HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-R-39..$.5~ELL.428 REsoLUTiON'~_~ A Resolution Granting Consent to the Town of Sellersburg, indiana, to Annex Territory Within Three (3) Miles of the Corporate Boundaries of the City of jeffersonville, indiana. Indiana, has petitioned n of Sellersburg~ __~.i~uouS to the WHEREAS, the Tow_ _~:~ of territory ~_~ ~= desianated for co~sent of annex~u~v- _ ..... ~ich terr~Luz~ ~ - boundaries of Sellersburg, In~lan~, -~* by Exhibits A, B, C, and E attached heretO; and WHEREAS, I.C. 36-4-3-9 requires that a town obtain the · ' e second or third class City consent of the leg~slat~V body of a before annexing territory within three (3) miles of the corporate boundaries of the City; and with of Sellersburg is proceeding WHEREAS, th? Tow~ conforming to the requirements of state .... d definite policy for responsible planning a~o fiscal ~£an =*~ -~ ~=~downers who have law, is working on the propose~ areas anu *=*~ providing services to requested to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana that: 1. The Common council of the City of jeffersonville, clark the annexation of the County, Indiana, hereby consents to ~attached heretO. territory presented in Exhibit's A, B, C, PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 15th day of September, 1990, by the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, clark county, Indiana. COMMON coUNCIL ATTEST: CL~RK ~ · jeffersonville, indzana, this ~ day of September, Approved and signed by me 1990. of ~REM, MAYO March 20, 1990 DESCRIPTION OF THE GILLENWATER/COATS TRACT TO BE ANNEXED INTO SELLERSBURG A part of the unincorporated Town of Hamburg of Silver Creek Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same tract conveyed to C. M. and N. Gillenwater and D. K. and M. C. Coats at Deed Drawer 21, Instrument No. 10265 and bounded as follows: .; B~ginning at a point in the existing bJunJary of the Town of Sellersburg in the east Right'of-WaY line of State Road 311 (formerly New Albany Street) which marks the centerline of Market Street (vacated), thence the following courses: Eastwardly, 198.90 feet, more or ]ess, with the centerline of the vacated Market Street; Southeastwardly, 27.35 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot No. 2; Westwardly, 30 feet, more or less, with the southerly Right-of-WaY line of the vacated Market Street to the northeast corner of Lot No. 3; Southerly, 130 feet, more or less, with the east line of said Lot No. 3 to the centerline of a vacated alley; Westwardly, 180 feet, more or less, with the centerline of said vacated alley to said east Right-of-WaY line of State Road 311; Northwardly, 155 feet, more or less, with said east Right-of-WaY line of State Road 311 which is the west line of Lots No. 16 and 14 and the existing boundary of the Town of Sellersburg, to the True Place of Beginning and containing 0.654 acres of land. FN:SBGGLCTS(67) H~MBURG SILVER CREEK 5 7 I$ ALLEY I0 \ 9 8 13 ~3 IG 18 2O 5 Narch 20, 1990 DESCRIPTION OF THE PAUL E. AND LUCILLE DAVIS PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED TO SELLERSBURG, INDIANA A part of Survey No. 66 of the Illinois Grant in silver Creek Township of Clark County, Indiana, being a part of the same 29.716 acre tract conveyed to Paul E. and Lucille Davis at Deed Drawer 1, Instrument No. 5543 and Deed Drawer 3, Instrument No. 2868 and bounded as follows: Commencing at a point in the north line of said Survey No. 66 where it intersects the westerly Right-of-WaY line of Us31E, thence the following courses: South 50 deg. West, 2428 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Survey No. 66 to the centerline of State Road 60; South 40 deg. East, 950 feet, more or less, with the center,ina of State Road 60 the True Place of Beginning. Thence the following courses of the boundary of the area to be annexed: North 54 deg. 05 min. East, 117 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Davis tract; North 6 deg. 53 min. East, 100 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Davis tract to a point in the existing boundary of the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana; North 51 deg. 30 min. East, 1116 feet, more or less, with the north line of said Davis tract and the Town Boundary Line; South 40 deg. East, 990 feet, more or less, with the easterly line of said Davis tract; South 4~ deg. 55 min, West, 1283 feet, more or less, with the sdutherly line of said Davis tract to the centerline of State Road 60; : ' North 40 deg. West, 931 feet, mot? or less, with the westerly line of said Davis tract which ia the centerline of State Road 50 the True Place of Beginning and containing 29.716 acres of land. FN:SBGDAVIS(67) ~COUWI'Y ~gg£ggOlt'S I~I~T FOR TOV~ 47 ~J[ FFf. RSOIdVILL[ TOWl. I Sill P ----- ~"~' 859 · \ '~.' i~'%,.. ~..,:~ PROF-XDSED ANNEX dsting Corpora~z Limits Shaded '! ...; I Beginr, ir~_~ at the i~,~tersectio~ of the north right-of-way lCne of B~ar~ Roa6 (exte'r~ded~ with the east right--of-way lir,e of H~P~way 31--E, saiO ~oir~t Oeing o~ the east l ir, e of the ~reser~t tow~"~ of In a r, orthe~--!y with th~ 4i~nway ~l-E and , whic. h li~e of the ~onrai lroad a~d ~eI ier~urg Ly ~6~ right--of--way lithe of so the west right-of-way ~esent boundary of easter [y direct 40: with the boundat'y l~oad~ the p~opert¥ conve~,,ed ~hence inuing e with said pt~eser~t towr, bour, d6, f",/, crossin_~ the 8outher~'~ It Rmil~oad, to m point or~ said Ther, ce .- 'with said east Railway the tow~q Oo~ ~dary to a point of the present ~oundar,¢' Thence r~ortheast~ ~ith maid bour, dary to a p,::,ir, t in the westerly ..r,e of Uti a~o kr~ow~ as the Utica-Seller'Bburg ~oao, poir~t be: 'r~orth cot~r~er o¢ a tract of lar~d cor, veyed ~r~e at D.D. 3, Ir~st. in a s< theaste~'ly dipeotior~ with said westerly ~ight- o¢--way ~ir o¢ Ut ,ca Sel~e~-~bu~g ~oad (a~ ~eoo~structed~, to t. he ~oir~t wner t~e ~ esterly' right-Of-way of said Utica-Sellet*s0u~ g Road ir~ter ~cts~he r~opth ~igh~of--way lir, e of Bear, Road, Ther~e ~e~wa~ly with'said r~ort~ l tr, e of Bear, Road, ~recor~struct~, to t~e poir~t ~e s~d ~orth right-of-way of Bear, Rc.a~ (~econstructed} intersects~ne east line of a tt act r~f lar~d conveyed to the Clark ~u~t~oa~ of Aviation: Ther~ce Northwestwardly~e~9 feet ~ore or less with said Boar.o of Aviatior~ prope~ty: Then~?e North, e9~.43 feet~ ~,'lore o~~ less with said Board propert >'; Thence West~ 10~ feet, more or less with said Boated prope~'ty; Tner, c?e So~th, 40.~.. ,~ feet, ~ore or less with said Board ~ro oert y; Ther~ce ~outnwestwarOl¥, 88~. feet, r~o~e or less ¥~ith maid Road to the poi~t of begir~ing~ cor~tair~ir~g ao~oxi¢~ateiY 381 I! I ? '", PROPOSED ANNEX~q'©I I{