HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-1996 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSO~ INDIANA JULY 15, 1996 The Comma Council of the City of Jeffersonville met in regular session in the Multi-Purpose Meeting Room in the City-County Building, Sefforeonville, Indinnn al 5:30 P.M. on the 15th day of Suly 1996. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas R. Golligan, with Cl~rk and Treasu~r C. Richard Spencer Jr., al the d~slc Mayor Cralligan walc(ymod all in attendance, afldng all those present to ~md as Cooneilpor~on Ron Ellis gave the invoealiom Ho th~n asked all those present to join him in the pledge ofalleginnee to the flag. Tho roll w~ called and those present w~r~ Coan¢ilp~rsoas Jolm P~4dns, Ron Ellis, Donna M. Frautz, Pog~ Knight Wild,r, Barbara Wilson, and Vick'y Conlin. Abs~ut: Councilp~rson Andrew Williams IlL Mayor ~? pro~nl~d fire mlnutoB o£the m~oting o£.luae 17, 1996 for con~ido,~on by ~he Co~il. Councilp~r~on Porkil~ made tho motion to approve the minutes as presented seconded by Couneilperson Ellis and em'tied unanimoasly. Cl~rk and Tream~'~r Spencer presented tho claim li~t with two additional and one proviou~ ~ for coasid~ralion by the Council. Cooncilp~on P~kins again questioned the previous claim for court ~paee reutal. Attom~ Sedwick will contact Attom~ Dohrman regarding this elain~ Council Pr~idmt Williams m~rivo~ at 5:38. Councilp~r~on Porkias then made tho motion to approve Ih~ clairm as ~ a~ well as tho two additional, but not the previous, seconded by Councilpc~t~on Conlin, passing ummimoualy. 2 JULY 15, 1996 Mayer Gslli? amotigedthe Ordinance Amending Section 115.23 of the Jeffersonville Code Ot'Ordinanees fr~dcab) Ires been withdrawn from the agend~ Mayor Galligan then introduced Mr. Kendall Coleman, Facility Manager of the Wastewater Trealm~Plantwho presented and reviewed the mmual operational report of the facility. This report was complete from the introduction of all the team members to the goals and objections. Manager Coleman thanks the City for allowing him to work with the City. Councilperson Perkins mentioned EM.C. will R~ser ami pay for two horse-drawn trams for the City Family Fest. Manager Coleman explained cc~nmanity involvement is imporlant to the company. Council President Williams asked if there were any plans to use the two huge pieces of equipment that came with the grant. Manngar Coleman did not f~el they would be used in the near future. Composting is a viable option. Preventative maintenance is being performed. The t~ms of the 8~-aat will be checked to see flit would be possible to lease or rent the equipment. Mr. Mike Ewton explained the need for Ordimmce No. 96-OR-44 An Ordinance Amending CeOnin Portions of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 95-OR-25 (Salary ordinance), saying he does have enough money in the budget to fund this position for this year. He would however need funding for nexty~r. Following all discussion Coancilperson Perkins made the motion to suspend the roles for O~,ll~ceNo. 96-0R-44, secondedby CoancilpersonWilsonpassingtmnnimously. Coancilperson Perldns then made the motion to pass ordinance No. 96-OR-44 on all three readings, seconded by Council President Williams, passing with the following roll call vote: Ayes: Couacilpersons Coulin, Williams, Wilson, Wilder, Fran~ Ellis, and Perkius. Nays: None. Coancilperson Wilson has asked Engineer Jorge I.~n~e to attend this meeting to update the 3 JULY 15, 1996 Council on the InterCity Road. Engineer l_~mze presented amap md an aerial view explninlng the final ali~meut. The road plms are about 35% complete with the interceptor plato about 50% complete. The 5tare h~ been contacted regarding grant money. He also informed the Council the plans are for the Meier store to open in Jeffersonville in 1999. There are monthly meetings on this road with Clarks~lle smd Seffersonville and plans are moving well. It is hoped to have the sewer work about three or four monthz ahead of schedule. Attorney 5edwick presented Ordinance No. 96-0R-45, An Ordinance Establishing A Fund, s~ing this will be in the Mayor's budget. Mayor G-allism explained there is a desire to establish a fund to support the war on drugs. This will be a combined effort with the Jeffersonville City and Indiana State Police. The requested funds will be used to cover start up costs, hoping the fund will be self-sufficient following the initial start up cost. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to ~d the rules for Ordinunce No. 96-0R-44, seconded by Council President Williems, passing unanimously. Councilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordimmce No. 96-OP~-45 on all three re~di~, seconded by Councilperson Ellis snd cm~ried ,m~mimousty. Attorney Sedwick presented Resolution No. 96-1~-31, A Resolution To Advertise For An Add, i_' 'onslAppropriation, explaining the intent will be to fund the new fund. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to pass I~esointion No. 96-P~-31, seconded by Councilperson Wilson, passing unanimously. Councilperson Perkins praised Tony Hart'od for his leadership and initiative in init;~4;.~flds prngrsm. He is proud and pleased. It is believed this "seed money" will bear fl'uit snd there is no doubt they will win this war on drugs. Mayor G-alli~o~n concurs with Councilperson Clerk sadTresstwer Spencer presented Ordimmce No. 96-OR-46 An Ordinance of Additional 4 ~U~Y 15, 1996 Appropriation ~Moto£ Vehicle ~md Vehicle M~o~) ~ ~ m~ h~ b~ ~v~is~d for a ~c he~. A~6~ m~ ~ 1o~ ~ocee~ ~ be~ ~ceip~d ~ ~e Mo~ Ve~cle ~ ~ ~e ~ for ~e ~difi~ ~o~ SAcs ~s~ it ~ be~ fo~d m~ ~ will not be necess~ f~ ~e Ve~cle M~ce D~ All ~l~e~e~for~ h~eVe~cleM~ceD~ Co~cilp~onC~e &e motion to ~d ~e ~es for ~ce No. ~6-0R46, seconded ~ Comcil ~sid~t ~, p~s~ ~imo~ly. Comcilp~on Co~ ~en ~o ~e motion to p~s 96-0R46, seconded by Co~cil P~si~ Willims, p~s~ on ~e follo~ roll c~l vo~: Ayes: Comcilpe~on Pe~, Ellis, F~ Wilder, Wilso~ Willi~, ~d Conl~ N~: None. A~om~ Se~ck p~se~d md e~l~ned ~e need for ~d~mce ~ ~~R~e~ Po~o~ ~SS35.07 ~e Jeffe~o~lle Code ~ces. Comcilpe~on Pe~ is conc~ed for ~e co~ to ~e Ci~. A~omey Se~ck e~l~ned ~ed ~i=ly ~11 & ~e p~ ~e Police nnd ~ D~ ~ wo~ on ~e~ o~ polio. ~S ~ does co~ly ~ &e F~ ~or S~ A~ ~ ~e c~cl~ion of~l ~s~ssio~ ~ P~ ~e ~e motion to ~p~d ~e ~es for ~mce No. 96-0R47, secon~d ~ ~on Wil~r p~s~ m~o~ly. Comcilp~on P~n~ &eh ~ ~e motion to p~s O~mce No. 96-0R47 on ~1 ~e ~i~, seconded ~ Comcil ~si~t Willies, p~s~ m~imo~ly. Comcilp~on P~ ~ci~s ~m~ Se~ck b~ ~e to ~e Comcil's ~e~on. A~omey Se~ck ~l~ed &~ is a need for ~co~fic~ion ~ Cle~ ~d T~r Spencer ~s~d ~ce No. 96-OR~8, Ree~li~ Jeff~o~lle ~ve C~i~ De~lo~e~ ~ ~o~ly ~e ~ a need 5 3ULY 15, 1996 to reestablish this fund every three years, however the law was changed in 1995. Due to reassement the rate was lowered so to bring it back up to $.12 this is necessary. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer explained~he l~roce~ ~ it will come back to the Coancil. Councilperson Conlin made the motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Council President Willimns, passing unanimously. Councilperson Coulinmads~t~ motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-48 on all three readings, seconded by Council President Will~nm~ passing on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilporsons Conlin, Williams, Wilson, Wilder, F~aii~ Ellis, and Perkins. Attorney Sedwick presented Ordinance No. 96-OR-49, An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Map De~ ~;on OrA Certain Tract Of Pruper~y Located At 1013 East Market Street explaining the recent petition to change zoning This property is directly across the street from JeffBoet et]ices. Councilperson Ellis explained his original vote on the Zoning Co~.,,,ission was against this before becoming aware this is within the comprehensive plan and he now is in favor of the change. Couacilperson Wilder made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96~OR-49, seconded by Comcilpergon Conlin, passing ansmimously. Councilperson Wilder then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-49 on all three readings, seconded by Councilpersen Wilson and carried unanimously. Councilperson Perkins would like to meet with Cou~aissiener G~vin and Director Urban regarding the indu~h iai zoning in the City. Clerk aadTreas~ Spencer presented Ordinance No. 96-OR-$0, An Ordinance Transferring CeRain Funds Wihhin Same Department (IN*DOT and SeffCity). Councilperson Perkin~ made the molien to sa?