HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-OR-31ORDINANC~ NO. ~ ~ · AN ORDIN~XNCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A C~TY CODE OF THE CiTY OF 3EFFER~ONviL~, iND~AI~f~f; ESTABLISPIING THE PROVmING FOR T~ REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT PROVmED; PROVmlNG FOR T~.~F~R OF X~b~ COD~; AND PRO~DING WHEN SA~ CO~ S~LL '~E~ EFFECTIVE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF 3EFFERSONV[LLE, iNDIANA, AS FOLLOWS':" S~ection L That a "City Code" conSiSting of Chapters 1 through 19 and Appendicies A and B, inclusive, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "City Code ~of the City of 3effersonville, Indiana," and ~11 be t~ea~ed and ~u~r~ede ali other general and perman~ ordinances ~s~ed by the ~ommo~ Council on or ~fore March ~7, ~975, except ~uch as by reference thereto purpose. Section 2. That ali l~rovisions of such Code shall be in force and eHect ~rom and af~er~ ~n accor~ce with Section hereof, and a~l ord~nce~ o~ a ge~era~ a~d ~rmaae~t ~ture of the of ~ef/erzom~lle, enacted on iin~:! passage on or ~fore Rfarch 17, 1975, and as herein provided. That the repeal provided for in Section Z hereof shall not affect an~r of the following: (1) A~y offen~e or act committed or done or any penalty or ' d forfeiture inCurr~ 9~.nY contract or right estabhshe or accruing ~fore ~he effecti~ date of such Code; Any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the of ~y bo~dz of the Cit~ or any e~dence of t~ City~s indebtednes~ or ant co~tract or obligation~ ~ssu~ed bi the C~ty; · · s ~esolutions of the Common Council not in conflict or inconsisten~ with the provisions of ~uch Code~ (4) Any right or franchise granted by any ordirmnce of the City; ' locating, (5) Any o~nce d~c~tiag, ~m~ng, es~bB~h~g, ~eloca~ng, opening, pa~ng, w~dening, or vac~ting any (7) An~ ordi~nce levying or ~po~iag taxe~; (8) The Master Plan, including ~he zoning ozdi~nce~, ~ubdivi~io~ control ordi~nce, and ~horou~re de~lo~en~ pla~ of ~he G~t~ and the z~in2 maps ~pperta~ thereto, or amendment ~hereto; ' m pre~crib~ g grades in ~e {9) ~ny ordinance es~bhshi ~ or (11) Any ordi~ce extending o~ c~racting the bound~ie~ of (lZ) the City; Any ordinance prescribing the number, classlf~catlo , retire- meat or compensation of any City officers or employee~. not inconsistent Berewxth, Any ordinance declaring certain property to be a public ~uisance and authorizing p~ocedure,~ for the den991/ti~n.0f same; Any ordinance relating to sewers or sewage or waste water dispoSaL Such repeat shall not be construed to reviVe any 0rdinamce or part thereof tb~t ~s been repealed by ~ subsequent ordinance which is repealed b7 this ordinance. Section 4. That the presence of a history note such as (Ord. No. 74-OR-$6, § l, IZ-10-74}, {.Ord. No. 7z-OR-36, ~ 9.2, 12-4-72): or (Ord. No. 16ZZ, ~ 6, 11-~?-64) a~ the e~d of ~ny ~ectiOn of ~aid Code d of ~uch a his~or~ note. or of one ~hni~r to i~. shall ~ a dete~ina~on an dec~ration by the Common Council t~t ~uch section i~ a res~teme~t or ~eenact~e~t of a p~vlo=~ly e~acle~ ordinate and t~t each ~uch ~ectiom sh~ll ~ deemed to ~ ~eor~imed.by the p~ss~ge of ~aid C~e. Section _5_. Th~ any and all additions or amendments to such Code whan passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the' Common Council to mkke the same a part thereof, shall be deemed to ~ incorporated in such Code so [~t reference to the "City Code of the City of je~er~onVllle~ ~a~" shall ~ understood and intended to include ~uch ad, lions and amendments · Section 6. That three (3} copies of such Code shall be kep~ looselea£ on file in the off~c of the City Clerk-Treasurer. preserved in form. It shall be the express duty of the City Clerk-Treasurer or someone authorized by that officer to insert in their designated places ail amendments or ordinances which indicate the intention of the CommOn Council to make the same a part of such Code when the same have been printed or reprinted in page form. and to extract ira snch Code all proViSions which may /rom time to time be repealed by the Cgmrnon Council. This copy of such Code shall be available for all persons desirin~ to examine the ~ame and shall be considered the offich%i City Code of the City of 3effersonville. -- a~ officer any ordinance of ~he c~ y, o~ ~ule or regulation pr~ulga~d or agency ~hereof under ~he authority ~sted by ~ or ordinance, any act ~s prohibited or is ~.ade or declared ~o be. un~wful~ and/Or a ~fsdemeanor, mhd ~h~d dollars ($1, 000.00} or by ~prisonmen~ no~ ~xcee~ng S~CtiOq 8. Ttu%t it sh~ll be ur~aw£ul for amy ~r~oa, ~r~ o~ corporation in the Cit~ ~o c~nge or a~end by additions or deletions, any part or por~io~ of th~ ~ity ~ode of ~he Cit~ of ~e~On~lle, ~di~r~, or to corporation violating ~ ~c~ion s~ll be p~shed ~s prO~de~ i~ SectlOn of thi~ ordinance, SectiOn 9~. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or w~th the Code adopte~l hereby are~ to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 10. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect February 01, 197~'. S~ectiqn 1}. That thi~ o~dinanc~ shall be prin~ed and published in looseleaf form by order of the Co~rirnon Council, d~y of N~f. , 19770 M~yo~ ATTEST: of Seller ~onvtlle