HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1992COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE. INDIANA FEBRUARY 3, 1992 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Council Chambers~ in !the City-County Building in Jeffersonville~ Indiana, on the 3rd day o£ February 1992 at 7:50 o'clock The meeting was called to order]by Mayor Raymond J. Parker Jr., and C. Richard Spencer Jr. at the desk.] Mayor Parker welcomed all those i~ attendance asking that they stand as Councilperscn Stemler gave the invocation. He then asked alt those present to join him in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those p{esent were: Councilpersons Bill Wolpert, Andrew Williams III, Donna M. Frantz~ Peggy Knight Wilder~ Marie Clapp, Robert L. Potter and Steven R. Stemler. 21, 1992 Absent: None. Mayor Parker presented the minutes for consideration by the Council. of 'the meeting of January A correction on page 5 to change the amount of $1,500 -bo $15,000 was.made. Councilperson Wolpert made the motion to approve the minutes! as corrected, seconded by Councilperson Potter and carried unanimouslM- Clerk and Treasurer Spencer presented the claim register along with one additional claims for consideration by the Council. Several claims were questioned and discussed. Ther? was noted a duplication for Bogg~s Pest Control. A c].aim for dues itc the American Judicature Society will be looked into by Council Liason Clapp and left to her decision for approva!~ Counoilperson Stem].er commented that the questioning of claims should not be taken a~ negative or threatening~ as the Council is held accountable for the City _~nance~. At the conclusion of all discussion~ Councilpersoh Potter made the motion to approve the claims as presented except as noted, along with the additionat, seconded by Cou~_cllpezson Wotpert and carried unanimously. Mayor Parker introduced Mr. Cha~lie Reisert asking hime to bring the Council up to date on the DeMar!s Haka explained Mr. Carley does have a conflic~ this meeting scheduled for February 18. Mr. Ciarley Project. Mr. Reisert evening and al~o the and Mr. Reisert would PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 3, 1995 like to host a public meetln= suggestmng February 103 11, or so that the Council and the public may be informed. Council President Williams will check with the Council and work out a date with Mr~ Reisert. i Clerk and Treasurer Spencer noted this meeting is a public hearing for Ordinance No. 92-OR-9, Ak Ordinance Of Additional Appropriation (Local Roads and Streets)~ ~xplaining the procedure for passing an additional appropriation. Engineer Jorge Lanz was introduced to answer questions on the funding of the ~oad. projects~ Following all questions and discussion, and there being; no public comment~ Council President Williams made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 92-OR-9 on the first and second readings, seconded by Councilperson Clapp, passing on the following roll call vote: Stemler, Ayes: Counci!persons Wolpert, and Potter. Nays: None. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer Williams, Frantz, Wilder~ Clapp, announced this meeting a public hearing for Ordinance No. 92-OR-10, An Ordinance of Additional APpropriation (General Fund). There ~eing no public comment~ Councilperson Potter made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 92-OR-10, seconded by Council President Williams and carried unanimously. Councilperson Potter 'then. made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 92-OR-i0 on all three re~dings, seconded by Council President Williams. Ayes: The following roll call vote was then recorded: Councilpersons Potter~ Frantz, Williams, and Woipert. Nays: Councilpersons Stemler, Ciiapp~ and Wilder. Due to a lack of a two third~ majority of the Council~ Councilperson Potter made the motion to pas's Ordinance No. 92-OR-10~ An Ordinance of Additional Appropriation~ on ~he first and second reading, seconded by Council President Williams with. the following roll call vote being recorded: Ayes: Nays: Councilpersons Potter, Frantz, Williams and Wolpert. Councilpersons Stemler, Cl'app, and Wilder. Both Ordinance No. 92-OR-9 and Or~dinance No. 92-OR-10 will be held for final ' ~' the next Council meeting scheduled for February 18, 1992. PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 3, 19921 Mayor Parker introduced Mr. Ge?rge Bowles of Rumpke who announced Rumpke would like to withdraw t~e proposal for an increase over the allowed contract amount. They di'd wish to make the Council aware of the landfill situation~ and it ne,er was the desire of Rumpke to get out of the contract. Councilperson [Frantz noted this does need to be considered and feels the City should work harder on recycling. Counci!person Stemler asked how the business could operate at the loss it seems to be. Mr. Bowles explained the ~ompany is willing to absorb the loss, as they do not want to jeopardSze the contract. Rumpke is continuing to work with Clarksville on,!a proposal. A longer-term contract would have to be rebid. Rumpke ~ould just as soon not rebid until the conclusion of the contract. Curbs~de recycling would help~ Councilperson Frantz suggests a recycling committee~ Councilperson Stemler suggested to the Council %hat ~hey attend the next Waste Management District Board meeting. Mayor P~rker explained this would be very worthwhile. Councilperson Wilder introducedi Resolution No. 92-R-4~ A Resolution To Advertise For An