HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-R-22RESOLUTION OF THE j~'rERSONV/T,T,E CITY COUNCIL R E S O L U T I O N N 0-~~ AREAWIDE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES PLAN WHEKEAS, the Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency has prepared and published the Areawide Housing Opportunities.Plan for the nine (9) county region cc~prised of Clark and Floyd Count_zee, Indiana; Bul!itt, Henry, Jefferson, oldham, Shelby, Spencer and Tr~nlble Counties, Kentucky; and WKEREAS, said Plan's expressed purpose is to increase and enhance opportunities of the region's lcw income and minority households to obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing, NOW, TH~BEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Jeffersonville City Council hereby approves and adoptS the Areawide Housing Opportunities Plan am.d will impleme~nt strategies as described in the jeffersonville Housing Assistance Plan, as approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Such strategies include the use of Section 8 (existing, n~ constm~uction and substantial rehabilitation) , Conm~mnity Development Block Grants, Section 312, Secti~o~n~0~ Elderly Ho~, and Public Housing programs and funding. /~/~ J~-~ Z~ THiS RESOLb?ION ADOt~£'~3 ~Y the jeffersonvitle City Council of the State cf indis_na, e~is ~ day of ~ ~. , 197__. R±'z~ST: AREAWiDE HOUSING OPPORTUlqtTIES PLAN Objecr_ive - to provide housing for low- and moderate-inccme persons or minorities outside areas that already have high concentrations of subsidized housing units. Local adoption of the HOP will not require any funding frcm participating ]urisdictions. The HOP mus~ be adopted by: · 50% of the Planning Area's Jurisdiction, con~ining · 75% of the Planning Area's Population II. Benefits of a HUD-Approved HOP: A. Participating jurisdictions will have more control of housing decisions in their c~n area for: Housing assistance decisions will follow a plan based upon need, as outlined by the Jefferson~ille Housing Assistance Plan. B. Cc~munity Develolmmenn Block Grants, Small Cities Programs Pre-applicants will receive 50 extra "Bonus Points" in hVfD's stanewide ratzng and ranking procedure. These bonus poznts may become the critical differ- ence in being funded and not being funded. Each pre-applicant in the State of Indiana will be cor~peting, statewide, for $8,942,000; $3,056,000 of this allocatmon will be set-aside for previous funding cc~mi%r~nts. Therefore, only $5,886,000 is actually available for ccepetition. HL~D antici- pates that 200+ pre-applications will be submitted. In Clark County alone, these pre-applications will be submitted: 1. Ctarksvitle 2. Sellersburg 3. Silver Creek T(m~nship 4. Utica Tcwnship 5. Monrce Tcwnship 6. Charlestcwn 7. Borden 8. Clark County · Blackiston Mill · Bonenberger Subdivision Simply, all eight Clark County pre-applicants will be ccaper_%ng one against the or_her. The bonus points could be the difference in one or two Clark County applications being funded as oppose~ to most, if not all eight, and the awarding of mill/ons of dollars to the county. C. Supplemental Funding for FY '78 1. $30,000,000 mn supplemental funding is availsble nationally for the Section 8 program. 2. $16~800,000 mn supplemental funding ms available nationally for CDBG. 3. $800,000 is available nationally for ccmpr~hen- sire planning. A HUD-approved HOP, ipso facto, ms proof that a participating ]urisdiction wishing to apply for Urban Development Action Grants have taken s~eps to provide equal opportunities for lcw- and moderate-inccrae and minority households, Jeffersonv~lle will receive przority consideration in the al!cca- tion of supplemental funding under the follcwing HUD prcgrarms: 1. Section 8 2. Section 312 3. Section 202 4. Public Housing 5. Co~nunity Development Block Grant