HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1990COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA OCTOBER 1, 1990 The Common Council of the in regular session in Council Chambers, Jeffersonville, Indiana, on the 1st o'clock P.M. The meeting was called Richard Spencer Jr. at the desk. Mayor Orem asked all allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those present Jimmy Carter, Marie Clapp, Ron Grooms, Tony Harrod, Williams, and Robert Waiz. Absent: None. Mayor Orem presented the minutes of the 15, 1990 for consideration by the Council. the motion to approve the minutes as Councilperson Clapp and carried unanimously. City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in the City-County Building in day of October, 1990, at 7:30 to order by Mayor Dale Orem and C. those present to stand and pledge were: Councilpersons John Perkins, Andrew meeting of September Councilperson Carter made presented, seconded by Clerk and Treasurer Spencer presented the claim register for consideration by the Council. A claim from Waldrip Construction for additional work at Firehouse III was presented for discussion. Building Commissioner Scales was presented this bill and stated the architect feels this is a legitimate expenditure. There was much discussion regarding this from several Councilpersons, Fire Chief Collins, and Commissioner Scales. Following all discussion Councilperson Harrod made the motion to approve the claims Waldrip claim, seconded by unanimously. as presented with the execption of the Councilperson Perkins and carried Ordinance No. 90-OR-45, An Additional Appropriation Ordinance was introduced for discussion. This was explained by Clerk and Treasurer Spencer. Councilperson Harrod made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 90-OR-45, seconded by Councilperson Clapp and carried unanimously. Councilperson Harrod then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 90-OR-45 on all three readings, seconded by Councilperson Grooms, passing on the following roll call vote: PAGE 2 OCTOBER 1, 1990 Ayes: Councilpersons Clapp, Waiz, Perkins, Grooms, Harrod, Carter, and Williams. Nays: None. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to bring Resolution No. 90-R-42, A Resolution Demanding Repayment of Funds Expended On Behalf Of The Department Of Redevelopment, back up for discussion, seconded by Councilperson Harrod, and carried unanimously. Attorney Filer explained he is not certain of the exact amount that is due on each loan. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer explained what he knew of the situation. Councilperson Perkins feels the intent is clear. Councilperson Williams feels this should not be done without meeting with Redevelopment Director Gowens. Councilperson Grooms is concerned this may affect the Redevelopment position to fund, and could stall projects. Councilperson Perkins is concerned with a 9 million dollar liability to the taxpayer, and feels there is something wrong when an appointed board can put the City in debt. Council President Waiz asked if the two $200,000 loans were the only debts the Department of Redevelopment had. Attorney Filer and Mayor Orem said there are some other debts on properties that require payment when the properties are sold. Councilperson Grooms feels that if the $400,000 is never returned it is a good investment, even with the tax abatement. Councilperson Williams is concerned with the "first available" part of the Resolution. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Resolution No. 90-R-42, seconded by Councilperson Harrod, failing on a vote of 3-4. Councilpersons Waiz, Clapp, Williams, and Grooms voted against passage. Mayor Orem informed the Council he received word this morning the Wastewater Treatment Plant Grant has been obtained, and explained the need to have a meeting with a representative of Umbaugh and Associates regarding sewer rates. Councilperson Carter made the motion to change the Council meeting scheduled for October 20, 1990 at 9:30 A.M. to October 17, 1990 at 7:30 P.M., seconded by Councilperson Grooms and carried unanimously. Attorney Filer explained the procedures and need to close on the properties necessary for the new plant and the money that is required to meet all I~D.E.M. deadlines. Mayor Orem introduced Ordinance No. 90-OR-46, An Ordinance Of The City Of Jeffersonville Prescribing The Manner In Which The City May Make A PAGE 3 OCTOBER 1, 1990 Temporary Loan To Pay For Preliminary Expenses~ Prior To The Issuance And Delivery Of Revenue Bonds, Incurred In Connection With Its Sewage Works Improvement Project. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer suggests 3 or 4 quotes be obtained. Following discussion, Councilperson Grooms made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 90-OR-46, seconded by Council President Waiz. The motion to suspend failed on a vote of 6-1 with Councilperson Perkins voting against suspension. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 90-0R-46 on the first and second reading, seconded by Council President following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilpersons Grooms, Harrod, Waiz, passing with the Carter, Clapp, and Waiz. October 3, seconded by Councilperson Clapp, Councilperson Perkins voted no. passing on a Nays: Councilpersons Williams and Perkins. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to call a Council meeting 1990 at 9:00 o'clock P.M., in the Mayor's Conference Room, vote of 6-1. Councilperson Grooms introduced Resolution No. 90-R-43, An Agreement Between The Jeffersonville City Council And The Clark County Ministerial Association. He then introduced Reverend David Owens of Springdale United Methodist Church who explained the program. Following all discussion, Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Resolution No. 90-R-43, seconded by Councilperson Harrod and carried unanimously. Councilperson Grooms reviewed the history of the lease/purchase of the Parks Department Water Slide, asking what should be done about the balance of $38,228.27. Suggestions included allowing the Park Board to borrow the money to pay it off, transfer of funds in the Council budget to pay it off, and using Cumulative Capital funds. The misconceptions of the contract were reviewed. Following all discussion Councilperson Carter made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 90-OR-47, An Ordinance Transferring Funds, seconded by Councilperson Grooms, failing on a vote of 4-3. The motion was then made by Councilperson Perkins to authorize the Parks Board to borrow $38,228.27 to pay for the slide, seconded by Councilperson Harrod, passing on a vote of 5-2. Councilpersons Carter and Williams voted against the motion. PAGE 4 OCTOBER 1, 1990 As the Ordinance to redistrict was not Carter made the motion to table until October 3, Councilperson Harrod, and carried unanimously. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer called to Council a claim listed to be paid from the Signal ready, Councitperson 1990, seconded by the attention of the 19 Fund. There is an Ordinance that states money from this fund can only be used toward the purchase of the Police Radio System. Assistant Police Chief Johnson explained the claim was for batteries for use in the Following all discussion Clerk and Treasurer Spencer charge the claim to the Police Department budget. Johnson answered questions regarding the radios Councilperson Perkins has received abatement at 1700 Spring Street. It appears wrong procedure information and he will put the information he was given in letter form to the Council. Councilperson Perkins inquired about a Utilities Director. Mayor Orem then introduced Mr. Steve Tolliver, recently hired to be the City of Jeffersonville Utilities Director. He stated Mr. Tolliver's qualifications, and told the Council he was highly recommended. Some of the Council were under the impression the person hired for this position would be an engineer and Mr. Tolliver is not. Mayor Orem said the qualification necessary is a Class 4 Operator and he is pleased with what Mr. Tolliver has done in one week. Councilperson Perkins has heard rumors of merit raises, to which Mayor Orem said everything would stay within the salary Ordinance. Councilperson Perkins and Waiz had attended a recent feels their message was personal apprecz~zon'~- to hand-held units. was instructed to Assistant Chief and batteries. a call regarding a tax the owner was given the doing on enforcement. ~ ~ ..... Councilp~rson Perkins asked if Foundry on Market has been received. nothing yet. Councilperson Perkins made the analysis of the sand at the Commissioner Scales has heard the motion to give Mr. Robison 30 days one location or another, seconded by Councilperson Harrod. There followed discussion, following which the motion passed on a vote of 5-1-1. Councilperson Grooms voted against the motion, with Council~erson Williams abstaining. after receiving the results from I.D.E.M. to remove the sand to stated he and Councilpersons Williams Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. He made clear. Councilperson Perkins gave his Commissioner Scales for the good job he is PAGE 5 OCTOBER 1, 1990 Councilperson Clapp related the serious standing water problem in the back of the yards on Avondale Court, the drainage in the front and the need for paving. Ms. Marcella Bratcher, a resident of the area, told of a child being injured due to the streets, and the problem with leaches, turtles and mosquitoes and begged the Council to "do something". Mayor Orem explained this has been a problem from the late 70's when a company built in the middle of the drainage ditch. He explained the drainage flow in the area. He also stated there is no money left to resurface, however they may be able to patch. Engineer Lanz will be looking for a solution, and to determine just who is responsible. Ms. Bratcher has been trying to get these problems taken care of and she is tired of neighbors when it was done. be paved, however until the waiting. The ditch was oppossed by the Mayor Orem said the circle may be able to drainage problem is solved, the street cannot be done. This area is one of many problem are~in the City. Engineer Lanz said this will not be an easy project and he will need 30 days to survey, study, and prepare cost estimates. Councilperson Williams has received a complaint regarding drainage at the Babtist Church due to paving. He also had a call from Mr. James Campbell stating his displeasure with the 12th Street median. Councilperson Carter stated he feels City residents and doctors have a problem due to Clark County Hospital dropping Humana. It is understood the City employees will be covered through the contract period, however he is concerned for other residents that will have to change doctors, and the doctors who will lose patients. Councilperson Carter asked Parks Superintendent Caldwell what the status was of Duffy's Landing. Superintendent Caldwell stated three bids have been received and this will be awarded soon. Councilperson Carter asked Arson Investigator Palmeraboutthe toxic substance off Mitchell Avenue. Investigator Palmer stated the large dumpsters contain a fungicide, ~he scene has been taped boarded and clamped, and the property owner will be liable. PAGE 6 OCTOBER 1, 1990 Councilperson Harrod inquired if any responses have been received to the request for funds for the Animal Shelter. Mayor Orem said the County has agreed to discuss this if a reasonable agreement can be reached concerning Court space. A letter has been received on this from the County which Attorney Filer relaed the highlights. The Council needs to look at this agreement and get this settled. Several Councilpersons stated they would look at the agreement, however Councilperson Perkins still feels the County made an agreement and should abide by it. Councilperson Harrod feels there should be a public input time during each Council meeting with guidelines set. Councilperson Grooms agreed and stated his feelings. Councilperson Perkins suggested moving the Council business to the beginning much of the Council's concerns could conversations, one on one. Councilperson Grooms asked of the meeting. Mayor Orem feels be taken care of through prior what the boiler situation is at Nachand Fieldhouse. Superintendent Caldwell explained this. This will be looked at again after the October 24 Tax Commission hearing. Councilperson Grooms asked Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent Wathen to get the best arrangements through the money. The problem with price for the electronic gas pump and make Board of Works, and the Council will find the the "missing gasoline" has not been solved. Superintendent Wathen stated there are 900 gallons unaccounted for since September 9. Mayor Orem directed Wathen to place a new padlock on the pump tomorrow. Councilperson Grooms thanked Commissioner Scales, Director Lakeman, Attorney Filer, Mayor Orem, and all others involved in securing the grant for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mayor Orem welcomed Utilites Director Tolliver to stating he is a competent, capable individual to run the department in the City. There being no further business to come before Councilperson Perkins made the motion to adjourn at 10:55 P.M., by Councilperson Harrod and carried unanimously. ATTEST: C. ~CHARD SPENCER R~, CL~RK AND TREASURER the City largest the Council, seconded