HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-R-09 WHEREAS~ under T/%e Provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949~ as amended~ the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to provide financial assistance %o Local Public Agencies for undertaking and carrying out Urban Renewal Projec~s~ and, WHEREAS~ it is provided in such Ac% that contracts for financial assistance thereunder shall require that the Urban Renewal Plan for their respective Project Area be approved by ~he Governing Body of the locality in which %he project-is situated and ~hat such approval include findings by the Governing Body that: (t) The financial aid To be provided in %he con%rac~ is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Urban renewal Plan; (2) The Urban Renewal Plan will af~rd maximum opportunity~ consistent with %he sound needs of ~he locality ~s a who!e~ for the rehabilitation or the redevelopment of %he Urban Renewal Area by private enterprise[ (B) The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for %he devel- opment of the locality as a %vhole~ and (4) the Urban Renewal Plan gives due consideration %o the provision of adequate park and recreat- ional areas and facilities~ as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement~ with special consideration for the health~ safety~ and ~el£are of children residing in the general vicinity of the sire covered by the plan; and~ WHEREA$~ ~here has been prepared and referred %o the Governing Body of the locality (herein called ~he=~Governing Body") for review and approval an Urban Renewal Plan for said project area, known and designated as The Riverside Central Urban Renewal Project Are&~ Indo R~43~ Jeffersonville~ Indiana~ and~ -2- WH~REAS~ such Urban Renewal Plan has heretofore been approved by the Governing Body of the Local Public Agency~ and: P~HEREAS~ the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted a program for The relocation of far~iies that may be displaced as a result of carm~~ng out the project in accordance with said Urban Renewal Plan~ and, WH~RE~S~ the members of the Governmng Body have general knowledge of ~he conditions prevailing in the Projec~ Area and have heretofore approved the Urban Renewal Plan as a ~/~hoie in the tigh% of such k~owledge and have carefully considered and reviewed the proposals for re-location~ and~ W~ERBAS~ it has been called ~o ~he attention of the Governing Body of the locality that certain amendments 5o the original Urban Renewal Plan~ as approved~ are necessary in order to further protect the safety~ health~ and welfare of the i~2nahitants and users of the Urban Renewal Plan and of the locality a~ large, and~ WHER~.$~ it is necessary that the Governing Body of the locality take appropriate official action respecting the amendment zo the original Urban Renewal Plan~ and~ %~BREAS~ the Governing Body of the lccality did~ on the 13th day of September~ 1965: adopt a Resolution approving the aforesaid Urban Renewal Plan and the feasibility of relocation for the Riverside Central Urban Renewal Area in ~he City of Jeffersonville~ Indiana~ and~ W~rREAS~ the boundary description of said Urban Renewal Projec~ Area was erroneously described in said Resolution should be corrected ~o conform with the boundary description contained in said Urban Renewal Ptan~ as amended~ and with ~he boundary map in said plan~ and with mhe boundary description contained in the Resolution adopted -3- by the Governing Body of ~he Jeffersonville Department of Redevel- opment on the 28thday of March~ WHEREAS~ the Governing Body is ceg~zan~ of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and. carrying out of Urban Renewal Projects with Federal assistance under Title I~ including those prohibiting discrimination because of race~ color~ creed or national origin ~i~h respect %o hcusing~ facilities related residential use~ and all public facilities within a Project Areal public facilities proposed as non-cash local grands-in-aid; and employment; and: WHEREAS~ the amendments To the original Urban Renewal Plan and ~o the Resolution of the Governing Body of the locality dated September 13~ 1965~ are found by the Governing Body of the locality ~o be necessary in order a whole~ NOW~ TIAEREFORE~ BE IT RESDLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE LOCALITY