HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 17, 2017 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA January 17, 2017 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court,Jeffersonville, Indiana at 7:00 pm, on Tuesday,January 17, 2017. Council President Gill along with City Clerk Conlin called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Vice President Samuel gave the Invocation and Council President Gill asked those in attendance to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL:The roll call was conducted and those present were: Councilperson White, Councilperson Jahn, Councilperson Maples, President Gill, Council Vice President Samuel, and Councilperson Rodriquez. Absent were: Councilpersons Zastawny, Owen and Hawkins. President Gill stated that attorney Scott Lewis resigned his position as City Council Attorney and has accepted a position as County Attorney. President Gill stated that Council is in need of hiring a new attorney and will entertain a motion. Councilperson Maples made the motion for Council to hire Larry Wilder as City Council Attorney, seconded by Councilperson Jahn PASSING on a vote of 6-0. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: Minutes from the Council Regular Proceedings January 3, 2017—Councilperson Maples stated his name was misspelled in the minutes and has asked Clerk Conlin to make the change. Council Vice President Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the minutes with the changes, seconded by Councilperson Maples PASSING on a vote, 6-0. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilperson Gill made the request to add to the agenda: 2017-R-1 A Resolution Supporting Application for Funding from Clark-Floyd Counties Convention &Tourism Bureau for the Arts and Cultural District Project, and requests to place it on the agenda prior to Vice President Samuel and Dawn Spyker 2016 Year in Review Video Highlights and placing 2017-R-1 No. 12 on the agenda and changing the numbers that subsequently follow. Council Vice President Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the addition of 2017-R-1 to the agenda, seconded by Councilperson Jahn PASSING on a vote 6-0. Council Vice President Samuel made the motion to remove the second No. 13 on the agenda: Heather Metcalf 2017-OR-_An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation, seconded by Councilperson Jahn, PASSING on a vote of 6-0. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: City Controller Heather Metcalf presented the General Claims List of$1,272,557.04 with the following change: on Pg. 2 of the General Claims List there is a duplicate to Sellersburg Water for$31.86 and one of those will be removed. Clerk Conlin had an addition of$4,000 for Clark County CARES guest speaker Sam Quinones. Ms. Metcalf provided Council with a new General Claims List total of$1,276,525.18. Council Vice President Samuel made the motion to APPROVE the General Claims for$1,276,525.18 as amended, seconded by Councilperson Jahn PASSING on a vote of 6-0. Ms. Metcalf presented the Parks Claims List of$45,975.00. Vice President Samuel made the motion to APPROVE the Parks Claims for$45,975.00, seconded by Councilperson Rodriquez PASSING on a vote of 6-0. Ms. Metcalf asked Council if the claims should continue to be separated (General and Parks). After discussion, it was decided to revert back to having one claims list. REPORT OF THE CLERK: None at this time. AGENDA ITEMS: UNFINSHED BUSINESS: 1. Les Merkley—2017-OR-1 An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 2006-OR-75 and Creating a New Ordinance Establishing a City Pride Non-Reverting Fund. Mr. Merkley stated that this ordinance is a final reading and was created as a request from the State Board of Accounts to change the name of the Beautification Committee to the City Pride Non-Reverting Fund. Council Vice President Samuel made the motion to APPROVE 2017-OR-1 on the third and final reading, seconded by Councilperson Rodriquez, PASSING on a vote of 6-0. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Larry Wilder—2017-OR-2 An Ordinance Implementing Procedures for Approving Capital Expenditures Purchases for Remaining Calendar Year of 2017 Until Further Approval by the Council. Councilperson Jahn made the motion to APPROVE 2017-OR-2 on the 1St and 2nd reading, seconded by Councilperson Maples PASSING on a vote of 6-0. 2. Delynn Rutherford -2017-R-1 A Resolution Supporting Application for Funding from Clark-Floyd Counties Convention &Tourism Bureau for the Arts and Cultural District Project. Grant Writer Delynn Rutherford stated that they are submitting an application to request funding to support the Arts and Cultural District for redevelopment and revitalization of the area around Michigan Avenue and the museum. Vice President Samuel made the motion to APPROVE 2017-R-1, seconded by Councilperson Rodriquez PASSING on a vote of 6-0. 