HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 5, 2018 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA February 5, 2018 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court,Jeffersonville, Indiana at 7:00 pm, on Monday, February 5, 2018. Council President Gill along with City Clerk Conlin called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Mr. Bobby Campbell gave the Invocation and Council President Gill asked those in attendance to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL:The roll call was conducted and those present were: Councilperson Zastawny, Councilperson Jahn, Councilperson Maples, Councilperson Hawkins, Councilperson Gill, Councilperson Owen, and Councilperson Ellis and Councilperson Samuel. Councilperson White was late to the proceedings to the proceedings and arrived at 7:09 PM. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: January 16, 2018 Council Workshop—Councilperson Jahn made a motion to APPROVE with Councilperson Samuel seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. January 16, 2018 Regular Proceedings—Councilperson Jahn made a motion to APPROVE with Councilperson Samuel seconding, PASSING on a vote,8-0. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Council President Gill said she spoke with Councilperson White and the YMCA will need to be moved to the next Council Meeting. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE the agenda as with the changes with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: Heather Metcalf, City Controller presented the General Claims List. Controller Metcalf said there is a claim on pg 11 for the Mayor that needs to be removed. He does not get paid for Building Authority. Council President Gill asked if the ad had been obtained for a claim and Controller Metcalf stated she will do that. Also Council President Gill asked that it be brought up in a Department Head meeting as a reminder to get the claims in on a timely manner so they are not carrying over into subsequent years. The new total is$875,372.96. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the general claims with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. Heather Metcalf, City Controller presented the Parks Claims List. There are no changes. Councilperson Ellis made a motion to APPROVE the Parks Claims with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. REPORT OF THE CLERK: None at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Lisa Gill/Les Merkley—2017-OR-87 An Ordinance Establishing Conditions of Right-Of-Way Activity Permit Passed on 2nd reading 1/2/18 Tabled 1/16/18—City Attorney Les Merkley presented 2017-OR-87. These recommendations come approved from the City Engineer. Councilperson Owen made a motion to AMEND 2017-OR-87 with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2017-OR-87 as amended on the third and final reading with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 8-0. 2. Lisa Gill/ Kim Calabro—2018-OR-4 An Ordinance Amending 2017-OR-69 An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees for All the Departments of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana for the Year 2018—Human Resources Director Kim Calabro presented 2018-OR-4. The only change from the first reading is on page 2 under the Clerk's Office. Councilperson Owen asked if the paygrade was supposed to change as well and it was. Councilperson Owen made a motion to AMEND 2018-OR-4 to reflect the paygrade for Chief Deputy City Clerk to go from a paygrade 4 to a paygrade 5 with Councilperson Samuel seconding PASSING on a vote, 9-0 (Councilperson White arrived to the proceedings). Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-4 on the final reading with Councilperson Ellis seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 3. Lisa Gill/ Heather Metcalf—2018-OR-5 An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds within the Same Department(Passed on 1st and 2nd reading 1/16/18)-City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-5. There have been no chances since the first reading. Councilperson Jahn made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-5 on the third and final reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 4. Lisa Gill Heather Metcalf—PUBLIC HEARING 2018-OR-6 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Passed on 1st and 2nd reading 1/16/18)—City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-6. This is to cover the increase in pay and the INPRS and the Social Security cost will be presented later this evening. Council President Gill opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 PM and as no members of the community came forward to speak for or against the matter the Public Hearing was closed. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-6 on the third and final reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 5. Lisa Gill Heather Metcalf—PUBLIC HEARING 2018-OR-7 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Passed on 1st and 2nd reading 1/16/18)—City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-7. There have been no changes from the first reading. Council President Gill opened the Public Hearing at 7:12 PM and as no members of the community came forward to speak for or against the matter the Public Hearing was closed. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-7 on the third and final reading with Councilperson Jahn seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Dustin White—YMCA Capital Campaign Presentation—Will present at the next meeting. 2. Ed Zastawny-Beth Quinkert, CNM Birth Center opening- Beth Quinkert, CNM informed the Council that a new business will be opening right across from the Hospital. The Birth Center has both national and state guidelines and standards that have to be met. The renovations will start in the next couple of weeks and she expects to open in July or August. This will provide a birthing option for low risk pregnancies. It is a free standing health care center. They do have the support of the hospital and are not expecting to pull much revenue from the hospital as they are expecting to pull people in regionally. 