HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCC Form 1240-.:.:. INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS March 4, 2003 Via Hand Delive~ The Honorable Thomas Galligan Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville City/County Building Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 Dear Mayor Galligan: Enclosed is the annual "FCC Form 1240" filihg which is ' ' ' used for Updat ng Max mum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services." The maximurn permitted rate for the projected pedod of June 1, 2003 - May 31, 2004 is $11.76. In addition, Insigh! reserves the right to claim the additional rate associated with the FCC Form 1235 in the amount of $2195. Upon receipt of this letter, the City is notifiec~ of Insight's intent to adjust the "Basic Rate" to $12.35 for the projected period of June 1, 2003 - May 31, 2004. This rate excludes all fees and taxes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 502-357-4623. Sincerely, Bob Lillie District Vice President 4701 Commerce Crossings Dr. LOLiISVII (! KY 40229 502 ' 557 ' 4660 MAIN 502 ' 585 ' 1536 FAX Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Washington, DC 20554 FCC FORM 1240 UPDATING MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES FOR REGULATED CABLE SERVICES Cable Operator: Name of Cable Operator Insight Communications Company, L.P. Mailing Address of Cable Operator 810 7th Avenue City NEW YORK State ZIP Code NY 10019 YES NO 1. Does this filing involve a single franchise authority and a single community unit? I I x I If yes, complete the imnchise authority ~nli>rmatton below and enter the associated CUID number here: ] I YES NO 2. Does this filing involve a single franchise authority but multiple community units? [ X I J If yes, enter the associated CUIDs below and complete the franchise authority information at the bottom of this page: lIN0081, IN0083, IN0085, IN0086, IN0652, IN0084. IN0083. IN0086 3. Does this filing involve mulfiple franchise authorities? If yes, attach a separate sheet for each franchise authority and include the following franchise authority information with its associated CUID(s): Franchise Authority Information: Name of Local Franchising Authority (see attached) Mailing Address of Local Franchising Authority ~ieltYephone number ;tail;umber ZIP Code 4. For what purpose is this Form 1240 being filed? Please put an ~'X" in the appropriate box. a. Original Form 1240 for Basic Tier b. Amended Form 1240 for Basic Tier c. Original Form 1240 for CPS Tier d. Amended Form I240 for CPS Tier 5. Indicate the one year time period for which you are setting rates (the Projected Period). 6. Indicate the time period for which you are performing a true-up. 7. Status of Previous Filing of FCC Form 1240 (enter an "x" in the appropriate box} a. Is this the first FCC Form 1240 filed in any jurisdiction? b. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the FCC? If yes. enter the date of the most recent filing: c. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the Franchising Authority? If yes. enter the date of the most recent filing: rO I 06/01/031 05/31/04 TO 12/01/01 I 11/30/02 YES NO X ] mm/dd/yy) YES NO I x ] I I 02/25/02 ] (mm/dd/yy) /mnvyy) I (mm/yy) FCC Form 1240 Pagel Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July I996 Federal Communications Commission ' Washington, DC 20554 8. Status of Previous Filing of FCC Form 1210 (enter an "x" in th~ appropriate box) a. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the FCC? I If yes, enter the ~ate of the most recent fi ~ng: b. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the Franchlmng Authority. If yes, enter the date of the most recent filing: 9. Status of FCC Form 1200 Filing (enter an "x" in the appropriMe box) a. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed with the FCC? If yes, enter the date filed: b. Has an FCC Form 1200 been prev ous y fi ed w~th the Franch~mng Authomty. I I If yes, enter the date filed: [ 10. Cable Programming Services Complaint Status (enter an "x" !n the appropriate box) a. Is this form being filed in response to an FCC Form 329 c0mplaint~ I If yes, enlter the date of the complaint: I i1. Is FCC Form 1205 Being Included With This Filing Approved by OMB 3060-0685 YES NO ] (mm/dd/yy) YES NO 11/01/95 ] (mn'ffdd/yy) YES NO [ ] (mm/dd/yy) YES NO 08/15/94 ] (mm/dd/yy) YES NO I x I I (mm/dd/yy) YES NO 12. Selection of "Going Forward" Channel Addition Methodology (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) ['~-]Check here if you are using the original rules [MARKUP