HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-OR-56R-2~ ORDINANCE NO. 88'OR-~ ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM SINGLE/MULTIPLE FAMILY, TO I-2, HEAVY INDUSTRY BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, Indiana, that the Zoning ordinance be amended in that the property herein described is reclassified and rezoned from R-2, Single/Multiple Family, to I-2, Heavy Industry. Being part of Survey No. Nine (9) of the [][inoi. s Grant, I)ounded ns fol.lm~s: [l~g'|nnJl~g ~tt the West corner off said Survey No. 9; thence Ensts~a]:'dly and wtth Lhe Grant line dividing Surveys Nos. g and 54.96 poi. es I.o nst, nke [,, the County Rond, arid on said oont, inuing ~4il:h snJ.d (Ir::mt line, En~t,wardly 21 pol. es LO ~t st, Olle J.I] said l iue; I,Imuee South 15 deg. 45' East~ 32 pol~s to n stone; thence Soul;h 28 de~. 42.6 polem t;o n. st. oae Jn Ihe road, and on the South 72 deg. 20' Neml~ mild ~.~it, h s~id roa,I 18.4 poJes to sl:~the; I:hene~ North 29 d~g. Iff' We~t, ~nd s~ith road, 57.64 pores I',o I,he p.l. nee of' Im~inniuK, in~ G.IO sores, per survey .,nde by {Paris Spurffeon~ County ~urveyor, Hay 25, 1917. Al,SO. the fo.l.l.o~ing desorib~'d real. e.~t;nte: Part of Survey No. 9 of t,h~, Illinois (;troll,, I,~Ullded thtm: I]e[inrli. n~ ;~1, I.h~~ originn.I Nol'l.hwesl, ool?ller o[' ~:[d No. Nos. 9 hud 19 ,,f s~id I]['~rll.~ NorLh 50 %]e~. IC~tst 74 im,l,m nnd 10 l inhs I:,, ~t sl',,nc~; l,hence South ,lO deg. En~t 6,1 J/2 poles; tlml'~e Soul, h 50 deg. West 7,1 po]e~ nnd 10 ]ink~ Io the origilm, l llne div:iding Nos. 8 and 9 of ~nid Grnnl.; thenoe ~[luh sa.id, original. ] Lne North '10 deg. West 6,1 1/2 po.l. es~ to the place of beginning~ eontainl, ng 30 acres. AI,SO, the foJl. o~*ing tract of ].and in said Survey No. 9 of the said (]rallt,, bounded thus: Beginning al, a stake in I:he I.j. ne dividing Nos. Baud 9 o1: the Il line.is al-lllll, arid 30 feet West o1~ I,he center et I,h~ P.(].C. & SI . I,. l[:~JJ, ro:ld I;rrtct: t, hel)ee No]~t:h- l~ard]y along ~aid div.idiug llne IU8 feat t,o the corner of ~ald Thirty aerr, I;l'ar~t} thence lln~l.,sm, rdly ~long the line of said 30 ~lct'e tr~%ol, g23 feel, Lo a stake 30 feet West o~ t.he t-~enl.er of ~aid r:~.i, lroad tract; thence with t:he cent,er of s~tld mti Ire[rd I,r:]et I,o I.,h~ p.l. nee of bl]g i. llll [11~ ~ oo11{,~ i. llill}( . ~7 of ~111 8ore ~ IiIOre or less. E×CF. PTING IIOWEVER from snid I.hlrty here t,ract, 10.90 ner'e~ sold by gnr'rth .I. W. Sul I. Jvnn I,o the Trustees of Wa.ll]ut Ridge C[,met,~ry, by de~,d ,laLed Hnrcb 16, 1983~ recordmJ in Deed I~ecot'd 83, lm~e 158 of the records of s[~id County. AI,SO F.X(~EP*I'IN(I TIII~REFI~OH the £'oilowing described real es tal;e Lo-~i L: 13eglnni. ng nL lqesL co~'net' oF said Survey No. 9; Lhen(::e North 50 deg. Easl: in Lbo No~'Lhwesl.erly ]ine o~ said Survey 27l Feel:.; Lhe~c~ South 5 de~. 35~ l~%gL 407 t:eoL~ more or less I:,o n polnL Jn line dividing said survey So, 9 rrm, sut. ve3~ No. 8; thence North 3fi deg, 30' Iqe~k Jn Lbo sn. Jd llne divi. dJng No, 9 nnd 8, 306 feeL, more or lens I;r., t.h~ pi. nee of beginni.