw'thabondco~nYdidoYn~¥~eaJthedesigna~in body's ,,..-,,., ....... ~' 'I .... u ~o pay the costs of ~,, --;,'----d,"."'°'v" ~¥ rl~mg a corn eint ' __ ____ __ ..~ '~F~,~ ff the appeel is determined