HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-10-2012 5 F. Jeffersonville Parks Authority Monday, September 10 2012 The Jeffersonville Parks Authority met in regular session in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Jeffersonville, IN on September 10 ", 2012 at 6:01 P.M. Members Present: Lisa Gill, Ed Zastawny, Connie Sellers, Bryan Glover, Zach Payne, and Board President Matthew Owen. Absent: Mike Smith, Dennis Julius, and Nathan Samuel. Also Present: Parks Director Paul Northam, Kovert Hawkins representatives Jamie Lake and Matt Gullo, CCSA Representative Paul Duckworth, and Parks Advisory Representative Sandy Knott. Member Gill made a motion to APPROVE the agenda with the additional item of Richard Ekland under Public Comment and the moving of Sandy Knott from Director's Report to Public Comment with Member Glover seconding and PASSING on a vote of 6 -0. Member Gill made a motion to APPROVE the minutes from Aug 13 2012, with member Payne seconding, PASSING on a vote of 6 -0 Member Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE the claims list in the amount of $16,712.65, with member Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote of 6 -0. Public Comment: a.) Richard Ekland- Weeds: Mr. Ekland expressed concerns about the weeds amount the landscape of the city and would like to see the city address this problem. Mr. Ekland stated that he has sat in on various board meetings and whether this problem lies with Parks Authority or the combination of two boards, he stated he would love to this problem taken into consideration. b.) Sandy Knott- Weeds /Parks Advisory update: Mrs. Knott made the board aware that the weeds discussion is had every year and she believed that there were people hired specifically for this job at one time. Mrs. Knott noted that the entrances to the city need some more clean up with the weeds as well as grass popping up in empty car lots and cracked sidewalks and unsure if that is all parks authority or a combination of other departments. Mrs. Knott gave a Parks Advisory update stating that everything is running very smoothly and the Goldfish Run and Pooch Plunge last weekend at the aquatic center went well. Member Gill asked if she had heard anymore regarding the sidewalk at Bob Hedge Park and Mrs. Knott stated that Andy has it on his list to do this fall. 1 Directors Report: a.) Matt Gullo- Vissing Park Update: Mr. Gullo with Kovert Hawkins gave an update to the board regarding the progress of Vissing Park. He discussed that Park North has some ongoing grading and utility work as well as the roof being shingled on the shelter. The Restroom building is going up and the parking lot base is established. Mr. Gullo stated that Park south has the ball field prepped to be seeded and the walls in place for dugouts. The fencing posts are up and awaiting fence mesh and the Woodland Walking trail has been laid out Mr. Gullo stated that in addition to the works at each park, there i are two change orders to be approved tonight, with no changes to the contract sum. Jamie Lake spoke before the board stating that Vissing Park is ahead of schedule and budget. The first change order is and is a no cost change since the g g g under bud $29,287.38 will be taken out of the contingency allowance leaving a balance of $31,681.40. Member Gill made a motion to APPROVE the change order #003 with a no cost change, seconded by Member Sellers, PASSING on a vote of 6 -0. Mr. Lake presented the next change order number 004 to reduce contract sum with I AML. Member Gill made a motion to APPROVE the change order #004 to reduce the contract sum with member Sellers seconding, PASSING on a vote of 6 -0. 1 Mr. Gullo presented a signage package to the board for thoughts and discussion. The k signage package presented contained two concepts for the various signs to go around Vissing Park and Mr. Gullo stated he would love feedback from the board members over t the next few weeks so he can get a final package together for approval. Paul Northam stated he would set up a meeting with the Vissing family to get their input on the signs 1 as well. b.) Jamie Lake- Woerhle Youth Activities Complex: Mr. Lake presented the final design plans for Woerhle Youth Activities Complex from Kovert Hawkins. Mr. Lake presented 1 drawing sets for the building, the fields, the drainage, and the proposed traffic changes 1 stating that the entire complex is about simplicity and flexibility. Mr. Lake briefly discussed the drawings showing the 6 fields, with one field being a premier turf field, and the increased sizing of the rooms in the building. Mr. Gullo spoke to the board about the drainage issues stating that there is a low point in the field and the site is very low at rock bottom of soil. Mr. Gullo stated different scenarios to fix the drainage, with the final scheme being one where an