HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-OR-75 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2005-OR- 75 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS BEING PART OF ' SELLERS PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS ONE, THREE, AND FIVE OF COURT SUBDIVISION AS THE SAME APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 57 BEING LOCATED AT 2811 AND 2813 SELLERS COURT. Whereas, Bobbie Bushau and Virginia Bushau, have filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached Exhibits "A, "B" and "C" from RI: Low Density Residential to CI: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and Whereas, on November 29, 2005 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified to the Council a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change to the City's zoning map; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for December 5, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached Exhibits "A' and "B" is hereby changed from R1: Low Density Residential to C 1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this ~4Bq day of December 2005. co MM o~c o~ THE CITY Oy JEFF~ LE, By: / .././ .... / 7 Ro~L. Waii, Jr. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Peg~ ~ Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this (O dayofDecember 2005. Peggy Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and mgned by me t Robert Ik.2ffaiz, Jr. ember 2005. Aayor NAME OF NEW OWNER(S) & ADDRESS: CFIAPd~E$ F. BUSHAU and BOBBLE W. BUSHAU 202 N. Walford Drive Jefferannville, IN 47130 Shirley Iblo~ CUIRK C~JNTY Z 2~e332~17 Page I of 2 Cl DaLe 29/2~/~3 ~ UITCL,17I~f DEED THiS INDENTURE WITN~$$ETH, That CHARLES F. BUSHAU and BOBBLE W. BUSHA U (spouse, who joins solely for the purpose of conveying her marital i. terest, if.ny), of Clark County, Indiana, for and in consideration of thc sum of One ($1 ~00) and other good and valuable consideration, thc receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby convey and quitclaim to CHARLES F. BUSHAU's Filly Percent (50%) to themselves during their joint lives and the life of the survivor a life estate in the following described real estate with the remainder to CHARLES F. BUSHA U and BOBBlE W. B USHA U, Trustees, or their successom in trust under the CHARLES F' BUSHAU and BOBBIE W. BUSHAU REVOCABLE Lll/ING TRUST dated the 29th day of November, 1995, and any amendments thereto, all ofthek interest in and to the real estate described as follows, which real estate is located in the County of Clark, State of Indiana, and is commonly known ~z 281 lf2g13 Seller~ Court, Jeffersonville. Indiana, to-wit: ~ ng Lots No. One (1), Thx-ce (3), and Five (5) of Sellers Subdivision as the same appears of record in the t Book 6, Page 57, in the office of the Recorder of k County, Indiana. ng the same undivided one-half interest conveyed to aries F. Buahau by Deed dated May 17, 1974, of etd in Deed Drawer 6, Inst. No. 4030, in the Office e recorder aforesaid. The above entitled real estate is the same real estate heretofore conveyed by Charles H. Bushau and Bertha A. Beshau to Charles F. Bnshau and $ohn P. Bushau, as tenants in enmmoo on the 17th day of May, 1974, pursuant to a Warranty Deed recorded in Deed Drawer 6, Inst. No. 4030 of the office of the Recorder of Clark County, lnd{ans. The above-described real estate is made subject to any and all easements, restrictions and taxes of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals this [-~' day ef ~f' ., 2003. .. CHAP, LES F. BUSHAU ..' RECORDING RRQUESTED BY ' ) · GERSH LAW OFFICES, P.S.C. ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) * ~OHN P. BUSHAU ) VIR. GINIA M. BUSHAU ) 8818 HWY 403 ) CHARLESTOWN, IN 47111 ) RECEIVED FOR RECORD · I~$TR Fog =co o,R.s USE Quitclaim Deed 2811/2813 Sellers Court For no consideration, JOHN P. BUSHAU AND VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU (SPOUSE-Who joins solely . for the purpose of conveying her marital int~. est, if mY) 8818 HWY 403, CHARLESTOWN, ilq 4711 I, Parties of Jhe First Part, as to the husband's fifty percent interest do hereby Remise, Release and Convey · ' ' ' ' t the life o_f thee survivor a life estate in the following property to themselves during their ]om lives and with.thc remainder to JOFIN P. BUSHAU and VIRGINIA IvL BUSHAU, Trustees, or their successors in trust, · dated . Il II R fl 1ClOg ad any amendments thereto, tames ol me u~con~, ~ · · ":'- .- ; ~,"'"'"" :----'--~ ---f --,,,,,'nv in the CounW of Clark, State oz mmana: B~in8 LotsNos One (1), Three (3), and Five (5), of S~lle~ Court Subdivision ss th~ same apple's of r~:ord in ihe Plat Bo~k 6, Page 57, in the office of the recorder of Clark County, indiana. Being th~ same undivided one-halfinter~st convcycd to JOHN P. BUSHAU by de~d dated May 17, 1974, of record in Deed Drawer 6, Instr. No. 4030, in thc Office of the recorder aforesaid. Subject to all existing mortgages, liens and encumbrances, to any existing restrictions, stipulations and easements of record affecting the above described property and to all state and county taxes due and' payable and subsequent taxes, all of which the Parties of the Second Part assume and ai~ee to pay. DULY ENq'ERED FOR TAx,qrioR SUB~EC-f'fO RN~L ACCEPTANCE ~OR TRANSFER AUG 0 5 1996 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, wimess the sigll~'ures of the Parties of the First Part and the Parties of S o,d on JUL 3 P. BUSHAU - Z~/IKGINIA M.'BUSHAU /~(rlKGINIA M. BUSHAU "GRANTEES" STATE OF KENTUCKY ) REVOCABLE TRUST TRANSFER SS , EXEMPT FROM REAPPRAISAL COUNTY OF ~I~FERSON ) Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me on ~ by JOHN P. BUSHAU .a~d. VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU, Grantors, and zoI-~ P. BUSHAU and VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU, their successors in trust, Ih-lder the VIKGINIA' M. BUSHAU LIVINO TRUST dated and auy amendments thereto, as Grantees. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary~e at Large THIS INSTRUMENT pREPARED BY: ~EKSH ~AW OFFICES, P.S.C. Rosalyn A. Carothers 821 Mt. Tabor Road, Suite 304 New Albany, IN 47150 (St2) 94%5500 , '...*~-.,. ~1,~ , : , "'(., '.'~ NOTARY: i. x ;- .LI. fl,NDA K. COOPER · '.y.: :7.'.;:Cf ~ ~ -,,.... ~C~'~,~MiSSION EXPIRES: ,0-1; -¢¢ ;. . /,,.;'.'~- '.' MAIL FUTURE TAX STATEMENT TO: JOHN P. BUSHAU and VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU 8818 HWY 403 CHARLESTOWN, IN 47! l ! THIS INDENTb~RE ~IT~ESSETH, That ELZA M. GOFF and EDITH GOFF, his wife, of the County of Clark and State of Indiana, for and in consideration ~f the sum of One' Do!~?.~ (~$1.~00) and ,:.'-~'; ' ~ ,~--'~¢~ns the receipt whereof and valuable cons-~u~:-*~u-~,~ , nowledged, do hereby sell, transfer, assign, set over, and deliver to CP~R~S H. BUSHAU a~ BERTHA A. ~S~U, his wife, of the County of Clark and State bf I~iana, ~hs following decribed perso~l property, to-wit: 1 8' Hussman Refrigerator (~at Box) ! 10 foot Hussman Vegetable counter 48 feet of Side~wall Shelving 32 ~eet of Center aisle Shelving 1 - 6' x 6' U-shaped check out counter 1 - National Cash Register ~ Pair pf Scales 1 Dry Vegetable ~ack . 2 -sSmall Show cases ~ I Stool I - Hamburger ~achine I - Slicing ~chine (Electric) 2 - ,,~eat Blocks (30" x 30") I - Cleaver I - Sharpening steel 2 - Knives 2 Lard Ladles I - ~Ieat Saw 2 - Tables 2 - Roll Paper Racks ! - Tape !