HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 15, 2022 Council Minutes JEFFERSONVILLE,INDIANA August 15,2022 Regular Meeting Minutes The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met for the Regular Meeting on August 15, 2022. Council President Owen along with City Clerk Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.The meeting was open to the public in person as well as live streamed via the City Website using Zoom. INVOCATION: Councilperson Ellis led the Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Orem led the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL: The roll call was conducted by City Clerk Lisa Gill and present in Council Chambers were Councilperson White, Councilperson Burns, Councilperson Paris, Council Vice President Maples, Councilperson Croft, Councilperson Webb, Council President Owen, Councilperson Hawkins, Councilperson Ellis. Let the record reflect all 9 Council Members were present in Council Chambers. APROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Vice President Maples made a motion to approve the Minutes of August 1, 2022 of the Regular Meeting, seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed,9-0. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Council Vice President Maples made a motion to approve the agenda,seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed, 9-0. CLAIMS TO APPROVE: Civil City$1,301,110.88—Mrs. Metcalf stated there were no changes. Council Vice President Maples made a motion to pass the Civil City Claims, seconded by Councilperson Paris; motion passed, 9-0. Parks$111,360.47-Mrs. Metcalf stated there were no changes. Council Vice President Maples made a motion to approve the Parks Claims,seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed, 9-0. REPORT OF THE CLERK: Just a reminder of the Special Budget Meeting tomorrow August 16, 2022 at 4:00PM, Heather Metcalf has handed out the Budget; it has been advertised and everything is ready to go. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 1. Larry Wallace 2022-OR-44 Flood Damage Ordinance Repealing 2014-OR-6 and 2018-OR-70 Larry Wallace, Building Commissioner and Matt Bell, Engineering presented the updated Ordinance. Handouts were given to each Council Member explaining the changes. (See attached). Councilperson Croft asked if the homeowners/businesses kept the flood insurance would they get a 10 percent discount if this is passed? This will allow property owners to maintain the 10 percent discount.Councilperson Webb asked if something happened to a property,what new changes will this effect verses what was passed in 2014. Matt Bell stated any existing properties will not be effected. New properties coming in on the other side of the flood wall will have to meet certain procedures, making the process to get a permit a lot harder not only with the City but also with the State. Council President Owen asked if there are any changes in the rates or fees, Mr. Bell advised no changes were made to the rates or fees. Council Vice President Maples made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading, seconded by Councilperson Croft; motion passed, 9-0. 2. Len Ashack/Dale Orem 2022-OR-45 Bond Ordinance for Financing of The North Wastewater Treatment Plant-Dale Orem,former Mayor of Jeffersonville (1983)gave the history of the Sewer Department. In 1983, Wastewater was$281,000.00 in the red. It took the Council five months to raise the sewer rates from$2.00 to$4.00 and another six months to go from$4.00 to $8.00 to get out of the red. They are now much deeper in the red because of the EPA. In 1987 sewer lines were put in all along the floodwall. History continues to repeats itself. The only way to improve is to spend money.The Federal Government says too much is going through there. The flow process is 641 miles along the Ohio River,then to the Mississippi,then to the Gulf. It all goes underground in Jeffersonville and it has to be kept clean.They are not asking for a rate increase, but,they are asking for help from the City. Len Ashack, Director of Wastewater Plant stated a meeting was held on August 10, 2022 and the Resolution in the Council Packet was passed recommending the Council approve this Ordinance.The total cost of this project is $45,415,000.00. Doug Baldessari from Baker Tilly Financing stated there are a lot of funding sources available to help fund this project. Mr. Baldessari broke down the funding and cost of this project(See Attached). Mr.Ashack stated there will be a meeting on 8/16/2022 with Project Slugger regarding the capacity fees for that project,they will be significate user for the City of Jeffersonville,so the BAN may be paid off sooner than 3 years. Councilperson Croft asked how far behind the project is. Mr.Ashack stated it is not behind.The bids are good until September 25, 2022. Council President Owen asked what is the total Bond Capacity that is left; Mr.Ashack advised 17 million with no rate increase. Council President Owen stated there are a lot of logistics with funds coming in and going out. Mrs. Metcalf, Mr.Ashack, and Mr. Baldessari have worked hard to get all of this together. Wastewater is requesting this Ordinance be passed on all