3. Lisa Gill- Drainage Board Appointments—Council President Gill said that she appoints Bob Rogee and Councilperson Ellis appointed James Right as his current appointment cannot continue to serve for personal reasons. Councilperson Maples asked if this could be brought up again because technically it was voted down during the last meeting. Council Attorney Wilder advised that if something is voted down technically it cannot be brought to the table unless by a member of the opposing side. City Attorney Merkley stated he disagreed and thinks it can be revisited in subsequent meetings. Councilperson Maples said he does not want Council President Gill's appointment on the board. He did not represent him well and he was supposed to report to him and did not communicate. Councilperson Zastawny said that either way the will of the Council will be done one way or another. Councilperson White said the Mayor still has the option to Veto it. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to TABLE with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote 8-1 with Councilperson Maples voting against. Council President Gill advised Council Attorney Wilder if she had been notified about this prior to the meeting the meeting could've gone differently. 4. Nathan Samuel—2018-OR-8 An Ordinance Establishing the Jeffersonville Public Arts Commissions Repealing and Replacing Prior Public Arts Committee Resolutions—Council Attorney Larry Wilder presented 2018-OR-8. This does change that the appointments to the Public Arts Commission has to reside in Jeffersonville. Councilperson Samuel said this has been the intent all along and does not affect any of the current commissioners. Councilperson Jahn made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-8 on the first and second reading with Councilperson Maples seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 5. Ed Zastawny—2018-OR-9 Ordinance Mandating the City Controller Present Public Information Regarding Funds Paid to Vendors, Sub-Contractors, Contractors Employees and other Individuals or Entities Paid by the City of Jeffersonville and/or The City's Subdivisions, Departments or Entities Under the Control of the City—Council Attorney Larry Wilder presented 2018-OR-9. Councilperson Zastawny asked him to prepare this. Councilperson Zastawny said that historically the City has published this information in an effort of transparency. Councilperson Zastawny said when he went back to look at it he could not find it in Public Records. Clerk Conlin said she went through the ordinances as well and was not able to locate it, she could only find record of it in the minutes. Councilperson Zastawny said some of the changes are that you will not see utilities on this list or bond payments. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-9 on the first and second reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding. Controller Metcalf asked if she could ask a few clarifying questions: On the first page it says the Controller shall enable the Council to publish this information, does the Council want to publish that or is that something that they want to be done through the Controller's office. Councilperson Zastawny said the Controller will do that on behalf of the Council. Councilperson White asked what it meant to publish the information as it is already on Gateway. Councilperson Zastawny said in a public domain and to make it as easy as possible for any organization to track this information. The website is fine and an email to the Council and the News and Tribune. On page three for personal service contract Controller Metcalf said she is not sure what the difference is between vendors there. She said she would not be sure how to differentiate between the two because there would be a lot of overlap. Controller Metcalf asked how she is supposed to know if an employee has a business if they do not file the disclosure. Councilperson Owen said this might be a good thing for the Finance Committee to meet with the Controller and discuss. Controller Metcalf also said that this ordinance outlines this will be done for 2016 and 2017 but the first two sections, Councilperson Zastawny said that was a mistake and they wanted just 2017. Pg 1 changing second to last line Council to Controller for publishing the information. Pg 4 adding in the middle of the page under vendor the Wastewater Board. Pg 5 adjusting under number 2 the number from 20 to 40 and we are combining the verbiage with category 4 on page 6 with category 2 so vendor will include the existing vendor definition as well as the personal service contract definition. Pg 6 And we are striking 2016 from the middle of the page. Strike the comment regarding the Controller shall know concerning the employees businesses. Clerk Conlin said when we get the original contracts a spreadsheet is kept and a column could be added for personal services and contract to help keep track of those. Original motion and second agreed that their motions included all of the noted changes to be made for the third reading, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 6. Lisa Gill/Heather Metcalf—2018-OR-10 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Public Hearing)—City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-10 and asked that it be considered to suspend the rules and approve on all three readings so that this can be resolved. This is for the Executive Assistants change in pay that was approved earlier this evening and also the INPRS and Social Security. Council President Gill opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 PM and as no members of the community came forward to speak for or against the matter the public hearing was closed. Councilperson Jahn made a motion to SUSPEND the rules with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. Councilperson Hawkins made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-10 on all three readings with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 7. Lisa Gill/Heather Metcalf—2018-OR-11 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Public Hearing 2/20/18)—City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-11. The first two are appropriating the cash that is in the fund already and the third one is for the Anti Harassment training. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-11 on the first and second reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 8. Lisa Gill Heather Metcalf—2018-OR-12 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Public Hearing 2/20/18) -City Controller Heather Metcalf presented 2018-OR-12. This is to cover the INPRS and the Social Security for the increase in the Mayor and Clerks salaries. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-12 on the first and second reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. 