that %he Urban Renewal Plan heretofore approved by the Governing Body end the Resolution of She Governing Body heretofore adopted on ~he 13th day of September~ 1965~ be~ and the same here- by are~ amended as follows: 1~ Said Urban Renewal Plan Part D Paragraph 2 (b)~ %hereof be amended by adding ~hereto the following provision: All properties in the Riverside Central Urban Renewal Area {Ind~ R-4S) shall comply wish the s~andards ses forth in all applicable s~aru~es~ codes~ and ordinances~ as amended from rime ~o time~ relating zo the use~ maintenance:~ facilities~ and occupancy of e×isting ~roperty~ including but not li~ted to the above ccdes~ These code smandards are hereby incorporated by reference and made a par~ of these proper~y rehabilitation s~andardSo 2. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby amended by deleting therefrom Part D Paragraph 2 (c)~ ~b-Paragraph 1 and Sub-Paragraph and by substituting therefor the £ollcwing provisions: (c) Certain properties with!n the urban renewal project area are designated for reha~iiitaxion and as such~ will not be acquired~ provided that the owner (s) within a reasonable time~ undertakes rehabilitation in conformance with the objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan and such State and local laws as may be applicable° Those properties in which rehab- ilitation is not mndertaken by the owner and which are not made to conform ~o the ~oper~y Rehabilitation Standards set forth in the section be!ow~ headed "Property Rehabilitation Standards"~ will be subject to acquisition by the City of 3effersonville~ Upon the acquisition of such properties the City will either: (1) Demolish the structure or structures thereon and dispose of the land for redevelopment at its fair value for uses in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan; or (2) Sell or lease the property ro puzchaser or lessee at its fair Value for uses in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan subjecm mo its being rehabilitated in conformance with the property rehabilitation standards and "Development and Design Objectives" of this Urban Renewal Pian~ or (3) Rehabilitate the property for demonstration purposes. Said Urban Renewal Plan !s hereby amended by deleting the ~itle of Part D Paragraph 2 (d)~ !cnown as "Requirements For Rehab- ilitation~'~ and substituting for the following heading: "Properzy Rehabilitation Standards"~ 4. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby amended by deleting therefrom that portion of Part D to (d} (1)~ which reads as follows: nProperties ~o be rehabilitated must comply with the General Accepmability ~iteria of the F~ Minimum Propersy S~mndards and the mandatory F?~ Minimum Property Standards for Urban Renewal Rehabilitation~ Other objectives as interpreted by FHk must be met~ In addition:" And by deleting from said section Sub-Paragraph (a) commencing with the word ~'In" and ending with the word "units": And by deleting fro~ said section ~gb-Paragraph (b) beginning with the word '~In': and ending with the numerals -5- 5. Said Urban Renewal Plan deleting therefrom the reference is ham'cby further amended by made on Page Sixteen (16) of said Plan to the heading '~ccess zo the Prcperty" and the written language contained under said heading coF~encing with the word and ending with the word "variation"~ 6. Said Urban Renewal Plan ms hereby further amended by deleting on Page Sixteen (!6) therefrom under the heading entitled "Partial Nonresidential Use'~ the following words: :~unless prior approval is received from FHA Central Office for more extensive nonresidential use."~ and by adding thereto a period (~) following the word "per cent" under said heading. Y. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by de!eting~ on Page Seventeen [i7] %hereof~ the heading "Parking" and by deleting therefrom under said heading the prevision co~unencing with the word "As" and ending with the wcrd ~'authorities"o 8. Said Urban Renewal ?lan is hereby further amended by deleting ~herefrom~ on Page Seventeen ,t3) thereof: under the heading U~nimum Room Sizes and Allowable ~oom Count", in line five (5) under the heading aforesaid~ the words "may be" and by substituting therefor the word '~are"~ and by deleting from said provision the provision in lines seven [73, eight (8) andr~ne (9) ~hereof~ co~menc- in~ with the word "Room" and ending with the word 9. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom~ on Page Eighteen (18) thereof~ under the heading '~SCHEDULE" ~he reference to the colu~mn designamed as "Room Count" and by deleting therefrom under said co!unm designated as"Room Count" all numerals and fractions in said column~ 10. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom~ on Page ~ghteen [18) mhereof~ under the head- -6- ina "NOTES"~ in Sub--Paragraph ~ive (5) zhe~eof~ the following words "P~ere the area of Kitchenette is less than 40 sq~ ft.~ no room count shall be allowed~ and no [~tckenette shall be less ~han 20 sqo ft." and by deleting therefrom in Sub-Paragraph Six (6) thereof the following words: "Only one O}LR is allowable for room count purposes~ per living unit". 11~ Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by deleting~ on Page Ninetten (i9) ~hereof~ under the heading "Bath Facilities" from the second sentence of the provision under said heading the word "Provide" and by adding to the following word a capital "k"~ and by inserting after the word "water"~ the words '"shall be provided" so that a portion of such provision shall read as fo']tows: "Complete bathing knd sanitary facilities shall be provided within each living unir~ consisting of a water closet~ a tub or shower~ akd a lavatory° ~n adequate supply of hot wa~er shall be provided ro the tub or shower stall and lavatory~ and cold wa~er ~o all fixtures." deleting~ Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by on Page Twenty One (21) thereof~ the last heading on said page enmitled "General" and the provision under such heading commenc- ing with the word "Provisions" ~nd ending with the word "structure". 13. Said Urban Renewal Plan is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom on page ~ thereof the erroneous project ~_~a~ sams descripmion will conform boundary descrip~ion~ in order ~ ~~ ' ~ mo the Boundary Map contained in said Urban 2enewal Plan~ and substituting for said erron~o'as description ~he following corrected projec~ boundary descrimtion: -7- Beginning at the intersection cf the east right-of- way line of the Clark County Memorial Bridge with the water mark of the Ohio ~iver~ %hence in a Northerly direction with the easm right~s~-~vaY line of said bridge ro the north line of Court Avenue~ 5hence in an easterly direction with the north line of Court Avenue mo the east right-of-way line of tntersrame Highway 1-65~ thence in a northerly direction with said east right-of-way line to the north line of Ninth Street~ thence in an easterly direction with the north line of Ninth Streem[ to the East //ne of Spring Street~ thence am right angles in a southerly direction to the north line of Eighth StreeZ~ thence a~ riqht angles in an easterly direction with the north line of.Eighth Street to the easm line of Walnut Street~ mhence am right angles in a southerly direcmion with said eas~ line mo the north line of Court Avenue~ thence at right angles in an easterly direction with the north line of Courm Aven%~e.to the easm line of Mechanic Street~ thence at right angles in a soutb~r!y direction with said east line ~o the South line of Market Street~ thence am right angles in a westerly direc$ion with the south line of Y~rket Street ~o the west line of Melds Avenne[ thence as right angles in a southerly direction with said wes~ line to the north right-of-way line of the 3effersonville Flood- watl~ thence a~ right angles in a westerly direction with the north right-of~way line of the 3effersonville Floodwall mo mhe eas~ line of ~he first alley easm of Walnut Street~ thence ar right angles in a southerly direction ~ith said east line ro the low-water mark of the Ohio River~ thence in a westerly direcmion with the low-water mark of the Ohio River back to the place of begmnning~ containing 300 acres~ more or !ess~ and~ BE IT FURTHF-R RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE LOCALITY that the amendments to the Urban Renewal Plan~ Numbered One (1) through Thirteen (13) hereinbefore sev forth are hereby in all respects APPROVED and AFFIRMED° BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY TPL~ GOVErNiNG BODY OF THE LOCALITY the Resolution heretofore adopted by -ghis Council on the 13th day of September~ 1965~ enzitled "RESOI~TZON OF THE COMMON COUNCIL O? THE CITY O? JEFFERSONVILLE APPROVING THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN THE FEASIBILITY OF RELOCATION FOR THE RIVERSIDE CENTRAL URBAN RENEWAL AR~i~ Projecm NOo Ind. R-AB~ be~ and the same hereby is~ amended by deleting therefrom the legal description of she Project Boundary in said Resolution and by ~ubstm~u~mn~ shereSor the following descrips- Beginning am the intersecxion of the east right-of- way line of the Clark County Memorial Eridge with the low- water mark of the Ohio River~ thence in a Northerly direction with the east right-of-way line of said bridge ro the north line of Court kvenne[ thence in an easterly direction with the north line of Cou~ Avenue mo the east right-of-way line of Interstate ~ighway 1-65~ thence in a northerly direction with said east right-of-way line ~o the north line of Ninth Street~ thence in an easterly lirection with she north line of Ninth Street~ ~o the East line of Spring Street~ thence as right angles in a southerly direction to the north line of Eighth Street~ thence a'~ right angles in an easterly direction with the north line of Eighth Street to mhe east line of walnut Street} thence at right angles in a southerly direction with said east line to the north llne of Court Avenue~ thence ar right angles in an easterly direction with the north line of Court Avenu. e so the east line of Mechanic Street[ thence at right angles in a sontherly direction with said east line to the South line of Market Street~ thence at right angles in a westerly direcmion with the south line of Marker Street ~o the wesm line of Meigs Avenue~ thence at right angles in a sonther!y direction with said west line so the north right-of~,~{ay line of the jeffersonville Flood-- wal![ thence at right angles in a westerly direction with the north right-of-way line of the 3effersonvitle ?loodwall to the east line of the first alley east of Walnut Street~ thence am right angles in a southerly direction with said east line ro the Icky-water mark of the Ohio River~ thence in a westerly direction with 'the low-water mark of the Ohio River back %o the place of baginning~ containing 300 acres~ more or less; and~ EE IT FUR~'~LER RESOLVED THA~T said ~eso!ution dated September 13, !965, as amended~ and the said Urban Renewal Plan~ as amended~ be~ and the same hereby are: confirmed~ ratified and approved in all respecss: and it is hereby found by the Governing Body of the locality that ~he Urban Renewal Plan~ as amended~ will further promote the public welfare and proper deve!opmen% of the Community~ that the same is consistenz with the so~nd needs of mhe locality as a whole~ for the Urban Renewal of such areas by private enter= prlse~ that said Urban Renewal Plan. as amended~ continues to conform to said General Plan oM the locality as a whole and con- minuet ~c give d~e consideration to the provision of adequate park -9- and recrsation areas and facilities with special consideration for the hea!th~ safety and welfare cf children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by said Plan and that ~his Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry OUt such Urban Renewal Plan and the Amended Urban Renewal P!an~ (b) requests the various officials: departments~ boards and agencies of the locality having adrministrative responsibilities in the premises likewise To cooperate to such end and ~o exerc!se Their respective functions and powers in a P~nner consistent with said Urban Renewal Plan and said Urban Renewal Plan as Amended~ and (3) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed ~o effectuate said Urban Renewal Plan and said Urban Renewal Plan as k~ded ~ IT IS FURTH~R H~R~BY ~OU~D AND DETL~MINED that the financial~ assistance under the provisions of Title t949~ ! of the Housing Act of as Amended~ is pfecessary to enable the land in this Pro.-'ect Area ~o be renewed in accordance with the Urban Rene~al Plan and %he Amended Urban Renew'al Plan for the Project Area~ and~ accordingly~ the filing by ~h~ ~cal Public Agency of an application or applicat- ions ~o ~end such Urban Renewal Plan is hereby approved. So enacied and adopted in 'she City of 3~fersonville~ Clark County~ Indiana~ on ~his ~ day of ~F~ ~ 1966. CO'ANON COUNCIL OF TIqE CiTY OF JEFFERSONVILLE~ INDIANA kTT ~T: Ci2~erk