HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-R-27 R, SOLU' O' NO. RESOLUTION O~ THE 'CO}IMO~ COUNCIL O~ TH~ CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE~ INDIAN&t APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ~ THE RESOLUTION OF THE pLaN COld'fISSION oF!THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDI~Av DETERMINING cONFORMITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLANI TO THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN} iMNDTHE DECL~TION BY THE REDEVELOPMENT CO~I~IsSION OF THE PROJECT ARF& AS BLIGHTED FOR THE SPRING STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT REVITALIZATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, it is desirablle and in the public interest that the city of Jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment undertake and carry out the Spring Street Business District Revitalization Project located within th~ corporate limits of the City of Jeffersonville, County of clark, State of Indiana, and as described as follows: city carry Area, Beginning at {he intersection of the center line of Pearl Street and the center line of Riverside Drive; proceeding North along the center line of Pearl Street to the intersection of the center line of pearl Street and the center line of an alley approximately halfway between Maple and Chestnut Streets; proceeding East along the center line of the alley to the intersection of the center line of the alley and the center line of Wall Street; proceeding South along the center line of Wall Street to the intersection of the center line of Wall Street and the center llne of Riverside Drive; proceeding West along the center line of Riverside Drive to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the of Jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment undertake and out the development of the hereinabove described Project located within the boundaries of the Spring Street Business District Revitalization Project; WHEREAS, the Department of Redevelopment has made surveys, investigations and studies of the location, physical structures, land use, environmental influences, cultural, and economic conditions of the Project determined that the Project Area has become condition of and social, Area and has blighted to an extent that such blighted conditions cannot be corrected by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise without resort to the provisions of the Indiana Redevelopment of cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended and supplemented, and it has been further found that the public health and welfare would be benefitted by acquisition in and redevelopment of such Project Area under the provisions of the above ~ited Act; WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission have caused to be prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries of such blighted area, the location of the various parcels of property, streets and alleys and other features alffecting the acquisition, clearance, replatting, replanning, rez6ning, or redevelopment of such area, and indicating the parcels of property to be included or excluded in the acquisition and portions of the Project Area to be acquired which are to be devoted to public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playground and other public purposes under the redevelopment plan; WHEREAS, there has been prepared and referred to the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, for review and approval a Development Plan for the Project Area; WHEREAS, the Development Plan has been approved by the Redevelopment Commission, aslevidenced by the copy of said agency's duly certified resolution approving the Development Plan which is attached thereto; WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the city of Jeffe~sonville, has submitted to the Common Council its report and recommendations respecting the Development Plan comprising the Project and has certified by Resolution, dated August 30, 1994, that th~ Development Plan conforms to the Jeffersonville Comprehensiv~ Plan as a whole and that i~approves ~ said Development Plan an~ the Common Council has duly considered the report, recommendations, and certifications of approval of the Plan Commission; WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Department of Redevelopment to acquire only vacant properties in the Project Area, thereby eliminating a need for relocation of residents or businesses~ and, WHEREAS, Title VI of the civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the regulations of any Federal agency effectuating that title provide that no person shall, on the grounds of race, age, sex, color or national origin, ibe excluded from participation J.n, be denied the benefits of, o~ be subject to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of any federally assisted projects. 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE cOMMON coUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA, THAT: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the Development Area comprising the spring Street Business District Revitalization Project is a blighted area and qualifies as an eligible area under the Redevelopment of cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended and supplemented. 2. The Resolution of the Plan Commission of the city of jeffersonville, dated August 30, 1994, by which it gave its approval to this Development Plan and the Declaratory Resolution of the Department of Redevelopment is hereby approved. 3. The Development Plan for the Project is hereby approved, and the city Clerk-Treasurer be, and is hereby, directed to file said copy of the Development Plan with the minutes of this meeting. 