HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-OR-1653ORDINANCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS e of delta ina the expenses of the several departments of.the inance a ro hating mane s for the p.u os -Y ~ ' irmin Jcmuary 1, 19 6~_, .. Anard - ,~,~PP~.,~f Jef~ersonv:~r~e ,In~a'f°rthefmc~ye~be9- · g .... ~h~ the cuy government o: :ne ~ ~ ~ . , ,. 1, _..~,~ c~ms ~d oblig~tons, ~a :~ng and ending ~ce~er 31, 19 uu , mciu~ng ~ u~ ....... = - s~e shall take effect. Section 1. Be ft Ord~ned by the Common Coundl of the Civil City of je~femsonville _, Indi~a, That ~or the expenses of the dry government ~d its ~stitutions, for the fiscal ye~ ending December 31, 19 6~ ~e follow~g sums of money a~ hereby ~propriated ~d ordered set ~t out of the fun~ herein n~ed ~d for the pu~ses herein specified, subject to the laws governing the s~e ~d subject ~so to the con~5ons provided in this ar~nance. Such sums herein ~propH~ed shall be held to include ail ex~nditures authorized to be made du~ng the year, unless othe~ise expressly stipulated ~d prodded by l~w. Se~io~ ~. ~ far the s~d fiscal ye~ there is hereby ~prop~ed out of the Fund of s~d city, the following: Section 3 BE IT ORDA!~D b~ ~he Common Co~cil of ~he City of JefFemsonville Indians ~hs~ ~n eme~enc~ exists ~nd ~he %~x ~s%e will be OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT Amount ADprop~ated S ~9~,992.96 .. Services Personal ............................................................................................................................................ Services Contractural ...................................................................................................................................... I66,282.80 _ 45:Oq8~O0 ,53o.oo _ 5d.537 °65-- t~;2gO.O0 _ 2_8~75o00 - ~0~000.00 Supphes ~. .........% Materials ............................................... 1 ....................................................... :--"~ .............................................. Current Charges ............................................ ~' ............................................................................................... ~ Current Obligations ....................................................... ~ ................................................................................. Properties ................................................................ : ........................................................................................ Debt Payment ...................................................................... : ........................................................................... Total .Office or Department $_ 99~.586 That for the scdd fiscal year ~sbursements from appropri~ions for such department ar office other th~ far "Debt pa~ent" ~e further limited to the following ~ounts far the det~I accosts listed unless such amounts ~e incre~ed or decreased by ~ather ard~ce or resolution of the common council. (If one ar more of the follo~ng det~l accounts within ~ ~propriatfon for such dep~tment 0r office are increased by not more th~ the total ~ount that one or more det~l accoun~ ~e concurrently decreased within the same ~propd~ion by resolution · ' rtisfn to the t~paye~ nor approval by the State Board of T~ Commissioners of the common counml, ne~th~ a~ve g ~ ...... ro~riation for ~ department or office 0r cppropriatio~ ~hc~- ....~'~Y--: : *1'~ ~ ~tment or office within a ~una reqmre auve* ~..~, State Bo~d of T~ Comm~sione~.) Appropriation Serviee~ Pe~soncd It 12 13 Total Appropriation for Services Personal .................................................................................... Services Contractual 21 Communication and Transportation .................. $- ~ ~ 22 Heat, Light, Power, Sewage and Water .......... Detail Account Amount Salarie~ and Wages, Regular .............................. $---578 ~ ~P7 °96 Salaries cad Wages, Temporary ........................ 1-32'215'00- Other Compensation .............................................. 6~ 9 ~Q · 00__ $_ 598.992~-96 . 23 Instruction ................................................. : ............ ~'" 24 Printing and Advertising ........................................ _,t,j. zo oo _ 25 Repairs .......................... ,---?-::-:.-':':~¢ ................ :~ ..... 26 Other Con~c~ual Services ............... ~88~.80 $~6,282~- To~ Appropriation for Se~ices Contractual ---: ........................................................................ 4 Supplies Appropriation Det~l Account 31 Fuel and Ice .............................................................. 32 Garage and Motor .................................................. 33 Institutional and Medical ..................................... Amounl 34 35 Office Supplies ........................................................ 37 Other Supplies .......................................................... $ Total Appropriation for Supplies .................................................................................................. Y Materials 41 Building Mzrterials ........................ $ 42 Street. Alley and Sewer Mcderials ....................... h~,098o00 43 Repair P~rts .............................................................. ~ 44 Other Materials ........................................................ $~ 41~. ~5o,o0 Total Appropriation for Materials .................................................................................................. 5 Current Charges 51 Insurance .................................................................. 52 Rents .......................................................................... ,53 Refunds. Awards and Indemnities 54 Clothing Allowances .............................................. 55 Subscriptions and Dues .......................................... 55 Premiums on Official Bonds .................................. 58 $ 51, ~37-6~ To~al Appropriation for Current Chccges ....................................... : ............................................ Current Obligattans 6I ImeresT ....--~-- BO..D~.~ .......................... $ ~O,OO0oOO _ 62 Retirement and Social Security ........................... 63 Grants and Subsidies ............................................ ~' 64 Cu_~rent oblizations ..................... 15,250.00 6~250.~00 Total Approprcat~on for Current Obligations .............................................................................. 7 Propertie~ ' 71 Buildings, Structures and Improvements .......... $ 72 EquiPment ....................................................... $ 28;a75_-00 Total Appropriation for Properties ....................................................................... ~ ........................ (The appropriation ordincmce should contain the foregoing classification in so far as applicable for each office and departmenl seeking an appropriolion.) Th~s Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from coad c~fter its passage and c~pproval by lhe Mayor. Passed by the Common Council Att~ttst 2 Approved by tl~e M~yor City Clerk. Prescribed by Stc~e Board of Accounts City Budget Form No. 4A (1§64) ~: ..... /~'0 ORDINANCE OF TAX LEVIES An Ordinance Levying Tcuxes and ~ixing the R~te of T~a~ion ~or the purpose of r~is~ng revenue to mee~ the necessa~ ex~nse ~or the ~isc~l ye~ ending ~cember 3I, 19. 6~ Be it Ordained by the Common Council di _ ~h~ City of Jeffersonville Indiana (Name of City) Clark County, Indiana, That: There shall be levied upon each One Hundred DolIc~rs of '~he Assessed Valuation of Tcrxable Property of the above named city for the fiscal year 19 64, to be collected in the year 19 6~ the following: For GENERAL FUND, the sum of ~1.97 _.__cents on each one hundred dollars of Taxable Property and dollars on each Taxable Poll. S ~i ration For STREET FUND, the sum of ~, _38 _ cents on each one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For BOND AND INTEREST REDEMPTION FUND, the sum of ____cents on eeach one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For _ _Bond & Interest one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For P~k ~md one hundred dollars of Taxable property~ FUND, the sum of .1 ~ FUND, the sum of __ 2~k"~-- For__ Police Pension one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For Firemen Pension one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For _. one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. For one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. ___.FUND, the sum of FUND, the sum of FUND, the sum of ___FUND, the sum of cents on each cents on e~ch cents on each cents on each cents on each cents on each Passed by the Common Council this __ 2nd day of _ Members of Common Council Members of Common Council This Ordinance approved and signed by me this City C~ller or Clerk-Treasurer