estimated 30,000 cubic yards of soil will be needed I to level the fields out and raise the property up about 3 ft. The fields would have retention underneath laying stone, sand, and soil to help absorb the water from the field. The water would then drain from the pipes to the bio- detention ponds on the site I Mr. Gullo stated there are a lot of local projects that they can potentially use soil from Mr. Gullo introduced Scott who did the traffic analysis and suggested various lane improvements to Charlestown Pike. He suggested a turning lane when turning left into p gg g g o the complex as well as a turning lane for a right turn into the complex. The board t suggested they get with City Engineer Andy Crouch to discuss traffic plans and get his input. Mr. Lake went back to the drawing sheets showing the variety of usage for the building and fields at the activities complex and showing the addition of an elevator to " reach the mezzanine. Mr. Lake also presented a breakdown of the updated costs estimate showing it at $4,554,860. Member Zastawny stated that the tourism board has y I I shown interest and would like to see a proposal for sponsorship. Mr. Lake emphasized to the board that this complex can bring in a large amount of revenue to the city. Mr. Lake is getting letters of interest from people wishing to host events at the future complex and is also interested in receiving public input. Now is the time to begin talking to public and the next step is the construction documents. Mr. Lake presented a proposal from Kovert Hawkins to complete the construction documents for this project at $160,000. Mr. Lake stated that once construction documents are complete then bidding could begin in the first part of 2013 with construction beginning after the fall soccer season and finishing the end of summer of 2014. If the board wishes to stop the process at any point all these documents can be placed on a shelf and pulled to start up again at any point in time Member Zastawny made a motion to APPROVE the $160,000 to be taken out of EDIT for the construction documents, with member Sellers seconding, PASSING on a vote of 5 -1 with Councilperson Payne voting nay. c.) Paul Northam - Director's Report: Mr. Northam talked to the board regarding getting water ran into Vissing Park. Mr. Northam stated that when the bid went out for Vissing Park the water plan was not settled therefore it was not included in the price and now that a plan is in place to bring the water through the subdivision. Member Zastawny stated that the amount will have to be appropriated at the next council meeting and it will have to be advertised so the money wouldn't be available for another 10 -15 days. Member Zastawny asked Mr. Northam if he would talk to Monica Harmon and see that the advertisement goes out for the appropriation at the next council meeting. Mr. Northam agreed. Member Gill made a motion to APPROVE $58,227 to come out of Park Space contingent on Mrs. Harmon advertising the appropriation to be approved at the next council meeting. Member Zastawny seconded, PASSING on a vote of 6 -0. Mr. Northam also stated that he is going to talk with the Police Department about ticketing for the parking on Charlestown Pike at the football fields. Mr. Northam stated that there is parking at Thomas Jefferson. Member Zastawny requested that flyers go out with a warning one week prior to the beginning of ticketing. The board and Mr. Northam agreed to warning flyers. Old Business: NONE New Business. a.) Naming of Parks Policy: President Owen handed out a rough draft of a policy for the naming of the parks with pieces pulled from various policies, mostly including Denver's. President Owen asked for feedback and advice to be able to move forward with a more solid draft of the policy. Mr. Northam stated that he would like to eventually put together a small biography about the person the parks are name d after to give the community information about that person's history. Board Member Comments: Member Zastawny: None Member Glover: none Member Payne: None Member Samuel: None Member Sellers: None Member Gill: Member Gill stated that she and Member Owen will be meeting with the principal of Jeffersonville High School due to kids from the school destroying the new playground equipment at Inman Park. Member Gill stated she would like to see that entrance to the park from the school blocked off. Member Gill also stated that she would like to see the parks closing time of dusk being enforced by the Police and would like to hear feedback from the board. The consensus of the board was in agreement. Board President Owen: Stated he like sign concept A in regards to signage at Vissing Park presented by Matt Gullo. Member Zastawny made a motion to ADJOURN at 8:00 P.M., with member Gill seconding, PASSING on a vote of 8 -0. -.."19:44 " '‘ a ew Owen, - si • - t nx