METHOD]. [~]Check here if you are using the new, alternative rules [CAPS METHOD]. f, r[ If using the CAPS METHOD, have you elected to revise recovery o YES NO channels added during the period May 15, 1994 to Dec. 31, I9947 [ I 13. Headend Upgrade Methodology *NOTE: Operators must certify to the Commission their eligibiliiy to use this upgrade methodolog), and attach an eqm~ment list and depreciation schedule. [~Check here if you are a qualifying small system using the strearalined headend upgrade methodology. Part I: Preliminary Information Module A: Maximum P6rmitted Rate From Previous Filing ILine Line Description Ai Current Maximum Permined Rate Line Line Description i Basic Tier 2 Tier: 3 BI Average Subscribership For True-Up Period I 22,641 B2 Average Subscribership For Tree-Up Period 2 0 B3 Estimated Average Subscribership For Projected Period i 22,860 Module C: Inflation Information ! a b c d e Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 I 8,2. 442 [ I I Module~ B: Subscribership d e Tier 4 Tier 5 Line Line Description Page 2 Jeffersonville 2003 Micr ,soft Excel 5.0 Version FCC Form 1240 July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Washing{on, DC 20554 Module D: Calculating the Base Rate a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 D 1 Current Headend Upgrade Segment $0.0000 D2 Current External Costs Segment $0:7055 D3 Current Caps Method Segment $0.0000 D4 Current Markup Method Segment $1.0000 D5 Current Channel Movement and Deletion Segment $0.0000 D6 Current True-Up Segment $1.2896 D7 Current Inflation Segment $0.2277 D8 Base Rate [A1-D1-D2-D3-D4-DS-D6-D7] $9.1214 $0.0000 Part II: True'Ua Period Module E: Timing Information Line Line Description · '~ "" "2" or"3" E 1 What Type of True-Up Is Being Performed. (Answer 1 , , . See Instructions for a description of these types.) ~:~ I N/A lf"l", go to Module I. If"2", answer E2 and E3. lf"3"~ answer E2~ E3, E4, and ES. E2 Number of Months in the True-Up Period 1 B 12 E3 Number of Months between the end of Tree-Up Period 1 and the end of the most recent Projected Period EA Number of Months in True-Up Period 2 Eligible for Interest E5 Number of Months True-Up Period 2 Ineligible for Interest Module F: Maximnm Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 1 a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 F 1 Caps Method Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 2] $0.0000 F2 Markup Method Segment For True-Up Period I [Wks 3] $1.0000 'F3 Chan Mvnmt Deietn S~gment F0r Tru~-t~JP Peri0d i [Wks' 4/5] $0.00 74 True-Up Period I Rate Eligible For Inflation [D8+FI+F2+F3] $10.1214 :5 Inflation Segment for True-Up Period i [(F4*C3)-F4] $0.1041 :6 Headend Upgrade Segment For True-Up Period I [Wks 6] $0.00 77 External Costs Segment For True-Up Period I [Wks 7] $0.5839 ?8 True-Up Segment For True-Up Period [ $1.3079 79 Minx Perm Rate for True-Up Period I [F4+FS+F6+F7+FS] $12.1173 Module G: Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 2 a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Gl Caps Method Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 2] $0.0000 G2 Markup Method Segment For Tree-Up Period 2 [Wks 3] G3 Chan Mvmnt Delem Segment For Tree-Up Period 2 [Wks' 4/5] $0.00 G4 TU Period 2 Rate Eligible For Inflation [D8+F5+GI+G2+G3] $0.00 G5 Inflation Segment for True-Up Period 2 [(G4*C4)-G4] $0.00 G6 Headend Upgrade Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 6] $0.00 G7 External Costs Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 7] G8 True-Up Segment For True-Up Period 2 $0.0000 G9 Max Penn Rate for True-Up Period 2 [G4+G5+G6+G7+G8] $0.0000 FCC Form 1240 Page 3 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 1 - True-Up Period Inflation For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Sine Period FCC Inflation Factor [01 Month 1 -0.11% 102 Month 2 1.21% 103 Month 3 1.21% 104 Month 4 1.21% 105 Month 5 1.24% 106 Month 6 1.24% 107 Month 7 1.24% 108 Month 8 1.02% 109 Month 9 1.02% 110 Month 10 1.02% 111 Month 11 1.02% 112 Month 12 . 1.02% 113 Average Inflation Factor for 1.01028 Tree-Up Period 1 114 Month 13 0.00% 115 Month 14 0.00% 116 Month 15 0.00% 117 Month 16 0.00% 118 Month 17 0.00% 119 Month ]8 0.00% 120 Month 19 0.00% [21 Month 20 0.00% 122 Month 21 0.00% 123 Month 22 0.00% 124 Month 23 0.00% 125 Month 24 0.00% Average Inflation Factor for 1.0000 126 Tree-Up Period 2 FCC Fom~ 1240 Page5 Jeffersonville2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission ' Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 3 - Markup Method True-Up Period, Basic Tier For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question 1. Indicate the period for which this worksheet is being used. (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) Question 2. Indicate the tier for which this worksheet is being used. (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 X Questioh 3. How long is the first period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? Question 4. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? True-UPPeriOdx Projected Period Tier 4 Tier 5 12 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 SumofPrevious SumofCurrent Average Per Channel Channels Total Cumulative Period Regulated Regulated Channels Adjustment Added Adjustment Adjustment Channels Channel 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 315 316 317 318 319 32O 321 322 323 ~25 ~26 Month Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month I 1 Month 12 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 $1.0000 Month 13 11 Month l4 11 Month 15 11 Month 16 11 Month l7 11 Month 18 11 Month 19 11 Month 20 11 Month 21 11 Month 22 11 Month 23 I1 Month 24 11 Period 2 Cans Method A~ ustment 11 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 I1 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 II 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 11 11 $0.22 Il 11 $0.22 astment 11.0 $0.22 $0.22 0 0 0 0 FCC Form 1240 Page 13 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission ' Washingion, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 3 - Markup Method Projected Period, Basic Tier For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question 1. Indicate the period for which this worksheet is being used, (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) Question 2. Indicate the tier for which this worksheet is being used. (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) Basic Tier 2 I Tier 3 X Question 3. How long is the first period, in months, for which rotes are being set with this worksheet? Question 4. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? True-UPPeriod Projecte~ Period Tier 4 [ Tier 5 I I12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum of Previous Sum of Current Average Per Channel Channels Total Cumulative Line Period Regulated Regulated Channels Adjustment Added Adjustment Adjustment Channels Channel Previous ~:~ $1.00 301 Month 302 Month I 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 303 Month 2 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 304 Month 3 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 SL00 305 Month 4 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1,00 306 Month 5 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 307 Month 6 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 308 Month 7 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 309 Month 8 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 310 Month 9 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 311 Month 10 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 312 Month 11 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 313 Month 12 22 22 22.0 $0.06 0 $0.00 $1.00 314 Average Period 1 Markup Method Ad.iustment ~ ~ ~ $1.0000 FCC Form 1240 Page 14 Jeffersonville2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission · Washing~ton, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 4 - Residual True-Up Period For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question 1. Indicate the period for which this worksheet is being used. (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) True-UPx Period Projected Period a b e d e I Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Period One 101 Average PermiRed Charge $11.3800 ~02 Average External Costs $0.5839 ¢03 Average Total Per Channel Adjustments after 5/14/94 $0.0000 for Channels Added Usin~ Caps Method 404 Average Tier Residual [401-402-403] $10.7961 405 Average Channels per Regulated Tier 22.0000~ 406 Average Caps Method Channels per Tier 0.0000 407 Average Remaining Channels [405-406] 22.0000 408 Average Period 1 Per Channel Residual [404/407] $0.4907 Period Two 409 Average PenuittedCharge 410 Average External Costs Average Total Per Channel Adjustments after 5/14/94 $0.0000 411 for Channels Added Using Caps Method 412 Average Tier Residual [409410-411 ] 413 Average Channels per Regulated Tier 0.0000 414 Average Caps Method Channels per Tier 0.0000 ~ 15 Average Remaining Channels [413-414] 0.0000 *16 Average Period 2 Per Channel Residual [412/415] FCC Form 1240 Page 15 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Worksheet 4 - Residual Projected Period Question 1. Indicate the period for which this worksheet is being used. (Put an "X" in the appropriate box.) Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Trae-Up Period Project~ Period a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier Period One 10[ Average Permitted Charge 512.3442 ~02 Average External Costs $0.6155 ~03 Average Total Per Channel Adjustments after 5/14/94 $0.0000 for Channels Added Using Caps Method ~04 Average Tier Residual [401-402-403] $11.7287 ~05 Average Channels per Regulated Tier 22.000( ~06 Average Caps Method Channels per Tier 0.000£ ~07 Average Remaining Channels [405-406] 22.000( ~08 Average Period I Per Channel Residual [404/407] $0.5331 FCC Form 1240 Page 16 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsof~ Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Worksheet 7 - External Costs True-Up Period Approved by OMB 3060-0685 For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question 1. For which time period are you filling out this worksheet? [Put an "X" in the appropriate box.] Question 2. How long is the first period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? Question 3. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Period 1 True-Up Period Projected Period X 0 Tier 4 Tier S External Costs Eligible for Markup Cost of programming For Channels Added Prior 701 to 5/15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using Markup $90, I74.82 Method For Period 702 Retransmission Consent Fees For Period $0.0C 703 Copyright Fees For Period $9,095.35 704 External Costs Eligible For 7.5% Markup $99,270.17 705 Marked Up External Costs $106,715.4328 External Costs Not Eligible for Markup 706 Cable Specific Taxes For Period $0.0( 707 Franchise Related Costs For Period $41,054.0( 708 Commission Regulatory Fees For Period $10,867.8( 709 Total External Costs For Period $158,637.2328 Monthly, Per-Subscriber External Costs For $0.5839 I 710 Period 1 Period 2 External Costs Eligible for Markup Cost of Programming For Channels Added Prior 711 to 5/15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using Markup $0.0( Method For Period 712 Retcansmission Consent Fees For Period $0.0( 713 Copyright Fees For Period $0.0( 714 External Costs Eligible For 7.5% Markup $0.0( 715 Marked Up External Costs $0.0000 External Costs Not Eligible for Markup 716 Cable Specific Taxes For Period $0.01 717 Franchise Related Costs For Period $0.01 718 Commission Regulatory Fees For Period $0.00 719 Total External Costs For Period $0.0000 720 Monthly, Per-Subscriber External Costs For Period 2 FCC Form 1240 Page22 Jeffersonville2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission ' Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 7 - External Costs Projected Period 4/15/99-4/15/2000 For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question I. For which time period are you filling out this worksheet? [Put an "X" in the appropriate box.] Question 2. How long is the first period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? Question 3. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? I True-Up Period [ Projected Period X 12 0 Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Period 1 External Costs Eligible for Markup Cost of Programming For Channels Added Prior 701 to 5/15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using Markup $54,095.9t Method For Period 702 Retransmission Consent Fees For Period $0.00 703 Copyright Fees For Period $9,267.06 704 External Costs Eligible For 7.5% Markup $63,362.96 705 Marked Up External Costs $68,115.1820 External Costs Not Eligible for Markup 706 Cable Specific Taxes For Period $0.00 707 Franchise Related Costs For Period $89,747.00 708 Commission Regulatory Fees For Period $10,972.80 709 Total Extemal Costs For Period $168,834.9820 1 i0 Monthly, Per-Subscriber External Costs For $0.6155 Period 1 FCC Form 1240 Page 23 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Worksheet 8 - True-Up Rate Charged For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 Question I. How long is the True-Up Period 1, in months? Question 2. How long is the True-Up Period 2, in months? Approved by OMB 3060-0685 12 0 a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 801 Month I $11.I000 802 Month 2 $11.1000 803 Month 3 $11.1000 804 Month 4 $11.1000 805 Month 5 $I 1.1000 806 Month 6 $11.1000 807 Month 7 $11.6600 808 Month 8 $11.6600 809 Month 9 $11.6600 810 Month 10 $11.6600 811 Month 11 $11.6600 ~12 Month 12 $11.6600 113 Period I Average Rate $I 1.3800 514 Month 13 $0.0000 