4. It is further found and determined that the Development Plan for the Project conforms to the jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan. 5. In addition to the elimination of blight from the Development Area, the undertaking of the Project in such area will further promote the public welfare and the proper development of the community by making land in such area available for uses in accordance with the Development Plan. 6. It is further found and determined that the Development Plan for the Development Area comprising the Project will afford maximum oPportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City of jeffersonville as a whole, for the development of the area by private enterprise. 7. The Development Plan for the Development Area gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, with consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of all persons residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. 8. That the Department of Redevelopment will make every effort to ensure that all property to be acquired as part of the Project is vacant, and will comply with all applicable provisions of the uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, should relocation become necessary. 9. That the united States of America be, and hereby is, assured of full compliance by the city of jeffersonville Department of Redevelopment with the regulations of any Federal agency effectuating Title VI of the civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk-Treasurer of the city of jeffersonville, Indiana, is hereby ordered and directed to give notice as provided by law. Adopted by the common Council of the city of jeffersonville, Indiana, this nineteenth day of September, 1994. ~t~ven-R. Stemler, rre Common council of jeffersonville Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of the city of nineteenth day of September, 1994. jeffersonville, Indiana, this .~;.~j ~~~ ~ ~rer ~ ~i~hard Spenc~__, Cler~l~r City of jeffersomville Approved and signed by me this nineteenth day of September, 1994. RAymdha J:- Pa~ker, J~. ,IMay°r city of jeffersonville FILE: WP-CFSSRES.CC SpR'rNG STREET BUS'rNESS ~'"'"~ REV~,T~.rZl~T~-ON pROJ'ECT N'ARI~T'rVE The spring Street Business District Revitalization project eliminate slum and blight in downtown jeffersonville through will . · · abilitation of commercial ~pace w~%ch~ the acquisition and ~eh ...... ~ .... om~liant with app£~caD£e ~urrentl¥ vacant, d~£ p ..... ~ ,.,ill also eliminate . · ' s. Tnls p£u3=~ -- · building cod~ regulat~?~_ ~ovements to streets, s~9~wa~.~ and blight b~_ Pr?~V333~F,a~;~f~ the Project Ar~at The lighting, and the s~=~ree vacant commercial prope~l~ · ~=~ CFF funds to acclulr~ u~ .... .__~ ~hese properties are ~ring Street in jef~er~nvl~£~,.±n i%%ss-- ist£ict whichhas l~cated in a fo~r±y. ~£ourlsg~n%e~line since the mid-l.960's. enced s~gnl~lcant econo~lu . · . experi ........ ~ired. the Clty will inspect each · Once the properties nave D~ ~- · structure for building code violations and will take necessary steps to bring each property into compliance. The city will then .~ advertise the properties for reuse by interested commercial enterpr%ses. In addition to the acquisition and rehabilitation of ~ropertles, the city will also make street and sidewalk ~mprovements, correct inadequate lighting, and improve the exlstl g ro~ect Area. Together, these activities streetscape along t~.P. ~ ----~...~ u,,=~ness District new v~tallty, will give.JeffersonVl££e's uow,~uu-,, encouraging future commercial development to locate along the spring Street Cor~orj~ ,.,~th local organizations l~clu~lng The ~ity wl£1 wu~ --~nc. , the jeffersonville Down~own jeffersonvllle ~ai~ Streen, . e Southern Indiana Chambe~ of commerce, Merchants Assoc~a~l~, th,~__~omic Development Council t~.act~ve~ and the Southern £n~lana ~u~, ~-- ~ =~uired nroper~les. recru~ puu~,, ' s bringing these propertle into code compliance, by improving infrastructure and the streetscape, and by locating new commercial development in a pr~io~lY stagnant section of je~fersonville's Downtown Business District, this project not only will aid in the elimination of current blighted conditions but also will proactively prevent future slum and blight from developing in this area. , - Beneficiaries of this project include ~L jeffersonville citizens. However, this project targets three groups most specifically: Downtown Business District property owners, proprietors, and downtown jeffersonville residents, property owners will experience a significant increase in the net assessed · · ' n of slum . . ' ro arty, resulting from the e~iml~at~%~ valuation of~helr p P~ ..... 4~uslv vacant property in ~n~ Project .... ~-tic improvements along the and blight an~ reuse o~ p~=*~ Area. Proprletor~_ m~_ .... ~4,~ from nosltlve property reuse and Spring Street Corridor r~u~,,~ - Furthermore, assorted street and streetscape improvementS. proprietors' current revenue stream will be augmented by Increased shopping traffic into the downtown business district. Finally, residents adjacent to. the Downtown Business District will experience an ~ncrease ~n personal property value when previously vacant buildings are rehabilitated and real estate values increase. The city cannot complete the spring Street Business District · · ' n without grant funding from the Community Revltallzatlo Project ~ ~ i~ ~ Focu~ .Fund pro~ram.f a~is 1 , s~°r~t~ si nlflcant costs ? _ ~ ~=~ .... ~ct. without the comple~lon · g ~ e~ wl~n ~ ~ . · · · lmpr°~ements.aS~°c%a-=-~.