HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-29-1996 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA ~...~.~ ........ MONDAY JANUARY 29, 1996 Mayor Thomas R. Galllgan called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M., and on call of the roll those members present were Mayor Thomas R. Galligan, Personnel Director Harold Lakeman, and Safety Director Anthony Harrod. ~ Also present were: Deputy Mayor Phil McCauley, Building Commissioner Bill Gavin, City Engineer Bob Miller, Street Commissioner George Trembly, City Attorney Anne Marie Sedwlck, Sewage Office Manager Bob Goldman, Assistant Police Chief Maynard Marsh, Fire Chief Mike Smith, Assistant Fire Chief William Davis, Vehicle Maintenance Foreman Mike Ewton, Animal Shelter Director Jim Glllenwater, Parks Superintendent Rick Elliott, Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Kendall Coleman, Assistant Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Joe Goergen, and Clerk Alice Davis. Director Lakeman made t~e motion to approve the minutes of the meetings of January 8, a~d~January 22 1996 as presented, seconded by Director Harrod and carried unanimously. Director Lakeman made the motion to approve the claim as seconded by Director Harrod and carried' u~an:l~o~sly. Direct'or LAkem~n m~de the-motion to app~ove'~he payrolls as s~conded by Director Harrod and carrie~ ung~imously. REs~DENTIA~L~'PARKIN~ REQUEST'AT 3~I~ E~. ~APLE STREET -' presented, presented, Assistant Police Chie_f Maynard Marsh reported on the residential parking request at 311 E. Maple Stree% b~:CarOlyn Rogers. ASSistant Chief Marsh said that ~apt Schmidt loQked into the residential request and his recommendation is~ ~o .deny ~t'he request because of a pOlicY against mUltiPle dwellfngs ha~ng residential parking signs. Capt,' SChmidt said ther~i'-~l~ plenty ~f parking in the rear of the building. DirectOr Lakema~'made the ~otion~to deny the residential request at 3~1 E. MaPi~' S~re~t, SeConded bY Director Harrod, and carried unanimously. PARADE PERMIT REQUEST FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY i Assistant:P~ii~e Chief MaYhard MarSh reported on the St. Patrick's Day Parade permit request by'MarY Ellen Kennedy. Assistant Chief Marsh said he has not seen a Parade route. Mayor Galligan recommended to tabl~~ thi§. D'if~tor Lakeman made the motion to table the St. Patrick's Day Parade permit, seconded by Director Harrod, and carried unanimously. ' PAGE 2 JANUARY 29, 199~~ TRAILER REMOVAL CITATION, JAMES DURRETT, 617 WALNUT STREET AssiStant Police-Chief Maynard Marsh repO~ted 0n the ~tra~iler re~0v~l citation, james D~'~rett~ at 617 Walnut Street. Assistant Chief Marsh said that Mr~ DUrrett wants to'park his traiier On the 'S~'reet~Wh~ie he is loading and unloading the trailer and leave it there for Storage also. The Ordinances of the City on semi tractors and trailers is they can only be parked during loading and unloading of the trailers. He is also Wahting tO use the trailer for storage which is in violati°n· Director Lakeman made the motion to deny the permit for the trailer on Walnut Street, seconded bY Director Harrod, and Carried unanimously. DAMAGED CURB, 222 E2 MAPLE STREET'REsIDENCE OF MAR¥~ELLEN KENNEDV City Engineer Bob Miller asked to have this tabled for a while until some other things happen in Jeffersonvll!~, then we may be able to look at this iSsue. D!ii~Ct0r Harrod ~mad~ the motion to table the isSue until a further date, seconded bY DirectOr Lak~man, and carried unanimously. ~- PUMP FOR SPRING STREET PUMPINGSTATION Assistant Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Joe Goergen said the pump shaft broke on the #1 pump ~t the Spring Street Pumping Station. The pump repair cost is S~,500¥00.'~ D~ectOr Lakeman made'the motion to approve the $2,500.00 repair for Spring Street Pumping Station, seconded by Director Harrod, ~nd carried unanimouslY. MANHOLE COVERS, CATCH B~iN CovER~ AND STO~ SEWERS AsSi~tan% Wastewa~er T~%ment ~i~nt DireCtor JOe :'Goergen has q~°tes for rePlaCement manholes,i'~ catch baSlnsl,' '~storm sewer complete. The quote is from Nina for~he amount Of $7,4¥0.00 total to be taken out of the improvement fund~."