HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-OR-1620ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS No. · ' ' the u se of defraying the expenses of the several departments of An ordincmce appropnatmg ~n$~ on~P~.~e ~,~,~ for the f~c~ ye~ begi~ng J~u~ 1, 19 -, ~d ending December 31, 1~-~, ~nciuamg u~ u~ ...... ~ s~e shall ~Gke effect J~ffersonville Indi~=, Section ] Be it Ord~ned by the Common Coundl of the Civil City off ' That for the expenses of the d~y govemmen~ ~d its insti%ulions, for the fis~l ye~ en~ng Dece~er 31. 19 , the following sums of money are hereby ~propri~ed ~d ~o~red set ~ out of %he fun~ hereto n~ed ~d for the pu~SeS herein specified, subject to the laws gove~tng fhe s~e ~d subject also fo th~ ~nd[fions provided in this ordinance. Such sums herein ~propH~ed shall be held to include ~1 expendhures ~thoriz~ to be made during the year, unless athe~ise expressly stipulated ~d provided by l~w. Search 2 . ~ for ~e s~d fisc~ year fhere is hereby ~propri~ed out of the Fund of s~d city, the following: Section 3 ~ IT ORDAINED ~ THE C0~ON cOUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF ~FFERSONVILLE THAT AN E~RGENCY EXISTS AND T~ SAID T~ RATE BE OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Amount Appropriated Services Contractural .................................................................................................................................... 146,213.QQ ~,00 Supplie~ ....... -~ .................................................................................................................................................... 66,277.~0 Materials ........................................................................................................................................................... 27,22~0.1~ Current Charges ............................................................................................................................................. 2,193,84 Current Obligations ........................................................................................................................................ _ 36 .lbS.00 Properties ......................................................................................................................................................... 50 ~ 000.00 Deb~ p~men~ .................................................................................................................................................. 895.720.69 Total _..Office or De~tmeni $- ' That for ~e s~id fisc~ year ~sbursements from appropri~ions for such department or office other ~h~n for "Debt pa~ent" ~e further llmfted to the following ~ounts for the det~l accoums listed unless such ~mounts are in~e~ed or decreased by ~ather ordin~ce or resolution of the common co~cil. (If one or more of the following det~] ¢ccoums ~thin ~ ~propnatfon for such dep~tment or office ~re mcre~ed by not more th~ ~he total ~ount that one or more det~l accounts ~e concurrently decreased witch the same ~propfi~on by resolution .... to the t~ ayers nor approval by the Sca~e ~d of T~'~?~miss~aners of the common council, nmther a~verhsmg .~ ~ .... ~on for a depar~ent or ofhce or appropnano~ ?~g ' ' ed Ct er ch~ges ~fectmg more m~ on~.~.t~ · ~..~*~ nrdin~ce ~d ~provm DY me ~s re,uti ~ · . . ~ i~ ..... ~ ent or office wftnm a ~una reqmre ~ .......... ~ .... StYe Bo~d of T~ Comm[ssfonem.) Appropriation Services Personal DetcdI Account 11 Salaries and Wages, Regular ............. $ 12 Salaries and Wages, Temporary ........................ 2 13 O~duer Compensation .............................................. $. Total Appropriation for Services Personal .................................................................................... Services Contractual 21 Communication and Transportation --$ 22 Heat, Light, Power, Sewage and Water 23 Instruction .................................................................. ' ~ "-:-- 24 Printing and Advertising ........................................ 25 Repairs .............................. : ....................................... 26 Other Contractual Services .................................. Total Appropriation for Services Comractua] ............................................................................ Appropriation ~- ~ Detail Account Supplies 31 Fuel and Ice ............................................................ 32 Garage and Motor 88 Institutional and Medical ..................................... 34 .................... 35 36 Office Supplies ........................................................ 37 Other Supplies .......................................................... Total Appropriation for Supplies .................................................................................................... $ Materials 41 Building Materials .................................................... $ 42 Street, Alley and Sewer Materials ...................... 43 Repair Parts .............................................................. ~ 44 Other Materials ........................................................ ' Tat~l Appropriation for Materials .................................................................................................. $ 39~400.00 66~277.50 $ ~urrent~ Charges 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 Insurcmce .................................................................. Renls ........................................................ Refunds, Awards and Indemnities Clothing Allowances .............................................. Subscriptions and Dues .......................................... Premiums on Official Bonds Total Appropriation for Current Charges ................................................................................... $ 27~220.15 Current Obligafions 61 Interest ........................................................................ 62 Retiremen[ and Social Security .......................... 63 Grants and Subsidies ............................................ 64 .................... Total Appropraition for Current Obligations .............................................................................. $ P,]-93e84 Properties 71 Buildings, Structures and Improvements .......... $ 72 Equipment .................................................................. 73 Land ............................................................................ Total Appropriation for Properties ................................................................................................ $ (The appropriation ordinance should contain the foregoing classification in so far as applicable for each office and department seeking an appropriation.) This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. Passed by the Common Council ~ ~ ~ , 19 & ~ , ATTEST: City Clerk