Three Readings so the process can get started. Council President Owen stated he is in favor of this request if everyone is in agreement. Mr.Ashack stated the Slugger Project will take about 6 years from ground breaking to and the Wastewater Plant will be done in approximately 3 years. Council President Owens stated that on numerous occasions it has been said that it would be better to go ahead with the 6 million expansion now so it can all be done at once with less cost however other stakeholders would have to contribute more in order to do so. Council Vice President Maples made a motion to suspend the rules in anticipation of passing 2022-OR-45 on all three readings,seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed, 9-0. Council Vise President Maples made a motion to pass the ordinance on all Three Readings, seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed,9-0. 3. Kim Calabro 2022-OR-46 Revised Salary Ordinance and Pay Grids to reflect Change in Wastewater Staffing-Mrs. Calabro presented an updated Pay Grid.The first change is the position of Administrative Assistant in the Wastewater Billing Office to an additional Billing Clerk that can be bonded and accept money. There is no monetary difference for the position. The second change is in Wastewater also. Job descriptions were submitted when the.Salary Ordinance was being reviewed by the consultant but it did not make it to the consultant and she has just now reviewed these. The change effected 1 position and 4 employees making$21.00 an hour and it was recommended to change that to$23.00 an hour making the financial impact $16,702.00 which includes Social Security and INPRS. Human Resources and Payroll went through the Salary Grid and made some changes to GL numbers,job descriptions and job titles to make everything match before presenting the 2023 budget in October of 2022. The highlighted areas are name and spelling changes only, no monetary changes. Mrs. Calabro requested that the rule be changed for this Ordinance to be passed on all 3 reading due to herself and Christine Geiser being out of town during the next City Council Meeting, or suggested the City Attorney Les Merkley fill in for them. Council President Owen asked if there were any other monetary changes and Mrs.Calabro advised there were not. Mrs.Geiser explained the grouping of the Salary Grid. Mrs. Calabro stated that she did send Council President Owen an email about the job descriptions not being turned in and them being reviewed by the consultants. On the seasonal pay grid, some of the wording regarding the level of pay was changed but there were no monetary changes. Councilperson Burns made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading,seconded by Councilperson Hawkins; motion passed, 8-1. Councilperson Ellis voted no. 4. Heather Metcalf 2022-OR-47 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation-This Appropriation is for $50,000.00 from the General HR fund for Property and Casualty Claims. Brian Smith,Safety Director asking for an additional$50,000.00 due to increase in deductibles for the year. The budget for next year has been adjusted. Councilperson Hawkins made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading, seconded by Councilperson Croft; motion passed, 9-0. 5. Heather Metcalf 2022-OR-48 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation-This Appropriation is for $37,685.00 for Fire Improvements for the LIT Public Safety Fund. Deputy Chief McCutcheon from the Jeffersonville Fire Department discussed the Water Tower Project for Fire and Police. In 2000,studies showed the Watson Watertower site off of Watertower Road and 62 and 1265 was the best location in the City for communication equipment. In 2008 an agreement with Watson Water was made and finalized which allowed equipment to be moved to that location. The Fire Department has been utilizing this site since then up until 2021. The tower was sand blasted and painted however there was a misunderstanding and all of the equipment being utilized by Public Safety was removed.The Fire Department connected with Clarksville Fire antenna, which is in a lower capability over by the Police Department and that is what they are currently utilizing. This$37,685.00 being requested is for Fire and Police to purchase equipment and make minor upgrades to the Watson Watertower. Their end goal is to be at a 3 with the ISO rating, currently at 4. Lowering to a 3 would help lower Insurance cost.Jeffersonville Police Chief Kavanaugh stated that the Police uses this system as a backup. Vice President Maples asked if we have a MOU with Watson Water. Chief Kavanaugh stated there was one in 2000. Deputy Chief McCutcheon stated that Ken Alexander,Supervisor for Watson Water confirmed there is a MOU. Council Vice President Maples suggested getting a new agreement signed stating that our equipment won't get destroyed or damaged and that sufficient notice would be provided to give the department time to remove it in the future if work needed to be completed. Councilperson Hawkins made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading, seconded by Councilperson Webb; motion passed, 9-0. 