HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 2012 COUNCIL PROCEEDING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA OCTOBER 15 th , 2012 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana at 5:30 P.M., on Monday, October 15 2012. Council President Ed Zastawny, with Vicki Conlin, City Clerk, called the meeting to order at 5:37 P.M. Council President Ed Zastawny welcomed all in attendance, asking those in attendance to stand as Bobby Campbell gave the invocation. Council President Zastawny then led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll call and those present were: Councilperson Smith, Councilperson Payne, Council Vice President Sellers, Councilperson Gill, Councilperson Glover, Councilperson Julius, Councilperson President Zastawny, Councilperson Owen, and Councilperson Samuel. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Councilperson Julius made a motion to APPROVE the Agenda with items 2(two) and 3(three) under New Business tabled, with Council Vice President Sellers seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. MINUTES TO BE APPROVED: Minutes from the Council Regular Proceedings, October 1st, 2012: Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the minutes from the Council Regular Proceedings, with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED: Parks Claims: Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE the Parks Claims List in the amount of $18,176.44, seconded by Councilperson Gill, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. General Claims: Controller Monica Harmon requested approval of the general claims in the amount of $1,651,631.54. Councilperson Owen questioned a claim on page six under Economic Development for Website Production in the amount of $8,420. Mrs. Harmon responded that it must be a posting error because there is not a budget for that line. Councilperson Owen suggested removing it from the claims list until it is determined what department the claim should come from. Mrs. Harmon suggested a special meeting in the next week and a half to the council discretion due to the 23 -day period between the current meeting and the next in November. President Zastawny suggested holding a special meeting on Monday October 22 2012 before their Executive session at 5:45 P.M. to approve claims. Councilperson Julius asked Mrs. Harmon about the Anchors Away expenses that were requested at the previous meeting. Mrs. Harmon responded that she gave the total expenses for the river stage to Mr. Northam and thought that included Anchors Away. Mrs. Harmon apologized and stated she would pull that information and have it for the Council at the special meeting on Oct 22 2012. 1 Councilperson Samuel questioned two claims under FEMA grant and Redevelopment grant and Mrs. Harmon responded that it was simply moving money around and making matches for grants. Councilperson Julius questioned what the claim was for Court Costs due to County from the City. Mrs. Harmon responded that is part of the portion that is owed to the county from monies taken in a City Court. Councilperson Owen questioned what the claim was for in the amount of $85,085 under Public Safety LOIT to the Estopinal Group for the Police Headquarters. Mrs. Harmon responded that it was for the Police Headquarters design and it is to be reimbursed by the bond. Councilperson Glover made a motion to APPROVE the claims with the removal of the claim under Economic Development in the amount of $8420.00, seconded by Councilperson Gill, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. MAYOR REPORT: Rick Lovan spoke on behalf of the Mayor stating that Redevelopment Commission was unable to be here due to their meeting being rescheduled to tonight at the same time as this council meeting. Mr. Lovan also wanted to report that there was a seminar last week with Economic Development and it went very well. Mr. Lovan stated that there were about 77 people at the seminar and Kelly Reed spoke along with the Mayor and Redevelopment was in attendance as well. REPORT OF THE CLERK: Ms. Conlin brought before the Council a bill for Historic Landmarks and stated that it is for a professional services contract. Mrs. Conlin stated that she does not believe there is any litigation with this topic as well. Councilperson Owen made a motion to APPROVE paying the Indiana Landmarks bill in the amount of $4,000. The motion DIES for a LACK of a second. Ms. Conlin also reminded the council that the National League of Cities annual meeting in Boston is coming up on December 1 and registration deadline is October 31S 2012. If there is a councilmember to attend they do get a voting delegate on various issues. Ms. Conlin asked if they contact Candy Stewart regarding registration. Councilperson Samuel commented about the Indiana Landmarks bill stating that if they were wanting a contract they would need to go through the Administration. