HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIVER POPS 2018 �In PROD CO a Your MTI Rep: SHARON WALKER Your MTI Account Number: 0078312 Contract No: 9455755 Printed On:08/22/17 Licensee: - REPRINT- RIVER POPS C/O: RON BREEDLOVE Contract Issue Date: 08/22/17 1027 RHONDA DRIVE Contract Expiration Date: 10/03/17 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 Valid For Performances From: 07/19/18 - 07/22/18 TELE#: 502 751 8791 FAX: E-MAIL: RONBREEDLOVE812@a GMAIL.COM THIS IS A LICENSE FOR AN AMATEUR PRODUCTION OF: ANNIE SPECIAL CONDITIONS ROYALTY A) $75.00 For Each Regular,Benefit or Other Performance Provisions: Regular Performance Seating Limited to 500 per Performance Tickets @ 0.00 SECURiTy DEPosIT $400.00 to be refunded following the safe, timely return of the rented material to us, less handling/shipping/ missing materials/brokerage fees, late charges and/or any outstanding account obligations. RENTAL FEE $595.00 for a standard set of materials or any part thereof Provisions: See attached ADDITIONAL MATERIALS page for a complete list of all materials included in the Standard Rental Set. The Standard Rental Set (see attached) is the ONLY acting edition authorized by the Authors and MUST be rented from us as a condition of this offering. If the rental materials are needed in advance of the standard two-month rental period,they may be rented for$400.00 extra each month or part therof, pending availability. P9"09 INS PAGE FOR YOUR WORDS PAGE1 CONTRACT CONFIRMATION Your MTI Ac oun#NUOmber- 0078312 COMPLETE THIS COPY AND RETURN TO MTI Contract ALKER No: 9455755 Printed On:08/22/17 CONFIRMATION OF PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Name of Organization: RIVER POPS Name of Show: ANNIE Name and address of performance space/venue: JEFFERSONVILLE RIVERSTAGE 500 QUARTERMASTER CT. ROOM 205 1027 RHONDA DRIVE,JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 Date(s)of performance(s):07/19/2018-07/22/2018 Contract Expires: 10/03/2017 Please list number of performances for each calendar month: SHIP WITH: ❑ Partial/Alternate Orchestration Full Orchestration. ❑ No Orchestration (check one) tit-Partial.'you:&11451 mark Inc required dans an the Orcncsrna, OErncs sheet,grid return a copy vnlh your signed contract. It Alternate Orchestration.and more than one alternate orchestration exists.please indicate which version-ie:17 piece or 13 piece) ROYALTY: Royalty A for performance(s) Q $ 75.00 per performance,a total of $ 00 00 RENTAL: $595.00 for a standard set of materials or any part thereof $ 595.00 ADDITIONAL RENTAL (outeide of the standard two(z)month period): $400 per month X months $ SECURITY FEE: Your security tee MUST be paid in full by check.credit card or money order(No Purchase Orders accepted)in order to process your license. $ 400.00 Failure to do so may result in a delay in the processing of your license. O© ADDITIONAL MATERIALS GRAND TOTAL(from ADDITIONAL MATERIALS page): $ SALES TAX (CA, CT, MN, NJ, NY):CT.MN a NY:Apply to al!Materials and Shipping fees.CAaNJ residents apply to Materials only. $ TOTAL:...__ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED:.. OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS:__- ......... Shipment is made by UPS or FEDEX Ground Service unless otherwise instructed. You will be billed for oil shipping charges. Canadian and overseas shipments are by most efficient carrier,unless otherwise instructed. Special Shipping Instructions: (check one) 1_! RUSH ❑ SECOND DAY ❑ GROUND Shipping Address: (NO P.O.BOXES)---- -- ---- -- -------- City: State: Zip/Postal Code: ❑ CHECK or MONEY ORDER (No personal checks accepted. Make payable to MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL) ❑ CREDIT CARD: ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD ❑ AMERICAN EXPRESS Card Number: Exp. Date Name on Card: Signature: Amount: PLEASE NOTE.,ANY REFUNDS ISSUED ON CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS WILL BE PAID TO THE ORGANIZATION BY CHECK ❑PURCHASE ORDER: For schools and government agencies ONLY,a signed, authorized purchase order is acceptable for ROYALTY and RENTAL payment. YOU MUST STILL return your check,money order or credit card information for the SECURITY FEE along with your signed,authorized P.O. with this license to cause materials to be shipped. AccEPTANcE By signing below.you agree that you have read and that you understand the terms and conditions set forth in this Production Contract and the accompanying Performance License and agree to abide by terms and conditions contained therein. t MTPs formance License can be found online at www.MTlShows.com/PertL" �n/se PRINT YOUR NAME lia kTITLE ?,eO 6�� AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE 8'-Z = /-7 DAYTIME TELEPHONE_tso�� 7S_1 87 / EMAIL YQU MUST[QMPLETE AND REi"URN TNLS PAGE iNLTN PAYMENT t PACE 2 ff i0-MIUMATIOM Your MTI Rep: SHARON WALKER Your MTI Account Number: 0078312 UCENSEE COPY Contract No: 9455755 Printed On:08/22/17 CONFIRMATION OF PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Name of Organization: RIVER POPS Name of Show: ANN I E Name and address of performance spacetvenue: JEFFERSONVILLE RIVERSTAGE 500 QUARTERMASTER CT. ROOM 205 1027 RHONDA DRIVE, JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 Date(s)of performance(s): 07/19/2018 -07/22/2018 Contract Expires: 10/03/2017 Please list number of performances for each calendar month: SHIP WITH: ❑ PartiaUAlternate Orchestration ❑ Full OrchestrationL11 No Orchestration ms (eone) ('it"Partial,°you MUST marc the required parts on the OR:nesmnTrow DFTALs sheet,and return a copy with your signed contract. it Alternate Orchestration,and more than one alternate orchestration exists,please indicate which version-ie:17 piece or 13 piece) ROYALTY: Royalty A for_performance(s) @ $ 75.00 per performance, a total of $ RENTAL: $595.00 for a standard set of materials or any part thereof $ 595.00 ADDITIONAL RENTAL(outside of the standard two(2)month period): $400 per month X months $ SECURITY FEE:Your security fee MUST be paid in full by check,credit card or money order(No Purchase Orders accepted)in order to process your license. $ 400.00 Failure to do so may result in a delay in the processing of your license. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS GRAND TOTAL(from ADDITIONAL MATERIALS page): $ SALES TAX (CA, CT, MN, NJ, NY): CT,MN&NY:Apply to all Materials and Shipping fees.CA$NJ residents apply to Materials only. $ TOTAL:..-- TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $ OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS:. $ Shipment is merle by UPS or FEDDt Ground Service unless otherwise instructed. You wig be billed for all shipping chorges. Canadian and overseas shi rnents are by most efficient carrier,unless otherwise instructed. Special Shipping Instructions: (check one) RUSH ❑ SECOND DAY ❑ GROUND Shipping Address: (NO P.O.BOXES) _-- City: State: Zip/Postal Code: ❑ CHECK or MONEY ORDER (No personal checks accepted. Make payable to MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL) ❑ CREDIT CARD: ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD ❑ AMERICAN EXPRESS Care! Number: Exp. Date Name on Card: Signature: Amount: PLEASE NOTE:ANY REFUNDS ISSUED ON CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS WILL BE PAID TO THE ORGAN/ZATKNI BY CHECK ❑PURCHASE ORDER: For schools and government agencies ONLY, a signed, authorized purchase order is acceptable for ROYALTY and RENTAL payment. YOU MUST STILL return your check, money order or credit card information for the SECURITY FEE along with your signed, authorized P.O. with this license to cause materials to be shipped. ACCEPTANCE By signing below,you agree that you have read and that you understand the terms and conditions set forth in#tis Pixiduction contract and the