HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-OR-05ORDINANCE NO. 68-0R-5 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 67-0R-3~ the Building Code of the City. BE sonville, Indiana, that the building code being Ordinance No. 67-0R-3 be amended in 106, IT ORDAINED BY THE COM~ON COL~CIL of the City of Jeffer- of the city: the same that SecCions 105, 116, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 801 and 802 be amended and changed to read as follows: 105. EXAMINING 80ARb. (1) The Examining Board shall be composeo of nine members appointed by the Mayor, to serve without compensation, as Board of Examiners to examine all applicants, as outlined in Chapter 1, Ordinance 1555. Such Board snall be composeo of the following: (a) A regularly registered architect of the State of Indiana. (b) A registered professional engineer of the State of Indiana. (c) A reputable building construction contractor engaged in business. (d) A reputable plumbing contractor engaged in business. (e). A reputable electrical contractor engaged in business. (f) The Clark County Health Officer or his representative. (g) The City Engineer. (h) A reputable heating, air-conditioning and ventilating con- tractor engageo n business. (i). The Building Commissioner or a representative of his office to serve as an "ex officio'~ member, ,' 106.' TIME ,'' (2) 116. AND PLACE OF EXAMINATION. Such exam'nations shall be open to any person who is a resident of Clark County, and who complies with the required qualifications for the office or employment, as set forth in Ch~ter l, Ordi- nance No. 1555. Any sugh person, before taking such examination, shall execute an affidavit showing that he possesses the afoVe- said qualifications. BOARD OF MECHANICAL CONTROL. (l) The Mayor shall appoint a Board of Mechanical Control consisting of ten members: (a) 'A regularly registered architect of the State of indiana. (b)' A reglste~ed professional engineer of the State of indiana. (c) A reputable building constraction contractor engaged in ~usiness. ~ (d) A reputable plumbing contractor engaged in business. (e) A reputable electrical cortractor engageo in business. (f) The Clark County Health Officer or his representative. (g) The City Engineer. (h) A reputable heating, air-conditioning and ventilating con- tractor engaged in ~usiness. (1) Chief of the Fire Degartment or his representative. (j) The Building Commissioner or a representative of his office to serve as an "ex officio" member. The members shall serve for terms of one year, subject to removal for cause by the Mayor. The membens of the Board shall select a secretary to keep a recoro of all meetings. (2) The Board shall meet atleast once a month and shall be presided ov~r b~ a Chairman elected by the Boaro of Mechanical Control. No meeting shall be held with less than five members present. (3) At such times as may be designated, the Board shall examine applicants for mechanical contract°r~s license. (4) The Board shall have the power to promulgate such regulations as it shall aeem necessary to explain aha clarify the provisions of the Code. Such regulations shall be filed with the Mayor and shall not take effect until approved by the ....... Mayor. (2 (o) For one million (l,000 000) c bic eet, the be ~ hundred a~::f fty dplIars ($650oO0~.plus eighty ($0) cents each additi~na! one housand 000) cubic feet, or any fraction l~O00 000) cubic feet~ The cubical capacity or volume Of any [lding or structure snell be ascer%alned by multiplying one bu~ld~n~ area by the height from the lowest floor, basement, or oth~rw:se, ~o the average height of the roof. For each building ~ermit covering alterations, repalrs,or additions to g or structure, the fee shall be one dollar and seventy cents for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) or each fraction thereof e estimateo costs. (6) Moving Structures: The fee for a permit to move any bui]~ g of two stories or less on or over any street, alley, or pubtic highway shall be $100.00. (7) The ~ee for a permit to .hove any structure upon a se f-powered moving vehicle shall be $t0.00. 