~Dir~ctU~:'Lakema~ made the mofi~h to approve the requeSt~ Secb~'ded 5~Dlre~tO~"H~rro~,~hd carried UnanimOUSly.(see COpy) ASHLEY SQUARE SUBDIVISION . Assistant Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Joe Goergen said he received a letter from Bl~nkenbekef and s~n With a Preliminary platt of Ashley Square and the~ are wanting t~)' ~now if the City of jeff will serve that area~with 'Sanitary sewers. Mayor G~lligan Said We Will have to see what is available and not available and what our annexation Plan is, tell them we Will get back with them] INDUSTRIAL WATER RECYCLING City Attorney Anne Marie Sedwick said on the Industrial Water Recycling the principals of that Company have agreed to enter into a consent order to cease any discharge at this point. Therefore we recommend to table this until another time. Director Harrod made the motion to table this until another time, seconded by Director Lakeman, and carried unanimously. PAGE3 gAN ARY 29, 1996 SIGN ON llTH STREET .~ A representative of THS is requesting to have a 4x4 sign placed at the .corner of llth and Spring Str-eet to show how to get into their back parking lot'. Building Co~miss~oner Gavin issued 'a permit for the sign back :-'ih ~U~ust or Septemb~' he told them they would have to get permission or if knew that it was on their own property. Dr. Rangaswani's building is at the corner of Spring Street and Sparks Avenue and he doesn't want th~ sign up. He had it sugveyed where they were' going- ti0 pdt i~'~ Qn hi~ ' proper%y, 'in brder to '~ .ou~ Q~ ~his island it will'be in the City right Of way. Since then we have found out that Dr. Rangaswani has his sign in the City right of way and he had no permit. City Engineer Miller measured the Drs. sign and it's 2' in the 'right of way. Mayor Galligan recommended to table this until next week and have the concerned parties come to the meeting. Director Harrod made the motion to table this until next week, seconded by Director Lakeman, and carried unanimously. Commissioner Gavin will request that Dr. Rangaswami to appear before the Board. next week. MARCH OF DIMES WALKAMERICA Personnel Director Harold Lakeman reported that the March of Dimes Walkamerica will be May 11, 1996 at the State Forrest, registration is at 8:30am at the Park. If anyone is interested in walking contact Director Lakeman in his office. Director Harrod made the motion to recess at 10:00 am, Director Lakeman and carried unanimously. seconded by The meeting was reconvened at 10:05am. REPAIRS AT THE CAMP POWERS LIFT STATION Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Kendall Coleman is requesting the Board to approve through the repair and replacement fund repair on the Camp Powers Lift Station in the amount of $3,926.45. Director Lakeman made the motion to approve the repairs seconded by Director Harrod, and carried unanimously.(see copy) REPLACE PROCESS MONITOR AND ALARM COMPUTER Wastewater Treatment Plant Director Kendall Coleman reported there is an emergency repair replacement that needs to be taken care of at the facility. The main computer that controls the process monitor and records operates the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the alarm system at the treatment plant and the three main lift stations went down Friday had to be replaced and the cost will be no more than $3,000.00. Director Coleman said he wants to upgrade Wonderware, the system software at a cost of $3,000.00 replace the printer at $380.00, the total cost is $6,380.00 out of the repair and replacement fund. Director Harrod made the motion to approve the repairs and the upgrade on the computer system software and printer, seconded by Director Lakeman, and carried unanlmous~y, (see copy) JANUARY 29, i'936 JOE LEE PERSONNEL MATTERS City Attorney Anne Marie:Sedwick suggested to table the Personnel Matters until next week.' Director Harr0d made the mbtl0n to table the Personnel Matters UntiI~ next week, secOhd~ by Director Lakeman, and carried unanimously. ~:~':' ': · There being no further business to come before the BOard Of pUblic Works and Safety, Director Lakeman made the motion to adjourn at 10:15a.m., s~conded by Director Harrod,/~nd Carried unanimously. ~[AYOR ' ' ' U ATTEST~ /$ ~ CLERK AND TREASURE~ ~// -