~achine I - Large 0il Weater i - Coal Heater I New Burroughs Adding ~achine I 5 foot ~oll top desk 6 - Service carts together with all the stock of merchandise located in and forming a part of what is known as "Golf's Grocery" and located on Lot No. One (1) of sellers Court Subdivis:ion, Highway No. 62, jeffersonville Township, Clark County, Indiana. To have and to hold ti~e same unto the said Charles H. ~ushau and Bertha A. Bushau, his wife, their heirs and assigns forever. The said Elz~ ~. r~ff and Edith Golf, his wife, wmrrant and agree to defend the title to all such property herein sold ~or the benefit of the purchasers, their heirs and assigns, against all IN ~ITI~SS ,~HEREOF, his wife, have hereunto of May, t953. the said Elza !~J. Goff and Edith Goff, set their hands and seals this 14th day State of Indiana') county of Clark ~eFore me, the County and State aforesaid, on this 14th day of ~ay, 1953, ~ f his wife, and personally appeared Elza ;~' Goff and Ldith ~jof , -. acknowledged the execution o~' the annexed Bill o~?-5 sale. SS: the u~dersigned, a Notary pu~tic, within and for ~y commission eXPires: February lO, 1954 · State ~f Indiana) ( ~ou-~t~ of Clark ) ElZa ~. Golf and Edith Golf, husband and wife, of the County of Clark aud state of Indiana, both being duly sworn, upon oath say: That they are the ~o~e owners of the property described iu the annexed bill of sale, and have the full right to sell and transfer said property- That all of the property described in the foregoing Bill of sale is £ree and clear of all cla~s and encumbrauoes, and that the affiants are indebted to no person, fi~m or oorporattOn for any of the articles mentioned in said Bill of Sale, or'for any of the merohandise as described in said Bill. of ~ale~ That this the p~rR0Se of protecting the said affidavit is bei~ made for . ' ~urchasers under said bill of sale £rom the provisions of the Bulk Sales Law of the state of !nd tana. Subscribed and sworn to before me th~s l~n ~.:y con~nission expires Homer _ ' v 1954 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF BOBBIE AND VIRGINIA BUSHAU TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS LOTS ONE, THREE AND FIVE OF SELLERS COURT SUBDIVISION AS THE SAME APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 57 BEING LOCATED AT 2811 AND 2813 SELLERS COURT FROM RI: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO CI: SMALL TO MEDIUM SCALE GENERAL COMMERCIAL. CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas, Bobbie Bushau and Virginia Bushau filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibits "A", "B" and "C", (the "Property"), from RI: Low Density Residential to CI: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial; and Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on November 29, 2005; and, Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its entire membership to favorably recommend the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on November 29, 2005, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission favorably recommended that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation change of the property from R1: Low Density Residential to C 1: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial as requested in the petition of Bobbie Bushau and Virginia Bushau. · . So certffied th~s 29th day of Novembe NAME OF NEW O%SX~ER(S) & ADDRESS: CHARLES F, BUSHAU and BOBBIE W. BUSHAU 202 N. Walford Drive Jeffersonville, IN 47130 COUNTY l~/2l/Zee3 Tlse 89:45:28 THiS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. That CttARLES F. BUSH. AU and BOBBLE W. BUSHA U (spouse, whojolns solely for the purpuse of conveylng her marital interest, if any), of Clark County, Indiana, for and in consideration of the sum of Oho ($1.00) and other good and valuable eoasldaratien, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, bereby oonvey and quitclaim to CHARLES F. BUSHAU's Fi~y Percent (50%) to themselves during their joint lives and the life of the survivor a llfe estate in thc following described mai estate with the remainder to CHARLES F. BUSHA U and BOBBIE W. BUSHA U, Trustees, or their successors in trust under the CHARLES F. B