HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 28, 2011 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA FEBRUARY 28, 2011 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana, at 6:30 P.M. on Monday February 28, 2011. Mayor Tom Galligan, with Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Ilollis at the desk, called .the meeting to order at 6:37 P.M. Also present was City Attorney Darren Wilder. Mayor Galligan welcomed all in attendance, asking all those present to stand as Bobby Campbell gave the invocation. Mayor Galligan then led all those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. • The roll was called and those present were; Councilpersons Mike Smith, Ed Zastawny, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Wayne Carter and Nathan Samuel. Absent: Councilperson Keith Fetz. . Councilperson Samuel made the motion to approve the agenda with moving new business agenda items number 5 and 6 to the front of unfinished business, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6-0. Mayor Galligan presented the minutes for consideration. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of February 7, 2011 (5:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Councilperson Wilson next made the motion to approve the minutes of February 7, 2011 (6:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Carter, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Deputy Clerk Hollis presented the claim list for consideration by the Council, Following discussion, Councilperson Samuel made the motion to approve the claim list as presented, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Deputy Hollis next presented the Parks Department claim list for consideration. Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to preapprove the Park claims, second by Couneilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6 -0. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment February 28, 2011 2 COUNCIL COMMENT: There was no Council comment. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS: There were no Department Head reports. AGENDA ITEMS: Redevelopment Director Paul Wheatley, presented Resolution No. 2011 -R4, A Resolution Approving Statement Of Benefit For Proposed Of Real And Personal Property Tax Abatement (Accent Marketing Services, L.L.C.), explaining the Company plans. The abatement has received a favorable recommendation from the Redevelopment Commission. Director Wheatley gives thanks to One Southern Indiana for their help. Councilperson Samuel, as a member of the Redevelopment Commission, voiced his support. Councilperson Samuel then made the motion to approve Resolution 2011 -R -4, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Redevelopment Director Wheatley, presented Resolution No. 2011 -R -5, A Resolution Approving Statement Of Benefit For Proposed Of Real And Personal Property Tax Abatement (Flexible Materials, Inc), reviewing the Company plans. This also has received a favorable recommendation from the Redevelopment Commission. Following discussion and review Couneilperson Samuel then made the motion to approve Resolution 2011 -R -5, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6-0. Redevelopment Director Wheatley, presented Resolution No. 2011 -R-6, A Resolution Approving Statement Of Benefit For Proposed Of Real And Personal Property Tax Abatement (Idemitsu Lubricants America Corporation), explaining the Company. The abatement has received a favorable recommendation from the Redevelopment Commission. Following discussion and review Councilperson Samuel then made the motion to approve Resolution 2011 -R -6, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 6-0. Councilperson Zastawny commended the good work of Director Wheatley' in bringing in above average wage jobs. Mayor Galligan noted Director Wheatley, Keener and One southern Indiana make a good team that he appreciates. Director Wheatley next presented and explained Resolution No. 2011 -R -7, A Resolution Recommending Approval Of A Loan For $30,000 To Subway Of Indiana For February 28, 2011 3 The Renovation Of 202 Tenth Street, Jeffersonville, IN. This also has received a favorable recommendation from the Redevelopment Commission. Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2011 -R -7, second by Councilperson Carter, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Mr. Justin Endris, Attorney representing Ernstberger Enterprises, Inc., appeared before the Council requesting passage of Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -4, An Ordinance Vacating Alleyways, Roadways And Public Ways. Mayor Galligan announced this is a public hearing on this matter, asking for public comment. Mr. James W. Pinnick, 201 Fairview, owner of lots 30 and 31, questioned the number of feet being vacated and if half should go to each adjoining property owner. Attorney Endris explained no public right -of -way will be taken. City Attorney Darren Wilder said the client wants to claim a void in the property. Mr. Pinnick said when he bought the property in the 80's, the City took care of it and he feels he should get 15 feet. Attorney Endris claims there are no adjoining landowners. Mr. Pinnick said the fence is at the back of his property enclosing what was the public right -of -way. Attorney Endris said he does not feel the objection fits. Councilperson Samuel made the motion to table Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -4, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. City Engineer Andy Crouch will look at the property. Council President Smith reviewed the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011 - OR-2, An Ordinance To Transfer Funds to The Jeffersonville City Court. Council President Smith then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -2 on the second and Third readings, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote Of 6-0. Ms. Marilyn Czape, on behalf of the Oak Park Neighborhood Group, reviewed the Allison Lane - Middle Road Beautification project as a great example of cooperation. The goals of the project were reviewed. A church is offering free labor. The total cost of • the project is S14,739. Redevelopment has pledged $10,000. Ms. Czape expressed thanks to all those involved. Ms. Peggy Duffy, speaking for the Beautification Committee, said this is a great project that the Beautification Committee did not start but came from the community. This is truly a joint effort. Councilperson Samuel said this came out of the Neighborhood Leadership Institute, noting the good work of Economic Development Director Clarence Hulse. Council President Smith made the motion to February 28, 2011 4 appropriate $5,000 to support this project from the Beautification line item, second by Councilperson Wilson. Councilperson Zastawny asked who will go the next step to maintain the project. Ms. Duffy noted Mr. Czape has started a group to work on this. He is talking to business owners. Street Commission'David Hosea has been asked to do the watering. Councilperson Wilson noted the Leadership class is wonderful. The motion to appropriate $5,000 passed on a vote of 6 -0. Grant Writer Andrea Stevens, on behalf of Bryan Collins of Bingham McHale explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -5, An Ordinance Of The City Of Jeffersonville To Amend And Supplement Ordinance No. 2009 -OR -44 As Heretofore Amended And Supplemented By Ordinance No. 2010 -OR -29 And Ordinance No. 2010 - OR-29 To Authorize The Issuance Of the City's Sewage Works Revenue Bonds For Certain Brownfield Projects And Related Matters Connected Therewith, And Repealing Ordinances Inconsistent Herewith. She further explained the pay back. Mayor Culligan noted this helps to clean up areas. At the conclusion of all discussion, Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -5, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Councilperson Zastawny then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -5 on all three readings, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6-0. Financial Advisor Monica Harmon presented and reviewed Ordinance No. 2011 - OR-6, An Ordinance Of The City Of Jeffersonville, Indiana Authorizing City Officials To Use City Credit Cards For Official Government Purchases, Establishing A Credit Limit And Regulating The Number Of Credit Cards Available To Each Department Of City Government. She would ask to also include Planning and Zoning. Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR-6 on the first reading, second by Councilperson Zastawny. Councilperson Smith will not support this as the Council worked to control the number of credit cards in the past and now the number is climbing back up. Councilperson Samuel requests a form be developed to use with credit card receipts so the Council will know who used the card. The motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -6 on the first reading passed on a vote of 5 -1. Council President Smith voted against passage. February 28, 2011 5 Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -7, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (Annexation). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -7 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Carter, passing on a vote of 6.0. Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -8, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (EDIT - Internet Hot Spots). Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -8 on the first and second readings, second by Couneilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 6-0. Advisor Hannon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -9, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (EDIT — Fieldhouse Windows). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -9 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6- 0. Mayor Galligan noted this project started out at an estimated cost of $240,000. Thanks to a bid from Home Depot the cost is $100,000. Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No.'2011- OR -10, An Ordinance Of Additional Appropriation (LOIT — Fire Department Grant Match). Council President Smith explained the project. Councilperson Carter made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -10 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011- OR -11, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (Parks - Overtime). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -11 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Hannon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011- OR -12, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (Sanitation - Utilities). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -12 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6- 0. Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011- OR -13, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (General — HR Department). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR- February 28, 2011 6 13 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Harmon explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2011- OR -14, An Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (General Fund — Animal Shelter). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 - OR-14 on the first and second readings, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 6-0. Advisor Irarmon presented Ordinance No. 2011- OR -15, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2010- OR -44, Ordinance Of Appropriation Reduction. Appropriation Reductions are necessary to reflect the 2011 DLGF budget order. Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -OR -15 on the first and second readings, second by Council President Smith, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Harmon presented and explained the need for passage of Resolution No. 2011 -R -8, A Resolution To Advertise For An Additional Appropriation (General Fund). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2011 -R -8, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of' 6 -0. Advisor Harmon presented and explained the need for passage of Resolution No. 2011 -R -9, A Resolution To Advertise For An Additional Appropriation (LOIT Fund). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2011 -R -9, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Hannon presented and explained the need for passage of Resolution No. 2011 -R -10, A Resolution To Advertise For An Additional Appropriation (EDIT Fund — Paving Projects). Councilperson Samuel made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2011 - R-10, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 6 -0. Advisor Harmon presented and explained the need for passage of' Ordinance No. 2011- OR -16, An Ordinance Which Amends 2010 -OR -39 Fixing Basic Salaries Of Appointed Officers And Employees Of The City Of Jeffersonville Indiana For the Year 2011. This amendment contains many title changes in the effort to have the Salary Ordinance more in line with the market. The consultant has recommended these. There is a pay grade change in the Mayor's Office, Community Affairs Liaison. Other changes are Engineering Secretary, Grant Writer and CMMS Clerk. Advisor Harmon February 28, 2011 7 said the Ordinance contains "no new bodies ". Councilperson Zastawny made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2011 -0R -16 on the fust reading, second by Councilperson Carter, passing on a vote of 6-0. COMMFI T EE REPORTS, COUNCIL AND MAYOR COMMENTS: Council President Smith noted an Ethics Board member is resigning. He asks the Council to consider nominees. There is also a need for an attorney for the Ethics Board. Council President Smith also would like the Council to consider if there is a need for a finance committee. Councilperson Samuel said it has been exciting to come to a meeting with the announcement of new businesses starting up with the number of position. Councilperson Samuel appreciates Advisor Iiarmon's work. He feels the City is financially in good shape, while others are struggling. This is encouraging. Councilperson Samuel is excited the Jeffersonville Iligh School Girls Basketball team has reached the State Finals. IIe will be pulling for them Saturday. Councilperson Carter also expressed thanks to Advisor Harmon. He also is excited about the Jeffersonville High School Girls Basketball Team. Councilperson Wilson noted the excellent job by Advisor Harmon. She says thank you to the Czapes and all those working on the project. She is glad to see a Boy Scout Troop in attendance. Councilperson Sellers received an email regarding concerns of the drainage situation at the Methadone Clinic. She asks all Council to look at the situation. Councilperson Zastawny noted the need to update the Planning and Zoning and Board Of Zoning Appeals codes regarding green spaces, setbacks, and signage. Mayor Galligan said he has been attending all the playoff games of the Jeff High Girls Basketball Team and they have been enjoyable. They are not only good players, they are good people. It is a joy to watch and talk to them. He commends the coaching. Mayor Galligan said he will be taking the "shack" to St. Louis in the morning, and will stop to see the LST. He believes they are interested in talking to the City about bringing the LST back. That would be a plus. February 28, 2011 8 As there was no farther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjoumed at 8:20 P.M. //// Ai/ �4 IOMAS R. GALLI rN, MAYOR PEGGY WILDER, CLERK AND TREASURER •