HomeMy WebLinkAboutCourt Ave final change orderJacobi, Toombs and Lanz, Inc. Consulting Engineers 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, Indiana 47129 Phone 812.288.6646 Fax 812.288.6656 MT_MO From: Subject: Date: Robert L. Miller City Engineer Jorge I. Lanz, P.E. Court Avenue Extension Final Change Order (No. 2) September 22, 2003 Enclosed is the final change order which needs Board of Works approval and signatures. The final project construction costs are as follows: Original Contract -- $ 758,899.99 Change Orders = $ 75,316.81 Final Construction Cost = $ 834,216.80 The change order amount of $75,316.81 includes $54,315.81 of paving added by the City. Please call and I'll pick the executed original. CONTRACT: R -26461 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 PAGE 2 OF ~ I lC ICLN IDESCRIPTION IE IPCN I IF ]PLN ISUPPLEMENTAL DESCRIPTION I I I UNIT PRICE I QUANTITY I AMOUNT 1% CHANGE J UNIT I I ........... I I ITHIS ITOTAL NET TOTAL $ -30.788.88 It is the intent of the parties that this change order is full and complete compensation for the work described above. Notification andconsent tothis changeorder is hereby acknowledged. Net ChangerS-20,788.88 / / Contractor: ~_~.~, ~pI4-~A_~- By: .,7~ Date: g 2~ 0 S Submitted For Consideration DCE DIV CHF LPA SIGNATURES - OR - FHWA CONCURRENCE JJ (SIGNATURE) APPROVED FOR INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (TITLE) (DATE) New items as indicated above have been verified and added to BAMS by: on 25 Aug'Oa 1~:49PM;dob '329;Page 2/2 Gohmann Asphalt and Construction Inc. RO. Box 2428 Clarksville, IN 47131-24,?.8 Phone (812) 282-1349 FAX (812) 288-2168 Www, gohrnan n asphalt,oom August 25, 2003 Vicki Layton Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, lnc. 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, IN 47129 RE: R-2646t-A, Clark County, IN, CoUrt Ave & tLS. 31 Relocation of Handicap Ramp Dear Ms. Layton: Wc arc requesting an additional sum of $1650.20 fbr the relocation of the handicap rarnp located at the east side of the intersection nfShore Dr. and Court Ave. Thc following cost breukdown is provided lbr your review: Common Excavation, additional Curb & Gutter 6", saw cut & re~nove curb Sidewalk 150mm, remove 6M, C~$24.50= $147.00 1lA M~g2588.00= $976.80 9.4M=(~t~$56.00~ $526.40 Total~ $1650,20 This cost includes the removal of the existing curb ramp, partial removal of the curb and gutter at the new ramp location, relocating of the sod, excavating and grading for the new ramp and concrete sidewalk and the remobilization of our sidewalk subcontractor. Compensation for the concrete sidewalk and curb ramp would be by e,xisting pay items. Please, contact me if you should have any questions regarding this request. Sincerely, GOHMANN ASPHALT AND CONSTRUCT[ON INC. ineer/Est~mator ~ JAM~iam cc: Mick~ Stroud EQUAL OPPOR [UNI'Ff EMPLOYER PAIXY CONTRACT: R -26461 PROJECTS: (9682470) -C740001 II INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TP~qNSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FCR PAGE NO. E2 - Whereas, the Standard Specifications for this contract provides for such work to be performed, the following change is reco~m,ended: Item 0017, Subgrade Treatment, Type C. eliminated from the contract due to the ex~sting subgrade conditions suitable for pavement installation. Item 0020, QC/QA, 4, 76, Surface, 9.5mm, overrun the plan quantity due to the cross section of the existing pavement on U.S.$1 Line "PR-B" and the removal of the existing entrance ramp at Station 4+968.6 to 4+978 LT. on Line "M". Item 0021~ QC/QA, 4, 76, Intermediate, 19.6mm, overrun the plan quantity due to the material being installed at Station 4+965~6 to 4+978 ET. Line "M" after the existing entrance ramp was removed. Item 0122, Common Excavation, Additional added to the contract due to the sidewalk added from Station 10+211 to 10+228 RT. The handicap ramp at Station 10+225 RT. on Line "PR-A" was removed and reconstructed at Station 10+215 RT. on line "PR-A" to tie the new sidewalk and ramp into the existing sidewalk, Item 0122, Curb And Gutter, Sawcut 6" Curb and Remove. added to the contract due to the handicap ramp being relocated to Station 10+215 RT. Line "PR-A" to tie the new sidewalk and ramp into the existing sidewalk. Item 0124, Sidewalk. Concrete, 150mm. Remove. added to the contract due to the handicap ramp at Station 10+225RT. being removed and reconstructed at Station 10+215 RT. Line "PR-A" to tie into the existing sidewalk. I CONTHACT: R -26461 CHANGE ORDER NO. B PAGE i OF lC ICLN IDESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE I QUANTITY IE IPCN I I I UNIT IF IPLN' ISUPPLEMENTAL DESCRIPTION I I 10017 ISU~DE TREATMENT. TYPE C I 9.500001 '5,626.0001 I 196824701 I I m2 I 10017 I (SPEC REF 207-07500)I I I I IRFJLSON: 206 - CONSTRUCTABILITY, Soils Related I I I AMOUNT 1% CHANGE ITHIS ITOTAL I I -53,542.00]-100.0]-100.0 I I I I ]0020 ]QC/QA-HHA, 4, 76. SURFACE, 9.5 mm I 47.00000] 275.830 ,t 9681L~4'701 I I u9 JO020 J (SPEC REF 401-07336) J J J JREASON: 202 - CONSTRUCTABILITY, Design Related J J 12,964.011 lC ]0021 IQC/QA-HMA, 4, 76, INTERMEDIATE, 19.0 mm I 39.000001 208.690] 8,138.91I I 196824701 I I Mg I I J J0021 J (SPEC REF 401-07404)I J I J J J JREASON: 202 - CONSTRUCTABILITY, Design Related J J j J IE 10122 IEXCAVATION, COMMON I 24.50000l 6.000] 147,001 I 196824701 I I m3 I I IN ]0099 ]ADDITIONAL (SPEC REF 203-02000)I I I I ] ] ]REASON: 202 - CONSTRUCTABILITY, Design Related ] ] I ] 25.71 25.7I I I I I I I I I 26.01 26.0] I I I I ] I ] I loo.ol lOO.Ol I I I I I I I I IE 10123 ]CURB AND GUTTER. REMOVE I 88.000001 11.1001 976.801 100.01 100.01 ] 196824701 I ]N ]0100 ISAWCUT 6" CURB AND REMOVE (SPEC REF 202-02279)] I I ] ]REASON: 202 - CONSTRUCTABILITY. Design Related ] IE 10124 ]SIDEWALK, CONCRETE, 150 mm I 56'000001 9.4001 526.40] 100.01 100.01 I 19682470] [ IN I0101 IREMOVE (SPEC REF 604-90256)I I ] I ] I I [ IREASON: 202 - CONSTRUCTABILITY. Design Related I I ] I I I