HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-R-19ARLS(>L.t1.1'LOI,4 COMMON C't JNCIL. CAA "1" OF JL,FFHRSONVILLL_ INI)►ANA Ill -,C AI2DIIVG 'I 11►'_ AML"NI>MI,N"T OP INNI':I2 C-1 "TY ROAD }'CONOMIC 131-,V1F-LOPMLN"T PLAN W111":TZTZAS_ the _Icffersonvillc ("City") Redevelopment Con mission ("C'.omm issi(.3n") did on 1>eceniber 22_ 1995_ adopt a Declaratory Resolution, as amended on r>ecenther 1. 1999_ _lune 15_ 2005 and May 27, 2008 (collectively, as amended, "I>eclaratory Resolution") establishing and enlarging the Inner City Road L:conomic 13evelopnnent Area ("Area") and the Declaratory Resolution was confirmed by a confirmatory resolution adopted on February 28, 1996; WI IFF2EAS, the Declaratory IZesol cation approved the Pconontic Development Plan, as amended ("Plan") which Plan contained specific recommendations Ibr economic development in the. Area: W111-121HAS, on February 20, 2013_ the Crnnmission adopted its Amending Declaratory Resolution with respect to the Arca ("Amending Declaratory Resolution"), for the purpose of amending., the Plan to add the construction o1prejeets and improveritents as deseribed in said Amending Declaratory Resolution, Incorporated Herein }3y 12eference, to the Amending Declaratory Resolution_ together with all necessary appurtenances and related improvements and equipment (hereinafter referred to as the "2013 Plan"); WI}L:RLAS_ IC 36-7-14 and IC' 36-7-25 and all acts supplemental and amendatory thereto ("Act") require approval of the Amending Declaratory Resolution and the 2013 Plan by the Jeffersonville Plan Contnuission ("Plan C'ontritission"), which occurred on February 26, 2013, which approving circler is Incorporated I Ierein Ry 12elerence3 and WII1EI212.AS, the Actrequires the approval of the 2013 Plan, the Amending Declaratory Resolutinn and the action 61 -the Plan Commission by the Common Council 61 -the City: NOW. "1'HL:RLiFOIZli", 13E IT 12 SC)LVED 13V "I"HL" CC>MNION COUNCIL. OF THI- CLTV (3IP _T T:PFf;R SONVI►"I"F_ INDIANA "1"1IA"I": 1. The. 2013 Plan and the Amending 1>eclaratory Resolution are in all respects hereby MC>DIFIFF) by the Ccnrrnrion Council to the extent that. the Common Council only approves the approves the tbllowing specific project_ The Coarncil approves the 121verfront Improvements Project, Phase 1, (a/Ic/a the "Marina Project"), as described in the Rcviscd Plans, Phase 1, as prepared by Jacobi, Toombs a3c Lanz, dated 10/03/14, with said Revised! Plans attached here to as Vachibit "A" The Council approves the said project subject to the £olluwinK conditions: I/28 10035.2 A. That the total cost of the said project shall not exceed $3.0 Million Dollars. This total cost shall include a 5% construction contingency and shall include construction administration and inspection fees and costs. B. That no work of any kind can begin until all federal, state and local permits are granted and approved by the appropriate authority. C. That all funding for the said project shall come from the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission's TIF funds. D. That all maintenance for the said improvements, docks, and any other items as described in the said project Revised Plans shall be the sole responsibility of the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Authority and the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission shall be solely responsible for the costs of all maintenance activities, to be funded first from all dock rental fees if any), and then from the Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commission's TIF funds. E. That the Jeffersonville Parks Department, including its director and employees, and the Jeffersonville Parks Authority, shall not be responsible for any maintenance or construction activities and shall not be responsible for any maintenance or construction costs for the said improvements, docks, and any other items as described in the said project Revised Plans. F. That if the said project Revised Plans attached hereto as Exhibit "A" substantially or materially change, or if the scope of the said project is substantially or materially changed, then the said changes to the said plans must be brought back before the Common Council for approval. G. That if the total cost (as described in Paragraph A) of the said project changes and exceeds $3.0 million dollars, then the project must be brought back before the Common Council for approval before any costs or expenses are incurred above the $3.0 Million Dollar amount. H. That the said project shall include the following minimum components: - Shoreline protection - Landscaping - Green space Minimum of ten (10) docks (transient or leased) and any docks that are leased shall include a recommended three (3) year signed lease agreement - Dedicated space for the City's police and fire boats - 2 1/2810035.2 2. The actions of the Plan Commission approving the 2013 Plan and the Amending Declaratory Resolution are in all respects hereby MODIFIED by the Common Council .to the extent that the Common Council only approves the specific projects as identified in the preceding paragraph. 3. The Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of this Resolution which MODIFIES the Amending Declaratory Resolution, the 2013 Plan and the order of the Plan Commission as set forth above with the permanent minutes of this meeting. 4. This resolution shall be effective from and after passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common C until of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, this ,z day of October, 2014, by a vote of '1 ayes and nays. COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, IND NA Dennis Julius, 4fsident ATTEST: Vicki Conlin, Clerk Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, this 02/ day of October, 2014 at FA: 45 Vicki Conlin, Clerk Signed and approved by me, the Mayor of the City/4 Jeffersonville, Indiana, on this I!2810035.2 day of October, 2014 at k 1 : atArn. 3 Mike Moore, ayor A Et CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE RIVER FRONT IMPROVEMENTS JEFFERSONVILLE. INDIANA PHASE 1 SITE PLAN GAv o CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLEREDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION E0 QUARTERMASTER COURT JEFFERSONVILLE. IN 47130 (812) 280-3002 A. Jacobi, Toombs & lam, Inc. Gots the, ,g bo rnrn. k Lewd Surtryoe I