3. Nathan Samuel—Dawn Spyker 2016 Year in Review Video Highlights. Vice President Samuel welcomed and introduced Dawn Spyker. Ms. Spyker presented Council with video highlights of what the Public Arts Commission accomplished in 2016, and discussed what is envisioned for 2017. Ms. Spyker spoke in detail about the three Public Art Project Plan 2017 categories: In the Neighborhoods, Art in the Parks and Public Engagement Projects. A few of the projects Ms. Spyker discussed were: the utility boxes that are painted every two years and are scheduled for 2017. Ms. Spyker encouraged Council members to check their districts for any boxes they may request to be painted. Ms. Spyker stated that there will be a dedication in March for the Nachand Fieldhouse Floodwall Mural. A survey took place last year asking the community what types of images they might want to see next and one of those was Heuser Hardware. Ms. Spyker stated that the guys at Heuser said they would be willing to contribute to help fund the project. Ms. Spyker stated that the Rotarians requested and are willing to help fund a sculptural drinking fountain in Big Four Park. They have been working with them to develop a fountain with three elements—a person can stand and get a drink,there's an area at the bottom of the sculpture where pets can get a drink, and a water bottle fill-up station. Ms. Spyker stated that she and Vice President Samuel spoke with Redevelopment about working with them on a marina sculpture and stated that this is the year that they will be putting out an RFP on that. Ms. Spyker gave Council a handout of the projected costs of the 2017 projects and stated that $37,000 was raised in grants last year. Ms. Spyker informed Council members that there are seven arts and cultural districts in the State of Indiana and their group is going on a fieldtrip to a couple of those to see how they manage their arts and cultural districts. Ms. Spyker invited any Council member to join them on the fieldtrip. Vice President Samuel remarked that he and Ms. Spyker attended a regional arts discussion at IUS and one of the things they commented on was you have to involve your children in order to have your arts thrive in your community. And, with Ms. Spyker having been a teacher, feels that she really connects with the kids and appreciates all the effort she puts into working with them. Ms. Spyker stated that the Arts Alliance, a local volunteer group, is having a fundraiser on February 25, 2017, in case anyone would like to purchase a ticket. At the fundraiser there will be an arts raffle and a silent art auction with all local artists here in town. Ms. Spyker stated that this is their first fundraiser to make money to help with JAM Sessions. 4. Heather Metcalf-2017-OR-3 An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation. Ms. Metcalf stated that these are the additionals that were discussed at the workshop earlier this evening. Vice President Samuel made the motion to APPROVE 2017-OR-3 on the first and second reading, seconded by Councilperson Jahn PASSING on a vote of 6-0. CITY COUNCIL ATTORNEY REPORT: Mr. Wilder thanked Council for allowing him to be their City Attorney. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Mr. Bruce DeArk,Jeffersonville Fire Department, stated that the department applied for a Safer Grant in 2013 and were turned down, so they decided to try again for the fiscal year 2018. Grant Writer Ms. Delynn Rutherford advised that they will need a letter of support from the Council to accompany this grant request. Mr. DeArk explained that the grant is for three years-first two years they pay up to 65% and the third year 25%then you assume the whole thing on the fourth year. Councilperson Rodriquez made the motion to APPROVE President Gill signing a letter of support for the Safer Grant, seconded by Councilperson Maples PASSING on a vote of 6-0. Vice President Samuel requested Mr. DeArk let Council know the figures they are committing to once he knows them. PUBLIC COMMENT None at this time. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilperson White—Stated that he wants to give Council an update on the TARC Grant. It is his understand that the UEZ will be paying for the initial phase, but the actual construction is scheduled for 2018.That does not include sidewalks on all of Spring Street, North of 10th Street, or from 14th Street to Eastern Blvd. Councilperson White stated that Nathan Pruitt and the TARC representatives in Indianapolis put together a plan which would extend downtown all the way to Eastern Boulevard. Residents in that area have long complained that they have been forgotten. Councilperson White stated that $300,000 has been allocated this year from the UEZ for that project and the goal was for Indianapolis to put the historic lights and sidewalks together so we could have a total cost and then figure out how much can actually be done based on the budget we have. This is a part of the three corridors that have been identified for Spring Street—downtown, mid-section, and Claysburg section, which was what Nathan Pruitt and Indianapolis presented to Council some months ago. Councilperson White explained that the goal was to not go into the reserves, but to do it in a systematic way that is in accordance with our budget so that we don't get into our reserves or the rainy day fund. Councilperson White stated that he would like to be considered as Council's Arts Commission appointment when discussions begin about who it's going to be. Councilperson White explained that the Public Arts Commission is important to him with a lot of it already being in his district and wants to be a part of it. Councilperson Jahn—Stated that she is very excited about the 2017 art year strategic plans. Looking forward to working with Dawn on a couple of projects in the third district such as the Allison Lane sidewalk project and a couple of utility boxes.Just wanted to give Dawn a shout-out and looks forward to working with her on those projects and the ones that are coming up. Councilperson Maples—None at this time. Vice President Samuel —The neighborhood of Creek Stone Ridge across from the Woehrle Soccer Complex had an issue with a utility company coming in and installing a utility pole. Their neighborhood covenants basically say everything is supposed to be underground. They called the City and had the pole removed, but they came back and put another pole in. Vice President Samuel stated that he has communicated with City Engineer Andy Crouch and Mr. Merkley and it's his understanding that the City does not enforce neighborhood covenants, but wonders if at some point they need to address an ordinance dealing with things like this. Mr. Merkley stated that they are aware of these utility poles popping up around the City and stated that the City can't ban or prohibit them, but might be able to regulate where they can be and their height.They are looking at other cities in Indiana that have some ordinances in place concerning the same issue. Vice President Samuel stated that some time ago he discussed with Council a concern for a deceleration lane on 10th Street where the new Auto Auction is located and across from Childplace. He and Councilperson Owen spoke to City Engineer Andy Crouch and they may have found some potential funding for that and will bring it to Council after the details have been worked out. The new Auto Auction might be opening up in April and they are trying to hurry it up, but it depends on whether or not they find the funding. Welcome to Larry Wilder for being here tonight and agreeing to serve as our Council Attorney. Councilperson Rodriquez—Wants to welcome Larry Wilder and looks forward to working with him. President Gill —Stated that she feels that the public has the right to know where their absent Council members are at and why they aren't here. President Gill explained that all three Council members did contact her before the meeting- Councilperson Owen had a family engagement, Councilperson Hawkins is still out on vacation and Councilperson Zastawny was called out of town on business. President Gill requested Council members to not only contact her if they are going to be absent, but also let the Clerk's Office know. Clerk Conlin has to prepare packets and set up for the meeting and she won't have to go to that extra effort if she is informed of an absence in advance. President Gill stated that she will relay that information to the three Council members who aren't here. Wants to remind the Council that they supported Mr. Sam Quinones (Drug Awareness Week's guest speaker) and Market Street Inn has agreed to host a dinner Friday,January 27th at S:OOpm and needs a head count as to who will attend and if you are going to bring a guest. President Gill offered new City Attorney Larry Wilder Council's assistance with anything he may need. Reminded Mr. Wilder that they are in collective bargaining and they would like to see that move along. If there is anything they can do to assist and help bring you up to speed,just let them know. Councilperson Jahn stated that there were several appointments that they didn't make at the last meeting and President Gill stated that those appointments will take place at the next Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business of the Council, Vice President Samuel made the motion to ADJOURN, seconded by Councilperson Rodriquez PASSING on a vote of 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. APPROVED BY: Lisa GA, President ATTEST: Vicki Conlin, Clerk