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: Judge Ken Pierce: Stated he was going to request tabling items two and three under new business that involve City Court until after the executive session on Monday the 22" however that change was already made and thanked the Council. Sarah Green: Ms. Green came before the council requesting approval of the addition of a new full time employee. Ms. Green stated that the extra help is needed to reduce the long work hours and work load of the current employees that take care of 150 -200 animals a day. President Zastawny asked if the extra work had anything to do with the No Kill Policy and Ms. Green stated it did not. Ms. Green stated that her work philosophy and how she intends to run the shelter is the reason for the need and is nothing she hasn't been doing since Jan 1, 2012. Ms. Green stated a ballpark figure for the salary would be possibly $27,000 - $28,000. Councilperson Julius made a motion to APPROVE Ms. Green to precede with the hiring of a full time employee at the Animal Shelter, with Councilperson Gill seconded, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Councilperson Gill publicly thanked Ms. Green for all her work stating that she is invaluable 2 to the Shelter. President Zastawny stated he would like to get the animal shelter a new sign and is working with Kovert Hawkins to get that done. Kim Calabro: Mrs. Calabro came before the Council requesting approval to hire a new full time employee in the H.R. Department. Mrs. Calabro handed out a job description and stated the need is due to an overwhelming work load and growth within the city. Mrs. Calabro stated that this position requires a bachelor's degree and a H.R. experience and would like the position to be a pay grade 5 on the old scale and start and $39,200. Councilperson Smith asked if this person could be paid partially out of Sewer and Mrs. Harmon stated that it is possible and the H.R. employees are already paid partially out of Sewer. Councilperson Owen clarified that the council just advised Mrs. Harmon to remove all of the new positions in the salary ordinance because of the fear of possible budget cuts and now the council is approving new positions two months early. Councilperson Julius made a motion to APPROVE the hiring of a full -time H.R. Generalist at a current scale of a pay grade 7, seconded by Council Vice - President Sellers, PASSING on a vote of 8 -1 with Councilperson Owen voting Nay. Anne Langley /Police Chief Grimm: Administrative Assistant Anne Langley came before the Council on behalf of Police Chief Grimm requested approval of the purchase of hardware and upgrade /updates for the server from New World with one being a little under $12,000 and the other being $6,600. Mrs. Langley stated that they were informed from New World that they would not need anything else added into the grant and then applied and were granted the grant money. However, they now need a new server and Mrs. Langley stated that I.T. Director Matt Dyer has helped in lowering the cost by $4,000. Mrs. Langley stated that she found money to cover this cost in the 300 series. Councilperson Smith made a motion to APPROVE the purchases as described by Mrs. Langley, seconded by Councilperson Gill, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Police Chief Grimm arrived late and stated that he was requesting approval from the council for changing of the Salary ordinance to include the two police chaplains at $1 /year in order to include them on the liability insurance. Chief Grimm stated that the department feels a need to have them and they will only be given a radio and a phone. Councilperson Gill made a motion to APPROVE the addition of adding two Police Chaplains at $1 /year in the salary ordinance, with g p $ /y y Councilperson Smith seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Josh Thompson - Fire Department: Mr. Thompson came before the council requesting approval for the purchase of equipment for the two new fire apparatus recently purchased by the Fire Department out of LOIT. Councilperson Owen made the motion to APPROVE, seconded by Councilperson Gill, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1.) Dale Orem 2012 - OR - 45 Sewer Bonds: Mr. Orem came before the council on behalf of the Sewer board to discuss the sewer bonds series A, B, and C. Mr. Orem explained to the Council that the Sewer bonds are in series of A, B, and C with A totaling 7 million preceding bids. Mr. Orem stated that there is5 million left in Series A and they would need an additional 7 million to reach that total 12 million needed. Mr. Orem stated that Series B is the major CSO project in the amount of 30 -35 million dollars. Mr. Orem stated that Series C would be any extraneous money needed up to 50 million dollars total. Mr. Orem stated that the sewer board is not asking the council for anything other than the authority to grant the bonds. Mr. Orem stated they can pay roughly 42 million out of the current rate structure and guaranteed they will not go beyond that. 3 Councilperson Samuel asked Mr. Orem if the interceptor pipe is on the outside of the 35 million estimated as well as the consent decree. Mr. Orem said it is included and not on the outside. Councilperson Glover questioned where the 8 million dollar difference between 42 million in the rate structure and the 50 million needed is going to come from. Mr. Orem responded that the Sewer Department is working diligently on cleaning up the billing and making sure those that are receiving service are being billed appropriately. Council Vice - President Sellers made a motion to PASS 2012 -OR -45 on a third and final reading, seconded by Councilperson Julius, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. 