HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-R-29RESOLUTION APPROVING STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FOR PURPOSES OF PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT WHEREAS, BADD INC, (the "Applicant") has petitioned the Common Council of ti le City of Jeffersonvilie, Indiana, for a deduction in real property taxes to be assessed ~m proposed improvements to be made on property located in the area commonly known the Bridgeport Business Center, in the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana; ar d WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted an application which includes ti~e Statement of Benefits on the form prescribed by the Indiana State Board of T;~x Commissioners for such purpoSe, which application and statement include a descriptk,n of the proposed redevelopment, an estimate of the number of individuals who will [ e employed as a result of the redevelopment, an estimate of the annual salaries of the., e individuals, and an estimate of the value of the redevelopment, attached hereto as "Exhil ,it A" and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 90-OR-56, on November 7, 1990, the Comm¢ Council of the City of Jeffersonville designated the area where the propose redevelopment project is located in the City of Jeffersonville as an Economic Developme Target Area pursuant to Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1 et seq., specifically lC 6-1.1-12.1-7; ar WHEREAS, the City's Department of Redevelopment has reviewed the applicatic and Statement of Benefits submitted by the Applicant and has advised the Commc Council that the application has been submitted in compliance with the approved Abatement Policy of the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City Jeffersonville, Indiana, that it specifically and affirmatively finds as follows: 1. That the estimate of the value of the redevelopment is reasonable for projects the nature described in the Statement of Benefits submitted by the Applicant. 2. That the estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed or who.~ employment will be retained can reasonably be expected to result from the propose, described redevelopment. 3. That the estimate of the annual salaries of those individuals who will b, employed or whose employment will be retained can be reasonably expected to result fror the proposed described redevelopment. 4. That all other information requested from the Applicant has been submitted, a ~d the benefits described in such information can be reasonably expected to result from t ~e proposed described redevelopment. 5. That the totality of benefits for said redevelopment is sufficient to justify deduction. le BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Jeffersom le hereby approves the application and Statement of Benefits as presented and filed by ti ~e Applicant, and that said Applicant shall be entitled to deductions for a period of ten (1 ;)) years for improvements to real property, pursuant to the provision of lC 6-1.1-12.1-3('1) and lC 6-1.1-12.1-4(d)(3), with the timely filing and perfection thereof with the Clark Cour ty Auditor's office. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage al~d Presiding Officer approval. Passed this ATTES, S~: ~.. I~'c~l'ard Spence~r, Clerk and Treasurer ~_~sdented by ~_lerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of. Jeffersonvi ayof _ , ,199.~_. , ~ _ - ,, // IL C. Richard Spencer/,/Jr. ~ Clerk and Treasurc:N this day of '. I I~omas R. Galligan, aypr/ This Ordinance approved and signed by me this 199__. e COMPLIANCE WITH STATEMENT OF BENEFITS State Form 44973 (R2 / 11-95) Prescribed by the State Board of Tax Commlssioners, 1991 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Property owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved after June 30, 1991 must file this form with the Coun local Designating Body to show the extent to E/hich there has been compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (This property located in a residentially distressed area). (lC 6-1.1-12.1-5.6) 2. If the deduct on app es to Real Estate and mprovements, then this form must be filed with the inftial deduction ap¢ annually within sixty (60~_days after the end of each year in which the deduction is applicable. 3. For New Manufacturing-bqu~pment, th s form must be fi ed with Form 322 ERA/PP between March 1 and May 15 of e~ filing extension under lC 6- I. 1-3. 7 has been granted. A person who obtains a filing extension must file between Marcf each year. 4. With the approval of the designating body, compliance information for multiple projects may be consolidated on or, form (CF- 1). Name of taxpayer Address of taxpayer (street and number, city, state and ZiP code) Name of contact person Telephone number Name of designating body Location of proper~y Coun~ Description of real p~/or new manufacturing equipment to be acquired Resolution number Taxing district Estimated starting dar, Estimated completion APm- f urrent number,of employees Salaries ~ I Number of employees retained FORM , CF-1 Auditor and the toes not apply to ~ication and then ch year, unless a 1 and June 14 of (1) compliance Jate Salaries )f additional employees Salaries Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any property being replaced Net values upon completion of project Values before project Plus: Values of proposed project Less: Values of any property being replaced Assessed Value Assessed Value Net values upon completion of project NOTE: The COST of the property is confidential pursuant to lC 6-1.1-12.t-5.6 (d), Amount of solid waste converted Amount of hazardous waste converted Other benefits: I hereby certify that the representations in this statement are true. of authorized representative TitLe Date signed yr.) INSTRUCTIONS: (IC6-1.1-12.1-5.9) 1. With~nf~rty-~ve(45)daysafterrece~pt~fthisf~rm~thedes~gnatingb~dymaydeterminewhether~rn~tthepr~perty~wnerhassubstantia~~yc~mp~iedwith the Statement of Benefits. 