HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAY-FM WAY--7,.F- wayfln.oam `W . Go1JC6Rtg,ev4YJT9�raKE' .�� WAY-FM's w„ .,.. �. SUMMER F t OF rA PL-Y FUN! Impact Partner:Jeffersonville Parks Department Phone:812-280-4704/502-376- Contact: Paul Northam, Director of Parks&Rec. Email: paulnortham@cityofjeff.com Address: Jeffersonville,IN 47130 www.jeffparks.org w;. .. St Sul Times/ Total# Total week of spots Sponsorship Amount: a i 5/29/2017 8/19/2017 :15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 420 12 weeks $2500 TBD 6 weeks :15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 126 i°Sounds of Summer" Family Fun Promotion Co-Sponsorship Package Deal: Sounds of Summer Family Fun Promotion Runs Memorial Day,May 29t1i thru August 191(12 weeks) Packnee Deal Includes:Up to 5 Promotional Mentions and/or DJ Liner promos Per Day-Value:$5 per spot X 5 Mentions Per Day X 7 Days Per Week X 12 Weeks=$2100 (w/2 to 3 advertisers) .............................Value$2100 • 6 Weeks of(:15)Second Spots Running 3 Times Per Day—cost:$9 Per Spot X 3 Per Day X 42 Days = $1134. Savings of$378 Total advertising...........................................................................Value$1512 • WAY-FM Van Promotion"Where's WAY-FM Wednesdays"(includes DJ Liner Promotions 3 days prior to event and Teaser DJ Liners day of event),Special Ticket Giveaway Promotion to drive traffic to business location,WAY-FM Van,Table,Tent,Speakers and of course awesome WAY-FM Music ......................Value$250 • Facebook Advertising Promotion and Weekly Facebook Sounds of Summer Family Fun Ticket Giveaways-Value$500 • FREE Annual Business Impact Partner Listing in Business Guide of WAY-FM Website........................Value$600 • Bonus Tickets:Holiday World Rock the World,Spirit Song,Michael Jr.and Louisville Bats: Several bonus tickets per event-Value$600 approximate depending upon availability.......................................................... Value$600 • FREE Commercial Production on first 2 Commercials($50 cost additional commercials) • Total Package Deal Value:$5562 Total savings of$3062.Total Cost$2500 for up to 546 spots/12 week promo. WAY-FM does not discriminate on race,sex or nation or origin in its sales or any matter.WAY-FM does not discriminate in the sale of advertising time,and will accept no advertising which is placed with an intent to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity.The advertiser hereby certifies by signing this contract that it is not buying air time for a discriminatory purpose,and not buying advertising on particular stations on the basis of race,national origin,or ancestry. 1/We the undersigned,agree to the terms on this Underwriting Agreement: Partner Signature: arte:- Station Signature: Date: W - .Tnie f vde S 3 g arc pv--5-7 5 T&e W A- Y-7`F_ pry SVM41, ME-R Fou Impact Partner:Jeffersonville Parks Department Phone:812-280-4704/502-376- Contact: Paul Northam,Director of Parks&Rec. Email:paulnortham@cityofjeff.com Address: Jeffersonville,IN 47130 www.jeffparks.org 5/2912017 8(19/2017 :15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 420 12 weeks $2500 THD 6 weeks :15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 126 "Sounds of Summer" Family Ful► Promotion Co-Suonsorship Packs a Deal: Sounds of Summer Family Fun Promotion Runs Memorial Day,May 29i1 thru August 1911(12 weeks) Packs a Deal includes:Up to 5 Promotional Mentions and/or Dl Liner promos Per Day-Value:$5 per spot 5 Mentions Per Day X 7 Days Per Week X 12 Weeks-$2100 (w/2 to 3 advertisers)............................Value 52100 • 6 Weeks of(:15)Second Spots Running 3 Times Per Day-cost:S9 Per Spot X 3 Per Day X 42 Days Value$1512 $1134. Savings of S378 Total advertising......................................... .......................... WAY-FM Van Promotion"Where's WAY-FM Wednesdays (includes DJ Liner Promotions 3 days prior to event and • Teaser DJ Liners day of event),Special Ticket Giveaway Promotion to drive traffic to business location,WAY-FM Van,Table,Tent,Speakers and of course awesome WAY-FM Music......................Value$250 • Facebook Advertising Promotion and Weekly Facebook Sounds of Summer Family Fun Ticket Giveaways-Value$500 • FREE Annual Business impact Partner Listing in Business Guide of WAY-FM Website........................Value 5600 • Bonus Tickets:Holiday World Rock tate World,Spirit Song,Michael Jr.and Louisville fiats: Several bonus tickets per event-Value$600 approximate depending upon availability_........................... .. ...• .... ......1.Value.... • FREE Commercial Production on first 2 Commercials($50 cost additional commercials) • Total Package Deal Value:$5562 Total savings of$3062.Total Cost$2500 for up to 546 spoil/l2 week promo. WAY-FM does not discriminate on race,sex or nation or origin in its sates or any matter.WAY-FM does not discriminate In the sale of advertising time,and will accept no advertising which Is placed with an Intent to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity.The advertiser hereby certifies by signing this contract that it Is not buying air time for a discriminatory purpose,and not buying advertising on particular stations on the basis of race,nationat oazin,or ancestry. !/We the undersigned agree to the terms on this llnderwritinri Arrreement: —bate: Station Signature. Date:U � n Partner Signature: r r - T x 1 vdec, P05"5 Terme.