USHA U and BOBBIE FF. B USHA U REVOCABLE IJI/ING TRUST dated thc 29th day of November, 1995, and any amendments thereto, all of'heir interest in and to thc real estate described as follows, which real estate is located in thc County of Clark, State of Indiaua, and is commonly known as 2811/2813 Sellers Court, Jeffcrsonvillc, Indiana, to-wit: ~ Being Lots No. One {1 ), Three (3), and Five (5) of Sellers Cour~ Subdivision as the ~alle appears of record in the Plat Book 6, Page 57, in the office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. Being the same undivided one-half interest conveyed to Charles F. Bnshau by Deed dated May 17, 1974, of record in Deed Drawer 6, Inst. No. 4030, in the Office of the recorder aforesaid. The above entitled real estate is the same real estate heretofore conveyed by Charles H. Bnshau and Bcrtha A. Bushan to Charles F. Bnshan and John P. Bnshau. as tenants in common on the 17th day of May, 1974, pursuant to a Warranty Deed recorded in Deed Drawer 6, Inst. No. 4030 of the office of thc Recorder of Clark County, Indiana- The above-described real estate is made subject to any and all easements, restrictions and taxes of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals this ~.a~' da), of ~ ,2003. CHARLES F. BUSHAU OCT I~! 2003 13379 ..* RECORDING REQUESTED BY' * ) · GERSH LAW OFFICES, P.S.C. ) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) * JOHN P, BUSHAU ) VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU ) 8818 HWY 40~ ) CHARLESTOWN, IN 47111 ) REOEIYEO FOR REOQRD SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE Quitclaim Deed 2811/2813 Sellers Court For no consideration, JOHN P. BUSHAU AND VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU (SPOUSE-Who joins solely for the purpose of conveying her marital interest, if m3.y) 8818 HWY 403, CHARLESTOWN, iN 47111, Parties of Jhc First Part, as to thc husband's fifty percent interest do hereby Remise, Release and Convey to themselves during their joint lives and the life of ~.e suer_ ivor a life estate in the following property with ~e remainder to :Olin P. BUSP, AU and VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU, Trustees, or their successors in trust, awv 403, Cw STO , 4711 , =&r the vm n A y. B.u.S u u.L!so ted . ][1! .~ 0'[00~ and any amendments thereto, Partacs o[ the ~ccond P.? ail interest in and to the fo[lovang described real property In the County of Clark, State of hi Being Lots Nos One (1), Three O), and Five (5), of Seilca Court tubdivision as the same appears of record in thc Plat Book 6, Page $% in the office of the recorder of Clank County, Indiana. Being the same undivided one-half interest conveyed to JOHN P. DUSI~U by deed dated May 17, 1974, of record in Deed Drawer 6, Instr. No. 4030, in the Office of the recorder aforesai& Subject to all existing mortgages, liem and encumbrances, to any existing restrictions, stipulations and easements of record affecting the above described property and to all state and county taxes due and payable ~nd subsequent taxes, all of which the Parties of the Second Part assume and, agree to pay. DULY EI~ffERED FOR TAX~[ION SUBJECT TO FINAL ACCEPTANC(E ~Oa TRA~ISFER AUG 0 5 1996 IN TESTIMONY ..W~E. KEOF, wire_ess the ~tres of thc t~ Second r~t o. ~s JUL 3 0 · BUSHAU Pan'les of the First part and the Parties of faRGn,UA M.'SUSHAU /,96H~ r. BUSH~U ~IKOINIA M. BUSHAU "GRANTEES" STATE OF KENTUCKY SS REVOCABLE TRUST TRANSFER · EXEMPT FROM REAPPRAISAL Withes my hand and official seal. /~' · ' at Large THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: OE~H ~AW OFFICES, P.S.C. ' Rosalyn A. Carothers 821 Mt. Tabor Road, Suite 304 New Albany, IN 47150 (812) 945-5500 MAIL FUTURE TAX STATEMENT TO: JOHN P. BUSHAU and VIRGINIA M. BUSHAU 8818 HWY 403 CHARLESTOWN, IN 47! 