HomeMy WebLinkAboutapril 22nd, 2013 Jeffersonville Parks Authority Monday, April 22, 2013 The Jeffersonville Parks Authority met in regular session in Room 101, City Hall, Jeffersonville, IN on April 22, 2013 at 7:OOpm. Members present: Mike Smith, Zach Payne, Connie Sellers, Lisa Gill, Board President Ed Zastawny, Matt Owen, Nathan Samuel, Bryan Glover, Dennis Julius. Also Present: Scott Lewis, the Board Attorney, Parks Director Paul Northam, Jamie Lake and Matt Gullo with Kovert Hawkins and Paul Duckworth with CCSA. Mr. Northam requested taking out #1 under New Business - Throckmorton Park. Mr. Northam explained that City Engineer Andy Crouch was going to speak on the subject, but he was unable to attend this evening's meeting. It will be placed back on the agenda next month. Member Owen made a motion to APPROVE the agenda with the removal of #1 under New Business — Throckmorton Park, with member Glover seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Member Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the minutes from March 18, 2013 with member Smith seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Member Samuel made a motion to APPROVE the claims list in the amount of $44,307.99 with member Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. A. OLD BUSINESS 1. Permanent Mooring of Riverstage: Mr. Northam provided the board with an update on plans to permanently moor the Riverstage along the riverfront. Mr. Northam stated that the river went up during the Thunder program on the Riverstage and the barge rose above the concrete wall. Mr. Northam said there is no damage to the barge, but the fencing was bent a little and can be repaired by the construction company. Mr. Northam will bring more information about permanently mooring the Riverstage to the May or June board meeting. Mr. Northam stated that the permit that was sent to the Army Corps of Engineers had two requests: approval to move the barge 50 feet downstream and approval to install a video screen on the back side of the barge. Member Owen stated that he is not in favor of the video screen and Member Sellers agreed. The board discussed eliminating the video screen from the permit request. Mr. Northam explained to the board that he felt that pulling that piece might cause additional delay. Mr. Northam stated that even if approval is given for the video screen, it isn't something the board has to do. Mr. Northam said he would speak to JTL who have been helping him with the permitting process and will get back to the board with more information. Mr. Northam also stated that Parks will not be moving the barge this year, but will move next year, if permit to move is approved. There was discussion to go ahead and move the barge down 50 feet this year if permit approval came back in time; however, work would need to be completed such as pouring concrete and electrical work. Mr. Northam said it is the Parks Department's intention to build a dock that would go from the concrete to the dock and the dock over to the Riverstage and a ramp would also have to be installed. Member Owen made a motion to drop the video screen from the permit application, but the motion died for the lack of a second, with the motion later being rescinded by Member Owen. 2. Allison Brook Park — Mr. Northam discussed issues that were brought up at the workshop about the pond behind the park. Member Sellers stated that she spoke to the Mayor and he said that he would withdraw and not take the detention basin. President Zastawny asked Mr. Northam who will maintain the park since Redevelopment owns the land. Mr. Northam stated that there is talk about the park having walking trails, community gardens and greenspace, but he is does not know what the maintenance plan is. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Glossbrenner Garden on Spring and Chestnut — Member Julius informed the board that Historic Landmarks of Southern Indiana wants to donate the Glossbrenner Garden property to the city. The City Pride Committee has had a long history of maintaining the Garden and cautioned if City Pride was no longer together as an organization, the maintenance of the Garden would go to the Parks Department. Mr. Richard Eklund spoke to the board about the many years that City Pride has been maintaining the property and explained that early last year Historic Landmarks and the city were working on deeding the property over to the city with the understanding that it will always remain a garden, or they would like to have the property back. Mr. Lewis explained that if the property was donated to the city, the city would be 100% libel for the Garden and its maintenance. The city would also have the right to agree (or disagree) with the covenants and restrictions. Member Julius asked Mr. Lewis if he would check with Corporate Attorney Les Merkley about this property and bring it to the next meeting. Mr. Lewis agreed to do so. C. DIRECTORS REPORT 1. Sandy Knott — Parks Advisory Update: there will be a 3 -on -3 Basketball Tournament on April 27 to be held at Vissing Park and they are hoping to have 24 teams sign up. Softball is currently taking registrations and will begin on May 6 th at Vissing Park. Ms. Knott passed out the tentative Riverstage schedule for the upcoming summer with opening night being May 25th. Anchors Away has their schedule set to be held at the Riverstage again this year from June 3rd to September 28th. The Programs Committee had their sewing club and hula party that was planned, but they didn't have a good result with the hula party so that has been postponed. Belly dancing classes and zumba classes are well attended and the Bingo and Bunco are well attended by the senior citizens. Ms. Knott stated that the major problem with the parks is the vandalism. Ms. Knott stated some of the parks, such as Bob Hedge Park, have signs posted offering a $500 reward for information on vandals. Ms. Knott confirmed that Bob Hedge does have security cameras, but the area where the cameras don't cover seems to be where the vandalism occurs. There was some damage to the bronze statue in Bob Hedge. Although this incident was accidental, the parents of the children who caused the damage didn't call the Police to make a report. Member Gill stated that the Parks Department is going to have to take a hard -core approach to the vandalism because it is costing the city a lot of money. Ms. Knott explained that in the past the Police have been called and kids have been arrested and their parents brought in. On other occasions, the cameras have picked up the faces of the vandals and Police take the images to the schools where the teachers can identify them. Ms. Knott stated that they need to get the word out early that vandals will be punished. 2. Matt Gullo — Woehrle Soccer and J.A.M. Update: Mr. Gullo with Kovert Hawkins came before the board with updates on Vissing Park. Mr. Gullo stated that they reduced the retainage by $80,000 leaving $20,000 for the amount of work that's left to be completed. A change order of $10,104.60 will take care of a wet problem in Field #1 by installing plastic field drains and a request by Mr. Northam to replace part of the fence with a gate for moving equipment. Mr. 4 Gullo is currently getting pricing for signage at Vissing Park and will have approximate quotes for each of the signs at the next meeting. Jamie Lake updated the board concerning Vissing Park. The project is nearly complete, but hasn't been closed out. The change order for $10,104.60 was taken out of the contingency allowance and there is contingency money left. Another item which will be taken out of the contingency money is safety netting over the playground areas between the fields. Mr. Lake stated that at next month's meeting the contingency would be closed out and anything left would be credited back. Mr. Lake explained that some of the fill work needs to be done when it's very dry, such as in July, so the contract will remain open until July or August. Member Gill stated that the earth has dropped in areas that are hazardous to walk on for the public. Member Gill also questioned the safety net and Mr. Gullo stated that he is still waiting on the new net, but it will be taken care of. Mr. Lake outlined the change orders for Vissing Park. Change Order #9 for $10,104.60 to come from the contingency allowance already in the contract sum for a zero dollar change. Member Owen made a motion to APPROVE Change Order #9, with Member Sellers seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Mr. Lake requested approval of a pay request #10 to AML, Inc., to reduce the escrow account by $80,000, leaving a sum total of $20,000 in the account. Member Owen made a motion to APPROVE Change Order #10 regarding retainage amount with Member Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Mr. Lake gave the board a brief overview of the CCSA project which is up for bid. All the documents are on their company website. There is an online plan room with the 129 drawings and 814 pages of specifications which are free for anyone who wants to bid the project. Mr. Lake said there is a tremendous amount of interest in this project. There is a pre -bid meeting at 2:OOpm on May 2 in the Mayor's Conference Room at City Hall. Bids will be received in the City Clerk's Office and then bid openings will take place Tuesday, May 14 at 2:OOpm in the Mayor's Conference Room, City Hall. They are also currently working on a security package and bidding will be done simultaneously with the main project. This security package will follow the same time frame with bid openings taking place 30 minutes before opening bids for the main project (1:30pm Tuesday, May 14 Mr. Lake stated that the goal is at the next board meeting members be prepared to act on those bids if they so desire. 