HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MARCH 18, 2019 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA MARCH 18,2019 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court,Jeffersonville, Indiana at 7:03 pm, on Monday, March 18, 2019. Council President Ed Zastawny along with City Clerk Conlin called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Councilperson Ellis gave the invocation. Council President Zastawny asked those in attendance to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL:The roll call was conducted and those present were: Councilperson White, Councilperson Jahn, Councilperson Gill, Councilperson Maples, Councilperson Hawkins, Councilperson Owen and Councilperson Ellis, Councilperson Samuel and Council President Zastawny were present. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: March 4, 2019 Regular Proceedings—Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the minutes with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the agenda with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote,9-0. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: City Controller Heather Metcalf presented the General Claims. Councilperson Gill asked if all claims were in order and the travel had mileage and agendas. They are in order. Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the claims as changed with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote,9- 0. City Controller Heather Metcalf presented the Parks Claims list. Councilperson Gill asked if a kitchen was being put in somewhere because she is seeing a lot of claims for kitchen items-a stove,toaster, etc. Councilperson Owen said he is unsure, but they are going to be running the concession stand this year as opposed to years past. Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the claims as presented with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. REPORT OF THE CLERK: Nothing at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Ed Zastawny/Sarah Green 2018-OR-67 An Ordinance Amending 2016-OR-11 Which Amends 2006-OR-14 Ordinance Regulating the Treatment and Keeping of Domestic, Dangerous,and/or Vicious Animals Within the City Limits—Tabled until May 2019 No Action Needed 2. Ed Zastawny-Les Merkley—2018-OR-77 An Ordinance Amending The Jeffersonville Zoning Code (2000-OR-61)For Purposes of Establishing Regulations for Non-Commercial -Tabled until May 2019 No Action Needed 3. Ed Zastawny- Les Merkley—2019-OR-9 An Ordinance Amending the City of Jeffersonville Zoning Ordinance (200-OR-61)Approving Updates to the NC(Neighborhood Commercial) Development Standards and Permitted an Special Exception Uses as Recommended by the Plan Commission (ONE READING)—Chad Reischl was present and presented 2019-OR-9. This was tabled during the last meeting due to having the incorrect exhibit A and the correct one was presented to the Council. This only effects roughly 20 properties along 10th Street however will allow for a positive impact. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2019-OR-9 with Councilperson Maples seconding, PASSING on a vote,9-0. 4. Ed Zastawny/Heather Metcalf—2019-OR-10 An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds within the Same Department— There have been no changes since the last meeting. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2019-OR-10 on the third and final reading with Councilperson Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 5. Ed Zastawny/Heather Metcalf—PUBLIC HEARING 2019-OR-11 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriations—There have been no changes since the last meeting. Council President Zastawny opened the Public Hearing at 7:12 PM and as no members of the Community came forward to speak for or against the matter the Public Hearing was closed. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2019-OR-11 on the third and final reading with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-1 with Councilperson Ellis voting against. NEW BUSINESS: Nothing at this time. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Nothing at this time. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL ATTORNEY Nothing at this time. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Larry Shelby—10307 Falling Creek Way Louisville, KY—Mr. Shelby came to inform the Council about the Veterans Wheelchair Games that will be coming to Louisville and Jeffersonville. He is looking for support from the Council in the means of a Proclamation. It was discussed and the Mayor does the proclamations, however the Council may be able to do a Resolution. Clerk Conlin will look for similarly worded Resolutions to forward to the Council. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilperson White—No comment. Councilperson Jahn—It is National Act Happy Day and Nations Awkward Moment Day. There will be a professional development workshop on March 27th from 1-4. She will not be here for the next meeting as she is getting married. Councilperson Maples—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Gill -Congratulations to Councilperson Jahn. She apologizes for being out the last meeting, she was ill. Councilperson Hawkins—Congratulations to Councilperson Jahn. Thank you to the Street Department for their speedy response to road issues. New Chapel Park is now under way and beginning to take shape. Councilperson Owen—The bids concerning the Animal Shelter came back higher than anticipated so right now all options are being explored. Congratulations to Councilperson Jahn. Councilperson Ellis—They Mayor is able to give special recognition for different reasonings and he would like to explore the Council having a similar option for this. Congratulations to Councilperson Jahn. Councilperson Samuel—Congratulations to Councilperson Jahn. Council President Zastawny—He is looking forward to the Browns season this year. ADJOURNMENT: Councilperson Owen made the motion to ADJOURN and the meeting adjourned at 7:24 P.M. AP"c'VED :Y: Ed Zastawny, Pr: ident A ST: Vicki Conlin, Clerk