2.) Les Merkley - 2012- OR -47- An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing 1993 -OR -24 for Purposes of Establishing Fair Housing Policies in Compliance with State and Federal Law: Mr. Merkley requested the passing of 2012 -OR -47 on the second and third reading. Mr. Merkley announced that this ordinance is to update the Fair Housing policy that has been in place since 1993 and will increase eligibility for certain grants. Mr. Merkley stated that it is updating language and there is nothing of substance being changed. Councilperson Gill made a motion to PASS 2012 - OR-47 on a second and Third Reading, seconded by Councilperson Sellers, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. 3.) Monica Harmon - 2012 -OR -48 An Ordinance for Appropriation and Tax Rates for 2012: Mrs. Harmon presented an ordinance for appropriation and tax rates for 2012 announcing that this is a revised copy that reduces the total appropriations by over $500,000 that were previously discussed in workshops. Mrs. Harmon stated that most of the reductions are from EDIT and LOIT funds. Mrs. Harmon stated the administration is asking the council to adopt this ordinance subject to State Board of Accounts approval and will then work with department heads to discuss circuit breakers and possibly further reductions. Mrs. Harmon stated it is her recommendation to approach this in a more conservative manner. Councilperson Samuel reinstated that there would be an operating budget that is lower. Mr. Merkley stated that if we do not do this now, then there is a possibility of extensive cuts next year that could possibly affect positions. Mr. Merkley stated that he and Mrs. Harmon were to sit down with department heads to create an operating budget and his recommendation is that once those are prepared they are submitted to the council. Mr. Merkley stated he has spoken with the Mayor and that if this is not done on the front end, that come next July there could be some grave consequences to the operation of the city. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to PASS 2012 -OR -48 on a Second and Third Reading, seconded by Councilperson Glover, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. 4.) Monica Harmon 2012- OR -49- An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees for all the Departments of the City of Jeffersonville for the Year 2013: Mrs. Harmon requested approval of 2012 -OR -49 stating that she would make the changes regarding the two new additional employees and the two police chaplains and it does need to be finalized and approved before the end of October. Mrs. Harmon stated it could be done on a final reading tonight with changes made afterwards, or read on a final reading at the special meeting on the 22 nd of October. City Clerk Conlin requested changing the Deputy Clerk pay grade from a 4 to a 5 as submitted in her budget for next year stating that Deputy Clerk Erica Burress has a bachelor's degree and very essential to the office. Ms. Conlin also stated that it would put her in line with Administrative Assistants in other departments. Councilperson Smith asked Mrs. Harmon what has changed within the ordinance since the last meeting when it was tabled. Mrs. Harmon answered that she removed all the new positions as requested and changes to a number of 4 positions that were requesting upgrading positions. Mrs. Harmon stated she had removed these upgrades in positions from the ordinance. Mrs. Harmon stated the only change in the ordinance is the movement of a position and changing of the Fire Merit Meeting pay to a monthly pay. Councilperson Julius made a motion to PASS 2012 -OR -49 on First reading with the change that Ms. Conlin requested moving Deputy Clerk to a pay grade 5 as well as the 2 additional employees approved of at tonight's meeting and to include the two Police Chaplains. Councilperson Glover seconded, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. Councilperson Zastawny requested that the pay grade change for Deputy Clerk goes through the same process as all the other department changes. H.R. Director Kim Calabro stated they have already completed that process. Mrs. Harmon stated that she will have some department heads asking why they didn't get their upgraded positions included in the ordinance and they will come to council regarding this matter. 5.) Monica Harmon 2012 OR - 50 - An Ordinance Amending 2011 - OR - 57 Ordinance of Additional Appropriation: Mrs. Harmon requested the passing of 2012 -OR -50 on a third and final reading and covers funding for several items regarding "clean -up" on the budget. Councilperson Owen made a motion to PASS 2012 -OR -50 on Third Reading, seconded by Councilperson Gill, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. B. NEW BUSINESS: 1.) Vicki Conlin — 2012 -OR -51 An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within the Same Department: City Clerk Conlin requested a transfer of funds from Stationary and Printing to Computer Equipment to cover the cost of the BIS Digital DCR Recording System that was Passed at the October 1, 2012 City Council meeting for $5,996.70. Councilperson Nathan Samuel made a motion to PASS 2012 - OR - 51 on FIRST and SECOND READINGS, seconded by Councilperson Matt Owen, PASSING on a vote of 9 -1. 