~g, contain- i. ng 0.91 nt~ve~, more or lens, and being the same rent esLnl.~ conveyed Lo P.C.(~. & St. L. Railway Company by deed recorded in Deed Record 106, page 422. AI,SO EXCF, PTING TIIIERF. Iq~.OM, the fotJ. o~tJ. ng described real estat, e, to-w~t. Being parl; of' Fo I..t o~4s: Surv~.y No. 9 of the I].l. inoi. s GranL t,o ]ncliana, nnd be.lng £urther dese.'rJ, bed am Beginning aL a railrond sp.i. ke.on the (.'ommon corner of Surveys No. 8 and 9 and on khe .line el' Survey No, theeoe North 48 deS, OI~ 28" Essl; al. oleg the llne di. vJding snid Surw~ys No, 9 and No, 19~ 269.02 Feel Lo nn iron pipe oll the ltnsl, erll RighL-ol:-Wny lille Of the Penn Central Rnilt'end, the t. rue place oF beginni, ng; Lhenoe conltJnuing NoPI,h 48 de~. I) l~ 28" EnsL said dividing .line 15{;.oa Feel:. I,o an iron pipe on the I~egl.¢~t'll l~.ight,-ol'-i~ay line o1' I, he [lei'Ill Cent, raj Spur l{~tsl.,erll ltl. ghi,-of-Nny line 15fi8.10 feel, I,o an iron pipe on t, he line dj. riding 5h~-veys No. B and No. 9~ i.henoe Nort. h 39 deg. 45' 2,1" lqesl, along said dividing line {l)assjn~ khrough n sl.ol~e ~tl. 303.22 f'eeL) I}81.96 Feel I.o nn i~olt pipe on I.he l{~t~l,el'u Ri. ghL-ol'-Way L.tne the Peun (lenl;ra.l Iht i I rend; I.henoe North 0 dog. 08' ,14" gasl; along said Eastern Right-of-lqaY J i. ne 419.06 t;eet t,o Ihe Lrue pJnee o1' t)eginniug, Said Excel)Lion con- I. raok of lnnd doseri. I)ed in Deed Roe:oval Book 126, page 306 of said Coullty Records. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its timely passage, Passed and adopted by the Common Council of Jeffersonville, Clark County, ,~F~ , 1988. ATTEST: C. ~ICHARD SPE ER, · CLERK_TREASURE~~R' ~ promulgation and approval by the Mayor. the City of f ~ day of Indiana, on the Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said / ~ da,, o~ ,,p~z,,. , City of Jeffersonville this 1988. This Ordinance day of /~, C. R~CHARD SPENCER, JR.~ CLERK-TREASURER ~ approved and signed by me this , 1988. the place of begfnnlng, '~'n by deed recorded re-zone THEHEFROM~ the f~l~e~ be ng; further descF!l~e~ a thence Grant thence "East ac~es, more or less andb~- described n Dee~_ Record ' bi-monthly Mdiana. ' Anyone who wishe~ to heard concerning the ~ quest may appear 8 and 9 speak. and 30 Dale L. Orem, Mayor ~ 'sa~d e Of :, the tract to me Howv- sold by m to the Ridge dated HOV 71988 STAT~: OF I~DIA~A, COUNTY 0~: CLARR-$$ Theresa Cilliaq_~ on oath says that she is book- keeper of the News & Journal and in the employ of the publisher ef The Evening News, a daily, and the Clark County Journal, a weekly, both newspapeso~ ~enera~ circui~tlon print~ and pub- Hshed ~n ~he Ca~ of ~efferson~iHe, Clar~ Count, State of ~nd~no~ and fu~her says that the annexed edve~se~en~ was pubfished in said paper for ~ne. ~ ~c~ .... ~ to-~at: In issue of said Evening Oct. 2~,,1988 Jo~n~ ~.~Y.~i~:~..---------- State o~ {ndione Coun~ o~ Clark Subscribed and sworn to before me t~ 97Y.. 1 . ,/~-o~a~y Public, Clark Count, ~adiana