2. If the property owner is found NOT to be in substantial compliance, the designating body shall send the property owner written notice. The notice must in- clude the reasons for the determination and the date, time and place of a hearing to be conducted by the designating body, If a notice is mailed to a prop- arty owner for new manufacturing equipment, a copy of the written notice shall be sent to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. 3. Based en the information presented at the hearing, the designat~ng b~dy sha~ determine whether ~r n~t the pr~perty ~wner has made reas~nab~e e~~rt t~ substantially comply with the Statement of Benefits. 4. If the designating body determines that the property owner has NOT made reasonable effort to comply, then the designating body shall adopt a resolution terminating the deduction. The designating body shall immediately mai/a certified copy of the resolution to: (1) the property owner; (2) the County Auditor; and (3) the State Board of Tax Commissioners. We have reviewed the CF-t and find that: [] the property owner IS in substantial compliance [] the property owr~er IS NOT i~ substantial compliance [] other (specify) Reasons for the determination (at~ach additional sheets if necessary) If the property owner iS' rowner shall receive the opportunity for a hearing· The following date and time aside for aljance. Time of hearing []AM [~PM Date of hearing Location of hearing , , HEARiNGRESULTS(tObecompletedaflerthehearing) ; , [] Approved [] Denied (see instruct/on 4 above) Reasons for determination (attach additional sheets ff necessary) ' ~ Signature of authorized member Date signed (month, day, year) Attested by: Designating body A property owner whose deduction is denied by the designating body may appea the designating body's decision by filing a complaint in the office of the Circuit or Superior Court together w th a bond conditioned to pay the costs of the appeal if the appeal is determined against the property owner. Form Prescribed by state Board of Accounts To: ( ,!"~'.a L~* , .qc:~,: ',...t,v ~ · J (Goveremental Unit:) Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p (Revise From. ~ ~ ¥~:~ t ~..\ ~. 221 Spring St. P.O. Box 867, ,j Jeffersonville, IN 47131 LINE COUNT PUBLISHER'S CLAIM Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more ti an four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................. Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ................................................... Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... Total number of lines in notice ......................................... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES eflines, / columns wide equals c~ ~ equivalent lines cents per line ..................................... '.....$ (.~r, Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount ............................................ Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .............................................................. ,: TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ........................................... $ ~'..~ ' '-/-'..5 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 9.0 ems FEDERAL ID # Number of insertions 31 1 4 9 8 6 2 5 Size of type 6.5 point Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount clair led is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid: Liz Baumgardner Date: ~- ~'~ ; (:~> Title: Legal Bookkeeper 1999) ?'O ALL PERSONS CONCERNED Cly ~f Jeffersonville has passed Ordinance N( 99-OR-29, An Tile 'Connn m Cmnc t PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss: Clark County ~ Personally appeared before me. a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Liz Ba umgardne~ w_h~9.,being duly sworn, s~y.s that ~he is legal bookkeeper of the general circulation printer and published in the English languat ;e in the (city) of Jeffersonville in state and county aforesaid, and th: tt the printed matter attached hereto is a tree copy, which was duly published in said paper for ~);'k~ time . thC dates of publication being as f°ll°w-s~/Jd'-¥'7__~. ~,~ ~ ''liar( Subs~ribe~and sworn to before W~t~d3 ~ day o~ ~,/7vx My commission expires: ,~~ ~/ ~D LEGAL ADVERTISING TABLE SHOWING PRIOE PER LINE AND PER INSEFITIOhl 9 Em Column Type No. of Insertions size 1 2 3 4 5.5 0.317 0.474 0.632 0.789 6 0.290 0.434 0.579 0.723 6.5 0.268 0.401 0,534 0.667 7 0.249 0~372 0.496 0.620 7.5 0.232 0.347 0.463 0.578 8 0.218 0.326 0.434 0.542 9 o. 193 0.289 0.386 0.482 10 0.174 0.260 0.347 0.434 12 o. 145 0.217 0.289 0.361