6. Heather Metcalf 2022-OR-49 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation There are 4 Appropriations on this Ordinance. 1. $37,000.00 for the Aquatic Center for other supplies from the Park Activity Fund 2. $60,000.00 for the Rental,Payment for the Ice Rink from the Parks Activity Fund 3. $20,000.00 for Professional Services from the Animal Spay& Neuter Fund 4. $25,000.00 for Professional Services from the Riverstage Fund-Redevelopment contribution to Jeff goes Country Mrs. Metcalf stated these are funds that have already been received. The Aquatic Center has done really great this year. The revenue from the Aquatic Center is around $300,000.00. Parks is still working with Duke Electric regarding the Ice Rink. Councilperson Ellis asked if these requests could be separated. Mrs. Metcalf stated a new Ordinance would have to be brought before the Council. Vice President Maples made a motion to separate the$20,000.00 for Professional Services from the Animal Spay& Neuter Fund from the rest,seconded by Councilperson Croft; motion passed 9-0. Council Vice President Maples made a motion to pass 2022-OR-49 as amended on the First Reading, seconded by Councilperson Croft; motion passed,7-2. Councilperson Burns and Councilperson Ellis voted no. 7. Heather Metcalf 2022-OR-50 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation $20,000.00 for Professional Services from the Animal Spay& Neuter Fund Councilperson Ellis made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading, seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed, 9-0. 8. Heather Metcalf 2022-OR-51 Ordinance of Transferring Certain Funds Within the Same Department-This transfer is from Planning& Placemaking-Groundskeeping Supplies to Planning& Placemaking-Professional Services in the amount of$2,000.00. Councilperson Burns made a motion to pass on the First and Second Reading,seconded by Councilperson Paris; motion passed, 9-0. ATTORNEY COMMENT: Larry Wilder-recognized Mr. Orem for his long service with the City of Jeffersonville and hopes that everyone here will still be around at 83 years old to support the City. DEPARTMENT HEADS: Len Ashack-appreciates all the work that Heather has put in on putting the finance plan together. Chad Resichl—in 2 weeks he will be taking some revisions to the Unified Development Ordinance before the Plan Commission that will make it harder to build car washes. Mr. Reischl has been out in the public the past 2 weeks asking residentsabout what they like about Jeff and what they would like to see in Jeff. The majority complained about to many fast food and drive thru businesses. Mr. Reischl asked the Council about their thoughts. Council President Owen stated he would like to look at other communities that do not have these problems to rule out what we are missing. A lot of these things are approved at Planned Development. Chief Kavanaugh—Thank you all for your support. Deputy Chief McCutcheon—Thank you all. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: • Councilperson White—No Comment • Councilperson Burns—Echoes what Larry Wilder said regarding Dale Orem,thank you for your years of service and dedication to the City of Jeffersonville. • Councilperson Paris—excited to be moving forward on the Sewer plans. • Council Vice President Maples—Echo Mr.Wilder's comment, but intend on leaving at the end of this year. • Councilperson Croft—No Comment • Councilperson Webb—Chad, I'm excited about the presentation. • Councilperson Hawkins---Riverstage last Friday was amazing, everyone involved done a great job,Juice Box Heroes were fantastic,thank you to Mr.Orem not only for his service to the City but as someone who came to a football game for the Chiefs years ago and made the comment, when someone ask where you are from, do not say near Louisville,tell them you are from Jeffersonville,also very excited about the Sewer plans. • Councilperson Ellis—thank you Larry for the comments, myself and Dale have been here the longest. Also want to inform the Council about GCCS trying to buy the property at Twilight Golf Course to build a school, he does not have a problem with them building another school as long as Parkview stays a Junior High School in Jeffersonville area, He will work against anyone that is trying to move Parkview out of the west end of Jeffersonville, he hopes the school system would come and work with them in regards to this. Council President Owen stated at the last meeting, there was talk of 2 other possible sites to purchase. Buck Walter and I have played phone tag, not actually spoken yet,will call him after the meeting tonight. He has had a conversation with another school board member, but nothing to report as being productive. • Council President Owen—received an invitation to Taste of Jeffersonville for September 14, 2022 from 5:30-8:30 pm at the Howard Steamboat Museum. They are asking for donations for the silent auction, let me know if anyone would like the contact information. Letter came from the Attorney General's office regarding an opioid settlement that the City will receive around $90,000.00 in unrestricted funds and $300,000.00 in restricted funds. An account will need to be set up for these 2 settlements. Received an email regarding Rock the Rocks event that is scheduled for September 24, 2022. Councilperson Hawkins made a motion that the Council purchase a table for the event, seconded by Councilperson Burns; motion passed,9-0. Funds to be taken out of Gaming if available. Council President Owen will get an invoice. ADJOURNMENT: Councilperson Hawkins made the motion to ADJOURN the meeting at 8:08 p.m. APROVED BY: Matt Ow , Pr ATTEST: L'sa Gill,Clerk 1 f/ The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Over 1,500 communities participate nationwide. In CRS communities, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community's efforts that address the three goals of the program: 1. Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property 2. Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program 3. Foster comprehensive floodplain management 2022 Floodplain Ordinance changes Repeals2014-OR-8 and 2018-OR-70 1. Article 2: Expands definitions for the SFHA 2. Article 2, section D: Expands compliance wording 3. Article 4, section B: Expands permitting procedures 4. Article 4, section C: Expands duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator 5. Article 4, section D:Adds administrative procedures wording 6. Article 4, section E: Adds map maintenance activities for development in the SFHA 7. Article 5: Expands provisions for flood hazard reductions and puts some responsibility to acquire permits from IDNR prior to the City issuing any permits 8. Article 5: Expands upon the standards for building in the SFHA 9. Repealing Ordinance 2018-OR-70 an amendment to 2014-OR-8 pertaining to historic structures: Variances procedures and appeals for historic structures will be put to the Board of Zoning Appeals JEFFERSONVILLE (INDIANA)MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING (Per Consulting Engineers) PROJECT COSTS Construction Costs: NWWTP expansion costs, contingencies and engineering inspection $45,208,750 Non-Construction Costs: Underwriter's discount 47,200 Legal, bond counsel, financial advisory and contingencies 159,050 Total Non-Construction Costs 206,250 Total Project Costs $45,415,000 PROJECT FUNDING READI grant* IFA grant through restructuring of 2020 B Bonds** IEDC tax credit $5,000,000 River Ridge contribution 12,000,000 City ARP Contribution 5,430,000 County ARP Contribution 1,500,000 Capacity fees/other contributions 8,000,000 Proposed Sewage Works Bond Anticipation Notes of 2022 13,485,000 Total Project Funding $45,415,000 *Assumed to be awarded after constructions bids are awarded so initially it will be funded with BAN proceeds. **Reduced interest rate on the 2020 B Bonds will result in$5 million of savings and interest reduction will allow for partial payoff of BANs during the three year BAN term. Additional capacity fees will be needed to pay off the BAN. 1 JEFFERSONVILLE(INDIANA)WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT WASTEWATER DRAW PLAN Below is a summary of the financing plan for the North Wastewater Treatment Plant("NWVVTP") expansion project. Sources: Deposited into Single Account Separate Accounts Draws/Tax Credit/Interest Savings • River Ridge contribution • City ARP contribution • IFA interest reduction by ($12M) ($5.43M) restructuring 2020 Bonds ($5M) • BAN proceeds • County ARP • READI grant($5M to be ($13.485M) contribution ($1.5M) received after BANs are issued) • Capacity fee contribution • Contractor receives a tax credit ($8M) . reducing the amount the City has to pay($5M) Draws: The anticipated order of funding source for project cost expenditures: County ARP funds' Sing` fund: consisting of Rtver.Rtdge conirftiutfon: . capacity fees': 41141. and any BAN leftover BAN proceeds proceeds* used to pay READI grant,: issuance , proceeds'r costs and any initial project costs' _. • CityARP '• funds' IEDC tax credit *Indicates cash will be held in trust accounts. **Assumes READI grant proceeds would be designated for the selected project once the bids have been awarded. 2 BAN Payoff Schedule: Year 2 • After year 1, partial • Final payoff with payoff with READI capacity fees and grant • Partial payoff with other City funds if reimbursement and capacity fees and necessary and debt debt service debt service service reductions reductions* reductions • Year 3 to Year 1 Maturity • *Assumes BANS are issued as callable after one year. 3 JEFFERSONVILLE (INDIANA) WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT DRAFT (Assumes BAN Issuance) PROPOSED TIMETABLE FOR WASTEWATER FINANCING (August 15,2022) Date Action Status August 4, 2022 Sewer board meets to consider recommending bond ordinance to City Council for financing of North Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion August 9, 2022 Notice of bond ordinance provided for City Council agenda August 11,2022 Bond ordinance included in council packet August 15, 2022 City Council meets for the first reading on bond ordinance (and adopts if willing to suspend the rules) August 16, 2022 City Council meets for the second reading and adoption of bond ordinance (if required) September 5, 2022 End of 20-day objection period September 8, 2022 Bond anticipation notes are sold September 22, 2022 Closing on bond anticipation notes and construction bids awarded 1