HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-1996 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA Deputy to the Mayor Phil McCauley called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M., in the absence of Mayor Thomas R. Galligan, and 'Oh~Call Of the roll those members present were Personnel Director Harold Lake. man, and '~ Safety Dir~ector.Anthony Hat, rod. ~ ~'' .~ ~.i~ ~i '~ii ~ Also present were: Bulldi'ng Comm'~ss'ioner ~lli' Ga~i~n~~ ~c~Y Ehglne'er Bob Miller, Street Commissioner Georg_e Tre, mbly, Sewage Office Manager Bob Goldman, Police Chief Mi~~ PaVe~ ' ~ ?ire Chief Mike' Smith, Assistant Fire Chief William Davis, Vehicle Maintenance Foreman Mike Ewton, Animal ~hei%~ D'f~e,ct~_o~'~ Jim ~GllienWater~ p~rks superintendent Rick Ell!orr, Wastewate~ Treatment ~ Plant Director Kendall Colem , AsSistant Wastewater Treatment plant Director Joe Goergen, Clerk and Treasurer C. Richard SpenCe~ Jr.7 ~nd ~lerk Alice Davis. Director Lakeman made the motfon~to approv~ the minutes of the~ me'ting of February 12, 1996 as p~esen~ed, seconded by Dlrector~ Harrod and carried unanimously, ' ~ ~' ~: '~ ~ ' ~ Director Lakeman made the mOtion to approve t~~ claims presented, seconded by Director Harro~ an~.~ car~ie~ unanimously. ~ Director Lake'mah ~mad~ the ~c6ti~~ to approVe the~ payrolls' aS presented, ~conded by Director Harr~d~and carried unan~ously. · '-L~ASE CONTRACT FOR ~A~'~W~: : ..... ~ ::'"~'~ ' ' Cheryl Pence, requesting lease contract for Cellular Tower, did not appear before the Board of Public Works. ~hi~ was tabled. Director , seconded~ by Director nakeman made the mOtion t~'~ t~bi~'t~~ ~eS% ''"' ~ ..... HarroW, and ca~led unanimously. Cora Townsend, 939 E. Maple Street requesting a resident parking sign, did not appear before the Board of Publi~ Works, this was . .tabled. : ..... ~:, ~ ... .:~ .~t" ~ ::~ ~ ..........~ ~ ' '~ S6LI~ITORs ~I~ .......... James D.' Jon~s, -222~ Wellington Green Circle is requesting '-~'01iCito~s'per~lt ~-%'6'sell health :ite~s~%d%~of'hfS 9a~~'~0 d~fferent stores. This does not require a permit. ~ PARKING AND SPEEDING PROBLEM 8T~:~ND~RED~Ric~ AVENUE : ' ' A~fo~~ Hardih~"729 virg,ihfa has~a~P~b:i~m'with ~P'i~:P~'ffkingb~h:ind him and he can't get out or:in at times. Mr. Haff~t~g is asking for a ~ii:D~f6~d'y~'il6~: Curb and' a sign.' The P~oblem has been going on for a year ~ and one half. Mr. Hardin p~eseh~~d 'hie%urea.6f his Problem. Chief PaVe~Wltl investiga~:'th~S2 ' : · FEBRUARY 20, 1996 SPEEDIN~PROBLEMS AlfO~d H~din, 729 virginia Avenue-'is r~qu~sting f0r speed bumPs to be put there or a 5 MPH sign. Chief Pa~e~' will investigate this and bring his recommendations back to the Board next week. APPROVAL TO DISPOSE OF~SCREEN IN P~Li%E'CARS Police Chief Mike Pa~Y has ~Uest from Phil RUSsell, Reserve Officer for Jefferson Cd~ntY Sheriff Department for a screen from one of our old pOlice car~"~Chi~efPave'Y'~d the screens don't fit the new cars and are Just sitting at the Clt'ygarage in Storage, Chief Pavey is asking' fOr apprOVal t0 give one of the screens to Mr. Russell. He has worked with our K-9 in the past. Director Lakeman mad~ the motion to all'6w u~ t'b ~d~Spdsle~f ~e sc~en'to ~hil~ R~SSell, seconded by Director Har~d','"ahd"~rrl:~a~nahim~Sly'. INTRODUCTION OF JEFF FIRE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Fire Chief Mike Smith'~sented tb th~&'~a~ the ~eff~rsonvili~ 'Fire Department Operations Committee. The Committee consists of 7 people who areu~Per management Which is 3 Ma]~'~s, chiefi"~D~t~Chief~ Union Representative Tony D~Cker, Fire'D~part'ment SeCretarY' Betty Summers-Froedge. The Committee will meet monthly and the purpose is to keep communication between the Fire F*i~hters and upper management. (see copy) STREET LIGHT REQUEST AT WILLIAMs STREE~AND Wg0D~AWN Director Tony Harrod received a call from Councilperson Ron Ellis requesting a street light at the corner of Williams St. and Woodlawn. City Engineer Bob Miller said he will check on this. NEW POLICEEMPLOYEE Police Chief Mike Pavey reported that he has a new employee; Joe Hubbard. Mayor Galligan is aware of hiring him on the 15th of this month. Chief Pavey is requesting for approval from the Board to hire Joe Hubbard. Director Lakeman made the motion to approve the hiring of Joe HUbbard as'the new Police Officer, seconded by Director Harrod, and Carried~nanimous~ly HOURLY RATE FOR USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT .... i ~i~i~3~i Street Commissioner George Trembly presented to the Board hourly rates for use of City equipment and manp0w~r services. Director Harrod made the motion to aPprove the hou'~ly rates for use of City Equipment and manPoWer ~ervic~'s' a§~P~e~nt~d by st~etc0mmiS~oner George Trembly, secohded by Direct0r Lakeman,' and c~r~d unan~imously.(see'copy) PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 20, 1996 RESIDENT PARKING 311 E. MARKET STREET Police Chief Mike Pavey reported on a request for a resident parking sign for Carolyn Rogers at 311 E. Market which was denied because of it being a multiple dwelling. Chief Pavey said that Capt. Danny Rodden went to the house and Ms. Rogers is making a single dwelling out of it. Chief Pavey recommends to have a resident parking sign put there. Director Harrod made the motion to approve the resident parking sign request at 311 E. Market Street, seconded by Director Lakeman, and carried unanimously. There being no further business to come Works and Safety, Director Lakeman made 09:55a.m., seconded by Director Harrod, ajnd before the Board of Public the motion to adjourn at carried unanimously.