9. Lisa Gill Heather Metcalf—2018-OR-13 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation (Public Hearing 2/20/18)—Spring Street City Controller presented 2018-OR-13. Planning and Zoning Director Nathan Pruitt was present and presented what was being requested was the additional amount to fully fund the Spring Street Project. This is requesting an additional 2.6 million dollars and will fund the entire project. The engineering work is in the process of being completed. Councilperson Owen said that after the final numbers came back for 2017 it was discovered that the reserves were higher than anticipated and they wanted to bring to the full Council the idea of fully funding the project from reserves to see if they had that support. Councilperson Jahn asked what the timeline would be for this project and Mr. Pruitt said give or take 180 days. Council President Gill asked if it had been taken into account the other projects going on in the area with the Arts and Cultural District and the Clark Memorial Hospital remodel. Mr. Pruitt said he had a representative present. Martin Padgett—1606 Fox Trot Trail—Their project is about 7-8 million dollars and will take 18- 24 months to complete. It fits very nicely with what Mr. Pruitt has shown him for the Spring Street Revitalization. He is looking forward to a very beautiful Spring Street when this is completed. John Ashton—1909 E. Court Ave—He has been reviewing this project and watching it develop. He thinks this project is key to having that uniform look throughout the corridor. The Council has mentioned that there is numerous parties in developing that corridor. This is how the City can remain in control of how that corridor looks. It is really important for building a community within and improve overall safety. This is a real opportunity for us to improve. Lincoln Crum—813 Mechanic Street—He drives that path what seems like 10 times a day and the fluidity of it is so important and it's not right now. It needs some serious attention. It's time we give them that attention. That is a hot pocket for real estate in the future. He is here to support the measure. Clayton Pace—350 Missouri Avenue—In favor of the component. They are getting ready to renovate the Masonic Home and appreciate the measures that are being put in. It is important to know that the community is in favor of the work that is going to be done. Councilperson Owen asked what the anticipated investment will be for that renovation and it is about 3.5 million dollars. Councilperson White said he appreciates them coming to Jeffersonville. Warren Schimpf—347 Spring Street— He is in support of the project,just a couple of projects. He is really concerned about the bump outs put in. He thinks they should be cautious, what happens when they go? It will mean that the parking is lost down there. The drainage under the bump outs is concerning. We need to make sure we have good drainage. Councilperson Owen said he had a letter of support for the record for the project. This project is in accordance with what they strive for and push for development. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE 2018-OR-13 on the first and second, with Councilperson White seconding. Councilperson White asked that once the funds go into this fund can it only be used for that purpose. It can only be used for that as established under the ordinance. Council President Gill said that she doesn't think there is a Council member up there who doesn't support this project, however it just is not a priority to her to do this right now when she has other priorities. She does support it to be funded in phases. Councilperson Hawkins said we have some very big unknowns coming up that will need to be funded. Also he thinks that Redevelopment should be footing some of the bill for this and he will be happy to go to bat for that. He thought he was doing good offering the initial funding out of reserves but he will not be in support for funding the full project at this point through the reserves. He will not be voting for this. Councilperson White asked if there would be any will to add the Hospital area and Arts and Cultural district. Councilperson Hawkins said he is sticking to what he agreed on initially. Council President Gill said she would not be interested in adding those districts. Councilperson Owen said he would be interested in what the other priorities are that are potentially shovel ready. Councilperson Hawkins said he made a vote a couple of months ago and nothing has changed between that vote and this vote. Councilperson White asked if there was interest in tabling the matter. The motion and second was rescinded. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE but will be voting against on the first and second reading with Councilperson Hawkins seconding. A roll call was requested. Councilperson White—Yes Councilperson Zastawny—No Councilperson Jahn -Yes Councilperson Maples-Yes Councilperson Hawkins- No Councilperson Owen Yes Councilperson Samuel—No Councilperson Ellis—No Councilperson Gill—No Motion FAILED on a vote, 4-5. 10. Lisa Gill/Larry Wilder—Discussion on Drainage Advisory Board Ordinances— Council Attorney Wilder said it looks like now that a matter can be revisited if brought up by a party who initially voted against it. Council Attorney Wilder informed the Council there is three different options. You can abolish the Board. You can have an ordinance that has a unilateral approach where you can appoint and then the rest of the Council has to approve by a majority vote. Then you have the option of a unilateral appointment and the Council doesn't have to approve but the Council can remove. You have to decide if you are going to allow each individual without a 5-4 vote or if you are going to nominate an individual. Councilperson Maples said the reason he supports that a Council has to approve to appoint and remove is that they are a Council, they are not the Mayor, it seems like an executive function when you are appointing individually. Also if someone appoints a person and they go out and commit a crime the Council should have the authority the remove that person. He would support the one where an individual nominates and the Council must ratify the nomination and the Council must remove the appointment with our without cause. Councilperson Maples said he thinks they should vote on everything. Councilperson Owen said he is