Addltlona. Appropriation. This additional appropriation would be used. to 9effect drainage in Suburban Acres. Mr. Mabtey a spokesperson for t~e area explained this is a problem that corrections were promised t~o years ago. Councilperson Wilder asked if this was the responszb~z ~ of the developer. Attorney Gillenwater understands that subsequent development in the area has caused this problem, and some work hasI been done to relieve the situation. Residents of the area spoke of the safety hazard to children as welt as the health hazards from the mosq~itos. It was noted cattails grow in some yards. Engineer Lanz exptalhed there are many problems throughout the City and a City-wide drainage study is in process. A committee has been formed to assess and prioritize problems. Suburban Acres has been in the City since the first house was built. Clerk and treasurer Spencer called attentmon to Ordinance No. 91-OR-29~ a drainage assistance ordinance. No funding ordinance. A resident of the area exp!aine~ this is a safety and health issue and summer will soon be here. Engineler Lanz explained the $~5,000 will give relief. Counci!person Wilder a'sked if a developer is found PAGE FEBRUARY 1992 responszbl~, could permits be stopped? Attorney Gillenwater expalined drainage should be addressed before a subdzvlszon is approved. Ne further explained the Council can appropriate the funds, however 'the Board of Public Works and Safety awards the l. contract. Drainage problems are brought before the Board of Public Work~ and Safety all the time, as there are many in the City. Counciiperso6 Wolpert made the motion to pass Resolution No. 92-R-4, seconded by Councilperson Clapp. Council President Williams expressed concern this will "open a can of worms" and would feel more comfortable looking at a i comprehensive plan and make corrections in the order of severity. He d?es feel developers should be held accountable as corrections could amount to millions of dollars. A resident asked "what about health and safe,tM"? A petition signed by 36 residents was presented. The vote on Resolution No. 92-R-4 was called for with it passing 8-1. Council Pr,esident Williams voted in oppossition. Councilperson Stemler. fee!sl the ~lt~ has two quallf~.~d people that can put a stop to future problems. He asks the Mayor and Council to get behind Building Commmssloner/Cm ¥ Engineer Bill Gavin and Motor Vehicle Supervisor Bob Miller in enforcing codes. Councilperson Potter feels work with surveyors needs to be done first. Commissioner Gavin explained grades need to be checkedi as subdivisions are put in. Councilperson Wilder feels the City does ~ot have an Ordinance "with teeth'~ and a stronger Ordinance should be considered for the building of subdivisions. Mayor Parker thanked the~iresidents for coming. Ordinance No. 92-OR-11, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds In Same Department was explained by iClerk and Treasurer Spencer~ Following all discussion, Councilperson , Potter made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 92-OR-11, seconded, by Council President Williams and carried unanimouslY. Councilperson Potter then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 9~OR-11 on all three readings passing on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Couneilpersons Wolpert~ Wi~liams~ Frantz~ Wilder~ Clapp, Stemler, and Potter. Nays: None. Mayor Parker introduced Mr. S & S Land Development Corporation request to rezone property Mike:Forsee Attorney representing and Indiana Gas. He presented a on Holmans LaSe that has unanimously been PAGE FEBRUARY approved by the Plan Commission. The 1992 inten~6 is to construct a three to three and one half million dollar office bulldzno that would house approximately 70 employees. No objections have been voiced by ad,]omni g property owners. Mr. Sparks o£ Indiana Ga~ Company answered questions and explained this would be aestheticalliy ptessing. There is no construction schedule at this time. Cou~cilperson ~olpert made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance ,No. 92-OR-12~ An Ordinance Amending The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of, Jeffersonville~ seconded by Councilperson Clapp and carried unanimously~. Councilperson Potter then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 92-~R-12 on all three readings, seconded bM Council President Williams and carried unanimously. Mayor Parker can' t see anythzng but a plus ~n thls. Commzszone ~ Gavin explained this in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. C, ouncilperson Potter introduced [Mr. Coomer of Ann's On The River and Mr. Jim Johns of Third Base asking they address the Council with their parking' problems. Mr. Coomer ~s averaging 500 customers a day in. January and with summer on its way he will be servln~ more. As there are plans for a floating restaurant., at the end of Spring Street the parking situation needs to be addressed. This would help him as well as Third Base and Tubby' s. Mr. John[s explained_ parking is an on going problem on Spring from Court 'to Riverside. Main S-~reet is working on this but nothing is being done~ Priv, ate money is being invested downtown and help is needed. Councilperson Wolpert presented a Statistical And Narrative Summary Of A Pa~king And. Traffic Survey Done During The Month of September~ 1991 For The Board Of Directors Of Jeffesonviile Main Street~ Inc. He asks each Councilperson study this. It is his feeling that making Spring parking