403. Tents: The fee ~o be charged for ashallper~itrequiretO erect priora ten~shallofbe Sl.O0. Any permit to erect a tent app%ovat Board of Public Works and tne Com, nssloner of the Fire Department d s~all be issued for a per~od of not to exceed ~x months in any one year SIGNS - FEES FOR NEW ERECTIONS. Th~ 'fees to be charged for the erection of al~ signs, or advertising display, shall be as follows: Ground Sign Boards: The first 50 square feet or fraction thereof. From 50 to 100 square feet. From 1OO to 200 square feet. Over 200 square feet, for each additional 50 square feet, add (2) Roof Signs: Up to and including 250 square '~eet in area Over 250 square feet, add 6.00 $I0.00 $ 2.50 ;,,, F ,,. $ 5,00 405. FEES FOR ELECTRICAL PERMITS. (1) For new residence - single occupancy only. First 100 amps service entrance ca0acity For each additional 50 amps or fraction thereof, add (2) Fees for new dou01e or multi-occupancy residential ~ industrial, ano commercial buildings ano additions or repairs to any building shall be as follows: Electrical ~ermit '~ Initial inspection ~ <i~Each electrical circuit (lighting) ~ ~Each outlet (switches not counted as outlets) Decorative or streamer outdoor lighting, each circuit r :1~ First motor circuit of 1/4 H.P. or more For eacn additional motor 1/4 H.P. or more Motor circuits less than 1/4 H.P. to be charged as outlets and lighting circuits only. Fees for circuit to electric heat: For the 1st circuit For each additional circuit- New or replaced service entrance of 100 amos i capacity ~: For each additional 50 amps or fraction thereof For eacn ~wltcnboard Re-inspegtion maoe necessary by defects or code ' violations i Temporary service pole for construction purposes only 4.0O 1.70 1.70 .4O .~0 $ 1,60 $ 1.70 $ .8o $ 1.70 $ .80 2.00 2.00 8.50 406. · (Declaration of Cost) $ 2.00 FEES FOR PLUMBING PERMITS. 1) For a permit for the installation and inspection of new work, the fees shall be as follows: ~" First Fixture . , ,~::: $ 5.10 , I , Each additicqal fixture up to and including '"~ ;' 50 fixtures $ .80 Above 50 fixtures $ .40 Fixture shall be defined as any receptacle intended to receive and discharge water, liouid, or water carried soil and for was~es into a drainage system with which they are connected. Inspection fee for replacement of existing or new sanitary sewer systems from the property line to the building will be: $ 1,70 Fee for ins~allatlon of process piping and vessels or fraction thereof - (Declaration of cost) - Per $I,000 $ 1.70 Fee for installation of high pressure boilers and oleing - (Declaration of Cost) - Per $l,000 $ 1.70 Fee for 'nstal~atlon of sprinkler system - Per $1,000 $ 1.70 407. FEES (1) FOR FUEL STORAGE AND GASOLINE PUMPS. Fuel storage tanks for flammable liquids or other liquids. For a permit for the installation of fuel storage tanks er tanks for flammable liquids or other liquids, the fee shall De as follows': Up to 300 gallons capacity 300 gallons to I,l~O gallons c~pacity ~ 1,)O~ gallons to 2~,000 gallons capac)~y Over' 25,000 gallons capacity (2) Gasoline or other flammable l lquid pump: Fee shall be $10.00 for each :ump. $8.80 (NOTE: Fees of Paraqraphs (1) and (2) shell be payable in addlt~on To any fees require~ oy any other subsection of this fee ordinance)_ 408. FEES FOR REFRIGERATION MACHINERY - REFR~GERAT!ON MACH~ PMENT WHERE COMPRESSOR iS REMOTE FROM LOW PRESSURE SiDEr (I) Up to and including one horsepower of Prlme Movers Rating $2. (2) Over one horsepower and uo to and includln9 three ~ horsepower'of Primo Movers Rating : 3.00 409. (3) Over cnree horsepower and up to and includin9 seven and one-half horsepower of Prh~e Movers Rating $~.00 (~) Over seven and one-half horsepower of Prlme ~overs Rail? :.!' $8.00 FEES FOR HEATIN~ PERMITS. Para9raphs (l), (2), (3), (4), ane (5) are deleted from Ordinance No. 1555. Revisioes are listed below in Parag'~ohs (l), (2)= (3), and (~): (1) Fees for heating, air-conditioning and ventiIatlng are as follows: Forced warm alt system heatin9 permit Blower Each supply eno return outlet Well Stack insaoction $4,3o $4.30 S ,40 $l .70 (2) Conversion permit, any fuel ' $4.30 (3) (a) Floor furnace, unit heater or wall heater $2.50 (b) Gas fired incinerators - Commercial $2.00 Domestic $1.00 (c) Gas flred commerclal clothes dryers $2.00 (4) Permlt fees for heating boilers for steam, hot water aha radiant heat: Group l, Heating boilers (low pressure) of a capacity to supply a net load of one shousand five hundred (1,500) souare