~r the Downtown Business District will of this pro]ec=, ~u,=-~ , ..... ~_ ~ine caused by vacan=, · ~o e---erience severe e~o~,um~ ~- continue u Am deteriorating properties, poor street and sidewalk conditions, inadequate lighting, and a lack. of streetsCape improvementS. In · . onetarv assistance ~eeded t? revitalize the addition, without ~. =_:_~ ~h~ city will continue to lose ta~ Downtown Business ~Dl~%~=~ commercial buildings and general revenue from vacan=, ull=F~ .... consumer disinterest in the Spring Street Corridor. The Spring Street Business District Revitalization Project relates closely with jeffersonville's past and current planning effortS. In 1992, jeffersonville revised its Comprehensive Plan for community Development, which discusses the potential land use options for the spring Street corridor. In addition to the attention received in the Comprehensive Plan, theProject Area is also currently one focal point of a Community Planning Fund grant to create a Strategic Action Plan which will guide jeffersonville's downtown redevelopment efforts. Furthermore, the project area has been designated as a potential TIF district site. Completion of this project would make commercial properties more accessible and desirable to prospective business owners and would increase the potential success of a TIF district. Finally, the city of jeffersonville plans to develop a Microenterprise Assistance Program which will accentuate downtown commercial properties as potential microenterprise development sites. ' 1 past efforts to acquire and rehabilitate commercla properties in the Project Area have been largely unsuccessful. Significant dilapidation and unrealistic asking prices both dissuade potential developers from acquiring and/or rehabilitating buildings along the Spring Street Corridor for commercial use. The office of jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. has worked diligently to match available properties with potential buyers, yet few successful in the Project Area have been negotiated. Past efforts to closings ~s have been more successful. Two ~omplete .street improvemen intersections along the Spring Street Corridor have recently been ..... ~--rove street conditions, sidewalks,{% 33½n recons~ruc~e~ ~u ~_~_=,~. One intersection was c~mpie~f~ ~-~ and aesthe=lq ~5~=~%~ Department of Transportation, anu ~..~ conjunction with ~e ~ ......... · om leted by a local ~ontractor wh~ donated his intersection was c ~ .... ~ ..... oct. The City hopes to . ' s ~o ~lnlsn u~ F~~ ' ' d time. and material ' ions sidewalks, lighting, an the continue to improve street condlt , . streetscape with CFF funds available for this project. The city has already taken steps to ensure that this project · . oceed once grant funds are made available. The is ready ~o pr .... ~_~ .... nment has worked closely with jeffersonvl£1e uep=au~=~.. jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. to identify the properties on which the project should focus, and on the areas of the Corridor in which street improvements are most necessary at this time. The city has also initiated the process to declare the Project Area blighted by meeting with citizens whose property or business currently falls in the Project Area to explain the meaning of this .... ~An. Furthermore, the city has contacted the state of the Historic Preservation office to inform them of the nature sed roject. The city plans, to complete, t~e. slum or blight ropo P to be ~n the acqu~slt~o~ process by P · roceSS and g ' tin options 9n all declaration P ' nd negotla g .... ~ or a pra~sals a ~ ~ ~ e full application con~r~?~_ f~^ =~P~P~ ed before suDm~u~ ~h propertles ~o m= for grant funds. FILE: WP-CFPROP.APP DEVELOPMENT PLAN - CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE SPRING STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT REVITALIZATION PROJECT Acquisition of a maximum of three vacant properties: 240 Spring Street: Max Yanoff 244 Spring Street: William Alan Wright 248 Spring Street: Richard Clark Total Project Cost: $550,000 - $490,000 from Community Focus Fund $ 60,000 from city of Jeffersonville Public Hearing held on this project on Tuesday, July 26, 1994. Very favorable responses were received from the members of the Downtown Merchants and Jeffersonville citizens. PROPOSED BUDGET Property Acquisition - Property Rehabilitation - Streets, Sidewalks, Lighting & Landscape Improvements - Administration - Environmental Review - TOTAL PROJECT COST $150,000 $250,000 $125,000 $ 24,500 $ 500 $550,000 ' e The city has worked closely with Jeffersonvlll Main Street, Inc. in the development of this project and plans to continue this effort. In addition, the city of jeffersonville has already contacted the State Historic Preservation office and plans to work closely with this agency during the development of the Community Focus Fund application and during the implementation of the project activities. The city plans to enlist the services of an appraiser and an architect/engineer in the near future to establish fair market value for the properties to be acquired and to help further design the project and assign specific cost estimates to the project activities. This project meets three (3) goals and objective of the jeffersonville Comprehensive Plan: 1. Involves coordination among local governments and governmental entities; 2. Promotes responsible economic development in downtown jeffersonville; and, 3. Creates an aesthetically pleasing community for Jeffersonville residents. BLIGHTING cONDITIONS WHICH EXIST IN THE SPRING STREET BusINESS DISTRICT REVITaLIZaTION PROJECT ~RE~ , substandard structures * Poorly Maintained Structures * Poor sidewalks , Unattractive Facades , incompatible Land Uses , Unattractive signage . Antiquated infrastructure (sewer system) , Overhead utility Clutter , Outside storage and Clutter , Functionally Obsolete. Buildings * Poorly platted Lots , Depressed Real Estate ~alues FILE: WP-CFSSDEV.pLN SPRING ~TREET BUSINESS DISTRICT REVITALIZATION PROJECT AREA (DENOTED BY RED LINE) COURT ~VE. CHESTNUT ST. MARKET ·