HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1996COUNCIL FROC~IN(~S OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVU .! .F,~ ]lqDIANA /dNE 17. 1996 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonv~e met in regular session in the Multi-Purpose Meeting Room in the City-County Building, leffersonville, Indiana at 5:30 P.M. on the 17th day of June, 1996. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas R. Oalligan, with C16rk and Treasurer C. Richard Spencer Jr., at the desk Mayor (}alligan welcomed all in attendance, asking all those present to stand as Councilperson Ron Ellis gave the invocation- He then asked all those premmt to join bim in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those present were Councilpersons John Perkins, Ron Ellis, Donna M. Frantz~ Barbara Wilson, Andrew Williams HI, and Vicky Co~,lin. Absent: Peggy Knight Wilder.. Mayor Galligan presented the minutes of the meeting of May 20, 1996 for consideration by the Council. Attorney Sedwick asked to correct her own statement in the minutes of May 20, 1996 concerning her answer regarding a T.I.F. Board for the Inter City Road Project. Upon further research she said the Council will likely have to have a T.LF. Board. Councilperson Wilson then made the motion to approve the minutes for May 20, 1996 as presented, seconded by Council President Williams and carried una, lmously. Mayor GaHigan then presented the minu~es of the meeting of June 4~, 1996 for on.~deratlon by the Council. Corn, ell preslel~nt Williams made the motion to approve the mi,utes of June 4, 1996 as presented, seconded by Councilperson WiLson, passing unanimously. Clerk and Treasm~ Spencer presented the dalrn list for consideration by the Council. Councilperson p~dns made the motion to approve the cl_~im.~ as presented, seconded by Council President Williams, passing unanimously. City Pl~-ner Jim Urban appeared before the Council explal-ing suggested changes to the Historic Di~U[ct Oral-ance and Boundafi~ as reco-~en~ by the Historic Board of Review. He reviewed the hi,,ohhghted areas of change. Councilperson Perkins said he is not sure what was meant 12 years ago and agrees Councilperson Ellis asked ff the decision of the Historic these changes make sense. Planner Urban explained an appeal can be made Board igfinal or if it can be appealec[ through the Court. Councilperson Perkins said this is the same as for zoni-g. At the conclusion of all discussion Councilperson Perkins made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordnance No. 96-OR-36, seconded by Council President Williams, passing unanimously. Councilperson Perkins then m~e the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96- OR-36 on all three ~re~__a~-~s, seconded by Council President V~illiams, passing unanimously. Attorney Sedwick in~ Ordinance No. 96-OR-39, An Ordinance Amenah~g The Zoning Ordinance Of The City Of Jeffersonville, explaining this does provide for specific penalties. Following all discussion, Couneilperson Perkins made the motion to suspend the rules for ordinance No. 96-OR-39, seconded by Councilperson Ellis, passing unanimously. Couneilperson Perkins then made the motion to pass Ordinance ]qo. 96-OR-39 on all three re~din~s, seconded by Council President 'Williams, and carried unanimously. Attorney Sedwick presented Ordinance No. 96-OR-40, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 95-OR45 Of The City Of Jeffersonville Zoning Ordinance, explaining the amendment. Following all discussion, Councilperson Ellis made the motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 96-OR-40, seconded by Council President Williams, passing unanimously. Councilperson Ellis made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR40 on all three readings, seconded by Council President W'flliams passing unanimously. Attorney Sedwiek has talked with Mr. Robin Winston of the Depa~uient of Commerce and he recomaxends the formation of a standing committee on environmental issues. This committee would be broader than the Citizens Action Committee. Mayor Galligan wishes it to he understood when a company comes in the area they have to come before this committee and come to the Council. The committee members would not be pai& The Council agrees this would be a good idea and would like more information- - Attorney Sedwick presented Ordinance No. 96-OR-41, An Ordinance Amenam§ SS35.06 Of The City Of Jeffersonville Code Of Ordinances, explaining the City has hired a con-nh action crew that is being funded with the savings realiTed with the recent sewer plant operation contract. She fuxther explained the changes and why they are necessaxy. Attorney Sedwick answered questions regarding the temporary and cons~aefion crew employees. Following all discussion Councilperson perkins made the motion to suspend the rules for Orrllnance l~lo. 96-OR-41, seconded by Councilperson Conlln passing unanimously. Cotmcilperson Perldns then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR41 on all three re-n---rllngs, seconded by Councilpe~son Conlln. passing unanimously. Attorney Sedwick presented Ordinance No. 96-OR42, An Ordinance Providing For The Use Of "Children At Play" Si~s, per a request from Councilperson Perldns. If the City has a policy for the use of these sigos there should not be legal problems. Councilperson Perkins feels they do pwvide a sa-vice. Councilperson perkins then made the motion to suspend the rules for Or,tlnance No. 96-OR-42, ~ by Councilperson Franiz s~l carried unanimously. Councilperson perkins then msd~ the motion to pass Ordinance No. 96-OR-42 on all three readings, seconded by Councilperson Frantz, passing unanimously. Clerk and Treasurer Spencer presented Resolution No. 96-R-29, A Resolution To Advertise For An Additional Appropriation. cxplai,~ing the need for the request. Following all discussion Coun~person Perkins msd~- the motion to pass Resolution Bio. 96-R-29, seconded by Councilperson Bllis passing unanimously. Councilperson Perkins said there are entities in the area that advertise for an executive sessions for eve~ meeting. He feels this would be nice so the Council could be updated on a regular basis regarding any litigation. He asks the Council to consider ~his. Councilperson Perldas then distributed a sample sheet for a coloring contest saying the picture was drawn by Amy Jo Dickey. This will be a pan of the first ~mnual Family Fest which is a family ~,t~'air being planned for August 10, 1996 in Warder Park from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. All the Council and the Mayor will be taking part. He explained the activities that will take place adding this will be a q;,allty event and very family oriented. Councilperson Frantz wishes to challenge the Council to match the donation of $5,000 the Mayor got to improve the entrance to the City. Councilperson Frantz has a $1,000 donation f~om Mr. Jeff Agan.. Councilperson Frantz asked if any changes have been made to the Rumpke contract. Street Commissioner Trembly replied there Councilperson W'dson announced the Militmy Band will present a Concert in the Park on Tuesday and Friday ev~,,in~. She invites all to Council President Williams suggests canceling the ~g that would be held July 1 and have the next meeting JUlY 15, 1996 at 5:30 P.M., and the second meeting for the month on July 29, 1996 at 5:30 P.M. All agree. The Council will meet for a budget work.~hop on July 9, 1996 at 5:30 P.M. Mayor Cralligan has been of]ll~red $5,000 for the improvement of the entrance to the City if this could be matched- Ms. Judy O'Bannon seemed pleased with downtown Jeffersonville on her recent visit. Mayor Cxalligan received a call from Assistant Director of Redevelopment Mead regarding a m~.hlng grant that was applied for five years ago. An ~,~.~ver is requested if the City does want this grant. It is felt there is a 4 source for the matck There bein~ no finther business to come before the Council, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to adjo~i~ at 6:45 P.M. seceded by Councilperson Rllis, passing unanimously. ~.¥o~ THOMAS CL~ ~ T~As~$~ CaUCHA~