accompanying Perfonfrence License and agree to abide by terms and conditions contained therein.A copy of WTI's Performance License can be found orfine at www.MTlShows.comPer1tjcense_ PRINT YOUR NAME TITLE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE DAYTIME TELEPHONE EMAIL Yt9f1 MAY XffP THIS PAGE FOR YOUL RE[ORt1S PAGE3 ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Your MTI Rep: SHARON WALKER Your MTI Account Number: 0078312 Contract No: 9455755 Printed On:08/22/17 STANDARD RaYTAL SET ANNIE Your Standard Rental Set of Materials will include: Rehearsal Set. 25 LIBRETTOIVOCAL BOOK 2 PIANO CONDUCTOR'S SCORE 1 STUDY GUIDE Orchestration: The Standard Rental Set includes the complete standard orchestration parts. For orchestration details(andlor options)please view the attached ORCHESTRATION sheet(s). ADDITIONAL MATERIALS ORDER • You can order additional materials and theatrical resources at the following rates. To order,simply indicate the quanfity of each item you would like and add the Grand Total to the Confirmation Page of this Production Contract. ITEM QUANTITY COST EACH TOTAL ADDITIONAL MATERIALS LIBRETTO/VOCAL BOOK(Replacement Fee $25.00) x $ 6.25 = $ PIANO CONDUCTOR'S SCORE (Replacement Fee$120.00) I x $ 30. 00 = $ .eO STUDY GUIDE x $ 5 .95 = $ ADDITIONAL ORCHESTRA PARTS ( Replacement Fee$60.00) 5 x $ 15.00 = $ -75-. 005 (Attach ORCHESTRATION sheet with additional parts required marked-list total quantity of parts above) THEATRICAL RESOURCES CUSTOMIZABLE SHOW POSTERS (Call for Pricing) FULL SCORE VOL. 1 OF 4 (Replacement Fee$100.00) x $ 25 -00 = $ FULL SCORE VOL.2 OF 4 (Replacement Fee$100.00) x $ 25 .00 = $ FULL SCORE VOL.3 OF 4 (Replacement Fee$100.00) x $ 25 -00 = $ FULL SCORE VOL.4 OF 4(Replacement Fee$100.00) x $ 25 -00 = $ KEYBOARD PATCH SOLUTIONS(Call for Pricing) LOGO PACK DIGITAL �_ x $ 75 .00 = $7S- ORCHEXTRA(Cali for Pricing) PRODUCTION SLIDES x $ 250.00 = $ REFERENCE RECORDING x $ 20. 00 = $ REHEARSCORE+ DIGITAL x $ 300-00 = $ SCENE PARTNER(Call for Pricing) STAGE MANAGER SCRIPT(Replacement Fee$100.00) 1 x $ 25 .00 = $ ,2r� QV TRANSPOSITIONS-ON-DEMAND (Call for Pricing) VIRTUAL STAGE MANAGER (Call for Pricing) LOGO TEES SIX-PACK ADULT LARGE x $ 80.00 = $ _ LOGO TEES SIX-PACK ADULT MEDIUM x $ 80. 00 = $ E LOGO TEES SIX-PACK ADULT SMALL x $ 80. 00 = $_- LOGO LOGO TEES SIX-PACK ADULT X-LARGE x $ 80. 00 = $ LOGO TEES SIX-PACK ADULT XX-LARGE x $ 80.00 = $ s LOGO TEES SIX-PACK CHILD LARGE _ x $ 80-00 = $ n LOGO TEES SIX-PACK CHILD MEDIUM x $ 80.00 = $ LOGO TEES SIX-PACK CHILD SMALL x $ 80.00 = $ ADDITIONAL MATERIALS GRAND TOTAL (add this total to Contract Confirmation Page) $A05r �o You MUST return this form along with your contract to receive materials. RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY IF ORDERING ADDITIONAL MATERIALS PAGE 4 Your MTI Rep: SHARON WALKER Fo�RCHESTOUTIOM Your act Account Number. ©ed 312 On: STANDARD ORCHESTRATION Contract No: 9455755 Printed On:O$122I17 Below is a detailed list of all orchestra parts available for this title, along with doublings and other instrumentation notes, if you wish to order additional parts, mark the number of additional parts for each instrument, and return this page with your Contract Confirmation page and include the total number of a 'ition I parts on the Additional Materials form. • 800'5 ADDITIONAL gs}i IN,R tNCLUQED F3.E4S2E�3�4 1�SIHSJ&1EN-T 1 BASS 1 I CELLO 1 DRUMS 1 GU ITARIBANJO f KEYBOARD 1PERGUSSION BELLS, CABASA, RATCHET, SIREN, SLAPSTICK, SLEIGH BELLS TEMPLE BLOCK,TIMPANI,TRIANGLE,WHIP, XYLOPHONE 1REED 1 ALTO SAXOPHONE, CLARINET, FLUTE, PICCOLO, SOPRANO SAX 1REED 2 ALTO SAXOPHONE,BARITONE SAXOPHONE,CLARINET, FLUTE 1REED 3 BASS CLARINET, CLARINET,TENOR SAXOPHONE 1REED 4 CLARINET, FLUTE,PICCOLO 1 REED 5 CLARINET, FLUTE 1 TROMBONE 'l 1 TROMBONE2 TRUMPET 1 &2 1 TUBA 1 VIOLIN p Ut R;NTHIS PA6E ONLY!f ORDERING ADDITIONAL ORCHESTRATION , -fl- .. „ .. PAGF.ri