HomeMy WebLinkAboutEIGHTY-SIXT / OEPAo., .. . . . Ae. „ ..„._ c„.y..._...,..,... ,..:, .i.;i',",:. - 'A,--",----X . ^!*” RiverStage Performance Contract - z.- . .„„i„., . . , . . 7, , ----" ...,,q,.,.. . _ __,,,- ::--,. ,...•,,.- .;:.,,, . ' oK" ::-T-7., , -r"1"11:1*00*-.' 14"teseriO4 The undersigned Artistis)and Producer agree on this date being the 15th day of May in the year 2019 to the following terms and conditions for engagement of artist performance to accordance heti descried 1 Artist Eighty-Sixt 2 Producer City el Jellemendla Parks&ReCreatal AO:ire-5 S Adeir.ess 500 Quadanimmiter Court Suite 212 Jeffersonville,114 47130 USA Contact Agent Sara Snipes=-Special Events Phone hione 502.401.1751 Erna* -3n.-,aii ssirnasionackyofieff.net 3 Contact Aerkakint Prallener shag make payment in acorsance rerewith to allist or artist moped per deolianalioo as assigned beida the agreed art:cunt of Five ilimithad 1$5110)dollars for aid following render of serece Levier this agreement via city on the nicht of perfoorance and fr)the name assigned defray 4 Venue: Jefientorwille RrverStage 5 Venue Typed City Parklimphitneatre 6 Capacity: 15 000 Approx. 7 Venue A.M . 100 W Riverside Dr.-leffersortvitie W447130 8 Production flesprirements: Producer toped&sound reinforcement fighbrig and staging in aometanoe with acceptaoie presentation of arts;perfortnarde and as oeerned apprix‘calle by potlucer for the venue of engagement underlie aigreerreni Producer shad aisc prove Product oriiStaige Menace, f:Cr-i engineer.venue manger during fhe exeramon of his adreernivit Artist shall provide and be responsible for personal gear to include instruments and personal amplification equipment effects and instrument cables necessary. 9 Performance Details - Both parties to this agreement agree to the following performance Details and to practice 000d fair; Palleminves ideille to abode tri the evarents detailed harein. Show Dalt Fri.,lase 14,?MS 10 Produ.der and or producers Production Manager Sear nave fina4 a,itti.orr, ver ad derision Snow Type: Concert regarding safety of artist production crew.equipment arid faiditi7i. Load in: 500 PM EST Set By 6:30 PM EST 11 Artist chats be responsible for all boenses,taxes and oiler such required professional or awl Sound RI 8:30 PM EST prosissons that may apply to their performance mechanical ficeissa copyright,traiderearli mid :Doors: 6:30 Plit EST suit not under authority of tie producer arc misled for the einculion of lis agniernent Showtime: 700 PM EST Set Change. 800 PM EST 12 - nenant llialier Set Tune 60 flirt Set Pil podia's di*is agreement send be deemed enforceable unitess performance is-:...aikeiled Oat 7,00 PM EST duo to____,dot cid_adence,,and or act of God,before band is sat up, En& 800 PM EST Producer arms to pep slid 25%of conliracled amount under%nese ciaminflances Strike Mar Set Curfew. 1030 PM EST Agreed . . Accepted By: . ) • ...J L i.--- , •,.,,2 J- 1 -19 •ur •.sers A' , re 4a e stAgents Signature Date it'. if Jeffersonv : . Parks& Recreation Deot. of Artst o Agent's DBA Title 2 Qi..art,einmasteit Court SJite 2"2 A Jeffersonville.IN 47130 USA Ctry.Ste ZIP ' Pinuire