fee': or less of direct steam radiatlon, Or the equivalent. $7.50 CHAPTER'8 801 . HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATIONS MUST CONFORM TO RULES AND ~,EGULATIONS THEREFOR, All heating, ventilating and alt conditioning systems, equipment, apparatus, or devices and all installations, alterations, improvements shall conform to the "Heating, Ventliating ano Air Conditioning Rules and Regulations" incorporated into this Code by reference thereto, as provided in this chs~ter. 802. HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE CO~qCIL ADOPTED, The Administrative Building Council of Indiana "Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Rules and Regqlations (Minimum Requirements)", as approved and promulgated by the Admlnistrative Committees of the Adm'nistrative Counci! of Indiana, and embraced in and designated as current edition~ two coples of which have been filed with this Ordi- nance in the office of the City Clerk and are to be kept there for public inspection, are hereby incoroorated into this Chapter of the Building Code, and are mace parts thereof, by this reference thereto, as fully as though recopied herein; and also a!i future amendments of and additions to such rules and regulations, unless otherwise provided by any later Ordinance,,~hall be similarly filed and shall thereupon become a part of this Chapter of the Building Code. This Ordinance shall be in after its passage and approval. Passed this ATTEST'. full force and effect from and CLF~TREAS~ER Presented by me as Clerk Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this lsg day of April: 1968. Approved and CLEPd( ~TJ~EA S I~ER signed by me this 1st day ~pril~ 1968. CHAPTER Ordinance 105. EXA~ilNING BOARD. The Examining Board shall be composed of nine members appointed by the Mayor, to serve without compensation, as board of ex- aminers to examine all applicants, as outilned in Chapter I, Ordinance No. 1555. Such Board shall be composed of the following: (a) A regularly registered architect of the State of Indiana. (b) A registered professional engineer of the State of Indiana. (c) A r¢~utabte building construction contractor engaged in business. (d) A reputable plumbing contractor engaged in business. (e) A reputable electrical contractor engaged in business. (f) The Clark County Health Officer or his representative. (g) The City Engineer. (h) A reputab}e heating, air-conditioning and ventilating con- tractor' engaged in business. (i) The Building Commission or a representative of his office to serve as an "ex officio" member. 106. TIME AKD PLACE OF EXAMINATION. (2) Such examinations shall be open to any person who is a resident of Clark County, and who complies with the recuired qualifications for the office or employment, as set forth in Chapter I, Ordl- nance Ho. 1555. Any such person, before taking such examination, shall execute an affidavit showing that he possesses the afore- said qualifications. -2- (gl For one million (l,O00,O00) cubic feet, the fee shall be eight hundred and fifty dollars ($850.00) plus eighty (80) cents for each additional one thousand (1,000) cubic feet, or any fraction thereof, in excess of one million (1,oeo,gO0) cubic feat. The cubical capacity or volume of any butlding or structure shall be ascertained by multiplying the building area by the height from the lowest floor, basement, or otherwise, to the average height of the roof. For each building permit covering alterations, repairs or additions to any building or structure, the fee shall be one dollar and saventy cents ($1.70) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) or each fraction tharaof of the estimated costs. 403. (6) Moving Structures: The fee for a permit to move any building of two stories or less on or over any street, alley, or public highway shall be $25.00. Structures over two stories, $50.00. (7) The fee for ~ permit to move any structure upon a self-powered moving vehicle shall be $10.O0 (ll) Tents: The fee to be charged for a permit to erect a tant shall be $1.00. Any parmit to erect a tent shall require prior approval of the Board of Public ~.!orks and the Commissioner of Buildings and the Chief of Fire Department, end shall be issued for a period of not to exceed six months in any one year. SIGNS - FEES FOR NEt4 ERECTIONS. The fees to be charged for tho erection of all signs, or advertising display, shall be as follows: (1) Ground Sign Boards: The first 50 square feet or fraction thereof. From 50 to IOO square feet. From IOO to 200 square feet. Over 200 square feet, for each additional 50 square feet, add $4.OO $6.00 SIO ~O $2.5O (2) Roof Signs: Up to and including 2~0 square f~et in area Over 250 square f~et, add $10~OO $5.oo -9- ~O5. FEES 406. 