not in favor of the member having to live in certain areas,just that they need to live in Jeffersonville. Councilperson Jahn said two Council at large needs to be changed to three. Councilperson Hawkins said he does not think they should have to live in the person's district, there could be multiple qualified appointments in a certain district. Council President Gill said that it is important to her to have a qualified individual and she did not want to lose what he brings to the board. She did not realize it would cause all of this. Councilperson Samuel said he thinks that the reason it seems that we have operated that way is because when someone said a name then it's your person and he's voted in the affirmative. Council President Gill said that she agrees with that and she would have brought up some concerns with previous appointments but did not because they were other Council's appointments. Councilperson Owen said in this case an appointment was removed for what the Councilperson deemed a just cause and then it was reappointed by another Council member. He thinks that is inappropriate. Councilperson Ellis said it is hard to find good qualified candidates for these positions. c7` Councilperson Ellis made his nomination for James Wf+gl't�for the drainage board with V- �G Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. I6 P 1 n ps � \i-Q REPORT OF THE COUNCIL ATTORNEY Nothing at this time. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Mr. McCutcheons was present on behalf of the fire department seeking approval to enter into two new leases for pickup trucks. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE with Councilperson Samuel seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Nothing at this time. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilperson White—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Zastawny—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Jahn—Councilperson Jahn said that the committee for the Salary pay grades did meet with Kim Calabro and began those discussions. If there are any questions please funnel those through the committee. Liz is out for the month of February but after that we will be revisiting this matter. Councilperson Maples—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Hawkins—Circuit Breakers came in and Heather did a great job estimating those. He is excited about the development going on in his district, lots of exciting things. Councilperson Owen—Thank you to the City Engineer and the Legal Department for getting 17-OR-87 finished. This will be helpful in encouraging people to bore under instead of tearing up the road and patching. Also there was a meeting earlier where it was discussed for the Fieldhouse to be used by the downtown school being proposed and that is being worked out. Also Communities in Schools is seeking to be sponsored at the 10,000 level. He is sorry to see the Spring Street funding fail this evening, he thinks that sends the wrong signal. Councilperson Ellis—He supports the Spring Street Project being funded in phases. He likes Councilperson White's enthusiasm for the matter and appreciates that. Councilperson Samuel—Councilperson Samuel said he has mentioned in the past that he would like to see all non-profits coming for support come at one time so they can hear them all at the same time and make informed decisions so that organizations don't get left out. He would like to see the 14000 for the training come from the executive budget and then more can be appropriated later if needed. Also he has heard that there will be 14 new firefighters being hired. Both Councilperson Owen and City Attorney Owen said there is not plan for the new positions. Councilperson Ellis said it is hard to find good qualified candidates for these positions. Councilperson Ellis made his nomination for James Right for the drainage board with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL ATTORNEY Nothing at this time. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Mr. McCutcheons was present on behalf of the fire department seeking approval to enter into two new leases for pickup trucks. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE with Councilperson Samuel seconding, PASSING on a vote, 9-0 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Nothing at this time. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilperson White—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Zastawny—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Jahn—Councilperson Jahn said that the committee for the Salary pay grades did meet with Kim Calabro and began those discussions. If there are any questions please funnel those through the committee. Liz is out for the month of February but after that we will be revisiting this matter. Councilperson Maples—Nothing at this time. Councilperson Hawkins—Circuit Breakers came in and Heather did a great job estimating those. He is excited about the development going on in his district, lots of exciting things. Councilperson Owen—Thank you to the City Engineer and the Legal Department for getting 17-OR-87 finished. This will be helpful in encouraging people to bore under instead of tearing up the road and patching. Also there was a meeting earlier where it was discussed for the Fieldhouse to be used by the downtown school being proposed and that is being worked out. Also Communities in Schools is seeking to be sponsored at the 10,000 level. He is sorry to see the Spring Street funding fail this evening, he thinks that sends the wrong signal. Councilperson Ellis—He supports the Spring Street Project being funded in phases. He likes Councilperson White's enthusiasm for the matter and appreciates that. Councilperson Samuel—Councilperson Samuel said he has mentioned in the past that he would like to see all non-profits coming for support come at one time so they can hear them all at the same time and make informed decisions so that organizations don't get left out. He would like to see the 14000 for the training come from the executive budget and then more can be appropriated later if needed. Also he has heard that there will be 14 new firefighters being hired. Both Councilperson Owen and City Attorney Owen said there is not plan for the new positions. Council President Gill—Nothing at this time. ADJOURNMENT: Councilperson Samuel made the motion to ADJOURN and the meeting adjourned at 9:32 P.M. APPROVED BY: Lisa ill, President ATTEST: Vicki Conlin, Clerk