315 Month 14 $0.0000 316 Month 15 $0.0000 317 Month 16 $0.0000 318 Month 17 $0.0000 gl9 Month 18 $0.0000 g20 Month 19 $0.0000 821 Month 20 $0.0000 822 Month 21 $0.0000 823 Month 22 $0.0000 824 Month 23 $0.0000 825 Month 24 $0.0000 826 Period 2 Average Rate FCC Form 1240 Page24 Jeffersonville2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Federal Communications Commission Multiple Franchise List Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Washington, DC 20554 Clark County IN0081 Jeffersonville IN0086 Clarksville IN0085 Utica IN0652 Sellersburg IN0084 Charlestown IN0083 Salem IN0086 FCC Form 1240 Page 30 Jeffersonville 2003 Microsoft Excel 5.0 Version July 1996 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing For Cable Network Upgrades Community Unit or System Operating Name Community Unit ID ~ CUID(s) Date of Filing IN0081, ]N0063, IN0085, IN0086, IN0652, Jeffersonville, iN N0084, N0083 3/1/03 Name of Cable Operator Insight Communications Mailing Address 610 7th Ave 3ity State Zip Code New York NY 10019 Ownership of Franchise or System (Place an "X" to the left of the appropriate answer.): C-Corp Subchapter S X Partnership Sole Proprietor Other Person to contact regarding this form: Michael Ernst Telephone Fax Number (502) 212-3544 (502) 212-3551 Local Franchising Authority See Attached Mailing Address City State Zip Code IThis form is being filed for: (Check One) __ __ Pre-Approval OR Note: If Final Approval filing, attach all Pre-Approval filings, if any, relating to the upgrade. X Final Approval Scope of Filing: (Check Cne) Franchise level OR INote: Cable System is defined in Section 602(7) of the Communications Act. System level FCC Form 1235 Page 1 of 8 February 1996 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing For Cable Network Upgrades Part L Qualification for Upgrade Rate Adjustment A. Significance of Upgrade Qualification 1. Does the upgrade meet the minimum technical specifications described in the Instructions for Part Qualification for Upgrade Rate Adjustment, Line 17 X Yes No If "No" was answered in question 1, attach a brief description of how subscribers to Basic and Cable Programming Service Tiers will benefit from the capital improvements. Complete the following items to determine the cost of the capital improvement as a percentage of rate base (Investment in cable property, plant, and equipment for the area over which the improvement will be used): A. The net upgrade rate base $16,516,367 B. Total rate base after upgrade $20,621,517 C. Percentage of upgrade to total rate base 80.09% B. Used & Useful Qualification this form has been completed for a pre-approval, please skip to line 3. 1. Has the upgrade been completed? X Yes No 2. If question 1 was answered "yes", enter the date the upgrade was completed and began providing service to subscribers of regulated services: Jun-00 3. If the Phased-In Approach is elected, attach a description of the subscribers involved and the projected dates on which the upgrade will be completed and providing service to subscribers of rate regulated services within those subsections. FCC Form 1235 Page 2 of 8 February 1996 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing for Cable Network Upgrades Worksheet C: Supplemental Data Name of Operator: Franchise CUID: Insight Communications IN0081,1N0083,1N0085,1N0086, IN0652,1N0084,1N0083,1N0086 Level: Page: 1 of 1 Date of Filing: 3/1/03 Date of Report: 3/1/03 For each of the following property and equipment categories state the gross depreciable balance resulting from the upgrade along with the average depreciation life which comprise the property and equipment balance reported in Worksheet A. Cost of Method of Description Upgrade Yrs. Depreciation 1. Headend 531,313 12 Straight Line 2. Transmission Facilities and Equipment 0 Straight Line 3. Distribution facilities (Trunk, drops, etc.) 9,283,174 12 Straight Line 4. Circuit Equipment (amplifiers, power boosters, etc.t 2,190,267 12 Straight Line 5. Maintenance Facilities (garages, warehouses, etc.) 0 Straight Line 6. Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment 6,197 12 Straight Line 7. Buildings (office) 4,169 12 Straight Line 8. Office Furniture and Equipment 10,403 12 Straight Line 9. Total Upgrade Rate Base 12,025,523 12 Straight Line If you wish to disaggregate any of the above because they are not readily combined or if you wish to add others inot shown, re )crt such below: Cost of Method of Line Number Description Upgrade Yrs. Depreciation 10. (Specify) 11. (Specify) 12. (Specify) FCC Form 1235 Page 8 of 8 February 1996