HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 21, 2013COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA October 21st, 2013 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana at 7:OOpm, on Monday October 21St, 2013. Council President Connie Sellers, with Vicki Conlin, City Clerk, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. President Seller asked those in attendance to stand as Bobby Campbell gave the invocation. Council President Sellers then led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll call and those present were: Councilperson Smith, Councilperson Gill, Council President Sellers, Councilperson Zastawny, Councilperson Payne, Council President Sellers, Councilperson Julius, Councilperson Owen, Councilperson Samuel. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the agenda with the removal of numbers 4, 5, and 1.a from New Business with Councilperson Samuel seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the council meeting minutes from October 7th, 2013 with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: General Claims: Mrs. Deering presented the general claims list with a hand carried claim for Matt Dyer in I.T. that was pulled at the last meeting. This brings the total amount for approval to $2,024,858.65. Council President Sellers stated the IT claim is for Mr. Dyer to have his certifications for his job. Councilperson Samuel asked if there could be a fund description on the new printouts of claims. Mrs. Deering said they would look into it. Council President Sellers stated the claims for general promotion of the city from the last meeting that were pulled were checked into and need to be approved. Council President Sellers also stated that Mr. Lewis will be working on an ordinance to help tailor what can and can't be considered promotion of the city. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE the claims in the amount of $2,024,858.65 with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 7-0-1 with Councilperson Julius abstaining. Parks Claims: Mrs. Deering presented the Parks claims for approval in the amount of $52,273.40. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 7-0-1 with Councilperson Julius abstaining. REPORT OF THE CLERK: Mrs. Conlin asked the Council to sign the Nepotism Statements that she placed in their packets. She stated that State Statute and City of Jeffersonville Ordinance 2013 -OR -29 requires Nepotism Statements be completed annually. 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Andy Crouch: Mr. Crouch gave the Council an update on the sidewalk master plan. Last year the Council approved $200,000 for the "low hanging fruit" sidewalk repairs that would be easiest and cheapest for the city to complete. Mr. Crouch stated that all of those repairs and additions are complete with the exception of Howard Ave. for under $100,000. Mr. Crouch stated that Howard Ave. ended up needing more work than originally thought and those improvements are coming up next along with Vissing Park Drive improvements. Councilperson Julius asked about Chestnut Street and Mr. Crouch stated that he is not managing that project but he believes it will be done in 3-4 weeks. Councilperson Samuel expressed the urge to "lock" up the money that went unspent of what the Council gave Mr. Crouch last year before it reverts back into the general fund at the end of the year. Councilperson Zastawny stated he feels it's best to continue moving forward and would love to take this to the next level of "fruit" or work that Mr. Crouch feels is needed. Councilperson Zastawny also stated he would like Mr. Crouch to see if Redevelopment would offer to contribute any money since some of these areas lie in the TIF district. Assistant Police Chief Scott Oliver: Assist. Chief Oliver spoke on behalf of Chief Grimm who could not make it to the meeting for family reasons. Mr. Oliver came before the Council with three items from the Police Chief: 1.) Mr. Oliver requested that $10,000 from the Police non -reverting fund be appropriated into the continuing education fund for some upcoming training events before the end of the year. The non -reverting has about $40,000 currently. Council President Sellers asked for a copy of all the Police officer training and what each officer has and what training they need. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE advertising for $10,000 to be appropriated from Police non -reverting into the continuing education fund. Councilperson Samuel seconded, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 2.) Mr. Oliver requested that they get the authorization to go ahead and order the 8 vehicles that are in the 2014 budget. Mr. Lewis expressed some concern about authorizing the order when it is outside the specific budget year. Mr. Oliver stated it will take at least 6 months to receive the cars and no payments will begin till around April 2014. Councilperson Julius asked about cars that are "retired" and were given away and expressed concern about doing that in the future since that is possible revenue. Council President Sellers requested a list of all Police cars and the year they were purchased and the miles they have on them. Councilperson Owen made a motion to AUTHORIZE ordering the vehicles contingent on the fact that no money comes out for these in the year 2013. Councilperson Payne seconded, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 3.) Mr. Oliver requested a pay increase for Anne Langley that would raise her pay $2/hour that they stated should have happened in the change in pay range. This would be an additional $3,000 next year and the department has the money to cover the amount this year. They also requested she be back paid to May. Council President Sellers stated that Chief Grimm stated twice at the May 20th, 2013 meeting that her pay would not be affected in the pay range change and Councilperson Gill stated she does not feel comfortable with the back pay when the raise was cut due to Circuit Breakers. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. AMY DEERING — 2013 -OR -40 — An Ordinance for Appropriation and Tax Rates: Mrs. Deering presented the 2014 budget for a final reading. Council President Sellers stated that the following need to be removed from PUF and put under the Court general budget: Deputy Clerk, pro tem Judge, interpreter, office equipment, subscription and 2 dues and cut the $5,000 operational expenses since this line is in there twice. Council President Sellers expressed that unless it is for the Probation Department, it cannot come from PUF. The school education needs to only be for the Probation Officers as well as any subscription and dues. Councilperson Gills expressed concern regarding cutting the funding for the Police stimulator. Councilperson Smith stated they may have enough to find it in the non -reverting fund. Councilperson Smith made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -40 on a second and third reading with the aforementioned changes. Councilperson Zastawny seconded, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 2. AMY DEERING -2013-OR-41 An Ordinance Transferring of Certain Funds within the Same Department: Mrs. Deering presented 2013 -OR -41 for approval on a third and final reading. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -41 on a third and final reading, with Councilperson Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 3. SCOTT LEWIS — 2013 -OR -42 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2011 -OR -73, Which Said Ordinance Amended Ordinances 1997 -OR -73, 2007 -OR -1 and 2008 -OR -16 Creating an Advisory Drainage Board (Tabled 10/7/13): Mr. Lewis presented an ordinance that would amend the current Drainage Board ordinance to change that they would be assisting and advising the Sewer Board instead of BPW. The other changes are minor and clarify who is the contracting authority. Councilperson Julius made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -42 on a first reading, with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 4. SCOTT LEWIS — Transfer of MS4 Program and MS4 Coordinator from City Engineer to Sewer Board (Tabled 10/7/13): Mr. Lewis presented moving the MS4 program from under the City Engineer to the Sewer Board. Councilperson Gill suggested holding off on this until the final reading of the salary ordinance. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Peggy Duffy- City Pride Request for Benches: Ms. Duffy came before the Council requesting $5,467 for City Pride to purchase ten trashcans (including lids and liners) on the west side of downtown in the Mulberry area. Ms. Duffy stated that the trashcans now are always overflowing and it is at no fault of the Street Department, but rather because there are simply a lot of people downtown. Councilperson Julius suggested they take the money from Beautification. Councilperson Julius made a motion to APPROVE the $5,467 from Beautification with Councilperson Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 2. Kim Calabro- 2013 -OR -43 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2013 -OR -22, 2013 -OR -12, 2013 -OR -2, 2012 -OR -49. Fixing the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees for All the Departments for the Year 2013: Mrs. Calabro presented 2013 -OR -43 with the change of Construction Engineer changed to Construction Inspector as was discussed at 3 the last meeting. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -43 on First Reading, with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 3. Amy Deering- 2013-R-30 A Resolution to Initiate a Special Appropriation: Mrs. Deering presented a resolution to initiate a special appropriation that would cover shortfalls in different funds and it includes the $10,000 from Police non -reverting from the current meeting as well as the $5,467 from Beautification. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to APPROVE 2013-R-30 with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. 4. Amy Deering- 2013 -OR -44 An Ordinance for Additional Appropriation: Mrs. Deering presented this ordinance for additional appropriation stating that the resolution to advertise was passed at the last meeting. Councilperson Samuel asked about the very top line of $5,000 being appropriated from Police non -reverting and asked if the new $10,000 from tonight is in addition. Council President Sellers stated it is in addition to this $5,000. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -44 on a First Reading with Councilperson Julius seconded, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: None COUNCIL COMMENT: Councilperson Smith: none Councilperson Zastawny: none Councilperson Payne: none Councilperson Gill: stated that she attended the TACT training and it was very informative and between her and Councilperson Julius, and Samuel they were able to attend some great workshops that pertain to the city. Council President Sellers: Spoke regarding an email regarding the Flood Control from Ron Grooms and stated she had checked any funding and talked to River Hills Economic Development and they stated that they would check into any funding from Flood Control. Councilperson Julius: IACT was tremendous as always and they did a great job. Stated the White Reach project that was reported in the paper was mentioned that the prohibition of billboards was going to be removed and believes everyone needs to think about that and recommends sticking to their guns to no billboards in downtown. Councilperson Zastawny stated they do not have the authority because they would have to before Planning and Zoning. Also stated that he attended the Perrin Pointe meeting at Duffy's Landing that was held by the Mayor and he stated a cost amount of the project at $150,000. Councilperson Julius expressed that this amount most likely does not include in-service work and that does have a dollar value to it and Councilperson Smith stated this can be deceiving. Council President Sellers urged departments to bill each other for in-house services as they should and Mr. Merkley agreed with this statement by saying they have in the past. Councilperson Owen: reminded everyone that Trick or Treat Downtown is on Monday and is looking forward to seeing everyone there. 4 Councilperson Samuel: Showed everyone pictures of all the utility boxes being primed and will be ready for paint this week. Councilperson Samuel also stated that Mr. Northam will have a trolley going to take people around to see all the boxes when they are complete. Councilperson Samuel stated he contacted Papa Johns and they are agreeable to allowing them to do some sort of project to indicate this is the home of Papa John. Councilperson Owen made a motion to ADJOURN at 8:24 P.M. with Councilperson Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. Mrs. Lewis stopped the Council regarding an email Mrs. Deering received from DLGF stating the 2014 salary ordinance needs to be approved by November 1St, 2013. Councilperson Owen RESCINDED his motion to adjourn with Councilperson Gill seconded the rescinding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. Council President Sellers asked for a 10 minute recess Council President Sellers RECONVENED the meeting at 8:50 P.M. City Clerk Vicki Conlin presented a new ordinance that presents the salary ordinance for 2014 that is reflective of the most current salary ordinance that has been voted on by the City Council. Councilperson Gill made a motion to SUSPEND the rules in anticipation of passing 2013 -OR -45. Councilperson Julius SECONDED the motion, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE 2014 -OR -45 with Councilperson Julius seconding. Councilperson Zastawny reminded everyone that all though this is passing on all three readings, it can be amended later. The motion PASSED on a vote of 8-0. Councilperson Gill made a motion to ADJOURN at 8:52 P.M. with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8-0. APPMOVED BY: Algt/tiziLleig,< Connie Sellers, President ATTESTED BY: Vicki Conlin, City Clerk 5