4 Mr. Lake went through the list of alternates with the board. Member Owen asked if the road work was in the base bid. Mr. Lake stated that it was separated out as an alternate because it wasn't budgeted in the main project originally with the estimated cost being $500,000. President Zastawny expressed concern for the trees that are going to be planted between the soccer fields. Mr. Lake explained that the trees were originally added to comply with the difficult landscape requirements that the city has. Mr. Gallo stated that he would need to get a waiver request from Planning and Zoning. Mr. Lake advised that it should be easy to delete the trees by addendum. President Zastawny asked Mr. Lake how the lines on the courts would be managed on the floor of the athletic complex for the different sports. Mr. Lake stated that the striping plans are in their drawings. Each sport will be painted stripes in different colors. Each quadrant will have a basketball court as the dominant court with a volleyball court Tined inside of that. Across the two halves will be the soccer field striping directly outside the basketball courts. Those are the only ones they have plans to permanently stripe. If changes need to be made, the paint can be taken off and replaced. Also, temporary lines can be easily placed on the court for other sports. Mr. Lake informed the board that they can revisit striping choices before they are painted. President Zastawny suggested leaving the J.A.M. logo off the building and instead find a sponsor to name it after. Mr. Lake stated that they do not have to make the J.A.M. sign; however, for bidding purposes, he feels it puts money in the bid and something should be placed there. Mr. Northam asked for clarification from the board as to whether there would be a name for the whole complex and a separate name for the building. Mr. Lake explained that right now for bidding purposes, the entire 22 acre project site is being referred to as the Woehrle Youth Athletic Complex and the building is referred to as the Jeffersonville Activities Multiplex, as well as the Premier Turf Field. President Zastawny suggested getting sponsorship for the complex, the building, the premier field and all the other alternate fields. Mr. Northam stated that there is a lot of confusion as to what to call the complex. He suggests that since the complex is not specifically for the youth, to name it the Woehrle Athletic Complex and then come back with sponsorships later. Board members expressed their approval of that suggestion. The board thanked Mr. Lake for his update at today's meeting. 1. Paul Northam — Report: • Mr. Northam asked for clarification of the salary ordinance for hiring part -time seasonal employees. Mr. Northam stated that it was his understanding that he could hire as many employees as he wants so long as he stays within the budgeted money g iven. Mr. Northam explained that he wants to hire a permanent part -time employee who would be able to do a lot of different things. This employee will work 12 months out of the year but will work no more than 29 hours a week. Member Samuel questioned the pay grade for this employee. Mr. Northam explained that this individual has been paid from a claim off - and -on for the last three or four years at a slightly higher dollar amount than he is allowed to pay his high school /college part -time seasonal employees. Mr. Northam stated that he would now like to pay this individual on the City of Jeff payroll. Member Owen stated that if this individual has been paid in the past by claim, then that individual is not a City of Jeff employee and can be hired in at whatever rate they want. Mr. Glover questioned why anyone would agree to being placed on payroll if they make more money being paid by claim. Member Julius stated to Mr. Northam that he just needed to manage his budget to suit his needs. Mr. Northam thanked the board for that advice. • Mr. Northam discussed the Aquatic Center Sign. Mr. Northam explained that due to budget cuts and the issues he was facing with Planning and Zoning about the scrolling sign, he recommended not to purchase the sign this year. Mr. Northam stated that Aquatic Director Nicki Dillon had a good idea of having one message be posted every day of the week rather than a scrolling sign. This would not be a distraction for the drivers on Middle Road and the message of the day could be controlled from one location by wireless hookup, which was part of the price of the sign. Member Smith stated that he supports the sign, but agrees that it should be placed on