~d Ore rides for Ordinva~ce No. 96-OR-50, seconded by Councilpereon Wilson, passing ~m~,nimou~ly. Councilpc~on Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-50 on all three readings, seconded by Council President Williams, passing on the following roll call vote: 6 .RTLY 15, 1996 Ayes: Couneilper~ons Perkins, Ellis, Fran~ Wild,r, Wilson, Williams, and CoM~ N~: N~e. C~cilp~on P~ wi~es ~ co~liment ~e M~or md ~e D~ He~s for co~ ~ JeffF~ly Fe~ 96 ~ch is mo~ ~o~ ~ ~ll. ~ ~11 be ~ le~ ~ ~s, ~e ho~e ~ ~11 be ~ded ~ KM.C. ~1 c~es ~ wo~ ~ ~11 be be~e~ 500 ~d 5,000 ~d~ He hopes ~ ~11 be no m~osi~es follo~ng &e voll~ b~l co~efifioa Co~cilpe~on p~ins h~ or&~d T-~ for ~e Comcil te~ ~ey m~ not pl~ ~~ look ~oot He ~els ~e pl~s ~ co~ ~o~ well ~d feels ~e Com~il ~11 be pm~ ~ ~o~d iL ~ilp~on Ellis ~o~ced ~e Ci~ ~ ~e ~effHo~i~ A~ofi~ ~11 be ~o~o~ a dive~i~ ~ni~ s~ssion for ~e Police ~d F~ Depm~e~. He would like to see ~1 Ci~ ~loyees &~ we& ~ &e p~lic ~o pm in ~s so ~ey m~ become a~ of ~i~. o~mdg ~e ~e~ for ~a ~~ ~cei~d notice ~m ~ cfa p~lic mee~ ~ ~&~lle ~vL R~e~ ~ ~11 ~t ~e~ p~iC ~e p~lic is ~ted to ~s mee~ ~d ~e~ is a need to h~e ~ ~ ~e~ ~ possible. Co~ilpe~on Wilson s~ ~n't fo~t ~e conger Fri~. Co~oilp~on Ellis oo~d ~s is ~ob~ly ~ 1~ publig m~ot~ h~ ~11 b~ ~ ~ z~e pe~on ~ he is ~ ~ed ~ a lovely l~y on ~ 3. Mr. Mike H~ ~ed ff~ ~o~ss ~ be~ ~e on ~e ~effBo~ ov~ s~ ~d odor ~1~ ~ ~ ~e Ci~ to '~e ~e~ c~e". ~ M~or s~d he will '~1~". ~. ~ ~so ~ ~ ~e ~ss on ~e ~e~om ~om~ Se~ck ~ed ~e ~ci~ ~o~ is be~ ~e~ 7 JULY 15, 1996 Mr. Ct~rles Kem~hWhit~'s comment to Co~cilp~on P~' not ~~ ~ ~sio~ is ~ R is ~e to politics ~d ~d~fio~ Co~cilp~on P~ ~s~os s~ ~ ~ ~e ~os ~si~ ~e ~lowed to be b~lt ~ ~i~ ~. ~. T~ He~ ~e~ ~ a bo~ dock le~ md ~sid~ of~v~ide ~, ~shes to ~ ~ wo~ be~ done on ~e ~ md Ri~i& ~ve. He co~lime~ E~ Mo~s for ~e good job he is do~ ~ ~ ~cei~d sev~ leRe~ co~ Ken M~s. ~~ ~ ~ Mo~s s~ he goes do~ ~e~ ~ wo~ ~d ~l of Jeff~son~lle ~ud of~ is be~ done. Een ~ll get ~e job done if~one c~ ~ it done. M~or ~li~ ~ ~. He~ for c~i~ ~ ~ a co~l~ent Mayor ~li~ ~ e~l~ed ~e ~o~ ~n wo~ ~ is be~ done ~ ~e Hop~in~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~en v~ h~y, ~d h~e been a ~endo~ help. M~or ~li~ ~ed C~ilp~on Co~ for o~ ~e ~ ~ ~e Re~&. He ~ ~sed to ~ow ~ ~e ~d ~ M& ~om Jeff~ended ~d Rev. B~ley prodded ~e b~es. ~ ~ ~,~ 25 to 30 M~. ~e Ci~ is ~ to do some ~ for ~e ~& to help o~ M~ ~li~ ~en ~o~ced ~e Ci~ h~ ~cei~d a $~0,000 ~ ~t ~m ~e Dep~em of ~ for ~o~ ~ ~ ~ies. ~ is hoped ~ h~ ~F.P.'s o~ ~ Ffi~ ~d ~ ~by ~ 1 or ~ou~. ~e~ is a need f~ ~o~ ~r m~me~ ~ ~e Ajo~e~ ~ ~e To~ ofCl~lle ~ held ~e JeffF. O.P. ~s w~ a soci~ ~on th~ ~lo~d ~e ~o ~icip~i~es to ~s~s co~on ~obl~. ~s ~ll be done ~n C~le. RM~ to ~ agood ~po~ wi~ you ne~or. ~e ~d~ ~ be~ wo~ed on ~d it is hoped to ~ in a ~ ~ ~o~ve b~[ ~r U~m ~omced ~ on ~es~ md We&es~ ~ ~11 be p~lic he~ on 8 J~LY 15, 1996 the Ohio River Major Investment Study. It is/mportant to have the public come out for this. Councilperson Wilson received a le~er t?om Congressmm Hamilton md ~he believes he will be n~k/~m~ppe~r~ace on this as it proceeth. Mayor C-alli~n believes we have turned the comer on the E~tem Corridor Bridge md there is a need to keep the pressm'e up. Mayor Gallisan introduced his wife Jo~,nn Crallism i~ who headin~ JeffF~,mily Fe~t 96. Volunteers ~xe welcome. There bein~ no further business to come before the Council, Councilper~on Perkin~ made the motion to adjollnl at ?:55 P.M. secon~~lpers~~SallimouslY. MAYOR THOMAS ILt GA~AN' ATTEST: ~ -