HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-R-07RESOLUTION NO~ RESOLUTION APPROVING APPL~CAT~0N FOR PRELiMiNARY LOAN FOR LOW=RENT PUBLIC HOUSING WHEREAS, tt Is the policy of this locality to eliminate sub~ standard and other In~gquate housing, to prevent the spread of slums and bIight~ and to r~a~]ze as soon as feaslb~e ~h9 goal of a decent home ~n a suitable l~vtng environment for ail of ~S cit~zens; and WHE'REAS~ under the ppOvlsions of the United State's Hous!~g Act of 1937, as amended, the Public Housing Administration Is autho~ ized to provide financial assistance tg ~C~I public housing agencies for undertaking and carrying out ~Ye~fi2'~~ plannlng of low-rent hous: lng projects that will assist ~n meeting thls goaI; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that there shall be local detem]na~ t)on ~f negd .for lpw~rent housing to meet need~ not b~]~g adequately met by private enterprise an~ E~f the Public Housing Administration sha)l not make any contract with a public housing agency for prellminary loans for surveys and planning in respect to any low-rent housing projects unless the governing body of the locality involved has by resolution approved the appl)cation of the pub])c housing agency for such prelim)n- ary loan; and WHEREAS~ The Housing Authority of the City of Jeffersonville. Indlana, (hereI~ called the "Local Authority") ts a public housing agency and ~s applying to the Public Housing Administration for a preliminary loan to co. er the costs of surVeys and planning In connection wi th the development of low-rent housing; NOW. THEREFORE~ BE ~T RESOLVED by the Common CounclI of the City of Jeffersonvil~e. ~nd~ana, as follows: need for such families; There exists in the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana= a low-rent housing at rents wl~hln the means of ]ow~income 2o The application of the Loca~ Authority of the ubl~c Hous~ lng Adm!n~stratlon for a pre~lm~n ry !loan in an amount not to exceed $42,5OO.00 for sur~eys and planning in connection projects of not to exceed app~xImately 250 dwe~llng units ~s hereby ap p ro~ed.