HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Merit membership appointments , 1 .r RULES FOR POLICE MEMBERSHIP APPOINTMENTS TO JEFFERSONVILLE POLICE MERIT COMMISSION Y r fi These rules are established by the Jeffersonville Board of Public Works and Safety pursuant to i Indiana Code 36 -8 -3.5 et. seq. 5 f '' Nominations to Jeffersonville Police Merit Commission 1 1. Nominees must be at least twenty -one (21) years of age, be a resident of the City of Jeffersonville, reside in the City of Jeffersonville for at least three consecutive (3) years preceding the term, and must be of good moral character. The nominee may not be an active member of the Jeffersonville Police Department or an employee of the City of Jeffersonville. 2. Nominations must be in writing, placed in a sealed envelope and delivered to the office of the City Clerk. 3. Nominations must be received in the Clerk's office no later than 9:30am on the i Wednesday of the week prior to the election meeting. 4. Sealed nominations will be opened and read at the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting on the Wednesday of the week prior to the election meeting. 5. Nominations will then be delivered to the Chief of Police who will assign an officer to insure that nominees meet the qualifications in paragraph 1 of these rules and Indiana law. Nominees will also be classified as Democrat, Republican or Independent, by reviewing the nominee's voting history from the three (3) most recent primary elections. 6. All nominations will be delivered to the election meeting with a report to the members present of the findings made regarding the qualifications of the nominee. Election Meeting 7. Only active members of the Jeffersonville Police Department may be present and t participate in the election meeting. 8. The membership present at the meeting may make nominations from the floor to elect a chairman for the meeting. 9. Nominations for chairman require a second by another member present. 10. Elections for chairman shall be by secret, written ballot. 11. The nominee for chairman who receives a simple majority vote of the members present at the election meeting shall preside for that meeting. 12. The chairman shall then select three (3) members present to serve as vote counters for the election of Jeffersonville Police Merit Commission members. There shall be at least one (1) vote counter from the Police Administration and one (1) member from the Jeffersonville Fraternal Order of Police. 13. The membership shall fill any democrat vacancy first then proceed to any republican vacancy. A nominee classified as independent may be placed into either the democrat or republican category but not both. The member making the nomination of an independent nominee may choose into which category the nominee will be placed. 14. Voting shall be by secret, written ballot. 15. After each vote is taken, the vote counters shall determine the total votes for each nominee. / 1:1111 16. A nominee must receive a simple majority of the members present to be elected. 17. If after counting the votes no nominee has received a simple majority, the nominee with the lowest vote total shall be stricken from the ballot and another vote taken. This process shall be repeated until a nominee has received a simple majority vote. 18. Each round of ballots shall be marked showing to which round the ballot relates. ; t t ; ; .;- , t t ; 1 ; t t i 19. At the conclusion of the meeting, all ballots shall be placed in a sealed box and delivered ; t t ; to the Clerk's office. t , , i ; , tt ., , 20. The chairman shall report the results of the election to the Corporation Counsel for the 0 ; City of Jeffersonville. , ; ' ; tt . , t; t i t 1 t ; t ; ; 4 i 1 i 1 1 t 1 t i i , i c' , ! i i , ; i I. ;. i g , i f f t i F i 1 1 i 1, k ?.., I 1 1 1 i .. i !, ?.; : t : , i ; ' i ; I , -. L i , . I lk: 1 f