HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-OR-50 ~ /~-(4-1t- ])e -f2Mrd P1 A ~"r4.. ~ 1(-70:3 ~tJ fJ,,, 34 ~ I)AtIlL tZ~~ ORDINANCE NO. 92-0R-50 AS AMENDED AN ORDINANCE FIXING BASIC SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE C!TY OF JEFFERSON,V I LLE, I ND I ANA FOR THE YEAR 1993 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA: Section 1 This Ordinance shall set forth the maximum base compensation payable in calendar year 1993 to elected officials of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. Sec t ion 2 That from and after the first day of January 1993 the following elected officials of'the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana shall receive the following base compensation per year. GENERAL FUND: Mayor - $36,461.00, Clerk and Treasurer $35,909.00, City Judge - $27,350.00, and Councilpersons (7) - $45,920.00. SEWAGE DEPARTMENT: Mayor - $7,700.00, and Clerk - $7,700.00. Approved and signed by me this _____ day of _______________, 1992. ANDREW WILLIAMS III PRESIDENT, COMMON COUNCIL ATTEST: C. RICHARD SPENCER JR. CLERK AND TREASURER Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville, Indiana this ____ day of ___________________, 1992. C. RICHARD SPENCER JR. CLERK AND TREASURER This Ordinance approved and signed by me this _____ day of ______________________, 1992. RAYMOND J. PARKER JR. MAYOR NOTI.CETOTJ\J.;PAYERS>:i Notice is" h~by ~iven J I the taxpayers of the - City of; - I !JeffersolivilIe, Indiana( that l - the- Common Council _ nth(i;, .Council Chambers,' '. Room 250, City-county BuiJdirigon:i<1 Monday,: December 14, 1992"[1 at 6:30 . o'clock. P.M., wiU;'l! :,conduct a p~blichearing o~r~ ~ Ordimmoo No~,'92:-OR750, AniLj::1 {O~dinanoo F'i)ting :Ba's~I'" Salaries .l)f:Elected- QfficiaTS::<i OlTbeCity:Of ~etf~rsotivme r-j ~For ,The ~Year--l993,;'aS:'fo{MJ ;low8: ...;. ..- ...._.::.:;..,..,.~l-,:j I SECTION1:T1lllj: or'di1bf nance shall. set forth theij/ f maximum base compensa~i! \ tion payable in (!alendar~j~, i;year,l993 to elected official \' ".of the City of Jerre"onvme~! Indiana. -'.: ,: l,l-r Section 2: That from and':, ,after the first do y of Jani'I(;' ary, 1993 the .'. followl Jr.1 elected officials of the City 0 tr", i J_effersonviJIe,. Indiana' shall! ':1 I receivethe'fonOWingbaSeg~(' (Salarie!>peIwear. -. . .;,';:,~- : GENEItAJ"'F'VND-:-:1rI'U'o.r",c' j.3t)j~r;OO"J~lerk:a_n(i,,.~~y , silter/~$35;79'lJ>>,-CitY:J:t1df3:~ :,::~27;35(J:QO}and,. :COunClkl persons (7) $45,920.00. SEWAGE DEPARTMENT,; ,MJi yor~ $,7.;700.00, 8n<tPlerk,] , -$7,700.00.\. ..' _ ". ~ Taxpayers '. . appearing; shallluive 'a right tobe\ heard thereon. : n C.RICHARD SPEJIlCERJR>~ Ct,F;RKAf\PlTRl!:~~~~* ";' J~'::: ,;\4'~~~'r~'i;Dl J J .'c NEWS & JOURNAL, INC. 221 Spring SI. P.O. Box 867 Jeffersonville, IN 47131-0867 812.283.6636 November 16, 1992 City of Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer City-County Bldg., Rm. 421 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 RE: Legal Publication for Noveml:fer 12, 1992 Concerning "Notice to Taxpayers" To Whom It May Concern: Due to a typographical error, the salary for Clerk and Treasurer should have read $35,909.00. My sincere apology for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Respectjjjj.l1Y, ~ U',~Y0--'-..l Sue Widener Legal Bookkeeper File ~ ~. ."".", Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 99P (Revised 1987) City of Jeffersonville (Governmental Unit) To: News & Journal, Inc. Dr. 221 Spring St Jeffersonville IN 47130 Clark County, Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head number of lines 43 Body Tail number of lines number of lines Total number of lines in notice 43 COMPUTATION OF CHARGES columns wide equals 43 per line ...... equivalent lines 43 lines, I at .224 cents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.63 Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charge for extra proofs of publication ($I.OO for each proof in excess of two) .. 9.63 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 8.5 ems Number of insertions 1 Size of type 6 point Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. Sue Widener Date: November 17 , 1992 Title: bookkeeper PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT OF ;~'~tldTOTAXPAYER~~ State of Indiana ) : Notice. is . hereby, ~lve~' "the taxpayers of ~e,Clty 0 ) 55: JeffersonVille, Ind~l!-!1a.. that Clark the common Council m the Co un t y ) council Chambersl .Room 250 City-County BUildmg o~ M,on,da,Yo' ~~i::~bjr~4: ':1\ Personally appeared before me, a. hOngon conductapl,l~h~2~:50 An and state, the undersigned Ordinance ~....: B OrdU1:3nc~f E~~gOffiC~~ sworn, says tha~ S he is ~l~~:SCtty Of Jeffe!SOnV1U~ I The EvenlngN'"ews F The Year 1993, as fo " . d 1 h 'd i h 1 i h '0'. .., _. general circulation printed an pub is e n t e Eng s ows N 1 This Ordl- AT SECTI\:.ll Se' forth the """, t"i ,.,,) (xmrn) of Jeffersonville in state and county afore- nance s moensa- l' h ADt'lnaximUffibbaS, e cOcalendar said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, W 11C I tlOn llaya e In off ls lyearl1l93toerleeJ'ferdso~~~fte was duly published in said paper for one time , the oftheCltyo eer '\ Ind..na r "d.\l.. ates of publication being as follows: \ Section 2: That roma.... after .~~~irs\h~ay f~11~~r:g '\ \ :flcted officials of !he Cit~i \ IJe:ff~rsonthevme{ 1r~~: ta-sel lrecelve 0..,..\ \' salari~~~UND; Mayor.- I GEt;-lE 00 Clerk and Trea- " ~':::o $$5,909.00, City JUdgi\ :':'_' $27,350.00 and Counc~;" \ubscribed and sworn to before ipersons, gipJ1~:NT~" i SM~EWAGE$7 700 OO"and Clerk.\ I ayor - , .. , ".1 \-$7 700.00. . aring' . Taxpayers .:pe to be : \ Shandt~~o:~"'~' .,._,,,~.,,,,,>l \,-~e~ICHARD SPENCERJR..} commission expires: ci..ERKANDT~ASURER, ~:..",,:,-..-- a notary public in Sue Widener bOokkeeper and for said county who, being duly oft he newspaper or language in November ]7, 1992 L (J~6h,A'A) me thlS /7 ~ day of ::::1& 19Q i- I~Lvv J. Ud0X Cu / J- (. / 9~ ?ary Public () 0