would help conszderab~y. Mr. ~treet one-way with diagonal J~ohns feels this would be a tremendous improvement with little mone~ needed. He voluntered to donate the necessary paint. Councilperso~ Clapp will bring this up at the February 11~ 1992 meeting of Main SSree% inc~ Fire Chief Dooley expressed concern there would be enough room for Fire Trucks and emergency ve~icles Vehicle Maintenance D~rector Wathen as a member of the Downtown Business Association four yea~s ago studied this and i~ was found it would make it extremely tight f~r emergency vehicles. There would be a further problem with delivery vehicles parking in the street. Park Superintendent Caldwell asks suggests starting 'this program at PAGE 6 FEBRUARY S 199¢ for thelsupport of Chestnn~ and if it the Council and wor~s continue. As this would be a situation for the BoardiOf Public Works and Safety, Mayor Parker explained the Board will b~ willing to listen to any proposals. Cou.ncilperson Frantz will workI with Fire Chief Dooley and will draft a Resolution. Mayor Parker explained it is ii,ne to start the plans for street paving and asks each Councilpersonlto present a street paving priority list. Council President Williams ~ill coordinate this. Councitperson Wolpert received a complaint regarding the trash on the river walk and a request to have thelstreet sweeper run on Spring Street. Mayor Parker explained the street sweeper does need to be replaced. Director Wathen said the sweeper is "on it's last _ag and can only be run one, to very competent operator. one and one half hours a day and only with a Mayor Parker will get with ~tr~et Commissioner Hemingway to see what can be done. Councilperson Clapp read a thankI you note from the Community Kithchen for proceeds from the Court House ~ecycting program. Councilperson Wilder received a call with concerns for the cost of the insurance benefits. She has ~een contacted by Mr. Forest Fleming who would like to see Ordinance No. 89-0R-88 (Exotic Pet Ordinance) amended. She asks for comments from other Counci!persons. Councilperson Frantz has been cQntacted by Mr. Pete Dittilo asking for a letter in support of a new bridge. She will present a investigate the problem foundation. He related sample Resolution on this at the next meeting. ~ Councitperson Frantz has not received a response from a letter sent to Liter's Quarry regarding the blagting problems in Northaven. Councilperson Stem!er has not received a response to his correspondence. Councilperson Frantz introduced Mr. Mike H~ward and Mr. John Mockabee, residents of Birchwood Drive. Mr. Mock'bee asked the Council to and presented pictures of damage to his home's a history of pro~lems~ He also presented a of dust removed from the humidifer in his home, noting the exteme dust problems He is con Dernea for children, that are orea ..hlng this dust. th? res~ dents especially the He does not want to put anyone }:'AGE 7 FEBRUARY 3, 1992 out of work, however he would like to see lower blasts. It is felt there is a water system installed ~hat Councilpersons Frantz and Stemler will m?ke Superintendent Caldwell explained the bathrooms is not being u~. a visit to the Quarry_ at the Park in the area need continual repair. Utility Director Toiliver stated there are sewer problems in the area that may be causedlby the b].asting. Attorney Gillenwater informed the residents they ha~e a right to a class action suit. Attorney Gillenwater will send a Mockabee thanked the Council. Councilperson Stemler feels there letter to the Quarry. Mr. are serious problems in. the City and suggests a spending freeze. him with concerns for the insurance. A number of people have contacted Coun~ilperson Stemler presented a chronological report on the Jeffersonvitle Riverfront Development he received from Hughes Group Inc. He has me% with the Corps of Engineers and with Hughes, and finds the stories de c~incide. A permit should be issued in 30 days. He asks each Council~erson to review the report, saying Mr. Shotweli is willing to meet wi~h the Council as a group or individually to review this. Councilperson Stemler questioned the number of City credit cards. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer explained the rules and regulations regarding credit cards are set forth by the State Board of Accounts. Mayor Parker will ask at the next Board!of Public Works and Safety meeting for a list of all credit cards. Counc~lperson Stemler raised the question of purchase orders. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer will meet with Councilperson Stemler regarding this. Councilperson Potter related the City recieved a street sweeper in 1980 from I. ~.I. He will check into this Director Wathen does use Federal Surplus for purchases of this sort~ Councilperson Potter has been checking on microphones f~r Council Chambers. He has received one bid, but will be checking ~n the systems used in the Courts. Council ~reszd~nt Williams applabdes Councilperson Wilder for bringing up the drainage problem. He asks Engineer Lanz to conduct a broad-~based comp look for grant funding. t~e Council consider asking cehensive study and hopefully PAGE 8 FEBRUARY 2~ 1992 meetings room. Mayor Parker announced the Board, of Public Works and Safety are held each Monday at 9:30 o'clock A.M. in the conference There being no further business ito come before the Council, Councilperson Potter made the motion to adjourn at 10:I0 o'clock seconded by Councitperson Stemler and carrigd unanimously. ATTEST: