HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 7, 2013COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA October 7th, 2013 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana at 7:OOpm, on Monday October 7th, 2013. Council President Connie Sellers, with Vicki Conlin, City Clerk, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. President Seller asked those in attendance to stand as Bobby Campbell gave the invocation. Council President Sellers then led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll call and those present were: Councilperson Smith, Councilperson Glover, Council President Sellers, Councilperson Zastawny, Council person Payne. Councilpersons Absent was Councilperson Samuel, Councilperson Gill, Councilperson Julius, and Councilperson Owen arriving at 7:50 P.M. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilperson Glover made a motion to APPROVE the agenda with Councilperson Zastawny seconded, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE the council meeting minutes from September 16, 2013 with Councilperson Glover seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. Councilperson Payne stated that he will trust in his colleagues and vote yes for the minutes even though he was not present so that they will have enough people to approve the minutes. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: General Claims: Mrs. Deering presented the general claims list in the amount of $2,25,978.16 to the council for approval. Councilperson Smith asked to pull Sullivan University from I.T. claim for now. Council President Sellers asked to pull the several items under the Mayor Budget that are 'general promotion of the city' to ensure that they are all actual promotions of the city per SBOA. Councilperson Smith made a motion to APPROVE the claims in the new adjusted amount of $2,278,284.86 with Councilperson Zastawny seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. Parks Claims: Mrs. Deering presented the parks claims for approval in the amount of $56,507.07. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE the claims, with Councilperson Smith seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. REPORT OF THE CLERK: none DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: none UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. Shane Corbin: Mr. Corbin presented a zoning ordinance to the council that is for the property located at 3305 Holmans Lane and would change the zoning from a R1 to OC. a. PUBLIC HEARING -2013 -OR- 39- An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Map Designation of a Certain Tract of Property Located at 3305 Holmans Lane and Fully Described in Attached Exhibit A from R1 to OC: Council President Sellers OPENED the public hearing at 7:16 P.M. and without any further comment the public hearing was CLOSED at 7:17 P.M. b. 2013 -OR -39- An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Map Designation of a Certain Tract of Property Located at 3305 Holmans Lane and Fully Described in Attached Exhibit A from R1 to OC: Councilperson Zastawny stated that this zoning change received a favorable recommendation from planning and zoning. Councilperson Smith made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -39 with Councilperson Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote 5-0. 2. Amy Deering: Mrs. Deering presented an ordinance to the council for appropriations and tax rates for the expenses of civil city for the year ending December 31St, 2013. a. PUBLIC HEARING- 2013 -OR -40 -Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rate: Council President Sellers opened the public hearing at 7:20 P.M. and without further comment closed the public hearing at 7:21 P.M. b. 2013 -OR -40 -Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rate: Mr. Lewis stated that this will need to be adopted by Nov 1St, 2013 per DLGF standards. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE on a 1St reading, with Councilperson Smith seconding. Council President Sellers asked why the overtime increased in the fire Department because the new hires were supposed to bring that down. Mrs. Deering responded that some of that is training and events that will be reimbursed. Councilperson Smith suggested having a budget workshop with the council and Amy and Heather to make some adjustments that do not match the council request for reverting back to 2013 budget. The motion PASSES on a vote of 5-0. 3. Amy Deering- 2013 -OR -41 -An Ordinance Transferring of Certain Funds within the Same Department: Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE 2013 -OR -41 on a rt and 2nd reading and Councilperson Payne seconded. There was no further discussion and the motion PASSES on a vote of 5-0. 4. Amy Deering- 2013-R-29- A Resolution to Initiate Special Appropriation: Mrs. Deering presented a resolution to advertise special appropriation to cover the shortfalls and needs to be done for DLGF. Councilperson Zastawny questioned why the shortfall for telephones was $40,000 and Mrs. Deering stated she feels that was an oversight in the previous budget. Mrs. Deering stated that all shortfalls are coming from excess in the general fund as well as some department non -reverting funds. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE 2013-R- 29 with Councilperson Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. 5. Kim Calabro- Equity Pay: Mrs. Calabro presented a recommendation from Elizabeth Gross that would bring up a certain amount of employees whose job position has had an increase in starting pay but the employees have not been compensating for the tenure in the position. The increase will cost $25,891.66 from the general fund and $10,914.58 from wastewater. Mr. Lewis stated this will be complying with the new pay grades and the wage and salary policy. Mrs. Calabro suggested not making this retroactive. Mrs. Deering suggested beginning this change Nov 1St at the beginning of a pay period. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE the increases in equity pay to occur beginning November 1st, 2013. Councilperson Glover seconded, PASSING on a vote of 5-0. 6. Kim Calabro- Personnel Title Change in Position: Mrs. Calabro requested the change of title construction engineer in the wastewater department to now be called construction inspector. The position will no longer be exempt or require a degree. The position is filled and the person in the position is not getting the pay the position used to get and is aware of the downgrading of the description. Mr. Lewis stated the council will need to amend the salary ordinance to reflect the title of the position. Mrs. Calabro stated she does not have the ordinance with her because she thought they needed to vote to approve the change first. Councilperson Glover asked why we can't do this with the 2014 salary ordinance. Mr. Lewis suggested approving it with the understanding it will be reflective in 2014. Council President Sellers asked Mrs. Calabro to bring the salary back to the next meeting with the changes for approval. Councilperson Owen arrived at 7:50 P.M. 7. Scott Lewis- 2013 -OR -42 -An Ordinance Amending Ordinance no 2011 -OR -73, which said Ordinance Amended Ordinances 97 -IR -73. 2007 -OR -1 and 2008 -OR -116 creating an Advisory Drainage Board: Mr. Lewis stated this is a housecleaning item and changes being recommended are because the original ordinance didn't reflect the creation of the sewer board. The advisory board would not have contractual authority or direct control over sewer employees, but could make suggestions to the sewer board. Councilperson Smith suggested tabling this until he can get further clarification. Mr. Lewis stated he believes this will still give each board individual powers. Councilperson Owen made a motion to TABLE with Councilperson Smith seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5-1 with Council President Sellers voting no. 8. Scott Lewis- Transfer of MS4 Program and MS4 Coordinator from City Engineer to Sewer Board: Mr. Lewis presented another "housecleaning" item to the council that would move the MS4 program and coordinator from under the City Engineer to the Sewer Board. Mr. Lewis stated that Mr. Crouch is in favor of this move. Mr. Lewis stated that there has been some breakdown under rule 13 (MS4) that has led to the idea of moving that jurisdiction to under the Sewer Board. Councilperson Smith stated he would like to speak to some drainage members to understand this better before making a decision. Council President Sellers invited Charlie from Drainage board to speak. The Chairman of the Drainage Board, spoke stating that there was some friction with the former person in charge of the MS4 program and that they could be fined. Charlie stated he supports the move. Councilperson Payne asked if it is state statute for it to be under the sewer board and Mr. Lewis stated it works better but isn't state statute. Councilperson Glover asked who is covering the position now. Mrs. Calabro stated the position is currently vacant. Charlie from the Drainage board stated that they are covered currently through a contracted company who comprises a report due for them due in November. Councilperson Owen asked if the council could wait and possible discuss in a workshop. Councilperson Zastawny made a motion to TABLE this issue with Councilperson Smith seconding, PASSING on a vote of 6-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: none COUNCIL COMMENT: Councilperson Smith: set up a workshop with the council to discuss the budget with Heather and Amy on Thursday at 11:00 A.M. Mr. Lewis stated he would advertise. Councilperson Zastawny: stated that although he was not present at the last meeting it wants to clear it up that he supports the council's decision to file the declaratory judgment against Redevelopment. Councilperson Payne: none Councilperson Glover: none Council President Sellers: Stated that National League of Cities conference in November in Seattle needs to voting delegates. Councilperson Zastawny stated he is definitely going and Councilperson Glover is considering attending. Councilperson Owen: none Councilperson Owen made a motion to ADJOURN at 8:19 P.M. with Councilperson Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote of 6-0 APPROVED BY: Connie Sellers, President ATT1STED BY: Vicki Conlin, City Clerk