the back - burner due to budget cuts. • Mr. Northam stated that Vissing Park will have their Grand Opening on Saturday, May 18 at 11:OOam. Invitations will be sent to all Council members, Mayor's Office, department heads, Vissing family, and the homes of all the neighbors around Vissing Park. Mr. Northam stated that Mayor Moore would be speaking at the opening and is going to ask someone from the Vissing family to say a few words. Mr. Northam asked Member Gill to also say a few words at the opening since this was her area. Member Sellers stated that President Zastawny should also speak at the opening and Mr. Northam agreed. Mr. Northam informed the board that security cameras are about a week away from being installed. Dawn -to -Dusk lights have been ordered for the bathrooms as well as dawn -to -dusk sensors on the doors so that they will unlock at dawn and lock at dusk. There is a panic button inside the bathroom in case someone should get locked in. • Mr. Northam stated that Colston Park still has people practicing baseball /softball on the fields causing balls to go into the homes nearby. Mr. Northam asked the board what their vision was for the park. Mr. Lewis stated that the City Council could pass an ordinance outlining what the park is to be used for and anyone using it for reasons other than that could be fined. After discussion, the board agreed to shut down Colston Park and begin the process of transitioning it into a greenspace. Member Smith made a motion to APPROVE Parks Department decommissioning the softball field, with Member Julius seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. • Mr. Northam updated the board on the Jeffersonville Marina. Mr. Northam stated that they are moving forward with the design and met with the Estopinal Group and members from JTL last week. They have a preliminary design which Jorge Lanz will finalize in the next couple of weeks. Mr. Northam stated that he has a small group that he will get together to discuss such things as the lighting, the water and the sewage and then meet with the boat dock renters at their next meeting which is 7:OOpm on May 16 on the Riverstage. Mr. Northam sent invitations to the homes on the hill near the dock to get their input and they will then have an open meeting for the whole city to discuss this issue. Mr. Northam explained that once these docks are renovated, any maintenance and repair will be the responsibility of the city and that is one reason why they are raising the prices. Mr. Northam also stated that the plan is to get all of this done in the next couple of months and then in November, when the season is over, everybody leaves and the construction starts - weather permitting. • President Zastawny questioned when the mailers for the Riverstage events would be mailed. Mr. Northam stated that he thought they had been mailed and will talk to Sara Schutz about this. D. REPORTS AND COMMENTS 1. Public Comments None 2. Parks Authority Member Comments Member Smith: suggests taking dirt to Vissing Park and filling in the trench rather putting signs in the Park warning them of the hazard. Mr. Gullo stated that he will talk to Leo at Dan Christiana tomorrow about the dirt. On Field #2 there is a PVC pipe by the dugout which Member Smith feels is hazardous to kids who might stand on it. Another danger is a lock that is above - ground that is a tripping hazard. Member Smith feels that it should have been placed in a more secure area. Member Smith stated that he would like to see volunteers help pick up trash in Vissing Park. 4 There are a lot of people who may want to help. Mr. Northam stated that he has wanted to look into finding volunteers, but hasn't had the time to do so. Member Glover asked if there was a way to tie that into City Court or County Court and receive community service. The board discussed different groups who might be interested in volunteering. Mr. Northam stated that he was contacted by a home - school group in southern Indiana a month ago who needed a project on Earth Day, so they cleaned up trash through the walking trails at Vissing Park. Member Payne: None Member Sellers: None Member Gill: young kids are driving mopeds through the trails and on the basketball court at Vissing Park. Mr. Northam stated that signs indicating no motorized vehicles will be posted. Member Gill also commented that the swings are set too high for young children. Mr. Northam stated that he will check on that. Member Gill stated that every area of the park was full of people and they loved it. Member Glover: None Member Julius: None Member Owen: None Member Samuel: None Board President Zastawny: None Member Smith made a motion to ADJOURN AT 8:42pm, with Member Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Jos Parks Authority Pr- sident 1 1 1 4 4 1