407. FOR ELECTRICAL PERMITS. New Construction. Residential: Single and double occugancy only, 1OO Amp Service ~12.OO For each additional 50 Amps, or fraction thereof, of capacity, add $4.00 Fees for other than new residential construction shall be as follows: Electrical permit $ ].70 Initial Inspection $ 1.70 Each electrical circuit $ .40 Each outlet over first ten (switches not counted as outlets) $ .IO For the first motor, etc., on commercial work $ 1.70 For each additional motor, etc., on commerical work $ .80 For each switchboard S 8.50 (3) Delete from Ordinance No. 1555 (4) Delete from Ordinance No. 1555 (7) Delete ~rom Ordinance No. 1555 FEES FOR PLUMBING PERMITS, For a permit for the installation and inspection of new work, or repairs to plumbing, the Fees shall be as follows: First Fixture Each additional fixture up to and 'nc]uding 50 fixtures Above 50 fixtures $ 5.10 .80 .4O Fixture shall be defined as any receptacle intended to receive and discharge water, liquid, or water carried soil and for wastes into a drainage system with which they are connected. FEES FOR FUEL STORAGE AND GASOLINE PUMPS. Fuel storage tanks for inflammable liquids or other liquids. For a permit for the installation of fuel storage tanks or tanks for inflammable liquids or other liquids, the fee shall be as follows: -ll- 408. 409. Up to 300 gallons capacity 300 gallons to 1,100 gallons capacity 1,100 gallons to 25,000 gallons capacity Ovcr 25,000 gallons capacity (2) Gasoline or other inflammable liquid pump: Fee shall be S10.00 for each pump. $2.20 $4.4o $6.6O $8.80 (MOTE: Fees of Paragraphs ()) and (2) shall be payable in addition to any fees required by any other subsection of this fee ordinance). FEES FOB REFRIGERATION MACHINERY - REFRIGERATION I~ACHINER¥ OR EQUIPMENT YJHERE COMPRESSOR IS REMOTE FROM LOt.~ PRESSURE SIDE. (1) Up to and including one horsepower of Prime Movers $2.00 Rating (2) Over one horsepower and up to and including three horsepower of Prime i.iovers Rating S3.O0 (3) Over three horsepower and up to and including seven and one-half horsepower of Prime Movers Rating $4.00 (4) Over seven and one-nmlf horsepower of Prime Movers $8.00 Rating FEES FOR HEATING PERMITS. Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are deleted from Ordinance No. 1555. Revisions are listed below in Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4): Fees for heating and air-conditioning are as follows: Forced warm air system heating permit Blower $4.30 $4.30 Each supply and return outlet $ .40 S1.70 ~lell Stack inspect'on (2) Conversion oermit, any fuel $4.30 (3) Floor furnace, unit heater or wall heater $2.50 (4) Permit fees for heating boilers for steam, hot water, and radiant heat: Grouo 1. Heating boilers (low pressure) of a capacity to supply a net load of one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet or less or direct steam radiation, or the eouivalent, seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50). -12- CHAPTER 8 802. HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL ADOPTED. The Administrative Building Counci) of Indiana "Heating, Ventilating end Air-Conditioning Rules and Regulations (Mi.mimum Requirements)," ~s approved and promulgated by the Administrative Committees of the ~Administrative Council of Indiana, and embraced in and designated as current edition, two copies of which have been filed with this ordi- nance in the office of the City Clerk and are to be kept there for public inspection, are hereby incorporated into this Chapter of the Building Code, and are made parts thereof, by this reference thereto, as fully as though recopied herein; and also all future amendments of and additions to such rules and regulations, unless otherwise provided by any later ordinance, shall be similarly filed and shall thereupon become ~ part of this Chapter of the Building Code. -21 -