HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-OR-14An Ordinance Approving Budgets for Certain Specific Funds. WHEREAS, Public Laws 58 and 151 of the General Assembly of 1978 State of Indiana provides certain funds and WHEREAS, a Local Road and Street Special Distribution Fund and a Motor Vehicle Highway Special Distribution Fund have been created, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained: Section 1. That the following budget for the Local Road and Street Special Distribution Fund is hereby approved. Section 2. Thet the following budget for the Motor Vehicle Hiqhway Special Distribution Fund is hereby approved. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this / day of May, 197~ ~ Attest: ~ /~ / Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this / day of May, 1978. Approved and signed by me this / day of May, 1978. ?C PERSONAL Salaries and :' ' 111 112 113 114 115 116 123 Other Compensation Totol Services Personol .:'i~' . ..2 SERVICES CONTRACTUAL · 21 Communication ,:md ?rcmsport~tion 211 Freight. Bxpress 212 Postage - i 213 Troveling Expenses - ~ 214 Telephone and Telegraph ' 215 221 .Electric Current - 222 Gos - - 223 Heat - - 224 Wc~ter - - 225 Sewage ....... 242 Publication ,0! Leool Notices -.- ?. ,-: 25 Repoir~ 251 Buildings and Structures - - - 252 Equipment - - - -~ .... 26 Othe~ Contractual Services 262 263 , 264 Total Services Controctual . '~3 SUPPLIES 31 Fuel end Ice ' 311 Coo] - - 312 Fuel Oil - - -. - · "' 313' Bottled Cas ,.'::, i{2 Garage end Motor ~ 321 C,o,soltne - - ':.' i{22' Oil - 323 Tires and Tubes ...... 324 Other C, aroge and Motor Supplies- 33 Institutional and Medical 331 Household. Laundry'and Cleaning-.~ 332 Medical Surgical and Dent~ · 333 Other Ir,.stituttonol and Medical supplies 362 Stotionery ~63 Other Office Supplies 3? Other Supplies MATERIAL5 . ..... "~ ~ :'~: ~ Items~ Total Cement .... ~ .... - ,- - - '- ~- · 424 Bituminous Materkfls _ ......... 425 426 ,/?,. ..?-, : . ~'" i ~,:: "" ,' · ,e~.,.Ports - . -,,-., ~.: ~ - :"~,,'-~""-' .,:..~:.. ,.. ,, ....,,,. Materials- ........ , - . _ .... Totol Materials · CURR~NT CHARGES ' .: ' ~., Insurance - - -: - - '- -, '~' ~: 'r '~,~--,;;~ , 52 Rents - - - - i -,',,.. :'- ~: -~ L. ; -- 2' }. ';i' ,"F:'~ -'~', 53 unds. Awards and Indemnities .... 54 Allowances_ '_ - - 2: 2- 2 2 .,." .~:22~'J, ':: :': ':~:':":r'~ .... 55 SubscnpQor~ and Dues _ _ - ... 56 , l>rem/unm on Off/czal Bond~ .- - - -; ,,-, ~,. .-~ ~,. , , _ -,_ ;.,. .: .,, .. ~R ~- ~ -- --~' -': "r'" ¢ '. ' ' · Total ~hn'r~t Chorges CURRENT OBLIGATIONS ~ · ,' ,. , . 61 Interest on Temporary Loans_ _ _ _ _ . 62 Retirement and Social Security. ~ --: ~' '-:,, -~ ~-' .4,' ~ , ".' ,', '~ ,'. 63 Grants and Submldies _ _ ,_ _ '_, ~' '2 , ~,, ~ ,_:~:.:.:' '2:, ':,: <' · ' ' Total Currenl~Obliga~ons ' "!,'' '::' · ': :' :'~:'. '. :.:" '/',.i . itl Buildings. StrUctures and ImprOvements.: ' j [.. i..tl ,j. :.. :. ', ' 711 Buildings and Fixed Equipment-' 712 Other'S~ructures - - _ -~_ .~' _ :2 · ~ _ ~2: ' ' it'?~ Equipment .' . 721 Furniture and Fixtures ...... ~ ' 722 M~tor Equipment _. - - '- -':- 723 '- ~.~.- ..Z'zii~_~,,;--~_ ,~,~,*' ' ~"'' :. /z5 ufflee ~quiprnent .; _ _ -' _ 728 Other Equipment ..... 2 .~ h - i . -::~,, , , 73 Lcmd - -. - .