HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-OR-12DRI')INANC'.E NO. 92-0R-~_~_ AN GRDINANCE AMIENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council Je.ffersonville on this ~__ ~av.. of February~ fol lows~ the City 1992~ as SECTION I WHEREAS~ S & S Land Develo!Rment Corporation and Indiana Ga~s Company~ Inc. heretofore ¥iled a Petition to Amend the Je~ersonviIle, Indiana~ Zoning Ordinance requesting that a certain piece of property located ~ithin the corporate city limits o~ the City of Je'~fersonvi!le be rezoned and reclassified from R1 single family residences to BI general business~ ~d'~ich property is specifically described as f ol i o~s: Beginning at a point in the center line o¥ Holmans Lane~ ~4hich point is the intersecting point of Grants ~2I~ ~22 and ~:i2 o'~ the Illinoi~ Grant~ being the most Easterly corner o~ Grant ~21; thence N. 34 deg. 59' 28" West~ 1189.50 to a point in the center line of Holmans Lane~ the true point o'F beginning; thence S. 55 de~. 25' 30" West~ 835.89' to a point on the Ee.~ter!y side of a po~.;er transmission line easement~ thence N. 8 deg. 03' 18" West along the most Easterly side of the a.forementioned power transmission line easemen~ a distance of 689.58' to a point; thence N. 55 deg. 13' 10" East, a distanc, e of 573.27' to a point; thence 8. 34 deg. 59' 28" East~ a distance o~ 618.81' to the true point o~ beginning, containing 9.944 acres, more or less. Subject to any and all restrictions and/or easements of record relat:Lve to the above described real estate~ and subject to all legal highways. WHEREAS~ S & S Land Development Corporation is presently the legal owner' o~ said property pursuant to a certain Warr'anty Deed dated July 1~ 1980~ and being recorded in Deed Drawer 12~ Instrument NO. of Clark' County~ Indiana~ 9!27 in the O'F.Fise o'~ thee Recorder and WHEREAS, Ind:iana Gas C(_~mpany, Inc., a public utility, holds a valid option to purchase said real estate with said S & S Land Development Corporation~ and SECTION I I WHEREAS, a public meeting after giving due nc)rice wa~ held on said Petition to Rezone before the City o~ Jef~ersonville Plan Commission on the 28th day o'~ January, 1992~ and said Plan Cemmission w~)ted unanimously to recommend to the Cemmon Council o.~ the City o~~ Je.~fersonville that the request for rezoning be granted~ and SECTION III WHEREAS~ the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville deems it in the best interest o~ the City of Jef~ersonville and further finds that said rezoning will not materially affect the value c~f real estate surr(ounding said property~ and the propesed amendment will not be detrimental to public health, safety, morals or general ~el~are~ and sald amendment will not be contrary to the public interest and said amendment will net alter the essential character of the !ocality~ the spirit, c::.f t. he zoning erdinance will be observed and substantial justice ~,~ill be done if said property is SECTION IV IT IS~ TNEREFORE~ RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville that the .Following described real estate located on Holmans Lane irs Jefferson- vi!te, Indiana, and present, ly owned by S & S Land Development Corporation~ which property is speci'Fically described as fol lows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Holmans Lane., which po~.nt is the intersecting point of Grants ~21,~ 4~22 and ~i2 of the Illinois Grant~ being the most Easterly corner of Grant ~21; thence N. 34 deg. 59' 28" West~ 1189.50 to a point in the center line of Holmans Lane~ the true point o'E beginning; thence S, 55 deg,, 25' 30" West~ 835.89' to a point on the Easterly side of a power transmi~ssion line easement~ thence N. 8 deg, 03' 18" West along the most Easterly side of the a~orementioned power transmission line easements a distance of 689~58' to a point; thence N. 55 deg. 13' 10" East~ a distance of 573.27' to a point; thence S. 34 deg, 59' 28" East~ a distance of 618~81' to the true point ~of beginning~ containing 9.944 acres~ more or less. Subject to any and all restrictions and/or easements of record relative to 'the above described real estate~ and subject to all legal highways. is hereby rezoned from RI residential to B1 general business and that the Jeffersonville~ Indiana~ zoning or'dinance is hereby amended to e.Ffectuate eaid r'ezoning on the above- desc:ribed real estate. SECTION V This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passing and approval. PASSED this _~__.. clay o'~ Februar"y~ 1992. Attes~: C. Richard Spe.nc.~r, Jr.~/ Clerk-Treasure~' ~.~r, J Presented by me~ as Clerk-Treasurer~ to the Mayor o~ the o~ Je~ersonw~lle this day o~ Febr'uary~ 1~2. C1 er k-Treasurer Approved and signed by me this ~ _~.__ day of February~ 1992.