HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-OR-21 ORDINANCE NO. 79-0R-~21 BN ORDINANCE FIXING BASIC SALARIES OF APPOINTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA FOR THE YEAR OF 1980. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CO~4ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFBR- SONVILLB, INDIANA. SECTION 1. That from and after the first day of January, 1980, the following appointed officers and employees of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, shall receive the following bas Salaries per year. 'MAYOR'SOFFICE ~ _ ........................ $11,813.78 Secretary-~- ....................... 300.00 Mayor's Extra Help ...................... ~!!~ .................... DEPARTmENT OF FINANCE Deputy ....................................................... $ 12,221.00 10,573.00 Deputy Ass't ................................................. 10,573.00 Deputy Ass't ................................................. 10,100.00 Clerk-Secretary ......................................... ~]]] 800.00 Clerk's Fxtra Help ...................................... DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING 15,889.50 City Engineer ................................. r-]il]][]]i]]]'] 12,936.00 Ass't City Engineer ................... ~ ......]]] .... , .... i__- 3,689.40 Rodman ............... ~ ................. '--'-- _ ......,,_ 12,346.41 Planner .................................. ' ......... DEPARTMENT OF LAW City Attorney ........ L .... - .................................. Secretary ......................................... ---' Special Counsel .............................................. CITY JUDGE 11~355.10 3,300.00 2,200.00 9,900.00 Chief Clerk .................................................. 1,000.00 l>ro/Tem Spec. Judge ..................... . ..................... 500.00 Special Clerical .......................................... --- BUILDING COMMISSIONER 17,875.90 Building Commissioner ........................................ 12,236.03 Electrical Inspector ......................................... 12,373.53 Building Inspector ....................... - ................. '- 11,231.39 Housing Inspector ............................................ 1i,231.39 Housing Inspector ............. '-~- ................... 7--'-'-' 10,558.35 Chief Clerk ............................................... ~-' ?,754.80 Clerk-Typist ........................... ' ..................... PLANNING & ZONING 2,200.00 Legal Assistance ............................................. 625.00 Clerical ..................................................... 1,080.00 Board of Zoning Appeals ...................................... 1,080.00 Plan Commission ............................................. SERVICE OFFICER Service Officer .............................................. 2,800.00 Manager .................. ' ................................. $10,800. O0 LabOrer's ............................. ..................... 25,000.00 MOTOR VEHICLE ....... 15,674.00 Commissioner ........................................ Full Time Employees & Overtime ............................. 218,361.56 SANITATION Foreman, Drivers, & Helpers ................................ 152,000.00 SEWAGE DBPARTMBNT Manager, Sewage Collection Office .................... r ..... 11,932.80 Clerk, 1st Deputy ............... ~ .......................... 9,737.65 8,796.70 Clerk, 2nd Deputy .......................... '- -' ............ ?, 58?. S9 Clerk, 3rd.Deputy ........ ---' ....... - .................. ---- 2,000.00 Collection Office Extra Help ............................. '- 3,042.00 Payroll Clerk, Sewer Plant ................. ' ............... 17,300.00 Superintendent ..... : ............ ' ........ 7 ......... Zi-i-i-i 6.69 per. Hr. Ass't Superintendent ............... ' .................. 5.86 " " Laboratory Technican- ~ - .... ~ .... , -- ' ....... ' ............... 5.94 " " Sewer Foreman ............ 7 ...... .............. ]-_]]i]]]i--]]] 5.41" " Plant Foreman ........................... i:i_----- ............. 5.48" " Operators ............................ --- 5.16 " " Laborers ......... ' ......................................... 3.60 " " Part-Time Laborers ................................. ' ....... CERTIFICATION CC~PBNSATION An employee meeting the requirements established by the Indiana State Board of Health and passing the State Examination for Municipal Wastewater Plant Operator Certificate, may receive $0.25 per hour per certification level obtained with a limit of six (6) employees and approval of the Board of Public Works. PARKING ivlETF_RS_ Deputy Clerk ........................... ~ ................... Maintenance ........................ 3.25 Per. Hr. 9,174.40 4,107,81 Superintendent ........ r .......... , .......... ............... Recreation Director(S) ..... ~ .............................. 20,760.00 14,960.00 39,906.00 20,556.00 Labor Temporary ........................... ][] .............. 35,000.00 Recreation Supervisors .................... _ ...... 21,000.00 Pools ................................ .............. ~ ...... 4,500.00 Umpires and Custodians ....................... ~]~[~ ....... 3,000.00 Overtime, Park Department .................... FIRE DBPARTMF2~ .................... 15,921.96 1 - Chief @ 1326'83 + Longevi~y--'~] .... 7- _ ................. 14,421.96 1 - Deputy Chief @ 1201.83 + Longevity ....... _ ................. 14,121.96 1 2 Fire Marshal @ 1176.83 .......... - ........ 1 - Deputy Marshall @ 1142.83 ............. ] ...... ]]]]]]]]]]]13,713.96 @ 1152.83 ............... 27,667.92 2 - Platoon Commanders142.83 ' _ ...................... 54,855.84 4 - Co. Commander~ @ 1 .... o~%~ ......... _ .................... 81,563.76 6 - Deputy Con~nan~ers .............. 374,736.84 29 - Privates @ 1076. ~ .................. 7,300.00 Per pa .............. 5 - Pa Drmvers @ 4.00 Y ............... 48,522.13 Longevity for full year ................ 10 - Paid Holidays @ 40.00 ea. (45 Men) ........................ 18,000.00 2,000.00 Overtime Pay, Emergency Call In ............................ ' .... 9,500.04 1 - Secretary ................................................. POLICE DEPARTMENT 07 er month ........................... 15,804.88 1 - Chief Col. @ 13,17. ~ ....... ^ .... ~ ................ 14,654.44 1 - Assistant Chief Major ~ ~,zz~.~ ~=-'"~' _ ....... 69,582.20 ins-@ 1 159 7~ permo ....... 5 - Deouty Chief Capta , · ~ .... , .......... 80,941.20 ~ ~,,~nts ........... @ 1,124.18 per mon~-- _ ...... 53,129.44 ~ - %%;~%~ ............ @ 1,106.86 per mon~ ......... _ .... 651344.40 19 - Patrolmen ..... T ....... ]~ ~,v~,~ ~- -] ................... 16,000.00 10 Paid Holidays @ $40.00, 4~ men ........... Longevity ......................... ']][[] ........................ 37,968.22 CourtTime &BreathalyzerOper~tor-.~ 2 - Records Clerks, 3 - Radio pispazcners, 3 - Police Conmissioners, 1 - Secretary ....................... ~'~ SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 26 .day of J~ly_, 1979. - MAYOR ATTEST: ~LERK-TREASURER ~ Presented by me as Clerk~Treasurer of jeffersonville, Approved and to the Mayor of said City this ] 26 day of _July ..., 1979~ ~ signed by me this 26.... day of ~July , 1979. cler~ -Tr TO THE .~~u~ng estimate of the neceSS~W expenses ~or the calendar ye~ 19- The undersigned resoectfullV submR the Items To~ . VICES pERSONAL t5 8 ,56 122 ~ - - - - " O~er Compens~on or f~l ear - Tot~ Se~ces Person~ OFFICE BOARD COMMISSION OR DEPA[~TMENT JULY 25i~h" ~ 19~ CLERK-TREASURER ... TO THE -- co~o~ o~ ~*~ The undersigned respectfully submit the followmQ estimate of the necessorv expenses for the calendar year 19_ ~~----~- ~ :- :': .== .... ~ Items Tot~ SERVICES PERSONAL ' Illl'S~ ~~t~~~':'~: $] ,3~7.Q? Per MO. B04.88 11 ~ ' ' -~--~ ~,22].20-" -" - 654.44 - - 80,94] .20 282.36 53,]29.44 344.40 114 6-Lieutenants 1,124.18 " " --~ 1,106.86 " " 115 4-~Ser.q_eants__ ,, 116 5_-Cor]~pra. l_!s 1,089.07 -" - 12 Sol~ie;t qnd ~Noges, Temporary . ,, 245,518.00 121 /~ va~rolmen __ $!,0Z6.8_3 - - - 16,000.00 "~2 T~' .Ho~-~O0' 40 Men _ _ - 128 Lo__~ng~ ev 1 ty v ..... 13 130thief Cqm~p~n- s-afi°°n~ re ai tour~ /lmeao t_hal y_z.e, r ~ ~nn~r~nr~rs ~ 9,480.00 57,777.60 .~[ 2C-_R~ds Cle~-Radi_o ~-r l]-Seare~ar~t tl~; 3-Police~omm'issionerS, 1-Secre~ar~t _ Total Services Personal