=. - -. '_' L ,2 £ ;-~.' ['!: ':. Total Properties , ":'' '.':: DEBT PAYMENT , ,' ,:,,: ' :" ,':,.," ' 81 Paymen! et Principal _ _ _ ..... " 82 Payment o~ Interest ..... _ _ 8g PagingA~entFeos _ _ _ _ .... '- , ~- .~-i : .... 84 ...... Total Debt Payment ' Total Estimate (I) (We) hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and fair estimate of Uhe expenditures necessaiy for the for the calendar year 19 . and that each and every item therein Office Board. Commission or Departmen~ is believed necessary for the proper transaction o! hhe business of said office, boor~i, commission or department. Dated this ,day of .,19 ~ ~.. ,,i SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF OFFICER(S): TO THE 19/ ~,. ~ undersigned res~ectfu~v Submff the following estimate of the necesmrY expen~e~ for the~ year I SER~CES PERSONAL 11 S~ries ~d W~go~, Re.ar 12 111 112 113 114 115 116 Solorles and Wages. Temporary 121 .... 122 - - - 123 ........ Offier Compensa~on 131 '~ - 132 ..... Total Services Persono, l SERVICES CONTF, ACTUAL 21 Communication and Transportation 211 Freight, Express crud Drayage ..... 212 Postage ...... 213 Traveling Expenses - - 214 Telephone and Telegraph 215 22 He~t Light. Power. Sewage crud Water 221 Electric Current - - _- ....... 222 Gas .......... 223 Heat - - - 224 Water - 225 Sewage - 23 Instruction 24 Printing and Advertising 241 Printing. Other Thou Office Supplies 242 Publication of Legal Notices - 25 Repairs 251 Bu/ldings and Structures - - - '252 Equipment ...... 26 Other Contractual Services '~61 265 ' - - 264 - Totol Services Controctu~ SUPPLIES 31 Fuel and Ice 311 Cool ........... 312 Fuel Oil ........ 313 Bottled Cos ........... 314 Ice ..... 32 Garage and Motor 321 Gasoline - - ~22 Off .... 323 'I~res oud 'r~bes ....... ' - -' 324 Other Garage and Motor SuppUes .... ~,~ Lustflutlono] crud Medical 331 Household. Laundry crud Clennfng ..... 332 Medical Surgic~ ~nd Dental - 333 Other In~tulionol m'td Medic'~l Supplies 35 ,/ , 36 Office Supplies 361 Official Records - -~ ....... 362 Stationery oud Printing- - - 363 Other Office Supplies - .- - - 37 O[her Supplies - - Total Supplies 4 MATERIALS 41 BuiJcling Material,s 42 Street, S~nd 423 Cement 424 ' Bituminous Materials _ 425 426: , ,CT~NT CHARGES ' 51 * Insur~ce' *_ _ 52 Rents 53 Refunds. Awards ~d Indemnities: 54 '.' Allowonces_ ._ '. 55 Subscriptior~ and DTues- - 56 Prem~ur~ on Offial~ Bonds Total Current Charges CURRENT OBLIGATIONS 61 Interest on Temporary Loan~_ , 62 Retirement and Social Securiiy~ Total Current Obllgotion~ PROPERTIES 71 Buildings, Structures and Improvements 711 Buildings and Fixed Equipment .... 712 Other' Structures .... 72 Equipment 721 Furniture and Fixtures .... 722 Motor E(lulpmerd .... 723 - 724 , · 725 O~ce Equipment ...... 726 Other Equtpmem Total Prope~le~ DEBT PAYMENT 81 Payment oI Princil:~ _ 82 Payment of Interest _ 83 Paying Agent Fees 8,4 Total Debt Payment Total Estimate r ' (I] (We) hereby certify that the foregoing is o true and fair estimate of the expenditures necessary for the for the calendar year 19 . and lhat each and every item therein office. Board, Commission or Depmmment ~ is believed necessary foz the. proper transaction at the business of sad office, board~ commission or department. Dated this ' ,day of ' SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF OFFICER(S):