11 THIS INDENTb~RE ~ITNESSETH, That ELEAM. GOFF and EDITH GOFF, his wife, of the County of Clark and State of Indiana, for and · ' ~ O0 and o~h~'~ :good in consideration of the sum of One Dol~ar~,, (.~l~ ~, ) .... ,~, , and ~i6abie COnsideratiOns, bhe re~;tP%~'wh~;~f is herO'bY ac now!edged, do hereby sell, transfer, assign, set over, and deliver to Cp%RLES H. BUSHAU and BERTHA A. B~JS~L~U, ~hts wife, of the County of Clark and Sta~e ~f Indiana, ~h~ following decribed personal property, to-wit: I - 8' Hussman Refrigerator (~£eat Box) I - l0 foot Hussman Vegetable counter 48 feet of Side-wall Shelving ~ feet of Center ~isle Shelving I O' x ~' U-shaped check out counter I National Cash Register ~ - Pair ~f Scales I - Dry Vegetable rack ~ -sSmall Show cases ~ i Stool i Mamburger ~achine 1 Slicing ~,~chine (Electric) B - Meat Blocks (~0" x ZO") I - Cleaver I - Sharpening steel E - Knives ~ - Lard Ladles I Neat Saw ~ - Tables ~ - Roll Paper Racks t - Tape !~achine I - Large Oil Meater i - Coal Heater i New Burroughs Adding ~achine I S foot roll top desk 6 - Service carts together with all the stock of merchandise located in and forming a~ part of what is known as "Golf's Grocery" and located on Lot No. One (1) of sellers Court SubdivisTon, Township, Clark County, Indiana. TO have and 5o hold ohe same Highway No. 62, jeffersonville un~o the said Charles H. ~ushau and Bertha A. Bushau, his wife, their heirs an~ assigns forever. The said Elzs ~. Golf and Edith ~off, his wife, warrant and agree to defend the t±~ls to all such property herein sold for the benefit of the purchasers, their heirs and assigns, against all I~ ~ITNESS v~MEREOF, the his wife, have hereunto set "a 1953. of ~i y, said Elza ~J. Goff and Edith Goff, their hands and seals this 14th day /~/ ~.~n ~..,__ /~'~/~ ( $EAL) State of Indiana') ( county of Clark ) qefore me, the undersiEned' a Notary public, within and for the County and State aforesaid, on this 14th day of ~ay, 1955, ~ f his w~ fe, and personally appeared Elza i,,~. Golf and Edith ,~of , " of the annexed Bill o,f? sale. acknowledEed the execution ~%~ I,~y commission expires: Homer ~3._~~' ..... February lC, 1954 .-~ A_FFiDAVI~ State of indiana) ~ouuty of Clark ) ElZa ~. Golf and Edith Goff, husband and wife, of the County of Clark and State of Indiana,' both being duly sworn, upon oath say: That they are the ~oYe owners of the property described in the annexed bill of sale, and have the full right to sell and transfer said property- Tha~ all of the propert~ described in the foregoing Bill of sale is £ree and clear of all cla~s and encumbrances, and that the affiants are indebted, to nO person, firth or oorporation~ for any of the articles mentioned in said Bill of Sale, or for any of the merchandise as desortbed in said Bill. of sale. That this affidavit is beige made £or the purpose of~protecting ~he said purohasers under said bill of sale from the provisions of the Bulk sales Law of the State of Ir~diana. subscribed and sworn to befcre ms this l~th day of ?'ay~195~® ~::y eo~n~ssion sx~es ~.omer ~. o ~ ~,eb~ua~y I0, 1~54 NOTICE OF INTENT .TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on December 5, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, ihe Common council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from R1: Low Density Residential to CI: Small to Medium Scale General Commercial. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN. THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: Lots One, Three, and Five of Sellers Court Subdivision as the same appears of record in Plat Book 6, Page 57 being located at 2811 and 1813 Sellers Court. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on November 29, 2005. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 30th day of November 2005. Peggy Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer Prepared by: Leslie D. Merkley City Attorney Sharon King Paralegal