2.) Connie Sellers - 2012 - An ordinance Establishing and Affirming the Duties of the City Clerk as Clerk of the Jeffersonville City Court: Council TABLED. 3.) Connie Sellers — 2012 - A Resolution Providing Office Space to the City Clerk as Clerk of the Jeffersonville City Court: Council TABLED. 4.) Delynn Rutherford — 2012 -R -17 A Resolution Supporting Grant Application with Indiana Office of Rural Affairs for Ninth Street Drainage Project: Grant Administrator Rutherford requested support of a $500,000 non - competitive grant application, eligibility is contingent upon meeting the low -to- moderate income requirements determined by an income survey performed. This grant will be used for drainage and for Falls Landing Park. Ms. Rutherford explained that the grant needs Council support before being allowed to apply for the grant and that it is time sensitive. After discussion, Councilperson Matt Owen made the motion to PASS 2012 - - 17, motion DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 5.) Monica Harmon — 2012 -OR -52 An Ordinance for Transferring Certain Funds Within the Same Department or Between Departments: Controller Harmon requested Council consideration of 5 revised transfer ordinance 2012- OR -52. Revisions include the I.T. Department as well as the EDIT fund for previously approved sidewalks. Ms. Harmon explained that these transfers are to cover shifts in dollars with no unexpected requests. Councilperson Samuel made a motion to PASS 2012 -OR -52 on the FIRST and SECOND READINGS, seconded by Councilperson Payne, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. 6.) Monica Harmon — 2012 -OR -18 A Resolution to Give Notice of Proposed Additional Appropriation in the 2012 Budget: Controller Harmon requested additional appropriation in the budget for Parks and EDIT due to anticipated expenditures. Council President Zastawny explained that this additional appropriation will help pay down some of the costs of Vissing Park by taking $1,000,000 from the Parks Department and $1,000,000 from EDIT, creating a big down - payment for the project. Councilperson Samuel made the motion to PASS 2012 -R -18, with Councilperson Owen seconding, PASSING on a vote of 9 -0. 7.) Robert Bottorff — Police Merit Board: Mr. Bottorff spoke on behalf of the Police Merit Commission. Mr. Bottorff explained to the council the purpose for creating the Police Merit Board was to insure that politics were kept out of the process of hiring, firing, disciplining, and promoting officers within the ranks and to make sure the statutes are followed. Mr. Bottorff explained to the council the criteria in which the board compensates and determines promotions within the Police Department. Mr. Bottorff brought to the council's attention a recent determination the Police Merit Board made regarding an existing vacancy and promotion which was characterized in the newspaper as creating a fiscal crisis. Mr. Bottorff felt that the word crisis unfairly instills fear in the minds of the public. At the conclusion of the presentation, Mr. Bottorff extended an invitation to the council to address him with any questions they may have. Council Attorney Scott Lewis and City Attorney Les Merkley thanked Mr. Bottorff for his presentation, but advised the council not to comment on these issues in a public meeting. C: REPORTS AND COMMENTS: 1) PUBLIC COMMENT NONE AT THIS TIME 2) COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilperson Smith — At the Council meeting on October 1, 2012, the Council passed on first reading 2012 -OR -46 and Resolution 2012 -R -16 regarding the Pain Management Zoning, Corporate Counsel Merkley and Clerk Conlin have reported 2012 -OR -46 will be on the next Council Meeting Agenda. The ordinance will be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting next week. Ice Skating Rink a joint venture last year between the City Council, JUEZ and Redevelopment is planned again for this year. JUEZ has already committed $21,000.00 and the Council share be requested in the near future is $21,000.00. Councilperson Payne — None at this time Council Vice - President Sellers — None at this time Councilperson Gill —None at this time 6 Councilperson Glover — None at this time Councilperson Julius — Councilpersons Samuel and Julius attended the IACT Annual meeting, received valuable information felt the meetings were very rewarding. Councilperson Owen — Explained to Mrs. Calabro that his vote during 2012 -OR -49 was not against her or her department, his vote was due to the council just advised Mrs. Harmon to remove all of the new positions in the salary ordinance because of the fear of possible budget cuts. Louisville Crashers will be hosting at the Nachand Fieldhouse on October 27, 2012 Monster Mash Halloween Party. Councilperson Samuel — Reported Council still in negotiations with the Police and Fire and continuing to make progress. Council President Zastawny — Reminded Council Meeting at 5:45 Monday October 22, 2012 to approve claims and 2012- 0R -49, with Executive Session starting at 6:00 P.M. President Zastawny asked Mrs. Harmon to put together a 911 Fund in LOIT in order to set aside money for the 911 Center. ADJOURNMENT: Councilperson Owen made the motion to ADJOURNED, seconded by Councilperson Gill, passing on a vote of 9 -0. Meeting ADJOURNED at 8:28 P.M. APP 4 VE IP BY: / EDWARD ZAST a NY, PRESID:NT ATTESTED BY: . Ate/ Vicki Conlin, City Clerk 7